Rotary Club of Morialta Inc. District 9520 P.O. Box 121 ATHELSTONE SA 5076 Secretary - Di Potter Home 8278 1424 Mob 0400 736 408 Email Website THE COG - RCM Meeting 1529 Bulletin 29 April 2015 President’s News President’s Corner – David Lloyd As I write this report I hear the news of the devastation in Nepal. Let us as Rotarians be conscious of the need of urgent assistance. Rotary have many projects in Nepal, Magill Sunrise having one of them. I’m confident that as I write this report, ShelterBox will be in full operational mode in assistance. Let us pray that our Rotarian colleagues in Nepal are safe and well. At Wednesday night’s meeting it was my duty and absolute privilege to induct five new “Friends of Rotary” into our club. Brian Bannan, Trevor Goldsmith, Peter Nelson, Hartley Symons and Vicki de Wit. We have a strong and enthusiastic group of “Friends of Rotary” in our club, who regularly assist in our Community Workshop, DIK, BBQ, Kiosk and various club activities. If you have not had the opportunity to welcome them all into our club, please take the opportunity next time you meet them. Our guest speaker last Wednesday gave us an overview of the Ripples project that is being proposed with assistance from the Campbelltown City Council. They are currently in a fundraising mode to establish a workshop for their Artistic / Arts projects. Thanks to those who attended the recent Weetbix event, a bright and early start for those who attended. Well Done. The weather has not been kind to us with our Kiosk openings. Thank you to all of those who have battled the cold and attended to your allocated duties in attending the Kiosk. Be aware that we currently have a ruthless sergeant in Penny, she shows no mercy. You have been warned! Penny also happened to clean out the Jackpot of $300.00 last week. I wonder if she pays a fine for that! Take Care, David Page 1 Calendar & Scheduling APRIL IS MAGAZINE MONTH Wednesday 29 April – Normal Meeting – 6.30pm at the Rezz Hotel Guest Speaker Ian Gladstone – Dementia (don’t forget to come!!) Tuesday 5 May - Morialta Board Meeting 7pm – At David Lloyd’s House Wednesday 6 May - Normal Meeting – 6.30pm Rezz Hotel – Committee Night Saturday 9 May – Rotary Race Day – District 9520 Sunday 10 May – Mother’s Day Classic (see Graeme P) Wednesday 13 May – Normal Meeting – 6.30 pm at the Rezz Hotel Guest Speaker John Rix, District 9520 Insurance Officer Wednesday 20 May – Partners Night - 6.30pm at the Rezz Hotel- Fellowship and a Trivia Night Normal Meeting time and meal arrangements (see Marian J) Wednesday 27 May - Normal Meeting – 6.30pm Rezz Hotel Who am I? RCM Member Saturday 30 May - Star Volunteering – BBQ 4pm to 7pm (see -Graeme P) Tuesday 2 June - Morialta Board Meeting 7pm – Venue to be confirmed. Includes New Board members for 2015-16, Peter M, Sue P, Paul H Wednesday 3 June - Normal Meeting – 6.30pm Rezz Hotel Committee Night and Report Back to members on the Strategic Plan 2015-17 Wednesday 10 June - Normal Meeting – 6.30pm Rezz Hotel Speaker TBA Sunday 14 June – Bridge Event – 9.30am to 5.00pm SABA 243 Young St Unley Wednesday 17 June - Normal Meeting – 6.30pm Rezz Hotel Speaker TBA Wednesday 24 June - No Meeting this week – Due to Changeover Dinner on Friday Friday 26 June – Rotary Club of Morialta - Changeover Dinner at Naval Military and Air Force Club, Hutt Street, Adelaide (RSVP – by 12 June – to or 0429 031 183) Dates for 2016 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER Usa Japan Visit dates to be confirmed – coordinated by Emiko Mayer (see further details) LINKS TO PHOTOS SHARED FROM THE DISTRICT CONFERENCE - District Conference, Ballarat, 2015 (Friday & Saturday) Photography by Jan Vade - District Conference, Ballarat, 2015 (Sunday Only) Photography by Craig Maidment Page 2 Club News CAMPBELLTOWN CITY COUNCIL Household Hazardous Waste – Free Drop Off Day Saturday 2 May, 9am-3pm | Council Depot (access via Montacute Road only) Council is pleased to offer residents the opportunity to dispose of domestic quantities of household hazardous waste for free. For more information contact Council on 8366 9222 or Climb Your Family Tree Friday 8 May, 1-3pm | Campbelltown Library Tracing your family history is easier than ever thanks to the internet! This hands on workshop will guide those interested in family history research through a range of genealogical resources that are available at the Campbelltown Library and online. Familiarity with computers and the internet is essential. Visit for more details and to book. IT Training at Campbelltown Library Campbelltown Library offers basic and intermediate digital literacy training on iPads, Android tablets, Skype, the internet, social media, internet safety and much more. A full list of current programs can be found at Page 3 ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS – SEE TERRY CARSON Whether you choose the printed Entertainment™ Book -OR- the Entertainment™ Digital Membership for your smartphone, $11 of your purchase will help community fundraising. MORIALTA RC FRIENDSHIP TOUR OF JAPAN Oct / Nov 2016 Draft (as of Mon, Mar 30, 2015) Background: - Morialta RC and Usa RC in Japan established Friendship Agreement in November 1995. There have been a number of reciprocal visits every 2 years to develop friendship and understanding between the two countries. Next is Morialta’s turn to visit Japan and an invitation from Usa to their 50th anniversary in Oct or Nov 2016 has been received. Duration: 17 days from/to Adelaide Proposed places to stay:- Mito, Tokyo, Kyoto, Yonago (Plan A, Sea of Japan) or Hiroshima (Plan B, Seto Inland Sea), Usa, Hakata - Western-style hotel accommodation Highlights:- Usa Rotary Club’s 50th Anniversary -Re-signing ceremony of Morialta/Usa Friendship Agreement - possible interaction with Mito UNESCO Association Internal travel: Trains using 2-week JR Railpass For queries and expression of interest, please contact Emiko/Peter Mayer. AWARDS RECEIVED AT THE DISTRICT 9520 CONFERENCE Australian Rotary Health District Achievement Award Award Winner: Rotary Club of Campbelltown for their Outback Experience Best International Service Project (Donated by RC Irymple) Award Winner: Rotary Club of Campbelltown for their Koroipita Village House Construction in Lautoka, Fiji District 9520 Info Calling all Rotarians...does anyone have a great place, maybe outside their business, for one of these signs to advertise the Rotary Race Day? DISTRICT DATES July 2015 • July 5th - RYLA Applications Open • July 5th - 10th - Youth Parliament – July 5th to 10th - Westminster School • July 20th - Health of the River Information sent to Schools • July 30th - RANZSE 2016 Applications open Page 4 THE REEL EVENT 20 May at 18:30 Regal Theatre in Kensington Park, South Australia, Australia Page 5 MESSAGE FROM NEPAL – copied from Rotary Club of Mitcham on Facebook I have an update here from Mark Bourcher, one of our colleagues in this project and the Director of Community Relations Pulteney Grammar School We have been very busy investigating the logistics of support for the Orphanage and for Blue Sky School. I have spoken, a number of times today,with Ishwor, Dr Santosh and some of our Rotary contacts in Kathmandu and they are all deeply moved by, and appreciative of, the level of concern and desire to help, from the Pulteney Community. Thankfully, Ishwor was at the Orphanage when the first major earthquake hit, as Mother Rajan was away on business. This remarkable young man evacuated the 55 children to the veggie patch as both the Orphanage building and the new school building suffered significant damage and appear in imminent danger of collapse. Mother Rajan made her way back in the middle of the night and together they have kept the children safe and warm in the garden, sheltering under blankets as it is raining intermittently. They did not sleep as constant aftershocks frightened the children. They have a large bag of rice and have cooked this on an open fire to provide some sustenance for the children. A supply of bottled water has been secured for the short term. There is no power supply but late today they were able to borrow a small generator which will allow them to recharge their phones and provide a small amount of lighting at night. Such is the level of destruction in the Kathmandu Valley, that they have not seen, nor expect to, any support from the military or police and fire services. At the time of the earthquake, a painter working on the roof of the new school was thrown 2 storeys to the ground, sustaining dreadful injuries. After initially dealing with his 55 frightened young charges, Ishwor managed to get him to the local hospital in a taxi. His description of the scenes at the hospital was something no young person should have to deal with. We should all be very proud of him. A local church has offered their small bamboo structure for the younger children to sleep in tonight and all of the kids have been lining up to use the single toilet at the church. Clearly, our first priority is to try to assist with accommodation and health requirements. Through several Old Scholars in the military we are endeavouring to source suitable tropical weather tents, and a mobile water purification system, and then to deliver these items post haste. Should the orphanage need to be demolished, it may be impossible to retrieve its contents prior to destruction and this will bring another level of needed support. Our good friend Prem Oli, Headmaster of Blue Sky School, has been in touch several times today and I include his recent posts: Sunday am. 'We are all fine till now. We slept in open land, wake up whole night. More than 1500 people are killed but no detail report there was earthquake at 5AM too all the things of kitchen crashed. I do not know what happened in science lab, computer lab at school. There another shake just 5 minutes ago we are out of home for 18 hours. I have come at home now to check mails. It is told there will more.' Sunday pm. 'It was again strong hit at 1PM today with 6.8 Richter. Many buildings broke down. We are safe. We are sleeping in the open land whole night. People are not living at their home. More than 2000 people are killed. But there is to come detail report. Many world heritage are destroyed.' Power and hence communication by phone and internet have been seriously disrupted in the city. We await further information from Prem, as to how we might assist his community. For those who have travelled to Kathmandu, the media coverage of the destruction of centuries old historic sites, aside obviously, from the loss of life, is horrific. Tomorrow should reveal more clearly how we might best provide assistance and I will appeal to your generosity then. Thank you for your wonderful messages of support today, we truly belong to a unique community. All the best, Mark Page 6 SHELTERBOX AUSTRALIA Earthquake, Nepal ShelterBox is proud to be a Project Partner of Rotary International First images of the destruction caused in Kathmandu by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake (Nabin Subedi) Yesterday, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal. This morning a 6.7 magnitude aftershock caused further damage and casualties. Over 2,200 people have been reported dead, and many thousand injured. Yesterday's earthquake was the worst tremor to hit Nepal in 80 years. ShelterBox is in talks with several aid agencies and Rotary contacts to see where we can help. A Response Team is heading to Nepal to get a first-hand idea of the scale of the destruction and the level of need. Prepositioned aid, including tents, is located in Nepal that could be used as emergency clinics as well as shelters in the immediate aftermath. Dave Ray, ShelterBox Operations Coordinator, said: "One of our contacts based in Kathmandu told us that the environment is filled with fear and that people have been told to expect more tremors. There is a lot of damage in Kathmandu and emergency relief will be required for sure." WE NEED YOUR HELP Help provide shelter, warmth and dignity to families who have lost their homes and possessions following the earthquake in Nepal and disasters just like it. ShelterBox helps some of the world's most vulnerable people. Your gift will help us provide them with the tools they need to survive and begin rebuilding their lives. Please consider a gift today OUR SHELTERBOXES See the Rotary Projects page on our website to find where our ShelterBoxes have been sent. Boxes purchased by our Club Box No 2045 went to Mbabane Swaziland 2007 Box Nos 7983, 7984, 7985 went to Port-au-Prince Haiti 2010 Box Nos 11175, 11176 went to Nigeria 2013 Box Nos 11183, 11184 went to DPR Korea 2013 Box Nos 13092, 13093 yet to be deployed Box Nos 11983, 11984 went to DPR Korea 2013 Track ShelterBoxes Page 7 The Latest and Past Heralds are available from our website “Member Area” (login required) then “Other Rotary Publications and Documents” then “District News and Documents” then “Current and Past District Heralds”. ROTARY RACE DAY – invite your family and friends – 12.00 – 5.00 pm A relaxed day for the whole family, the "Rotary Fun Day at the Races" is the opportunity to showcase Rotary to the public. It will highlight our causes, programs and projects from local clubs alongside a battery of fun activities to entertain the whole family The South Australian Derby, for 3 year old horses, is the main race of the day and together with the South Australian Jockey Club there will be a host of Rotary activities and Family Entertainment. A day full of fun things for children: from 12 - 5pm. There are FREE kids rides, Yellow Duck Road, face painters, entertainment and affordable food and beverages For tickets booked in advance and 50% goes to Rotary More on their website - with links for booking in advance The Family Fun Day at the Races only $15.00 Adults, Children U15 Free OR The Corporate Luncheon $89 per person. With an expected public attendance of over 5000 people you too should be part of Rotary at the 2015 Derby Day celebrations and wear you Rotary Colours with pride. FROM LAST WEEK THE VOICE OF ROTARY Broadcast on 1197AM RPH Adelaide each Tuesday 7.30-8.00 pm From each Wednesday the broadcast program can be heard on-line at May 5th PP Mark Huddleston (R.C. of Edwardstown) “A New Club in the Making” May 12th PP Bob Cooper (R.C. of Burnside) “Awards for Parks Volunteers and Conservation” May 19th Ex-Rtn. Peter Williams (Marathon Resources) “Virtual Museum of Remembrance” May 26th Dr. Mark Moore (Women’s & Children’s Hospital “Overseas Surgical Specialists Aid” From Chris Hughes - Voice of Rotary Coordinator. I have so far heard back from only a small number of clubs with results of the informal "show of hands" survey that I requested to find out how many Rotarians listen to the weekly Voice of Rotary broadcasts. Reports so far confirm my previous impression that there is only a small minority who listen occasionally and none who tune in regularly. In the meantime the interviews will continue to cater for a non-Rotarian audience but I would greatly appreciate more survey reports if possible in the format – Rotarians present at the meeting (n), Never listen (x), Listen occasionally (y), Listen regularly (z). or, more briefly N 20, Never 19, Occasionally 1, Regularly 0. Many Thanks, More from the Website and Google Calendar and Facebook Have you read the “President Profiles” on our website (Members Only). Member Area in the Club Documents. Several current members are yet to provide a profile. I won’t tell but they are: 1994 – 1995 Ken Robson. 1998 – 1999 Dennis Heanes. 2005 – 2006 Alan Cushway. 2007 – 2008 Sue Pullens 2008. 2009 – 2010 Adel Abdelhamid. 2012 – 2013 Jeff Frankish. 2013 – 2014 Penny Miller. 2014 – 2015 David Lloyd (if he wants to update for this year). 2015 – 2016 Tim Mee (ok Tim, you have a year to prepare…) Page 8
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