Rotary Club of Mordialloc Inc. Reg No A0011994G PO Box 289, Mentone Vic 3194 E-mail: Website: Club meets at Mordialloc Sporting Club 528 Main Road Mordialloc (Cnr. Epsom Rd) Tuesday 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm District Governor 2014-15: Tony Monley Meeting 2105 7 April 2015 Assistant Governor: Claire Button THIS WEEK’S MEETING Speaker Rebecca Harvison Topic: Mordialloc Community Centre Chairman: Len Dawson Duty Desk: Jillian Van, David Brunt Regalia: Don Van, Jack Pyziakos Fellowship: Bob Travers Bulletin Notes: Glenyse Cooper Message from President-Elect Brian Foley Dear Friends President Carol is taking a break for the next two weeks. I begin this week’s message on a sad note reporting the death of PP Max Crimmins, PHF with sapphire, who died on 2 April after some months of declining health. th Max died a month before his 90 birthday that he had looked forward to celebrating. Max joined the Rotary Club of Mordialloc in 1972, a year after the club was chartered, and thus was our second longest serving active member with over 42 years service. Max was club president in 1991-92 and I recall that he was very enthusiastic and extremely diligent in his attention to detail – a quality that was evident throughout his business and Rotary life. The club board elected Max to Honorary Membership at its March meeting. President Carol visited Max early last week and presented him with a certificate of Honorary Membership. Until very recently Max was very active in the school reading program and helping with the golf days. At the time of preparing this bulletin, we know that Max’s funeral will be held at Le Pine Funerals in Mordialloc followed by a wake at Woodlands Golf Club either at the end of this week or early next week. The time and date will be notified as soon as it is known. Rotary Club of Mordialloc Bulletin 7/04/2015 RI theme 2014-15 Last Tuesday, 23 members and partners visited the Walter and Eliza Hall Medical Research Institute, one of the most significant and prestigious in Australia. We were we all fascinated and enlightened by the wide range of significant breakthroughs and achievements over 100 years of medical research and the important work that is continuing. The next big club event is the Women’s Health Forum on 29 April. A flyer for this is attached. Please publicise the night among female partners and friends. Kathy Pyziakos is organising a club booking for the next Mordialloc Theatre production on 7 May – “A Month of Sundays”. Please make your bookings through Kathy. Other events in May include the District Assembly on Sunday 17 May and the next Bunnings sausage sizzle on the following Sunday 24 May. I finish with a comment on creativity and imagination by Jacob Bronowski (1908-1974), author of The Ascent of Man – “Every animal leaves traces of what it was; man alone leaves traces of what he has created” Brian 1 Last meeting, No 2104 – 31 March. Vocational visit to the Walter and Eliza Hall Medical Research Institute. Attendance: 16 members, 7 partners The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute is Australia’s oldest medical research facility founded in 1915 with support of a trust established by Eliza Hall following the death of her husband Walter. The vision was to ‘be the birthplace of discoveries rendering signal service to mankind in the prevention and removal of disease and the mitigation of suffering.’ Since its earliest days, the institute’s scientists have made discoveries that have improved the lives of millions of people and produced many eminent international researchers including Sir Macfarlane Burnet, Sir Gustave Nossal and Professor Don Metcalfe. The Institute located adjacent to the Royal Melbourne Hospital now has over 1000 staff and 80 research laboratories. The visit commences with an introductory address on the broad scope and range of the institute’s activities. We then heard specific details of current research into the causes of diabetes and preventative measures. This was followed by short tours to inspect two laboratories and discuss the work and ask questions of two young research scientists. President Carol thanked the institute staff for willingly giving us the opportunity to visit in their after- hours time and learn about their work. We then moved to the nearby Naughton’s Hotel for an enjoyable meal. A Very Happy Gnome From Len Dawson: As the original Gnome I would like to say: ''#%$@^&%**'' which translates from Gnomish as a very big thank you for the help all you Rotarians and helpers gave at our recent Festival! In particular Glenyse, Jack and Jeff of the Gnomish Council who put in so many hours of inspired work and tedious detail that lead to such a successful outcome. But all those members and friends who also put in should feel proud at the result achieved. Let us look back at what that achievement of triple purpose has given our club and community. The major objective was to raise the profile of Rotary and our club in our wider community in particular. Secondly to host a major community event recognised as a major happening for young children and their families in our City of Kingston, and lastly to raise considerable funds for worthwhile community projects. These objectives, I believe, have certainly met with positive results. Our 'moneygnomes' will show that funds raised are excellent, the glorious weather and large swarms of fairies flitting around was a terrific turn out [gnomes were overcome by shyness] and the fun we all had as a committed group was second to none. Mordialloc Rotary is a great club and has proved again there are many involved and active members. So thank all of you and your friends for a great community day and roll on the Art Show. Len There was no formal Rotary business conducted. ---------------Other announcements APOLOGIES FOR NON-ATTENDANCE Apologies for absences from the weekly meeting should be directed to Brian Foley by telephone or text on 0407508186 no later than 12.00 noon on the day of the meeting. Names of any guests or visiting Rotarians can also be advised at this time. -------------------------Wheelchairs for Kids Please remember to put $2 in the box on each table each week to go to the “Wheelchairs for Kids” program. Every $150 contributed gives one child the freedom of mobility and also liberates a carer. ---------------Mordialloc Theatre Company Thursday 7 May – 7.45 for 8,00 pm Kathy Pyziakos is booking tickets for a show entitled “A Month of Sundays” by British writer Bob Larbey who also wrote “The Good Life”, “A Fine Romance” and “As Time Goes By”. -------------Rotary Club of Chelsea Reef and Beef Night Saturday 11 April - 7 pm start Three-course dinner and entertainment. Venue: Chelsea Hub, Showers Avenue, Chelsea Cost: $50 per head. Bookings: Simon Pearson 0408141924, or Email to: ----------------Where Other Clubs Meet This information is available via the club website via the following link: .------------Club Committees The list of current committee membership is available on the club website at the link: Tickets are $24 each. Please book tickets as soon as possible with Kathy and invite your family and friends. Rotary Club of Mordialloc Bulletin 7/04/2015 2 Some more pictures from the Gnome and Fairy festival (photos of his daughters supplied by Tim Fitton) SUMMARY OF COMING EVENTS Please note the following dates and events in your diary. It is important that all members support the club in these activities. 11 April (Sat) 13 April (Mon) 17 April (Fri) 25 April (Sat) 29 April (Wed) 30 April (Thurs) 7 May (Thurs) 17 May (Sun) 24 May (Sun) 27 June (Sat) 30 June 21 July 3 (Mon) to 9 (Sun) August RC Chelsea “Reef and Beef” night $50 per head. See notice for details Proposed club visit to the desalination plant. Depart Mordialloc Sporting Club at 9.30 am Interplast Golf Day – Woodlands Golf Club Anzac Day service at Mentone RSL sub-branch. Commences 8.45 am Women’s Health Forum at Parkdale Secondary College. See flyer Rotary Club of Rowville Lysterfield business breakfast, Kingston Links Golf Course Function Centre. 7.00 am start Mordialloc Theatre Company – “A Month of Sundays”. 7.45 for 8.00 pm District Assembly 8.00 am to 1.00 pm Parkdale Secondary College Rotary Club of Mordialloc is the host Bunnings BBQ 8 am to 4 pm District 9810 changeover dinner Rotary Club of Mordialloc annual changeover dinner District Governor’s official club visit Annual Art Show Southland Shopping Centre, Cheltenham Members on Leave George Aivatoglou – 17 March to 21 April Jill Brear – 31 March to 2 June If you plan to be absent for three weeks or longer, please request leave of absence through the secretary. -----------------Bayside Kingston Prostate Cancer Support Group WHEN: First Monday of each month TIME: 9.30 to 11.30am WHERE: Beaumaris RSL 489 Balcombe Road, Beaumaris Melways Map 86 B5 Wives and Partners welcome, bookings not required For further information contact Bob Wilson 9589 4282 --------------------- Many more photos are available from the Facebook page Rotary Gnome and Fairy Festival 2015 Rotary Club of Mordialloc Bulletin 7/04/2015 3 Bob Travers has supplied the following recent article from “The Casey Journal” concerning Greg McMahon, now principal of Doveton College Rotary Club of Mordialloc Bulletin 7/04/2015 4 Forthcoming Meeting Program & Rosters The Object of Rotary Next meeting......... Date: Speaker Topic: Chairman: Duty Desk: Regalia: Fellowship: Bulletin Notes: 14 April Carol Duggan Mentone Girls Secondary College Bob Travers Don Butler, Russ Hellier John Hoffmann, Barry Donaldson Cliff Riley Jeff Needham And the next.... Date: Speaker Topic: Chairman: Duty Desk: Regalia: Fellowship: Bulletin Notes: 21 April Lorraine Pirihi How to survive and thrive beyond 50. John Fowler Jill Van, Barry Donaldson Jack Pyziakos, Len Dawson Don Van Glenyse Cooper The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. -------------- And the next.... Date: Speaker Topic: Chairman: Duty Desk: Regalia: Fellowship: Bulletin Notes: 28 April Andreas Baruhas The Euro Youth Science Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark Paul Taranto Don Butler, Len Dawson Barry Donaldson, Clem Quick Bob Travers Jeff Needham The Rotary Four-Way-Test 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?" TOASTS Australia: Please charge your glasses and assist me in toasting our Great country, Australia. (Pause) to our country: Australia. ---------- Rotary International: Please drink a toast to our organisation: Rotary International, (pause) Rotary International. ROTARY INVOCATION: For good food, for good fellowship and the opportunity for service through Rotary, We give thanks. Rotary Club of Mordialloc Bulletin 7/04/2015 5
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