A .D. 2015 A .L . 6015 M ay Tr est le Boa r d Warrant Dated January 11, 1854 121 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown, NJ 08505-0646 (609) 298-0091 http://www.mountmoriah28.com Regular Communications 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:30pm From the Ea st B rethren, What one symbol is most typical of Freemasonry as a whole?…Mason and non-Mason alike, nine times out of ten, will answer, “The Square!” Many learned writers on Freemasonry have nominated the square as the most important and vital, most typical and common symbol of the ancient Craft. Masonically the word “square” has the same three meanings given by the world: (1) The conception of right-angled-ness -our ritual tells us that the square is an angle of ninety degrees, or the fourth part of a circle; (2) The builder’s tool, one of our working tools, the Master’s own immovable jewel; (3) That quality of character which has made “a square man” synonymous not only with a member of our Fraternity, but with uprightness, honesty and dependability. The first of the three meanings must have been the mathematical conception and we should reflect upon the wisdom and reasoning powers of men who lived five thousand years ago, that they knew the principles of geometry by which a square can be constructed. The square is the symbol of regulated life and actions. It is the Masonic rule for correcting and harmonizing conduct on principles or morality and virtue, and as a symbol, it is dedicated to the Master. We also identify ourselves with this symbol, because we are taught that squares, levels and perpendiculars are the proper signs to know a mason. We are surrounded by squares in our Lodge and the Immediate Past Master and the Past Masters wear it most obviously. It stands, as one of the Great Lights, in the center of all our activities. It is repeated in our salutes, our feet positions and our way of moving around the Lodge. History tells us that the square, which is an upright with a right top arm, is the Greek letter gamma. In the construction trade, the square is used for “trueing” stones and “proving’ them correct. We can see how easily, the association with truth and virtue could arise. There was the historical belief that the shape of the ancient world was an oblong square and this is represented in our “squared Lodge.” The Egyptians, Confucius and Aristotle refer to ‘square actions’ and associate this with honest dealings, high morality and virtue. The symbol is not original, it is certainly far from new, but it seems to have a remarkable consistency of meaning. As an emphasis of the square symbol we could see nothing which could do it better. We should always marvel that such a simple figure could have had such impact on our world and still has today. An old brass square was found under the foundation of an ancient bridge near Limerick (Ireland), in 1830, dated 1517 containing the inscription: I will striue to liue with love and care, upon the leuel by the sqvare Fraternally, Jose G. Gonzalez Worshipful Master From The W est Constitution And Laws T i t le T wo: A ncien t Ch a rges In continuation Charge VI Of Behaviour, Viz.: In the Lodge While Constituted 1. You are not to hold private committees, or separate conversation, without leave from the Master, nor talk of anything impertinently or unseemly, nor interrupt the Master or Wardens, or any Brother speaking to the Master; nor behave yourself ludicrously or jestingly while the Lodge is engaged in what is serious or solemn; nor use any unbecoming language upon any pretense whatsoever; but pay due reverence to your Master, Wardens and Fellows, and put them to worship. If any complaint be brought, the Brother found guilty shall stand to the Award and Determination of the Lodge, who are the proper and competent Judges of all such controversies [unless you carry it by Appeal to the GRAND LODGE], and to whom they ought to be referred, unless a Lord’s Work be hindered the meanwhile, in which case a particular reference may be made; but you must never go to Law about what concerneth Masonry, without an absolute necessity apparent to the Lodge. Behaviour After The Lodge Is over And The Brethren Not Gone 2. You may enjoy yourselves with innocent Mirth, treating one another according to Ability, but avoiding all Excess, or forcing any Brother to eat or drink beyond his Inclination, or hindering him from going when his Occasions call him, or doing or saying anything offensive, or that may forbid an easy and free Conversation, for that would blast our Harmony, and defeat our laudable Purposes. Therefore no private Piques or Quarrels must be brought within the doors of the Lodge, far less any Quarrels about Religion, or Nations, or State Policy, we being only as Quarrels Masons, of the Catholic Religion above mentioned, we are also of all Nations, Tongues, Kindreds and Languages, and are resolved against all POLITICKS, as what never yet conducted to the Welfare of the Lodge, nor ever will. This Charge had been always strictly enjoined and observed: but especially ever since the Reformation in BRITAIN, or the Dissent and Secession of those Nations from the Communion of Rome BEHAVIOUR WHEN BRETHREN MEET WITHOUT STRANGERS, BUT NOT IN A LODGE FORMED 3. You are to salute one another in a courteous manner, as you will be instructed, calling each other Brother, freely giving mutual Instruction as shall be thought expedient, without being, or derogating from that Respect which is due to any Brother, where he not a Mason: For though all Masons are as Brethren upon the Level, yet Masonry takes no Honour from a Man that he had before: nay rather it adds to his Honour, especially if he has deserved well of the Brotherhood, who must give Honour to whom it I due, and avoid ill Manners. BEHAVIOUR IN PRESENCE OF STRANGERS NOT MASONS 4. You shall be cautious in your Words and Carriage that the most penetrating Stranger shall not be able to discover or find out what is not proper to be intimated; and sometimes you shall divert a discourse, and manage it prudently for the Honour of the Worshipful Fraternity. BEHAVIOUR AT HOME AND IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD 5. You are to act as becomes a moral and Wise Man; particularly, not to let your Family, Friends, and Neighbors know the Concerns of your Lodge, &c., but wisely to consult you own Honour, and that of the ancient Brotherhood, for Reasons not to be mentioned here. You must also consult your Health, by not continuing together too late, or to long from Home, after Lodge hours are past: and by avoiding Gluttony and Drunkenness, that you Families be not neglected, or injured, nor you disable from Working. 6. You are cautiously to examine him, in such a Method as Prudence shall direct you that you may not be imposed upon by an ignorant false Pretender, whom you are to reject with Contempt and Derision, and beware of giving him any hints of knowledge. 7. But if you discover him to be a true genuine Brother, you are to respect him accordingly: and if he is in want, you must relieve him if you can, or else direct him how he may be relieved, You must employ him some days, or else recommend him to be employed. But you are not charged to do beyond your Ability, only to prefer a poor Brother that is a good Man and true, before any other poor People in the same circumstances. Finally, All these Charges you are to observe, and also those that shall be communicated to you in another way; cultivating BROTHERLY LOVE, the Foundation and Capstone, the Cement and Glory of this Ancient Fraternity, avoiding all Wrangling and Quarreling, all Slander and Backbiting, not permitting others to slander any honest Brother, but defending his Chanter, and doing him all good Offices as far as consistent with your Honour and Safety, and no further. And if any of them do you Injury, you must apply to your own or his Lodge; and from thence you may appeal to the Grand Lodge At the Quarterly Communications, and from thence to the Annual Grand Lodge, as has been the Ancient laudable Conduct of our Forefathers in every nation; never taking a legal course but when the the case cannot be otherwise decided, and patiently listening to the honest and friendly advice of Masters and Fellows, when they would prevent you going to Law with Strangers, or would excite you to put a speedy period to the Lawsuits, that so you mind the Affair of Masonry with the more Alacrity and Success, but with respect to Brothers or Fellows at Law, the Master and Brethren shall kindly offer their Mediation, which ought to be thankfully submitted to by the contending Brethren; and if that submission is impracticable, they must however carry on their Process, or Lawsuit, without Rancor [not in the common way] saying or doing nothing which may hinder Brotherly Love, and good Offices to be renewed and continued; that all may see the benign influence of MASONRY, as all true Masons have done from the Beginning of the World, and will do to the End of Time. AMEN, SO MOTE IT BE Respectfully, Ted M. D’Annunzio Senior Warden From the Sou th Question time, again. Why do you not come to lodge? Don’t worry, this isn’t a ‘oh no, you are in trouble’ or a ‘how dare you, what is wrong with you.’ Nothing like that at all. I am just curious is all. That being said, like last time, I want you to think about it. No, like really think about it. Do you have something? Good. Now, obviously there are some big, unavoidable things, like ‘I work nights’ or ‘I’m a coach on my daughter’s softball team and they have games on Wednesday nights,’ even ‘I have class until 7:30 and my classes are in the Philly area,’ and a super unavoidable one, ‘I don’t live in NJ, let along Bordentown now.’ Hey, that’s fine. Cabletow my brothers, always remember the length of your cabletow, but we all know that there are other reasons. In the past, I’ve heard that meetings are long and boring, we do the same thing every week or I have better things to do. Others things I’ve heard is ‘I don’t get along with such and such’ or ‘That guy Rich W. LaBaw is a weird weird dude’ and let me tell you, I’ve met him and he is one weird dude. Like super weird. Mega super weird. But I digress. As I ask and mentioned last time, there was a reason you joined the lodge, so if something is stopping you from coming back to lodge, there has to be a way that maybe we can make you come back. If there is a certain presentation you want to see that you think would be entertaining or interesting, let the master or the wardens know. Maybe we can find a way to make it happen. If you come out to meetings you can see some new presentations that we are talking to different people about doing. For instance, recently we had W.B. Dave Blew talk about the two columns in King Solomon’s temple. Did you know that if we convert what they say about the columns in the Bible into modern measurements, they come out to be 30 feet by 5 feet. Yeah, let that sink in for a second. Is there something you wanted to know about Free Masonry? Talk to us and maybe we can find someone that can teach it. Everyone that joins Free Masonry wants to get something out of it. In my opinion, you can’t get anything out of it if you don’t come to meetings or at least events. See you in Lodge, Richard W. LaBaw Junior Warden 2015 Grand Lodge Spring Officers Seminar Saturday, May 16 at the Fellowship Center, Burlington Registration 8:30am ∙ Adjourn 2:00pm Dress business casual $10 per person (lunch included) Topics: “Tools for Masonic Success IV” Masonic Leadership Training and Education Masters and wardens highly encouraged to attend Online Registration link is available on the Grand Lodge website www.newjerseygrandlodge.com Poker Night Spend an Evening of Fellowship with your Brothers Thursday Night following the second meeting of every month Mt. Moriah Lodge #28, Lewis Parker Lounge $10 buy in with 1 r e -buy Pizza will be ordered · Bring your favorite beverage Please register in advance by calling W.B. Roger K. Fisher at (609) 234-6024 or emailing PleasePokeFun@me.com Tok en R ecogn i t ion • May 13, 2015 • 7:30pm LO D G E #2 & A.M. BO 8 F. M T. M O R I AH RD E N TOW N Mt. Moriah Lodge #28 F&AM Worshipful Master Jose G. Gonzalez Honorees • 50 Year • • Robert L. Brickner, Sr. Thomas J. Mulvaney Irving C. Carslake Thomas I. Clark, Jr. Robert C. Guest Kenneth E. Ibach Spiros P. Livanis 55 Year 60 Year Grand Lodge of NJ Speci a l E v en ts For more detailed information, please refer to the full ads in the following Trestle Board issues: Date(s) Trestle Board Grand Master’s Reception May 2 February 2015 Grand Lodge Spring Officers Seminar May 16 May Grand Lodge Event Digital copies of past Trestle Boards can be downloaded from Mt. Moriah's official website at http://mountmoriah28.com • Craftsman Club News Regular meetings on May 18 • September 16 at 7pm Dinner on October 19 • December 14 at 6:30pm, followed by meetings at 7:30pm Great opportunity to have a fine meal and fellowship at a modest price, $7 per person. Open to Mount Moriah Lodge #28 Members, their Families, & Friends All tickets must be purchased in advance. No tickets at the door. Tickets are available in advance of each dinner at our regular communications, or by contacting W.B. Holmes L. Hay at (609) 298-3912. Ou r Lodge T rust ees Trustee to 2016: Bro. Richard E. Shenowski (609)291-9745 Trustee to 2017: D.B. Raymond E. Jones (609)298-5563 Trustee to 2018: R.W. Dennis R. Bator (609)731-3418 Trustee to 2019: R.W. Joseph Varga (609)499-0138 Trustee to 2020: R.W. George A. Chidley (609)462-3267 O u r L o d g e C o m m i tt e e s R it ual R.W. Richard F. LaBaw, Jr., Chair R.W. George A. Chidley F inance R.W. P. Brian Sisz, Chair M.W. Edgar N. Peppler Bro. Joseph Lippincott Co mm u nit y O u treac h W.B. Dean Buhrer, Chair M ento ring W.B. David S. Blew, Chair D u es C o llecti o n R.W. Brian Sisz, Chair W.M. Jose G. Gonzalez C h arit y R.W. Carl H. Doan, Chair R.W. Richard H. Trout R.W. P. Brian Sisz S ic k ness and D istress Bro. Barry Oros, Chair Bro. Joseph Hand Au dit Bro. David S. Workman, Chair W.B. David S. Blew Bro. Michael Onofri L ew Par k er S c h o lars h i p Bro. Robert B. McCormick, Chair Bro. Albert Bela Ari Bro. Robert E. Oliver B lo o d Ban k W.B. Roger K. Fisher, Chair W.B. Dean J. Buhrer By laws R.W. Carl H. Doan, Chair R.W. George A. Chidley R.W. Henry P. Fratz M as o nic H o me Bro. William Federico L ias o n to E astern S tar Bro. Robert B. McCormick Facilit y/ B u ilding M aintenance Bro. Dave Patriarca W id ow ’ s S u p p o rt W.M. Jose G. Gonzalez O u r L i v i n g Pa s t M a s t e r s 1965 Joseph Varga, PJGD 1997 Carl H. Doan, PGC 1966 Edgar N. Peppler, PGM 1999 Mark Dempsky 1967 Frank Katona 2001 James F. Anderson 1971 Robert C. Guest 2002 Charles V. Anderson 1972 Richard H. Trout, PSGD 2003 Richard F. LaBaw, Jr., PGSB 1977 John McCoy 2004 William D. Pigott 1980 Ronald R. Meadows 2005 Henry P. Fratz, PDDGM 1982 Robert W. Alpaugh 2006 Roger K. Fisher 1983 Harry S. Forman, Jr. 2007 David S. Blew 1985 Michael Grenz, PGC, PGMar 2008 Ned A. Koble 1991 Dean R. V. Allen 2009 Joseph B. Varga 1992 Thomas V. Petito 2010 P. Brian Sisz, PGC, GL Trustee 1993 Joseph R. Shields, Jr. 2011 William J. Morelli, PGC 1994 Holmes L. Hay 2012 Dean J. Buhrer 1995 William F. Walling, PGC 2013 R.W. George A. Chidley, GC 1996 F. Gerry Spence, PDDGM 2014 Robert J. Pigott Ou r Aff i l i at e d L i v i ng Pa s t M a s t e r s 1973 Robert E. McElhone (Joseph H. Brown Lodge) 1981 Robert E. Petersen (Warren Lodge) 1982 Kenneth E. Ibach (Auburn Lodge) 1988 Frank L. Blades (Woodstown Lodge) 1990 William J. Booher (Pyramid) 1994 John R. Parke (Gothic Fraternal) 1997 Michael A. Ramirez (Mariner’s Lodge) 1997 Dennis R. Bator (Palestine Lodge) 1997 Ronald R. Meadows (South Pine Lodge) 2001 Earl H. Reeder (Raritan Valley) 2003 Scott Wiese (Princeton) M ason’s Progr ess Awa i t i ng M a st er M a son Degr ee Bro. FC Francis Xavier Stein I n a n d Ab o u t t h e T e m p l e Brethren, you and your Masonic friends are cordially invited to participate in the following Masonic events: M ay ?? May 2 3:00pm: Grand Master Reception at the Fellowship Center in Burlington, NJ. See ad. ?? May 3 7:00pm: Master Mason Degree Rehearsal. All Officers are required to attend. ?? May 5 7:00pm: DLI hosted by Maple Shade-Moorestown #281, 15 N. Fellowship Road, Maple Shade, NJ. All Officers are required to attend and all Brothers are encouraged to attend. ?? May 11 7:00pm: Master Mason Degree Rehearsal. All Officers are required to attend. ?? May 13 7:30pm: Regular Communication and Gold Token Night. ?? May 15 2:00-7:00pm: Mt. Moriah Blood Drive with the Red Cross. ?? May 16-17 All day: Bordentown Street Fair. See ad. ?? May 17 7:00pm: Master Mason Degree Rehearsal. All Officers are required to attend. ?? May 18 7:00pm: Craftsman Club Meeting. ?? May 24 7:00pm: Master Mason Degree Rehearsal. All Officers are required to attend. ?? May 25 11pm: Memorial Day Event at the Veterans Memorial on Farnsworth Avenue, Bordentown. ?? May 27 7:00pm: Master Mason Degree. All Officers are required to attend. ?? May 28 7:30pm: “Poker Night” at Lewis Parker Room. (See ad) J une ?? June 2 7:00pm: DLI hosted by Medford No. 178, 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ. All Officers are required to attend and all Brothers are encouraged to attend. ?? June 7 8:15am: Bagels & Coffee 9:30, 10:45am: Sunday services, Wheelchair Push, Masonic Home. All are welcome! Our residents rely on us to fill this need. We start helping our family members at 9:00am, so come early so you have time to socialize with your Brothers. ?? June 10 7:30pm: Regular Communication. Joint Communication with Mercer #50. ?? June 15 7:00pm: Craftsman Club Meeting. S u pp o r t O u r Sp o n s o r s Peppler Funer a l Hom es Bordentown Allentown Bro. Edgar N. Peppler, Jr., Mgr. Karen E. Peppler, Mgr. NJ Lic. 3926 NJ Lic. 4584 (609) 298-1333 • (609) 259-7391 Sport sm en’s Cen t er Powna ll Elect r ic US Highway 130 Bordentown, NJ 08505 (609) 298-5300 Bros. Paul & Brian Sisz 136 Irvington Avenue Yardville, NJ 08620 (609) 585-0591 Bro. Joseph Pownall Freedom Financial Advisors Luc a s Ch e v rolet • • 1622 Route 38, Lumberton, NJ 08048 (609) 267-0200 Jim Lynch Retirement, Estate, Tax & Wealth Management 132 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown City, NJ 08505 (609) 291-8363 Bro. David Workman, CPA • Bu r l i ngton Cle a ner s • 201 South Route 130 Burlington, NJ 08016 (609) 386-1616 Bro. Ted M. D’Annunzio C M S Geot h er m a l 130 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown, N. J. 08505 (609) 298-3018 Bro. Patrick Jones • • H er dt Fenci ng Bob’s Ba r ber Shop 2786 S. Broad St., Trenton, NJ (609) 888-4222 • • 183 Bordentown-Crosswicks Road Crosswicks, NJ 08515 (609) 298-2201 Bro. Mike Galati Da n iel M acNei l W i lson, LLC Group Insurance Brokerage, Life, Health, Annuities 16 Bernath Drive (609) 587-9092 (tel) Hamilton, NJ 08690 (609) 338-1865 (cell) dmwgmnj2004@verizon.net Bor dentown Cit y Street Fair & Mount Moriah Open House LO D G E #2 & A.M. BO 8 F. M T. M O R I AH RD E N TOW N May 16th and 17th Call For Volunteers Brothers of Mount Moriah Lodge #28 We need your assistance and participation! Please sign up at the lodge or contact Bro. Jim Potts at (609) 306-5447 or jpotts24@comcast.net We will make announcements at each lodge meeting leading up to the event.
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