2015 Australian Mountain Running Team Application Note: It is a requirement of the World Mountain Running Association and the IAAF that every Australian team members must be a currently registered member of an Athletics Australia athletics club and agrees in writing to abide by the Athletics Australia Anti-Doping Policy which has been endorsed by the Australian Sports AntiDoping Authority (ASADA). This may be downloaded from http://www.athletics.com.au/inside/428/anti_doping_policy See also ASADA- Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority WADA- World Anti-doping Agency In accordance with this policy, ASADA requires that the names and contact details of all Australian team members are supplied by the Australian Mountain Running Association (AMRA) to ASADA to allow for possible random drug testing. Any team member whose address and contact details change during the year must advise AMRA; AMRA will advise ASADA of such changes. Name Gender Date of birth Australian citizen (yes or no) Australian resident (yes or no) Name of State Athletics Association athletics club and current registration number Email address Home, work and mobile phone numbers Current residential address in Australia Residential address overseas (for those residing in other countries) Which championships are you applying for selection in? (Please inset a X) What are your uniform sizes (both in cms and as S, M etc) [ ] 4 July - World Long Distance Championship, Zermatt Marathon, Switzerland (http://www.zermattmarathon.ch/) [ ] 19 Sept - World Mountain Running Championships (up/down courses), Wales (http://wmrcwales.org/). Vest size: XS/S/M/L/XL …………..cms T shirt size: XS/S/M/L/XL …………..cms Track suit top size: XS/S/M/L/XL …………..cms Track suit bottom size: XS/S/M/L/XL Waist…………..cms 1 DRUG TESTING: I acknowledge and agree that: (a) I am subject to the doping provisions of the Athletics Australia Anti-Doping Policy (the “Doping Provisions”); (b) I will make every effort to become aware of and understand my obligations under the Doping Provisions and the consequences of any breach of the Doping Provisions; (c) If requested by the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA), its agents, or any approved drug testing authority under the Doping Provisions, I shall provide a sample of your own body fluid for analysis by an IOC accredited laboratory to determine whether or not I have taken or used performance enhancing substances banned under the Doping Provisions. My signature on this form is an agreement by me to provide a sample for analysis if requested by a drug testing authority. HEALTH AND TRAVEL INSURANCE: I acknowledge that I am responsible for taking out adequate private hospital and ancillary health cover and travel insurance for myself. The Australian Mountain Running Association is under no obligation to meet the cost of any medical, hospital, or travel expenses I incur. FINANCIAL AND OTHER ASSISTANCE: 1. AMRA may provide team members with a travel subsidy raised from conducting the annual Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival. 2. AMRA will provide team members with a team uniform but team members may have to contribute in full or in part at AMRA’s discretion to the cost of AMRA providing the uniform. In general AMRA will not issue a new uniform to the previous year’s team members unless there are problems with size or fit. TEAM UNIFORM: WMRA requires that all team members have the same vests, the same coloured shorts and the same track suits. Shorts worn will be black and team members are expected to purchase their own black shorts, bike pants or scungies to suit their personal preferences. AMRA will ensure that all team members have the same vest and track suit. WORLD MOUNTAIN RUNNING CHAMPIONSHIPS: AUSTRALIAN JUNIOR TEAM MEMBERS AMRA has a special duty of care to junior team members under the age of 18 years, and a duty of care to all junior team members. AMRA appoints a Team Manager whose main responsibility is to meet this duty of care, but to undertake other duties to assist the team. All junior team members under the age of 18 years must travel to and from the World Championships with either the Team Manager or a parent or guardian. It is recommended that junior team members aged 18 and over also travel to and from the World Championships with either the Team Manager or a parent or guardian or parent-approved coach. TEAM CAPTAINS: To also assist team members with information and advice at the Championships, AMRA will appoint team captains. EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY: I agree that AMRA (and its agents and contractors) will not be liable for any injury or illness which I might suffer (including death) or for any loss of or damage to my property. ADDITIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: 1. I acknowledge and agree that any information which may be held by AMRA regarding my selection may be disclosed to ASADA. 2. I acknowledge and agree that information of a biographical nature, including my name, date of birth, home state or territory, performance results and career highlights, may be released to the public and the media. Signed ………………………………………………………………………………..Date ……………………. Signed by parent/guardian if under 18 years of age ……………………………………………. 2 Background information for the selection panel & the media Name Best mountain running performances (where when and time) Attach list if needed Best Aust Cross Country Championship/international cross country running performances Best time in a marathon (where, when and time) Best national/international performances in triathlon, duathlon or orienteering (where when and time Other relevant experience and performances: see the team selection guide lines attached Where to submit applications Please sign this completed form and either mail it to the address below, or else scan the signed form as a PDF document and email it to the email address. Ensure that all details, including uniform size as both cms and S/M/L etc are completed accurately. Post to: John Harding, 42 Stanley St, Hackett ACT 2602 Email to hackettrunner@hotmail.com For any queries ring (02) 6248 6905 or 0427 107 033 Deadlines for applications: 15 May for team for World Long Distance Championship on 4 July 22 May for team for World Mountain Running Championships in Wales on 19 September 3 Attachment: Australian mountain running team selection guidelines & team funding A. 2015 World Mountain Running Championships, 19 September, Wales Website: http://wmrcwales.org/. The primary selection race for the World Mountain Running Championships is the Australian Championships on 31 May 2015 at Camp Mountain in Brisbane. Performances in previous World Mountain Running Championships, the New Zealand Mountain Running Championships, in World Mountain Running Association Grand Prix races, in state mountain running championships and in national and international cross country and marathon running will be considered. There is a high correlation between elite performance at the international level in cross country, marathon running and orienteering and elite performance in the World Mountain Running Championships. The maximum numbers that can represent a country at the World Mountain Running Championships are 6 men, 4 women, 4 junior men and 3 junior women. Australia seldom has a full team as runners will only be selected for the Australian team if in the view of the selectors their performances demonstrate that they will be competitive at the World Championships. In the World Junior Mountain Running Championships, 16 and 17 year olds are, in general, unlikely to be competitive against 18 and 19 year olds at the Championships because of the very high standard internationally now at these Championships. B. 2015 World Long Distance Mountain Running Championship, 4 July, Zermatt Marathon, Switzerland Website http://www.zermattmarathon.ch/ The primary selection races for the 2015 World Long Distance Mountain Running Championships are: 2014 Kepler Challenge, New Zealand 2014 Deep Space Mountain Marathon, ACT 2015 Six Foot Track 45km marathon 2015 Mt Buller Skyruns 2015 Mt Buffalo Marathon and Ultramarathon 2015 The North Face 100km and 50 km Performances in previous World Long Distance Mountain Running Championships and similar long distance mountain running events in Australia will also be considered. The maximum numbers that can represent a country at the World Long Distance Mountain Running Championships are 5 men and 5 women. Australia has never had a full team as runners will only be selected for the Australian team if in the view of the selectors their performances demonstrate that they will be competitive, and team members must largely self-fund their trip. As a guide, experience in recent World Long Distance Mountain Running Championships has been that, to be competitive, male team members must be of a standard where they have completed Six Foot Track in under 3hrs 20 mins and female members under 4hrs. C. Australian mountain running team funding Persons selected for the Australian mountain running teams to the World Championships and World Long Distance Mountain Running Championship must largely self-fund their travel expenses. The Australian Mountain Running Association organises the Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival each year at the end of July to raise money for the Australian mountain running team and this largely covers the cost of team uniforms and a subsidy for a team manager to the World Mountain Running Championship. IIn addition the World Mountain Running Association provides a subsidy to the Australian team for the World Championships (usually around $US2000) and the costs of accommodation and meals are covered from the Thursday to Monday morning of the Championships. Both the World Championships and World Long Distance Mountain Running Championships have prize-money available for the leading finishers. Team members usually receive a subsidy from their athletics clubs and can conduct other fund raising themselves. 4
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