Registration – MOG 45 June 19-21, 2015 The Eisenhower Complex 2634 Emmitsburg Rd, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717)-334-8121 Toll Free Reservations: 1-800-776-8349 Make reservations directly with the Hotel (say you are with “The Morgan Club”) Free on-site parking for trailers BRITISH MORGANS INVADE GETTYSBURG EVENTS & SCHEDULE: June 19 – Friday June 20 – Saturday June 21– Sunday Registration Meet & Greet Noggin’ Concours* Gymkhana Rallye Noggin’ Autocross Banquet Noggin’ *featured Marque Flat Rad REGISTRATIONS: Driver: Others in Party: Companion: Address: Phone: Morgan Cars coming to the event: Year / Model Body Style eMail: Color(s) (Int./Ext.) Serial # Registration: Member Registration* (2 people, all events, 2 banquet dinners) Member Registration* (1 person, all events, 1 banquet dinner) Add’l Adult(s) Single Day Registration (1 person/2 events/No Banquet) Before May 25 $230 ______ $160 ______ $75 _____ $95 _____ State & License # After May 25 $250 ______ $180 ______ $100 ______ $110 ______ *Registration includes: Poster, Concours, Rallye, Gymkhana, Autocross, Lunch (at the Autocross), Friday/Saturday/Sunday Night Noggins and Banquet Banquet Meal Choices: ____Fish ____Chicken ______Beef I would like to help with: (contact Jay Gift: 717-264-3790) Make checks payable to MCCDC (No credit cards) Send form and check to: MCCDC c/o Marline Riehle P.O. Box 539, Nokesville, VA 20182 703-594-2054 _____Special meals on Request ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST SIGN WAIVER, INDEMNIFICATON AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY TO THE 45th ANNUAL MORGAN OWNERS GATHERING: I do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and assigns, release and forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Morgan Car Club of Washington, DC thereof, and their respective directors, officers, meet coordinator(s) and all tour and meet staff, of and from any and all claims, demands, obligations, causes of action and lawsuits and all damages, at “The 45th Annual Morgan Owners Gathering” including all planned meals and activities incidental to the event, including any claim or demand for injury of any person, or damage to property, including, specifically , such as may arise out of or be alleged to arise out of the negligence of the Morgan Car Club of Washington, DC thereof, and all their respective directors, officers, meet coordinator(s) and tour and meet staff. I have read THIS WAIVER, INDEMNIFICATION AND RELEASE and fully understand its provisions and further understand that no officer, director or meet staff person is authorized to vary its terms, or provisions, or to make any representations contrary to the provisions thereof. I acknowledge and agree that any vehicle I enter in the 45th Annual Morgan Owners Gathering, as well as any vehicle used to tow an entry to the display or events areas, will be covered by current, personal automobile insurance that meets the requirements of the State in which it is registered. Print Name: ______________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________ DATE: ___________________________________________________ Print Name: ______________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________ DATE: ___________________________________________________
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