Lugarno OOSH & Peakhurst South OOSH Vacation Care Program April 2015 PLEASE READ YOUR BOOKLET THOROUGHLY AS IMPORTANT NEW INFORMATION HAS BEEN ADDED LUGARNO OOSH & PEAKHURST SOUTH OOSH VACATION CARE April 2015 (A program of Mortdale Community Services Inc.) Contact Details: Postal address for all MCS Services and Programs: PO Box 195 Mortdale NSW 2223 Website: Programs and Services: Mortdale Neighbourhood Centre including Information and Referral Address : 63 Pitt Street, Mortdale NSW 2223 Phone : (02) 9579 6322 Fax : (02) 9579 6194 Email : Opening Hrs : Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 4.30pm Mortdale Neighbour Aid Address : 63 Pitt Street, Mortdale NSW 2223 Phone : (02) 9579 6322 Fax : (02) 9579 6194 Email : Opening Hrs : Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 4.30pm Mortdale Occasional Child Care – Occy’s Place Address : 63 Pitt Street, Mortdale NSW 2223 Phone : (02) 9580 1414 Fax : (02) 9579 6194 Email : Opening Hrs : Monday – Friday, 8.30am – 4.30pm Peakhurst South Out of School Hours Child Care (PSOOSH) & Vacation Care Address : Peakhurst Public School Monterra Avenue, Peakhurst NSW 2210 Phone : (02) 9534 6982 Fax : (02) 9534 6982 Mob : 0413 431 229 Email : Opening Hrs : Monday – Friday, 7.00am – 9.00am & 2.00pm – 6.00pm Lugarno Out of School Hours Child Care (LOOSH) Address : Lugarno Public School 38 Old Forest Rd, Lugarno NSW 2210 Phone : (02) 9534 6114 Mob : 0411137833 Email : Opening Hrs : Monday – Friday, 7.00am – 9.00am & 2.00pm – 6.00pm 2 LUGARNO OOSH & PEAKHURST SOUTH OOSH VACATION CARE April 2015 (A program of Mortdale Community Services Inc.) INFORMATION When : Tuesday Hours : 7.00am - 6.00pm Late Fees 6:00- 6:15pm- $15.00 6:15- 6:30pm- $30.00 6:30- 6:45pm- $45.00 6:45- 7:00pm- $60.00 Cost : $65.00 per day per child - includes all excursions and incursions $30.00 Registration Fee for families not using Out of School Hours Care : Child Care Benefit is available to all parents who are working, or studying and can be applied for through the Family Assistance Office. Contact relevant centre Co-ordinators for details on how to apply for a reduction in fees. If we have not received an official Centrelink letter advising of your reduced CCB Fee, families MUST PAY FULL FEES. Therefore, it will be your responsibility to claim from Centrelink directly the differential amount. Where : Lugarno Public School, 38 Old Forest Road, Lugarno As Vacation Care will be operating from our Lugarno OOSH premises, all families will need to sign in/out Lugarno Public School premises located at Old Forest Road, Lugarno during the Vacation Care period. Enquiries : Lugarno OOSH – 9534 6114/ Emergency: 0411137833 Peakhurst South OOSH - 9534 6982 Staffing : Staff / Child ratios are increased to 1: 8 on all excursions and 1: 5 near water. OOSH staff are qualified childcare professionals with First Aid Certificates. : Bookings 7th April- Monday 20th April 2015 : Enrolments will be accepted from March 16th - March 31st Any enrolments received after the end date will be subject to availability. 3 LUGARNO OOSH & PEAKHURST SOUTH OOSH VACATION CARE April 2015 (A program of Mortdale Community Services Inc.) Hand deliver to: PSOOSH – Monterra Avenue, Peakhurst South Public School LOOSH – 38 Old Forest Road, Lugarno Public School MCS Head Office – 63 Pitt, Street, Mortdale *Email/scanned copies are accepted. Please ensure the form is complete before sending. : To enrol, complete pages 8 – 11 of this booklet and return to us using one of the methods listed above. : Enrolment bookings will not be accepted over the phone or without a completed registration & permission form. : When your booking has been accepted you will be notified via your preferred method of contact (please list this on page 11). Please choose days carefully, refunds will not be given once your booking has been accepted. All children booked in must attend planned excursions. : If parents have not enrolled their children in 2015, it is a requirement that you must enroll prior to attending Vacation Care. Late Arrival : Please inform the staff if your child will arrive later than 9.00am as it might affect departure time for excursions. Sign In/Out : Parents are required by the Commonwealth Government to sign their children in and out of the centre each day, giving the time. Food : Please provide morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea for your child. On some days, we will provide lunch for your child, this is noted on the program. : Please be advised that due to children’s severe Anaphylactic Allergies strongly request that parents do not provide children with any PEANUT BASED FOOD (INCLUDES NUTELLA). In the interest of food safety we request also that 2 minute noodles not be given. : All children must have sunscreen and hat every day. Children must also wear enclosed shoes. No thongs permitted. Please provide suitable clothing/wet weather gear for your child each day. Please label all items brought to the centre. Clothing 4 LUGARNO OOSH & PEAKHURST SOUTH OOSH VACATION CARE April 2015 (A program of Mortdale Community Services Inc.) WEEK 1 – PROGRAM Monday 6th April 2015 Monday 6th April PUBLIC HOLIDAY Superhero day Tuesday 7th April Come dressed up as your favourite superhero/character and have a fun filled superhero day. Make your own comic book with your friends. Bring: Hat, Morning Tea, lunch, Afternoon tea, sunscreen and plenty to drink Riverwood Park Picnic Wednesday 8th April Join us for a fun day enjoying the outdoors, playing games and getting involved in some outdoor physical activities. A picnic for lunch will top off our day Bring: Hat, Morning Tea, lunch, Afternoon tea, sunscreen and plenty to drink Multicultural day Thursday 9th April Get your passports ready and prepare to travel the world (all from the comfort of the centre of course!) Come dressed in your favourite international costume and experience games, crafts and cuisines from different cultures all across the globe Bring: Hat, Morning Tea, lunch, Afternoon tea, sunscreen and plenty to drink Museum Friday 10th April Get ready for LEGO WORLD! The children will be adventuring to the Sydney Living Museum where they will be able to view the “towers of tomorrow” exhibition of astonishing Lego skyscrapers. The best part of all, the children will also get actively involved with over 200,000 loose LEGO. Bring: Hat, Morning Tea, lunch, Afternoon tea, sunscreen and plenty to drink 5 LUGARNO OOSH & PEAKHURST SOUTH OOSH VACATION CARE April 2015 (A program of Mortdale Community Services Inc.) WEEK 2 – PROGRAM Monday 13th April 2015 Under the sea Monday 13th April Discover the underwater world with presentations from marine biologists where children have the opportunity to touch live marine invertebrates (eg: sea urchins and sea stars), as well as preserved marine specimens (eg: shark jaws, shark eggs and a turtle shell). Children learn about the marine environment on a more social and interactive level. Bring: Hat, Morning Tea, lunch, Afternoon tea, sunscreen and plenty to drink Putt Putt Tuesday 14th April Who thinks they can get a hole in one? Come along and enjoy a game of putt putt. Challenge yourself and your friends. Win or lose we will all have a blast anyway! Bring: Hat, Morning Tea, lunch, Afternoon tea, sunscreen and plenty to drink Bowling/rock climbing Wednesday 15th April Climb to great heights at the Villawood Rock Climbing Arena or get a strike or two at the Villawood Ten Pin Bowling alley. (we will split the children into age groups for each excursions) Bring: Hat, Morning Tea, lunch, Afternoon tea, sunscreen and plenty to drink Competition/ fitness day Thursday 16th April Get up and get active because its team competition and fitness day! The day will be filled with active organised games; these games will include active outdoor relay races as well as indoor quizzes and small group card games. So bring your thinking hats and sport shoes and get involved to win some prizes. Bring: Hat, Morning Tea, lunch, Afternoon tea, sunscreen and plenty to drink Beverly Hills movies Friday 17th April Nothing says holidays like a day at the movies. So these holidays we’re heading off to Beverly Hills to watch the latest flick. Get comfy and prepare yourself for a great and exciting day. Food and drinks will be provided for all children prior to the movie no spending money required Movie will be confirmed closer to the date. Bring: Hat, Morning Tea, lunch, Afternoon tea, sunscreen and plenty to drink 6 LUGARNO OOSH & PEAKHURST SOUTH OOSH VACATION CARE April 2015 (A program of Mortdale Community Services Inc.) WEEK 3 – PROGRAM Monday 20th April 2015 Game day Monday 20th April Game day is the most exciting of them all. For your one and only chance to have a technology filled day as well as participate in card games and board games against your carers and peers. So come in and bring your personal devices (Ipads, Ipods etc) as well as have a turn on our WII! The children will also be able to win some prizes! Bring: Hat, Morning Tea, lunch, Afternoon tea, sunscreen and plenty to drink Tuesday 21st April Wednesday 22nd April Thursday 23rd April Friday 24th April BACK TO SCHOOL BACK TO SCHOOL BACK TO SCHOOL BACK TO SCHOOL 7 LUGARNO OOSH & PEAKHURST SOUTH OOSH VACATION CARE April 2015 (A program of Mortdale Community Services Inc.) REGISTRATION FORM – April 2015 (Please return for enrolment) Date Received: ……………… I,.............................................................(parent’s name) have thoroughly read the Vacation Care Program and give permission for my child/children .............................................................(please list all children attending) to participate in all the listed excursions and activities. Parent’s signature: ........................................... Date: ......................................... On each day of care please write the name of the child and tick the required days. Child (1) Name: ............................................................... Date Week 1 Date Week 2 Date Week 3 Mon 6/4/15 Tues 7/4/15 Wed 8/4/15 Thurs 9/4/15 Fri 10/4/15 Public Holiday Superhero day Riverwood park Multicultural day Museum 13/4/15 14/4/15 15/4/15 16/4/15 17/4/15 Under the sea Putt Putt Bowling/Rock climbing Competition /Fitness day Beverly hills movies 20/4/15 21/4/15 22/4/15 23/4/15 24/4/15 Game day Back to school Back to school Back to school Back to school Child (2) Name: ............................................................... Date Week 1 Date Week 2 Date Week 3 Mon 6/4/15 Tues 7/4/15 Wed 8/4/15 Thurs 9/4/15 Fri 10/4/15 Public Holiday Superhero day Riverwood park Multicultural day Museum 13/4/15 14/4/15 15/4/15 16/4/15 17/4/15 Under the sea Putt Putt Bowling/Rock climbing Competition /Fitness day Beverly hills movies 20/4/15 21/4/15 22/4/15 23/4/15 24/4/15 Game day Back to school Back to school Back to school Back to school Child (3) Name: ............................................................... Date Week 1 Date Week 2 Date Week 3 Mon 6/4/15 Tues 7/4/15 Wed 8/4/15 Thurs 9/4/15 Fri 10/4/15 Public Holiday Superhero day Riverwood park Multicultural day Museum 13/4/15 14/4/15 15/4/15 16/4/15 17/4/15 Under the sea Putt Putt Bowling/Rock climbing Competition /Fitness day Beverly hills movies 20/4/15 21/4/15 22/4/15 23/4/15 24/4/15 Game day Back to school Back to school Back to school Back to school 8 LUGARNO OOSH & PEAKHURST SOUTH OOSH VACATION CARE April 2015 (A program of Mortdale Community Services Inc.) Permission Notes for Excursions (Please return for enrolment) I,.................................................................................. (parent’s name) give permission for my Child/ren ......................................................................... (please list all children attending Vacation Care)to attend a Peakhurst/Lugarno OOSH excursion to: (Please provide your signature on the relevant days on the dotted lines): Week 1 Monday 6TH April- PUBLIC HOLIDAY Tuesday 7th April- Super hero day Wednesday 8th April- Riverwood park picnic Thursday 9th April- Multicultural day Friday 10th April- Museum ..............................N/A.................. ...................................................... ...................................................... ……………………………………… ……………………………………… Week 2 Monday 13th April- Under the sea Tuesday 14th April- Putt Putt Wednesday 15th April- Bowling/ Rock climbing Thursday 16th April- Competition/ fitness day Friday 17th April- Beverly hills movies .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... Week 3 Monday 20th April- Game day Tuesday21st April- Back to school Wednesday 22nd April- Back to school Thursday23rd April- Back to school Friday24th April- Back to school .......................................................... ..............................N/A..................... ..............................N/A..................... ..............................N/A..................... ..............................N/A..................... 9 LUGARNO OOSH & PEAKHURST SOUTH OOSH VACATION CARE April 2015 (A program of Mortdale Community Services Inc.) PAYMENT OF FEES ALL PAYMENTS OF FEES must be made through direct debit method. Direct Debit authorisation forms can be obtained from Peakhurst South or Lugarno OOSH. (MasterCard and Visa are accepted for direct debit but not Amex or Diners Card.) The Direct Debit for Vacation Care fees will be processed on the following dates: Thursday 9TH April 2015 & Thursday 23rd April 2015 (both direct debit days include BSC & ASC fees), I, ………………………………………………. (Parent’s name), have read & understood the above conditions and fully adhere to and accept all conditions outlined in this Vacation Care Program. Signed: .................................................................. Date: ............................... ***PLEASE CHOOSE CAREFULLY AS NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN, ONCE ENROLMENT HAS BEEN ACCEPTED AND CONFIRMED*** When your enrolment is accepted, you will be notified via your preferred method of contact (please list): Email : …………………………………………………………………………. Post : …………………………………………………………………………. 10 LUGARNO OOSH & PEAKHURST SOUTH OOSH VACATION CARE April 2015 (A program of Mortdale Community Services Inc.) Parental Permission for G or PG Film (Please sign permission form as we may watch a PG DVD throughout Vacation Care) As the film we are planning on seeing is yet to be classified it may end up being rated as G or PG. If this is the case we will need your permission if your child is to attend. Note: Families do not have the option to choose 3D or standard. See staff for updates and further information if required. Please complete and return this form along with your registration. ****************************************************************************************************** I ______________________________ give permission as the parent/guardian of _____________________________ for him/her to attend the Cinemas to watch the movie which is scheduled for that day. 11
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