Mystery at Fountain Gully You will be asked to conduct research and suggest strategies to help an investigator in the imaginary situation described. Scenario NEWS FLASH: Environmental disaster prevented People from the local area may have prevented an environmental disaster at Fountain Gully by retrieving drums of freight from a river today. The drums are from a goods train that had come off the rails. What has made it a bit tricky is that the labels washed off and nobody knows what is in which drums. An investigator has been appointed to find out what is in them. To help work out what the materials are in the containers, the investigator has asked for a listing of the goods being carried on the train the drums came from. The train was carrying the following: Iron Aluminium Sulfur Magnesium Silicon In this imaginary situation the investigator has set up a laboratory with numbered samples of the elements, ready for them to be identified. Your task will be to research data and advise the investigator how the elements in the drums can be identified. 1 of 3 Sci_Y09_U3_SH_MysteryFountainGully Identifying the elements One of the ways that elements might be told apart is by their physical appearance. The investigator says that some of the samples cannot be told apart by their appearance because they are silvery 1 cm cubes with a metallic lustre. Elements may be told apart by chemical or physical properties. Your research task will be to fill out the research data table below by researching the identified properties. You may collect this data from an online search, or reference works suggested by your teacher. TASK A: Complete this table Researching properties of elements Element Magnetic Conductivity Burns in air Density Colour Mg Si Fe Al S Once you have collected this data, participate in the class discussion of the properties found. 2 of 3 Sci_Y09_U3_SH_MysteryFountainGully Task B: Compile a flow chart The investigator wants to test the materials so as to compare the properties of the samples with this data that you have now researched. Construct a flow chart to show how these properties can be used to identify the samples. YOUR FLOW CHART Once you have completed this task be ready to share the strategies you have chosen in discussion with your teacher. Reflect on whether there would be other strategies from the ones you have selected. 3 of 3 Sci_Y09_U3_SH_MysteryFountainGully
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