Newsletter rr - Mount View Primary School

17 April 2015
 9560 0471
 9560 8750
20 – 1 May
20 – 8 May
Life Ed Van Session P - 4
ISSE Delegation from Angevine School, Colorado, USA
ISSE Healesville Sanctuary Excursion
Year 4 Technology Night – 7:00 – 8:30pm
3AF & 3EW National Gallery of Victoria Excursion
Year 1 Melbourne Zoo Excursion
Prep Grandparents Day – 9:30 – 10:30am
ISSE City Experience
ANZAC Day Ceremony – 11:10am – 12:00pm
ISSE Years 3 & 4 presentations
STARS group (1) – 2:40pm
ISSE Year 6 presentation
Whole School Assembly – ISSE Delegation School Presentation – 9:00am
ISSE Specialist Day
Parent Forum – Helping @ Home – Speak, Listen & Reading
From the Principal – Colin Dobson
Welcome to Term 2
On behalf of the staff members of Mount View I would like to welcome you to Term 2. I look forward to another exciting
and rewarding term.
Parents are encouraged to attend the following special assemblies:
ISSE Welcome Assembly Monday 20 April at 2:40pm
ANZAC Day Assembly Friday 24 April at 11:10am
ISSE Cultural Presentation Wednesday 29 April 9:00am
Normal Assembly Monday 4 May at 2:40pm
ISSE Farewell Assembly Wednesday 6 May at 9:00am
Professional Learning Day
On Monday 13 April, all staff members were involved in a professional learning program which focused on school
improvement and ‘Ten Theories of Action’ that provides a school with a clear set of practices that can further enrich
the teaching and learning program that is offered. The presenter was Wayne Craig and he provided an overview and
insight into the implementation of the ‘Ten Theories of Action’. We are a part of a longitudinal research project that
brings together Departments of Education (Victoria and Queensland), Victorian universities and a number of Victorian
primary and secondary schools. This project is supported by the Myer Foundation. It is an absolute privilege to be a
part of the national wide project and I look forward to sharing more information about this project in the near future. We
are currently planning a parent information evening in early Term 3 where Wayne Craig will provide you with a clear
overview about the project and unpack the ‘Ten Theories of Action’.
17 April 2015
ISSE Delegation Arrive
This Saturday the delegation from Angevine Middle School, Boulder, Colorado, United States arrive in Melbourne.
They will spend the next 3 weeks with us and will be a part of the school’s teaching and learning program, visit key
locations around Victoria and be hosted by our Mount View families. We are looking forward to a wonderful time with
our guests from Colorado.
House Cross Country
This year the Mount View House Cross Country will involve all year levels. It will be held directly after the special
ANZAC Day Service on Friday 24 April. The Assembly starts at 11:10am and the cross country will proceed at
approximately 11:50am. Parents are encouraged to come along to the assembly and stay for the House Cross
Country event.
Staff News
Congratulations to Emily Curtis who got engaged to Andy while holidaying in Japan. Congratulations also to Emily
Connell who married Cameron in the holidays.
In the next newsletter I will resume the history focus of our school, trying to capture key events from the past 50 years.
Car Damage Last Term
In the last week of Term 1 one of our teachers had their car damaged while parked in Crestmont Drive.
Car details: Red Mazda 3
Number Plate: ZNZ 238
If anyone remembers seeing this happen, can you please contact the office.
From the Assistant Principal – Alison Rees
Information Booklet
The Mount View Primary School 2015 School Information booklet is now available on the Mount View website for
There is also a publication from the IB titled What is an IB Education? that we recommend to all parents. It was
presented to parents who attended the Introduction to the PYP parent forum that was held last term and is available
for download off the website in both English and Chinese.
NAPLAN – Years 3 & 5
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in
Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It has been an annual event for schools since 2008.
On Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 May, students in Years 3 & 5 will take the 2015 NAPLAN tests.
NAPLAN assesses skills in literacy and numeracy that are developed over time, through the school curriculum.
NAPLAN is not a pass or fail type test, but rather shows how students are progressing in numeracy and literacy skills
against national standards for all children in Australian schools. It also provides valuable information that allows
schools and governments to better target effort and support to help all students achieve their potential and acquire the
basic skills to help them build successful and happy lives.
All students are expected to participate in the tests. Students with disability may qualify for reasonable adjustments
that reflect the support normally provided to them in the classroom. Some students with very specific circumstances
may be exempted from participating in the tests. For information about participation in NAPLAN, you can go to:
17 April 2015
NAPLAN tests fundamental skills rather than specific content, and as such is not a test for which students can study or
drill. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to let them know that NAPLAN is just one part of
their school program, and to urge them to simply do the best they can on the day. The use of services by coaching
providers is not recommended.
NAPLAN 2015 tests timetable for Year 3 & Year 5
Tuesday 12 May
Wednesday 13 May
Thursday 14 May
Language Conventions
Held during Sessions 1 & 2
Held during Sessions 1 & 2
Held during Sessions 1 & 2
Held during Sessions 3 & 4
Language conventions test includes spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Numeracy test includes number; space; algebra, function and pattern; measurement, chance and data.
Calculators are NOT permitted in the numeracy test in Years 3 and 5.
The key difference this year to the test structure is that this year’s NAPLAN writing assessment will have two writing
prompts – one for Years 3 and 5; and a different prompt for Years 7 and 9 – instead of the previous single prompt for
all year levels.
An individual student NAPLAN report will be issued by the school later this year. Parents can use this information to
monitor how their child is progressing and to identify any areas of concern. Parents may also wish to use their child’s
results to discuss progress with teachers. More information is available at
FAQ - What happens if my child is absent from school on test days?
Where possible, schools will organise for individual students who are absent at the time of testing to complete missed
tests at another time during the testing week. Individual students are not permitted to sit tests after Friday 15 May
The NAPLAN 2015 Information for Parents brochure is now available for parents
2015 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – Years 3 to 6
Entries for ALL ICAS competitions have now CLOSED. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Upcoming Events – Write these dates in your calendar
Education Week – Open School Event – Tuesday May 19
During Education Week (16-22 May), kindergartens and government
schools throughout Victoria will open their doors to parents and their
broader communities. It’s a great time to find out more about
kindergartens and government schools and the many opportunities they
offer to Victorian children to thrive, learn and grow.
At Mount View PS we will be showcasing our programs and achievements
by holding an Open School Event on Tuesday May 19. More
information about this event will be distributed over the next few weeks.
17 April 2015
Mount View Art Show – Opening Night Event – Thursday June 11 from 7:00pm
We’re all very excited – plans for our annual Mount View Art Show are well and truly in place.
The Art Show Committee, under the leadership of Sue Gadler-Hele has been very busy
organising some amazing artists who will be exhibiting their work, sponsors, raffle prices,
advertising, . . . the list goes on. Everything’s in place for it to be a hugely successful event.
The date for the Mount View Art Show Opening Night is Thursday June 11 from 7:00pm
More information about this event will be advertised in upcoming newsletters and flyers and we look forward to strong
support of this major fundraising activity from all members of the Mount View community.
Term 2 Parent Forums
*** Separate flyers for all of these events will be sent home in Term 2.
Helping @ Home – Presenter: Cheryl Reynolds & Georgie Kennedy
Specifically for parents of 2015 Prep students & for any Year 1 parents who might have missed the sessions
in 2014
o Reading & Speaking/Listening – Thursday April 30 between 7:00 and 8:30pm
o Writing – Thursday May 7 between 7:00 and 8:30pm
Year 6 Family Planning Parent Information Evening
Wednesday May 14 between 7:00 and 8:30pm
Intro to 3 Way & Student-Led Conferences – Presenters: Colin Dobson & Alison Rees
Thursday June 4 between 7:00 and 8:30pm
Understanding our Curriculum – AusVELS – Presenters: Colin Dobson & Alison Rees
Wednesday June 17 between 7:00 and 8:30pm
Parenting Support
Helping Build Resilience
At the start of any school year there are always moments of anxiety and nervousness for children, parents and
teachers alike. Some of it’s to do with the unknown – new routines, new teacher, new classroom and for some, a
whole new location – and for some it’s the worry about making new friends. A few weeks into the term and we
wonder, “What was I worried about?” Everything settles and the “now” is normal and what happened last year is
forgotten. The quality that gets us through these moments is resilience.
Resiliency is the ability to persevere and adjust when faced with adversity. We all face adversity, but it's the way we
react that determines how we feel and how well we perform in those circumstances. Resilient children do better in
school, have more positive social experiences and achieve high levels of personal and professional success. Children
who are naturally resilient, or are taught to be resilient, thrive. Given all the temptations which school-aged children are
faced with in today's world, teaching our children resiliency skills may be one of our best weapons to "fight back"
against negative influences.
Resilient individuals are said to have an excited and active approach to life, they are curious and open to new
experiences and do things to increase their experience of positive emotions. Developing a greater level of resilience
won’t stop bad or stressful things from happening, but can reduce the level of disruption a stressor has and the time
taken to recover.
17 April 2015
Resiliency begins with how parents personally handle adversity. Parents who can handle difficult situations with
openness and grace provide their children with a role to model follow. The atmosphere within the home and the way
parents conduct their family life significantly influences their children's resiliency. The elements of resilience listed
below might be something you can use with your child to help them develop this important quality.
To overcome adversities, children, youth and adults draw from three sources of resilience.
People around me I can trust and who love me, no matter what.
People who set limits for me so I know when to stop before there is trouble.
People who show me how to do things right by the way they do things.
People who want me to learn to do things on my own.
People who help me when I am sinking, in danger or need to learn.
A person people can like and love.
Glad to do nice things for others and show my concern.
Respectful of others and myself
Willing to be responsible for what I do.
Sure things will be all right. (Optimistic)
Talk to others about things that frighten or bother me.
Find ways to solve problems that I face.
Control myself when I feel like doing something not right or dangerous.
Figure out when it is a good time to talk to someone or, take action.
Find someone to help me when I need it.
17 April 2015
On Friday 24 April we are having our annual House Cross Country event. We are incorporating our ANZAC day
ceremony to this event which will begin at 11.10am in the gym. There will be representatives from the Glen
Waverley RSL to commemorate ANZAC day 100 years (1915-2015). We will be remembering Australia’s
involvement in World War I and the women and men who have served in a war or conflict.
Event Organisation (Approximate times)
11:50am EVENT 1 Prep Fun Run
12.10pm EVENT 2 Year 1 Fun Run
12:30pm EVENT 3 Year 2 Fun Run
1.30pm EVENT 4 12/13 year old girls race
1:50pm EVENT 5 12/13 year old boys race
2.10pm EVENT 6 11 year girls race
2:30pm EVENT 7 11 year boys race
2:50pm EVENT 8 9/10 year old girls race
3.10pm EVENT 9 9/10 year old boys race
3:20pm EVENT 10 Year 3 - 6 boys & girls participation Fun Run (Teacher’s too!) (Time permitting)
3:25pm Event Conclusion
Students are to be aware of which event they are competing in. Students’ age groups are determined by their
age as of 31 December, 2015.
The 9/10 years age group will run three laps of the cross country course (approx. 1800m). The 11 year old and
12/13 year old age groups will run four laps (approx. 2400m)
Students are to bring drink bottles, hats, asthma pumps (students should run with their puffers) and most
importantly all students are asked to dress in house colours.
Parents are most welcome to come along!
Year 3 – 6 Course
Prep Course
Year 1 & 2 Course
17 April 2015
How can you help with this year’s Art Show?
The Mount View Art Show, exhibiting the work of renowned local and interstate artists will be on again in June
this year. Last year it was a huge success, both financially and as a wonderful community event. The opening
night cocktail party was a fun night for families, staff and local residents and throughout the show, the funds
raised for the school reached a record $20,000.
We ask that all Mount View families support this wonderful event by visiting the Art Show, perhaps purchasing a
lovely piece of art, but also offering your support in other ways.
You can………..
 Volunteer for larger rostered jobs e.g. Setting up and dismantling the show or manning the ticket desk
during the Art Show. Contact Sue Gadler-Hele for further information and to volunteer your time.
 Monitor the website. Contact Sue Gadler-Hele to find out what this involves.
 Offer major sponsorship of $500. Extensively promote your organisation/business. Contact Colin Dobson
for a sponsorship flyer containing detailed information
 Donate prizes or products e.g. Gift vouchers, wine
 Donate major raffle prizes e.g. Electronic items, travel or holiday packages, coffee machine
 Donate significant student friendly early bird raffle prizes e.g. iPod, camera, sporting equipment
Contact Jackie Dowling regarding raffle prizes or donations
Any donations will be acknowledged throughout the Art Show and significant prizes/donations will be classified as
major sponsorship of the 2015 Art Show. Major sponsors of the Art Show are entitled to advertising on
billboards, on MVPS Art Show facebook page, in the school newsletter and art fliers, as well as opening night
Please email one of the above people now to let us know how you would like to assist this year.
Art Show Committee
17 April 2015
An Important Message from the
Health Centre
In order for the Health Centre to provide the best care for
your child in 2015, we require current information regarding
your child’s medical conditions.
You can access all the medical forms on the school website.
Please fill in the necessary forms and drop them off to the
office or Health Centre.
Please be aware that the Department of Education requires
us to have updated Asthma action plans and Anaphylactic
action plans each year.
If you have not yet made us aware of any medical conditions
your child may have, for example: Anaphylaxis, Allergies,
Asthma please inform us as soon as possible.
Kind Regards
Carol Pickford and Alison Tong
School Nurses
Student Insurance Cover
Parents/guardians are reminded that the Department does not
provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for
students. Parents and guardians of students who do not have
student accident insurance/ambulance cover are responsible
for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students,
including the cost of ambulance attendance/transport and
any other transport costs.
Student accident insurance/ambulance cover policies are
available from some commercial insurers, and can be
obtained by parents/guardians for individual students.
If you would like further information please go to
In the lead up to Anzac Day on April 25, the JSC are selling
Anzac Day Merchandise to raise money to support the Anzac
Day appeal. JSC representatives will be coming around to
classrooms at lunch eating time this week and next week and
items will also be on sale on Thursdays and Fridays during the
first half of lunchtime. There are a range of badges, wrist bands
and bag tags ranging from $2-$10.
The JSC thanks you for your support.
17 April 2015
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) does not endorse the
products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the DEECD or
Mount View Primary School Council for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or
claims made by them.
Waverley Gymnastics Centre
Waverley’s Glen Waverley campus at Wesley College
is an outstanding venue, offering fun & challenging
gymnastics classes for primary school-aged children
of all abilities. Classes are held on Mondays,
Tuesdays and Saturdays! We also run daytime
classes at our Mt Waverley venue for 2-5 year olds.
All classes are taken by qualified and registered
coaches and are held in the Wesley College School
620 High Street Road, Glen Waverley (Melways Ref.
62 A12)
For enquiries or a trial class, please call the office on
9887-9611 or visit
John Sugden Swim School
For children aged 3-16years
Sunday Mornings: 10:00-12:30pm
Wesley College Pool
Glen Waverley
Term 2 Starts Sunday 19 April 2015
FREE Assessment
Phone/Fax 9890 5451