Rotary Club of Morialta Inc. District 9520 P.O. Box 121 ATHELSTONE SA 5076 Secretary - Di Potter Home 8278 1424 Mob 0400 736 408 Email. THE COG - RCM Meeting 1513 Bulletin 17 December 2014 Calendar & Scheduling – Rotary Club of Morialta Wed 17 December 2014 - Normal Meeting – Rezz Hotel 6pm for 6.30pm Final Meeting for 2014 - Partners Night First Meeting 2015 Wednesday 14 January 2015 – BBQ at Thorndon Park (More details at the meeting on 17 Dec) - Graeme Packer has distributed a list – please register with Graeme Wed 21 January 2015 - Normal Meeting – Rezz Hotel 6pm for 6.30pm Committee Night and Planning 2015 Current News President’s Corner – David Lloyd Thanks to members for having such a good attendance for our AGM last Wednesday night. Before we got into the business of the AGM it was my privilege on behalf of the club to present a donation of $500.00 to Scout Leader Dianne from the Beaumont Scouting Group. This donation was for the assistance given at the Moonlight Market by the scouts, two of the helpers were also present in young Guy and Ander, both of whom worked on the BBQ. I’m sure you’ll all agree the scouts did a fantastic job on the night, and its great that we are able to financially assist groups such as these within our community. Some discussion took place over the distribution of the Rotary Whiskey Cakes. It appears that there has been some concern re the quality. Several of the cakes showed mould and in keeping the integrity of Rotary foremost, the clubs decision was made that they all be returned to the organising club (Glenelg Rotary Club) for a credit. Thank you to Brenton and Coralie for manually checking the seven dozen cakes for quality and locating several below standard. However the puddings and Shortbread are not affected in any way and your orders are available from Brenton. Geoff is really getting polished as our sergeant. It seems no one is immune from his fines, not even the President! Congratulations to Brenton Summers who was elected President Elect next year and will be our Club President for 2016/17, Also congratulations to Peter Mayer our incoming Treasurer for 2015/16, and to Sue Pullen’s and Paul Haylock as new club directors for 2015/16. Many thanks for accepting your nominations and we all look forward in working with you next year. We all had a very busy weekend with The Moonlight Market on Friday and Carols in the Park on Sunday. The carols event caught us all by surprise with the number of attendees. The BBQ and Kiosk were flat out for some considerable time, well done to everyone that assisted on the events. Page 1 President’s Corner - Continued This Wednesday nights meeting is our final one for 2014, (17 December) There is a prize for the best Santa look alike ☺. No guest speaker this week, just good fun and healthy fellowship. Look forward to seeing you on Wednesday nights. Take care David Fundraising this year - From Adel – Director - Fundraising Committee We have had three major fund raising activities so far this Rotary year. Two Moonlight Markets and the Christmas Carols. These activities were well supported by our members. The average sale for the two Moonlight Markets was $3,800 which is approximately $900 less than the average for the two markets held at the same period last year ($4,700). This is mainly due to the increased number of food outlets at the market this year compared with last year. The Committee will meet soon to discuss possible actions to improve our profile on the market night and other possible fundraising activities to compensate for the budget shortfall. Thank you for your support and I wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Moonlight Market and Carols in the Park - More Photos “Many thanks again to all members who contributed to the success of these events. Page 2 From Last week Community Workshop Christmas LunchFrom Alan and Judy Cushway We attended the Christmas lunch at Highbury Hotel with the members of the Community Workshop and their partners. It was great to be with this grou p. How quickly they have all become friends and partners sharing in the friendship. An enjoyable lunch with a great group. Workshop will be closing down for the Christmas/New Year period. The restart will be Tues 13 January with a BBQ breakfast. Time to be advised, I am sure everyone will be invited. The Voice of Rotary Broadcast on 1197AM RPH Adelaide each Tuesday 7.30-8.00 pm From each Wednesday the broadcast program can be heard on-line at rd Trevor Richardson th Rtn. Julie Campbell (R.C. of Adelaide Light) Dec. 23 Dec. 30 “White Ribbon Ambassador” “Soles4Souls” January 2015 th Jan 6 PDG Alun Hughes (R.C. of Elizabeth) “Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children” th Jan 13 Emmanuel Njuguna (Adelaide City Rotaract) “The 2015 Rotaract Games” th Jan 20 PDG Wendy Gaborit (R.C. of Mobilong) “Promoting Rotary to the World” th Jan 27 Rtn. John Kennedy (R.C. of Magill Sunrise) “A Rotarian in the Courts” Information available from Chris Hughes 8379 4633 0418 835 977 Future Morialta Club Events /Speakers/Meetings Wednesday 17 December 2014 – Final Meeting 2014 – Partners Night Wednesday 14 January 2015 – First meeting 2015 – BBQ at Thorndon Park – Register on list Wednesday 18 Feb 2015 – guest speaker Mark Huddleston All dates are available here on our Google Calendar How to print diary dates from the Google Calendar Open website – - Go to Calendar On the google calendar click on Agenda - Then click the Print icon - Click on Print Range and select dates you require - Click on Save As (if you choose print it may be quite a few pages - Choose Open with (it will usually be Adobe Reader) - Document can then be saved to your computer or printed. Page 3
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