.c om Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:53 Page1 N°1 - MARCH 2015 © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e issn: 2058-6337 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:53 Page2 EDITORIAL MOVE IT MAGAZINE For Europe and Africa Move It magazine is dynamic, modern within the world of material handling, port handling, lifting and heavy lift in Europe and Africa. .c om Each month will inspire new markets through its columns, investigations, statistics and tender lists. ag az in e Every day on its website, Move It will keep you informed of material innovations, businesses know-how and will enlighten you on the various construction sites, projects, industries and environment of this continent, which is going to experience a growth of 6% to 13% in 2015. Perpetually on the ground, our teams of reporters and correspondents will give you valuable informations needed for your projects and your ambitions on the continent, which holds one third of the world’s mineral reserves. More than just saving of time and money, in Move It you will find all the passion of those businesses whose daily profession is exercised in the world of exceptional. We wish you a good reading. © w w w .m ov ei tm William T. Editorial team : Editor William Taraquois w.taraquois@moveitmagazine.com Tél: +44(0)7 511 813 687 Sales & customer support Roberta Simkovicova r.simkovicova@moveitmagazine.com Tél: +44(0)7 506 350 912 Production Malcolm Thomas m.thomas@moveitmagazine.com +33(0)6 70 15 22 27 Subscriptions Lara Varga l.varga@moveitmagazine.com +33(0)7 506 350 912 Europe Publisher William Taraquois w.taraquois@moveitmagazine.com Tél: +44(0)7 511 813 687 Africa publisher Malcolm Thomas m.thomas@moveitmagazine.com +33(0)6 70 15 22 27 Move it magazine is published by MOHO agency ltd Office 9, 70, Upper Richmond road, SW15 2RP London U.K. Tél: +44(0) 208 871 3616 Fax: +44(0) 208 871 4208 e-mail: info@mohoagency.co.uk ISSN Number:ISSN 2058-6337 Printed in Europe 2 PAGE www.moveitmagazine.com C Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:53 Page3 MOVE IT MAGAZINE CONTENTS ag az in e IN BRIEF .c om N°1 - MARS 2015 P06: The Move it News in brief INTERVIEW P10: Terex port solutions Exclusive Interview with Mr. Steve Filipov(C.E.O.) P14: Ilogs P.06 P.08 ei ARTICLE tm Exclusive Interview with Mr. Alain Okoï (Director-General) P.10 ov P20: Gaussin Manugistique Driverless vehicles to make port handling safer w .m P22: Re-move The four musketeers of heavy lifting P.14 P24: Liebherr Record year for Liebherr mobile harbour cranes P26: Kalmar Kalmar extends Gloria reachstacker family P.32 w w P30: Algeria - El Amana Specialises in energy P32: Morocco - AGTT One of the oldest freight forwarders in Morocco P.34 © P34: Egypt - Etal Major player in the heavy transport industry in Egypt P38: Iraq - Goldhofer 1150Kms on 20 lines in Iraq P40: Haropa Exceptional transport on the Seine P42: Konecranes 15 new RGT cranes for Bollore Africa Logistics P.38 P.40 www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 3 © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:53 Page4 4 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:53 Page5 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:54 Page6 NEWS IN BRIEF Copyright: Panalpina Photo: Nadine Vos International freight forwarding and logistics company, Panalpina has expanded its global presence with the opening of two new offices in Morocco and Kenya. The Casablanca and Nairobi bases became fully operational in January and their main aim is to support Panalpina’s growth in the energy and infrastructure sectors. “Expanding our global presence is part of Panalpina’s overall strategy, especially in growth economies such as Morocco and Kenya”, commented Peter Triebel, Panalpina’s regional CEO for the Middle East, Africa and CIS. Morocco offers several business opportunities in key industries such as energy, automotive, aerospace and healthcare. The country has many onshore wind farms and has become a leader in the region’s wind power generation with investments in solar power technology as well as constructing,expanding and modernising hydro and coal fired power plants. “Morocco has great business potential, in future the country will serve as a gateway to Mauretania on the West African coast, and the inland African countries of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger,” explains Maxime van Geenberghe, Panalpina’s managing director in Morocco. tm ag az in e With a length of 382 meters and a width of 124 meters, the world’s biggest ship has arrived in Rotterdam on Thursday 8th January at 2 pm. The Pieter Schelte, designed and developed by the Dutsch-Swiss offshore company Allseas, will spend the next four months in Rotterdam undergoing final assembly in the lake of Maasvlakte 2. Including a work where 65 meter long support beams will be fitted to the ship, the total construction of the vessel is estimated at €700 million involving 440 different Dutsch companies. The Maasvlakte provides possibilities on existing sides, developing sides and the plots of water on Maasvlakte 2 can also have a good use for the offshore industry. Potential markets are the dismantling of oil and gas platforms, facilitating the construction of wind farms, mobilisation and demobilisation projects and the establishment of large-scale manufacturing and assembly industry. Gamesa Eolica settles down in port of Bilbao .c om Panalpina expands its presence in Africa The World’s biggest ship has arrived in Rotterdam Damietta Port Authority received the largest ship in the port history w .m ov ei The Bilbao Port Authority has granted Gamesa Eolica, S.L., a global technological leader with 20 years experience in the wind industry, to occupy a plot of land on Dock A-3 in the port of Bilbao. Extension will involve the installation of a logistics centre for loading, discharge and stocking of large goods such as auxiliary structures and main components for the wind power industry. By setting up in the Port of Bilbao, the company will take advantage of the dock supposes, which will enable them to improve logistics and increase market. Annual traffic of wind power components is estimated to be between 500,000 and 600,000 cubic meters, which is equivalent to the berthing of 45 new vessels. w Bolloré Africa Logistics invests in the growth of Benin © w Vincent Bolloré along with Thomas Boni Yayi, President of the Republic of Benin, and Brigi Rafini, Prime minister of Niger inaugurated the Benin Terminal extension project and the two new ship-to-shore gantry cranes recently delivered to the container terminal. The project covering 20 hectares should lead to increase the operational capacities of Benin Terminal, support and speed up the growth of Benin and the region, particularly the neighbouring country of Niger. Work will start as soon as the 20 hectare site has been formally accepted and will last several months. The global investment into this project, including infrastructures and equipment, amounts around 34 billion CFA francs (52 million euros). 6 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com Damietta Port received the l argest ship draft ever since the port inauguration in 1986. The 14 meters draft vessel CMA CGM RACINE arrived to the port on the first day of the year. The 300 meters long and 40 meters wide Maltese vessel with a maximum tonnage of 12,000 TEUs, 800 TEUs were offloaded at Damietta port, was called from Malaysia and is heading to Izmir, Turkey. Efforts were also made by DPA to reach the design depth of 15 meters to be able to accommo- date the largest generation of vessels efficiently, safely and on time. Damietta, one of the oldest ports in Egypt completed the year 2014 with a total of 2366 vessels, 29 262 102 tons of overall throughput, 5 260 594 of general cargo, 14 521 154 tons of total bulk, 9 480 354 tons of containerised commodities and handled 707 342 TEUs. Damietta port with a overall length of berths 5300 meters currently employs 2170 people. Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:54 Page7 NEWS IN BRIEF The National Ports Agency of Morroco continues to support development of the national ports Marseille Fos sets out a vision for growth in a multi-million strategic plan tm Ipsen Logistics Belgium: New Project in Algeria .c om ( MAD 820 million) and the construction of a building for the port community (170 million MAD).This investment effort also covers the construction of an LPG station at the port of Mohammedia (MAD 350 million), the implementation of connection works of the maritime component of the road to connect the port of Cassblanca (MAD 150 million) and the reinforcement of the port’s breakwaters (240 million MAD). The CMA CGM Group has signed a memorandum of agreements with the integrated logistics group Multiparques for the operation of Lobito container terminal and the development of new logistics platforms in Angola. “Lobito is Angola’s second port, and its location and train transportation connections make it a strategic entry point in West Africa. This not only allows Benguela and Huambo - two major Angola cities - service, but also thanks to the new railroad renovation, to link the city to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia Copperbelt mining region to the sea. Those different elements promise the Port of Lobito to a great intermodal future.” says CMA CGM Group Logistics and Reefer Senior Vice President. The new terminal shall be operational during 2015. ag az in e The National Ports Agency’s Board of Directors confirmed continuing the Agency’s investment policies for strengthening and modernising of the port services. Investments totalling MAD 2.5 billion will be mobilised in 2015, on a total budget of $ 6 billion for the 2015-2019 period. The investment program matches with the National Ports Strategy recommendations for 2030 and it includes the last two phases of the Wessal Casablanca project, the development of the new shipyard CMA CGM and Multiparques join together for new logistics solutions development in Angola w .m ov ei Ipsen Logistics Belgium have been appointed by the Belgian contractor International Montage Maintenance as their logistics partner for their project with Sonelgaz in Algeria. The project involves construction of nine power stations with a total capacity of 65 MW along an axis Bechar-Tindouf in the South-West and in the area of Tamanrasset deep in the South of the country. Ipsen Logistics Algeria will also closely cooperate in its realization. The cargo will be shipped in 21 lots of 55 Mtons plus containers each. The first shipment already left the port of Antwerp and arrived in Mostaganem before Christmas. © w w NAVILAND CARGO strengthening its links with HAROPA - Port of Le Havre As of 1 January 2015, the rail operator NAVILAND CARGO upgraded its transportation plan : strengthens its offer Le Havre - Strasbourg, which increases from 3 to 5 weekly services, open to the flow of dry and ISO tank containers. The Marseille Fos port authority has set out a vision for growth over the four years to 2018 in a strategic plan. The developments costing 360 million € should offer clients a dynamic Euro-Mediterranean logistics and industrial cluster. A key aim is to position the port as a viable European Gateway alternative to ports in the northern range.Investments will also focus on container activities in both Marseille and Fos harbour areas; cruise operations, cruiseship repair and ro-ro services at Marseille; diverse traffic-building activities in Fos ranging from LNG and dry bulk trades to further industrial implants. The strategic plan is designed to preserve traditional activities including the oil and petrochemical sectors in Fos and national/international ro-pax services based in Marseille. Among projects earmarked at Fos, the land between the two Fos 2XL container terminals will be developed in response to customer demand to create a sole-use quay. When necessary, dredging to 16 meters will accommodate 16,000 teu ships and allow the terminals to continue handling the largest container carriers in service. NEW SOUTH DOCK ON THE PORT OF COTONOU Realisation of a joint dam at the port of Al Hoceima (MOROCCO). Dumez Morocco (a subsidiary of Sogea-Satom) has been awarded the realisation of the new area of the yachting port of Al Hoceima on the north-eastern coast. www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 7 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:54 Page8 NEWS IN BRIEF Sixty MAN long-haul trucks join a fleet in South Africa Successful use of the Scheurle-Nicolas Superflex in Turkey .c om Nicolas Occis named Executive Director of Haropa - Port of Rouen Nicolas Occis, a Chief Civil and Forestry Engineer, has been appointed Executive Director of Haropa - Port of Rouen. He succeeds Philippe Deiss who was named Managing Director of ‘Ports Normands Associés’, last November. Engineer, Nicolas Occis, previously served as a deputy sub-director within the Ministry of Ecology, sustainable Development and Energy, also takes the presidency of the Haropa EIG for the year 2015. The port of Nantes-Saint-Nazaire provides 37 million euros of investment in 2015 ov ei tm The Scheurle-Nicolas Superflex trailer was used to move several tram vehicles from China to Samsun in Turkey. The operation involved air, land and sea transportation. Due to certain problems in using the sea route, the first streetcars arrived in Samsun on a Antonov AN-225 and were then subsequently transported by ship. Caba Transport utilised the eight-axle Scheurle-Nicolas Superflex to move the 35 t tram from the port and airport to the tram depot. The Scheurle-Nicolas Superflex is not only ideally suited for the transport of rail vehicles but it can also accommodate numerous other loads and as a result the expensive downtimes can be avoided or minimised, explained the TII Group. Total announced that it has completed the flare-out of the Ofon field on Oil Mining Lease (OML) 102 offshore Nigeria. The oil & gas major, based in France, explained that the gas is now being compressed, evacuated to shore and monetised via Nigeria LNG. The field is located 65 kilometres from Nigerian shores in water depths of 40 meters and is currently producing about 25,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d). Total E&P Nigeria operates OML 102 with a 40% interest, alongside the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation. ag az in e Man has supplied 60 new trucks to the Imperial Cargo logistics expert, based in South Africa and Namibia. These sixty MAN TGS 26.440 semitrailer tractors, intended for long-haul transport, will clock up a monthly average of 16,000 km and approximately 200,000 km per year and will replace the 44 current MAN TGS 26.440. “The MAN TGS 26.440s in our long-hault fleet offer outstanding fuel consumption - ten percent less than other models in the fleet.” commented Christo Theron, Managing Director of the Imperial Cargo Group. Total completes flare out at Ofon offshore Nigeria w .m Four new Liebherr mobile harbour cranes for Katoen Natie © w w Katoen Natie N.V. has increased its lifting capacity at the port of Antwerp by investing in three new Liebherr mobile harbour cranes, one LHM 550 and two LHM 600s. The first LHM 600 model was delivered in November 2014 and the second became operational just one month later. Thanks to the installation of Sycratronic the LHM 600 can carry out tandem lifts up to 416 tonnes. The Belgium based company has also invested in a new LHM 550 equipped with Pactronic hybrid power booster. This hydraulic hybrid drive for 8 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com cranes allows for a plus of 30% regarding turnover capacity and also leads to a reduction of fuel consumption. This model started operation in summer 2014. In addition to this investment, Katoen Natie has also opted for another mobile harbour crane, type LHM 420, for their facilities in Radicatel, France. The LHM 420 is the latest model, providing an outreach of 48 metres and a maximum lifting capacity of 124 tonnes. Nantes-Saint-Nazaire Port is planning to invest nearly 37 million euros in 2015, in the adaptation of infrastructure and modernisation of its heritage. The plan includes the construction of a new ro-ro berth (which will be put into operation in late 2015) and the start of the expansion of general cargo and container terminal this summer. Moreover, the preparatory work for the development of a logistics hub for the construction of offshore farms will begin next March, the hub is expected to be delivered by the end of 2016. Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:54 Page9 NEWS IN BRIEF Palfinger Marine reinforces in offshore equipment Palazzani supplies spiders to Egypt CMA CGM opens a new branch in Constantine (Algeria) .c om Egas and Trafigura sign contract to supply LNG shipments According to the Ministry of Petroleum of Egypt, the Egyptian Gas Holding Company Egas and the company Trafigura, working in the field of petroleum products trading and natural gas shipments, signed a contract for the supply of 33 shipments of liquefied natural gas to fulfill the requirements of the Electricity Sector during the period 2015 - 2016. Eng. Khalid Abdel Badea, Egas Chairman, said that the oncoming period will also witness signing of the rest of the LNG shipments contracts with the awarded companies in the tender, which include the supply of 75 shipments, won by 4 International companies. tm CMA CGM has opened a new office in Constantine, located in the industrial area of Rhumel. Palfinger Marine has completed the acquisition of the Norwegian Deck Machinery AS. The Os-based company, with a prominent market position, develops and manufacturers special winches as well as lifting and handling equipment for offshore vessels, offshore service vessels and oil and gas rigs. The distinctive feature of the systems developed by NDM is the automatic compensation of wave movements, allowing for a safer and more efficient handling of loads. By integrating NDM’s product range, Palfinger Marine takes a big step forward in becoming the leading supplier for dock equipment. The product range now includes offshore and marine cranes, launch and recovery systems, boats and deck winches. ag az in e Palazzani has recently supplied two Ragno TSJ 30.1/R Hybrid version to their Egyptian dealer. The first ragno was delivered to Cairo International Airport, one of the most congested airport of Africa, where the expansion plan has been ongoing for several months. The second hybrid was used for the maintenance of the headquarter building of DAR Handash. The Ragno TSJ 30.1/R hybrid aerial platform is able to reach big heights and has compact dimensions. This platform, with its hybrid motor, can work in open spaces with diesel engine as well as in close spaces with electric motor, in total autonomy, with electric motor or battery. ei Port of Amsterdam has been contracted to help revitalise the Port in Benin © w w w .m ov Port of Amsterdam International (PoAI) has been contracted by the Netherlands Embassy in Benin to help revitalise the Port of Cotonou in West Africa. The main objective of the project is to deliver a master plan and an implementation plan to renovate and restructure the port. PoAI will assist the Netherlands Embassy in developing a strategic master plan in conduction with an action plan and technical specifications for the port’s renovation and restructuring operation.PoAI will be sharing its expertise and assist with the organisational and technical structuring, monitoring, quality control and support on onsite, in which it will be working closely with its Dutch network and other international partners. Port of Cotonou, the major West African port, is most likely to develop into a regional hub. Transhipment currently exceeds six million tonnes annually, with the port looking to raise volumes to twenty million tonnes. The Port of Benin also supports neighbouring countries, including Nigeria and is the closest port for countries such as Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. The port currently accounts for 60% of GDP to the Benin economy. Petrofac signs two strategic contract agreements with Algerian Sonatrach Petrofac, the international oil & gas service provider, has signed two contracts with Algerian state-owned Sonatrach. Under the first contract, Petrofac will be providing a range of multi-discipline engineering design and procurement services in support of Sonatrach’s upstream hydrocarbon development programme within the procedures that govern the tendering process. This contract covers a five year period and involves the support of around 100 personnel throughout its duration. Under the terms of the second agreement, Petrofac has signed a Memorandum of Un- derstanding with Sonatrach, committing both parties to establish an Algerian Joint Venture to undertake engineering and project execution of selected upstream and downstream developments. The Joint Venture will be finalised by mid-2015 with first project activity in Q4 2015. www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 9 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:54 Page10 © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om INTERVIEW 10 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:54 Page11 INTERVIEW “ You will see us developing more infrastructure in Africa as this business grows, and we will need to increase our investments in Services to deliver the best parts and service support to our local customers.” © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om Steve Filipov is concentrating his effort on innovation www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 11 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 09/03/2015 10:34 Page12 .c om INTERVIEW Moveit Magazine: What does Terex MHPS (Material Handling & Port Solutions) represent today to Terex within the group? Steve Filipov: We will finish 2014 with $1.8B in revenues and $58MM in Operating profit, this is a $54MM improvement in profitability over 2013 and something we are very proud of at MHPS. It is about a 50/50 split between MH and PS. For 2015, I see the market as being fairly flat. We have some good perspectives in Asia, Africa, North America, and the India, however markets like Brazil, Russia, Middle East, and Australia are all looking to be difficult to predict in the next 12-18 months. Our automation outlook is positive, but difficult to predict when they will open for tender, given the large investment and process it takes to design these greenfield projects, but there are a few on the horizon. We will be focused on delivering on our strategy and getting closer to our customers in 2015. I plan to spend a significant amount of my time visiting some of our major customers. tm ness is quite a bit different. We have the largest product portfolio in the business available to port operators. We have brought together the Port Solutions business throughout several acquisitions. In 1995 we purchased PPM reach stackers, in 2009 the Fantuzzi Group and in 2012 Gottwald Port Technology with its harbour cranes and automated equipment businesses through the acquisition of Demag Cranes AG. TPS products are manufactured under the brand names Terex® and Terex® Gottwald in Germany, France, Italy and China. © w w w .m ov Steve Filipov: When I took over PS in 2013, it was a house on fire. The bad news was that the team was not working together, we had our own products competing against each other, we had not brought out any new products, and our financial performance was terrible. In the first quarter of 2013 we reported an operating loss of $29MM, and we quickly assembled a core team to start to restructure several of our businesses, simplify our operating structure, and in the second quarter we had an operating loss of $5MM, so we started to stop the bleeding, but much more had to be done. Over the course of 2013 we initiated a major restructuring, we had to exit some non-profitable products, changed some of our management team, and by the end of 2013 we had almost returned to profitability. The good news was that we did have some good products in our portfolio, like the Mobile Harbor Cranes, our Straddle Carriers, our Reachstackers, and our automation business. These businesses helped us make up some of the gap in 2013, and are one of the pillars of our strategy for the long term.In 2014, we started to lay out a longer term strategy to become the most customer responsive Port Solutions provider in the industry. This strategy is based on 3 pillars, Improve our Core Products, Improve our Service and Maintenance, Be the leader in Automation. So where are we? We are starting to deliver on our mission to improve our Core Products. We introduced a new smaller mobile harbor crane for river ports which is produced in our China facility, we are also launching the new Terex® Liftace reach stacker and the new Terex® Stackace empty container handler. On the automation side, we are delivering the 3 largest automation projects in the world, and in 2014 we will have delivered over $250MM of complete automated solutions. We are continuing to invest in this technology and are the market leader in this area. We finished 2014 with an 20% increase in revenues to over $800MM and went from an operating loss to an operating profit of $30MM – a great turnaround story and this puts us on our pathway to prosperity. ei Moveit Magazine: Steve Filipov, you are the new manager of Port Solutions (PS) business at Terex for over two years now, what are your main goals on this market? ag az in e Steve Filipov, at the head of the Terex Port solutions division for more than two years. Based in the US, he travels the world and knows very well all the group's activities. He wants to make of this industry the undisputed global port solution. Interview with the man who steers the boat in the right direction. 12 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com Steve Filipov: Today MHPS represents around 25% of Terex Corporation’s $7.3 billion in revenue (MHPS was $7 billion in 2013), the second largest segment after AWP, and over 8,000 team members globally. Just over 35% of our revenues are in Europe, over 10% in Southeast Asia, 15% in Latin America and only 15% in North America. The Material Handling (MH) business is our Demag overhead crane product portfolio, where we are the market leader in most European markets and we produce these products in over 30 different countries. Our largest facilities are in Germany, near Düsseldorf, but our manufacturing strategy is to produce our products close to our customers, so we have over 30 facilities globally. The Port Solutions busi- Moveit Magazine: Terex MHPS achieved a turnover of $1.8B in 2014. How do you explain this? What are your expectations for 2015? Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:54 Page13 INTERVIEW Steve Filipov: Over the past 10 years, I have seen stackers grow, and I have seen them crash. I feel like the business can continue to grow for the next few years, and we need to go out and get some more business – this is what we are focused on today. MLM does not have a capacity problem and we continue to look at ways to improve our efficiency, which is why we are converting some of the capacity from our Italian Port Solutions facility to produce spreaders for MLM and insource production from outside suppliers. ov ei tm Moveit Magazine: What does the French market represent to Terex MHPS? Steve Filipov: We have two facilities in France, one for MH, the other for PS. Both are very different. Our MH or Demag cranes business is a good business for us, and we sell locally in France directly to our end users. Our PS business in MLM is a good business, but most of our stacker production gets exported globally. We have a good market position globally on stackers and we want to continue to develop this business, and the local teams. .c om Steve Filipov: Africa is a market where we are present today, customers like Bolloré and Transnet (South Africa), Sea invest, Francetruck and many others, have helped us become more and more present in this growing economy. We have a large facility in South Africa, where we produce products for both the MH and PS businesses locally, and this is a part of our strategy to be more customer responsive. You will see us developing more infrastructure in Africa as this business grows, and we will need to increase our investments in Services to deliver the best parts and service support to our local customers. Moveit Magazine: The stackers are made in Montceau. What is the capacity of the plant? Do you intend to change the product line? ag az in e Moveit Magazine: African ports develop and equip themselves more and more (often for European companies like Bolloré). Is this a new field for the future development of Terex? w .m Moveit Magazine: You are also in charge of the emerging markets. What do they represent for Terex today ? What do you expect from these countries in terms of materials? © w w Steve Filipov: Close to 30% of Terex’ revenues are now coming from developing markets, only a few years ago this number was closer to 10%, and they continue to grow. The only exception has been India, where 2013 was a difficult year, and now with all the issues happening in Ukraine, I think Russia and the CIS will be difficult to predict over the next few months. Whether you are in a developed or in a developing market, our customers want a quality product delivered on time, all the time, a brand they can trust, and the best service and support to maximize uptime and efficiency. That is what we are all about. www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 13 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:54 Page14 INTERVIEW ILOGS Anticipates .c om M. Alain Okoï Interview © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e Director-general 14 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:54 Page15 © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om INTERVIEW Ilogs anticipates the oil markets in Congo and will invest 20 million of dollars in the next 2 years. Alain Okoi, CEO of the company Ilogs, has entrusted our reporter and told us about the strategy and ambitions of the group. www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 15 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:54 Page16 INTERVIEW M. Alain Okoï Interview .c om (Director-general) © w w w .m tm ov Mr. Alain Okoi: ILOGS is a subsidiary of the oil company SNPC (Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo), our national hydrocarbon company. The composition of its shareholders is as follows: SNPC 80%, PAPN 20%. ILOGS provides an integrated offer of logistic services in the Oil & Gas sector. The main activities of the CSP ILOGS are : Port activities on a dedicated dock located in a protected area. Ship and barge docking, loading and unloading of heavy lifts with specialised gears in lifting and handling, with capacities up to 450 tonnes. Stocking and rangement activities on yard along with an area of 40 hectares, also with warehouses, hangars and offices. Chemical products (oil sludge) and transport activities including the convoys type rig move full assistance to ships. We have our own park of about hundred gear units : cranes, forklift trucks, tractor trucks, trailers and extendable trailers, tank trailers, platforms and more. The oil industry in our country is in dire need of equipment; this is why we import equipment into the country to be used on both on-shore and off-shore platforms. Today we have nearly 300 employees in ILOGS among which 180 are on permanent contract on the 1000 jobs within the group SNPC. vision of a port terminal dedicated to an Oil services hub was declined by the President of Congo, Denis Sassou Nguesso in 1999. The two largest producers of oil in Congo are Total EP Congo and ENI. Together, these two majors announce quite regularly important discoveries, particularly in offshore for the last twenty years. ILOGS is of course interested in their development phase. Alongside these groups (usually with significant logistics) there are other oil companies, mediumsized oil groups, who need a dedicated space and who would be interested by our services for both their existing activities and new projects. these operators can come and install their operational base in CSP ILOGS. Our ambition is to serve the oil companies and the development of their projects at the regional level of the Gulf of Guinea and the Congo Basin (coast and inland). It is clear that development of our oil activities depends on the development of new products. As more oil wells and fields are discovered, more activities will be developed. This is why we are working in partnership with these oil groups on development projects. Once these projects mature, there will naturally be a phase when we will receive equipment, heavy goods and special deliveries of enormous size. These will have to be delivered regularly and at a high tempo, with tight deadlines to meet. ILOGS could of course work in partnership with experts in the oil and gas logistics internationally. This is where we’ll be able to offer the solutions which our clients need! ei Move It Magazine: Can you talk to us about Ilogs? What do you do? ag az in e The Congolese company Ilogs, a specialist in oil-industry services, has just signed a partnership contract with the French Group Altead. This company, based in the independent port of Pointe-Noire, plans to invest in goods handling material over the next two years in order to help them expand. We spoke to Alain Okoi, the managing director of Ilogs, about Ilogs development prospects, and those in general for the Congo port sector. Move It Magazine: What are your prospects for development? Mr. Okoi: These are connected to the development of the oil sector as a whole in our country. This is a strategic sector for our country. Moreover, the initial 16 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com Move It Magazine: What are the main difficulties you are confronted with? Mr. Okoi: ILOGS must be able to respond with the highest professionalism and securely to the expectations of a demanding clientele.We still have to improve, particularly in the maintenance. That it is what we are doing, including plans for training and targeted technical assistance. Furthermore, we are on a continuous activity, the strong growth over the several year has welcomed us, but this can change quickly as indicated trends in the oil markets. For example, if there are no more oil discoveries, then we will undergo a period of stagnation and a drop in activity. A downturn could also lead to projects being abandoned, which could then cause a brutal drop in activity for the oil services centre. This is why it is in our best interest to diversify our site as much as possible. Move It Magazine: So where would you like to diversify? Mr. Okoi: We want to go to the oil & gas logistics, which is our starting activity to a general logistics in the direction of mining by local approach, and the entire industrial sector, including reliance on special economic zones creation. Interurban transport is also a major focus. Move It Magazine: This is the objective for your partnership with the French company Altead? Mr. Okoi: Altead provides expertise in the fields where they have already been active for a long time, and possess skills and techniques which we need. Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:54 Page17 INTERVIEW ag az in e .c om Ilogs provides our client base and our local presence in the Congo and throughout the region. We’ve estimated that from the Oil Services Centre in Pointe-Noire, our operators can work within a radius of around 500km,this region of oil production prospects very favorable for the coming years. We will contribute our local presence and understanding of the local environment, and Altead will contribute their extensive expertise in their fields, especially transport and exceptional convoys, or in certain areas of purely industrial logistics, or even industrial support. From a strategic point of view, we complement each other perfectly. For example our last rig move of KUNDJI in Brazzaville benefited from the technical assistance of ALTEAD. ei w .m ov Mr. Okoi: Yes. Altead invited Ilogs to come and join them on their stand and take part in the trade show. For us, this was an excellent opportunity which enabled us to talk to the manufacturers who we already know, as they are already on our site with our machines and vehicles. I’d also like to take advantage of the situation by congratulating Madame Taraquois, the trade show’s president, for this wonderful event. For me, it was a resounding success. It was a great opportunity for us to attend, and we were able to come with quite a large delegation including the president of our administration council’s, our technical and sales teams, and a team of exhibitors which included sales staff. tm Move It Magazine: Is this why you came to the JDLMED trade show in Marseille last October? © w w Move It Magazine: You were on the lookout for material and equipment when you came to the trade show. However, many European manufacturers wanted to meet with you because their future markets will open up in Africa. What sort of relationship do you have with these equipment manufacturers, and how do you intend to round out your fleet of vehicles and equipment? Mr. Okoi: When we came to this trade show, we wanted to see who could best help us satisfy our clients and meet their demands. One of the key areas of our logistics services is the ability to offer an extremely high-quality fleet of vehicles which meet the needs of our industrial clients. www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 17 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:54 Page18 INTERVIEW w .m w w © 18 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com Move It Magazine: In particular, what are your projects for the Ilogs docks? Mr. Okoi: In terms of expansion, our docks will grow from 200 to 400 metres long. We will develop new operations in this new space. To handle these operations, we will of course need additional vehicles and equipment because our current fleet is only suitable for a certain level of activity on any given surface area. Now that we’re doubling the surface area and our demand is increasing, we will have to also increase the number of vehicles we can offer. This will mean expanding our fleet. ei tm ag az in e Mr. Okoi: The Port of Pointe Noire, deep water harbour, has set up a container terminal with a current volume of more than 600.00 TEVP, and also sees its capacity and volume of activity increasing from year to year. The experts are already situated at Dakar. Between the years 2015-2016, we will provide the overall improve and meet the needs of Congo, but not only : also all regions of Central Africa and the western coast of Africa (Gulf of guinea in Morocco). More particularly the Port of PointeNoire will be useful for a service area from southeast Nigeria to Cameroon, Gabon, Congo (of course), Angola and the DRC. It will serve this entire Atlantic coastline and elsewhere up the river Congo all the way to the CAR. These are the major geographical areas for development, and they’ll all work through Pointe-Noire and its autonomous port, and through Ilogs for their Oil & Gas needs. This positive outlook will enable us to meet the demand coming primarily from the oil and gas sector, but also from the mining industry (viable mines, which we are seeing more and more of in Congo) and other industries such as brewing, cement production, construction of economic zones and more. Logistics services for industrial clients are strong and prospects are favourable, with these services working alongside the range of current industrialization projects. .c om Move It Magazine: Can you tell us about the expansion projects for the Autonomous Port of the Pointe-Noire? ov We already knew some of the manufacturers at the trade show because we’ve got some of their machines on our site: 55-450 tonne cranes, 3-20 tonne forklift trucks, trucks, heavy goods semi-trailers, extendable trailers up to 25m long. We already work with some of the manufacturers who were at the JDLMED trade fair, such as Liebherr, who provided us with several wheeled and caterpillar-track port cranes, and with whom we have a number of pending contracts. We’ve also got machines from Terex, Manitowoc Grove, a Chinese manufacturer called XCMG and others. However, we now have an investment program, especially in terms of our fleet. We’re planning to renew or increase the number of operational vehicles we have on site. We also came over to show off our team, Ilogs, and our parent company SNPC, and also the autonomous port of Pointe-Noire, which is currently undergoing significant development with the support of a number of major financial partners such as the Agence Française de Développement or the European Investment Bank. A whole range of construction and development programmes are going to change the face of Congo’s port industry over the next few years. These changes have already started in terms of our infrastructure. In the near future, we’ll see the changes in our logistics and transport operations. Move It Magazine: In 2013-2014, what was your budget, especially your investment budget? What will it be in 2015? Mr. Okoi: In terms of our turnover, in 2014 we posted a profit margin of 15 billion CFA francs, which is equivalent to 22 million euros. On the investment program in the future infrastructure, we are on global projects of approximately 60 to 80 million dollar. We are also going to invest 20 million dollars in other activities, such as investments in our vehicles. These investments will be spread out over the next two years. © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page19 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page20 .c om MATERIAL ag az in e driverless vehicles to make port handling safer © w w w .m ov ei tm The French company Gaussin Manugistique has been specialized in transport equipment and port-side handling since the 1970’s. They recently unveiled a joint venture with BA Systèmes at the JDLMed trade show in Marseille, with the aim of providing a comprehensive range of driverless vehicles and connected navigation systems. 20 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page21 MATERIAL ag az in e .c om I M. Christophe Gaussin (Chairman and Managing Director) Driverless vehicles: Both companies are pouring their individual expertise into this joint venture. For Gaussin, this means physical equipment with their ATT vehicles and for BA Systèmes, their freight management software and the interfaces between the client, the cranes and the vehicles. Gaussin’s AIV vehicles are driverless, with a lightened chassis weighing 18 tonnes. This enables them to reduce their energy consumption considerably, obtain a very tight turning circle, line up alongside an object with a precision of ±1cm (using their axles and electronic guidance correction system), attain a speed of 40km/h with empty containers and also boast four wheel drive. These vehicles are available as Full Elec, Hybrid, Gas and Diesel. “For the electric range, the batteries let you use them with no maintenance required. Several of this type of vehicle are currently being tested at the port in Tangiers. We are associating this fully automated vehicle with BA Systèmes’ software for all of the software requirements. In this way, the client has a single point of contact for all of their issues,” highlights Christophe Gaussin. BA Systèmes offers several different software packages: “Orchestra Simulation” lets you simulate the routes that the ATT vehicles will have to take in the port terminal while interacting with the various equipment in the port, for example the cranes installed on site. The “Fleet Management Systems” lets you manage the vehicle fleets on site by choosing, for example, the closest one to take the container. Finally, “Navigation Systems” is an automated navigation system, which combines different types of sensors to acquire the information required for successful navigation. © w w w .m ov ei tm t was during the JDLMed trade show in Marseille, the event which attracts lifting, handling and port-side handling professionals from all over, that Gaussin Manugistique and BA Systèmes unveiled their joint venture, named Gaussin BA Systèmes. This was created in order to provide a comprehensive range of driverless vehicles and navigation systems to enable port terminal operators to automate their logistics systems. “Our company has been operating since 1880 and we’ve been working in the port sector since the 1970’s,” explains Christophe Gaussin, the president of Gaussin Manugistique. We’ve produced more than 50,000 MTO (Made to Order) vehicles; vehicles which are specially designed for the energy, nuclear and off-shore sector to transport heavy goods. The port sector is particularly attractive to us. We are a small to medium sized company, and we have invested almost 50 million euros in a new development program in order to provide a better service for port terminals. Innovation is in all of our DNA, and is a trait we share with BA Systèmes. Our goal is to succeed in accelerating movement on the ground and achieve the same productivity as a dock crane. This will help ships leave the docks much faster. The solution we came up with was fully automated port trucks. This also helps improve safety.” On the other side of the partnership is BA Systèmes, a small to medium sized company based in Rennes. They are the French number one for automatic storage using automatic forklift trucks, with more than 250 fully automated sites and experience with thousands of automatic vehicles in Europe. “Today, automation in ports represents an emerging market, with very encouraging commercial prospects. We are currently bidding for contracts to provide a total of 620 driverless vehicles. According to our estimates, the AIV driverless vehicle market for the port sector will require 5,600 units for the next ten years in the hundred largest ports around the world,” states Christophe Gaussin. And let’s not forget the opportunities for the Gaussin Group’s MTO activities: 600 million containers are currently handled in the 100 largest ports around the world, increasing to a billion in 4 to 5 years’ time… www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 21 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page22 .c om REPORT ag az in e the four musketeers The company Re-Move was founded by one of the well known names in the world of lifting Jan Van Seumeren Jr and three experts in lifting and heavy transport. This team of heavy lift specialists offers numerous services, from the rental of heavy equipment (without operator) to the marketing of specific materials. tm T w w w .m ov ei he four leaders of the Dutch company Re-Move totals more than 65 years experience in heavy lifting and transport. Composed of former executives or employees of Mammoet, Jan Van Seumeren Jr its founder and CEO. Bert Timmer, John Casteleijn and Peter Good complement the management team that perfectly knows this sector of activity related to the both, exceptional lifting, handling and transportation. Re-Move offers a wide variety of services, entirely specialising in heavy lift. The company can sell or rent cranes, among them the most powerful but still without operator. It can also provide them with several leasing opportunities. This is a new concept that Jan Van Seumeren explains : “ we see how it is difficult for many companies to invest in such an important capital as cranes whatever capacity. With our rental concept worldwide, we can offer greater flexibility and without tying up capital of our clients. We can provide equipment for all types of major operations by renting, with leasing, or selling.” © Capacity provider Re-Move, which is therefore defined as a “capacity provider” to the lifting companies and transporters around the world, offers an “interface” between the crane owners, manufacturers, financiers, with a high specialisation particularly in lifting equipments and heavy transport : mobile cranes from 40 to 1200 tons, crawler cranes from 80 to 3000 tons, modular and self-propelled trailers, trucks 8x8, 8X4, 6X6 up to 1000 tons GVW 22 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com ag az in e of heavy lifting .c om REPORT w w w .m ov ei tm Jan Van Seumeren Jr. - (CEO) © s Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page23 The company has received equipment such as LR 1750,a CC2500, the SPMT, the 8X4 MAN TGX 680 trucks, etc. So the main goal is to facilitate efforts to find and make available the material needed for a project realization. And thus allow companies that would not necessarily afford to invest in the acquisition of a high-capacity equipment to meet the needs of its clients.“You have the crane operator, we will find the crane ! “ further explains Jan Van Seumeren Jr. Re-Move can also provide related services such as transportation, technical inspections, commissioning, repair and maintenance, insurance, mobilisation/demobilization of equipment … The team may also evaluate material prior to sale. Present in the world, Re-Move is primarily intended for the needs of the oil & gas industry. The company is now interested in French speaking African countries. A new website for that area will be launched later this year. C4C, for the sale of cranes To support this activity, Re-Move has developed the website C4C (Cranes4Cranes), dedicated to the sale and purchase of used cranes. “We negotiate the best selling price of the material owners with a commission of just 2.5%. Our market knowledge enables us to reach nearly 15,000 clients. We ship all over the world, whether they are cranes, trucks or trailers”, says John Casteleijn, Re-Move. www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 23 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page24 MATERIAL ag az in e .c om Record year for Liebherr mobile harbour cranes tm With 112 units supplied across the globe in 2014, Liebherr Maritime Cranes tops the old record from 2008 by nearly 10% and realizes its best year ever! ei L w .m ov iebherr Maritime Cranes set a new record for mobile harbour cranes in terms of annual deliveries, exactly 40 years after delivering the first of its kind. With 112 units supplied across the globe in 2014, Liebherr Maritime Cranes has toped the old record when 102 units were delivered in 2008. w w “For a fantastic year like 2014 several factors have to come together. We started with a record order backlog into the year. Throughout the year demand for our state-of-the-art cargo handling solution was very stable on a high level. Moreover, large orders helped to significantly increase the population of Liebherr mobile harbour cranes. Finally, we broke the existing record by nearly 10%, which is amazing considering the economic environment,” said Mathias Mungenast, Sales Director for Liebherr mobile harbour cranes. © One highlight in 2014 was the major order from Algeria. Africa. A purchasing association of Algerian port operators opted for 20 Liebherr mobile harbour cranes which were delivered to seven destinations at the Algerian coast. With this large order, the total number of LHMs delivered to Algeria nearly doubled and jumped to 43. Today, Africa represents the second biggest market for Liebherr mobile harbour cranes with 33 units started operation last year. The annual number of units supplied to Africa has tripled, compared to 2013.The highest demand for port equipment is as 24 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com traditionally in Europe, where 42 units were supplied to this area, representing nearly 38% of all deliveries in 2014. The importance of bulk handling as an application is reflected by the fact that nearly two thirds of all 2014 mobile harbour cranes deliveries are used for bulk operation. Particularly the strong expansion in iron ore, coal and other major bulks drove seaborne trade, which grew an estimated 4,2% in 2014. The LHM 550 was the most successful model of the year. In 2014, 35 units were shipped worlwide. With 23 units sold to eight countries, the model LHM 280 also jumped in demand compared to 2013. When Liebherr entered the market in 1974, demand for mobile harbour cranes was small but after 20 years of moderate but constant business, Liebherr accomplished their 100th LHM delivery in 1994. Two years ago, in 2012, Liebherr delivered the 1000th mobile harbour crane to Montoir Bulk Terminal in France. Today, Liebherr has supplied more than 1200 units to nearly 100 countries all over the world. Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page25 © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om MATERIAL www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 25 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page26 MATERIAL © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om Kalmar extends Gloria reachstacker family 26 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page27 MATERIAL Kalmar presents its new DRG100 model with the ability to handle all types of containers up to 10 tonnes ag az in e The new Kalmar Gloria, with 5.4m wheelbase, has a combined lift capacity in rows 1-2-3, a spreader with the biggest side shift and 4 extra lift hooks. Features include front and reverse tilts, twist lock status indicators, plus dual rotation motors and brakes. The DRG100 is fitted with Volvo diesel engine that comply with EU Stage 3A and 4 (EPA Tier 3 and 4 Final) emissions and it also comes fully equipped with electronic tools and an easy to use Kalmar information colour display with intuitive Human-Machine Interface. © w w w .m ov ei tm Stefan Johansson, Director, Sales & Marketing, Reachstackers and Empty Container Handlers at Kalmar commented on the launch, “ With customers now demanding higher productivity and versatility from their equipment, whilst also looking at ways to significantly reduce the costs of ownership, the time is exactly right to introduce this machine. “Containers can now be transported at full width, turned 45° or lengthwise at 90°, making it possible to deliver “end-on” into and through low workshop doors, port sheds and other confined spaces”, Stefan Johansson explained. .c om K almar, part of Cargotec, has launched its new Gloria reachstacker specially designed for empty and semi-laden container handling with the ability to handle all types of containers, flat racks and single loads of up to 10 tonnes. The new Gloria is available in two models, the DRG100-S6 stacks 6- high in the first row and the DRG100-S8 with the capacity to stack containers 8- high in the second row. www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 27 © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page28 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page29 tm ag az in e .c om MATERIAL w .m ov ei 15 new RGT cranes foR Bollore Africa Logistics w Konecranes will supply 15 RGTs to three container terminals operated in West Africa by Bolloré Africa Logistics. K © w onecranes has received an order for 15 Rubber Tired Gantry (RTG) cranes from Bolloré Group. The RGTs will be delivered by Bolloré Africa Logistics to three container terminals including two new Konecranes RTG customers: Togo Terminal in Lomé (four RGTs), Benin Terminal in Cotonou (five RGTs). The remaining six RGTs will be delivered to the terminal in Pointe Noire, Congo, which already operates Konecranes RTGs. “ We are delighted to be a part of Bolloré’s growth in Africa, adding the terminals Benin Terminal and Togo Terminal to the list of container terminals operating Konecranes RTGs in West Africa”, says Antoine Bosquet, Konecranes Sales Director, Port Cranes, region IMEA. “Africa is a growing market for Bolloré and Konecranes.” The 15 RTG cranes will be equipped with Konecranes Smarter Cabin They will also have advanced Konecranes technology as Auto-steering, Variable Speed Engine and Diesel Fuel Saver technology. The RTG container positioning systems will be connected to the terminals ‘ Terminal Operating Systems ensuring correct, real-time container positioning and an accurate inventory. The RTG cranes will be also equipped with TRUCONNECT remote monitoring. The hydraulics-free, 16-wheel RGTs will have a lifting capacity of 40 tons stacking 1-over-5 containers high and 7 plus truck lane wide. www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 29 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page30 .c om TRANSPORT ALGERIA ag az in e EL AMANA SPECIALISES IN ENERGY tm The El Amana transport company has been making large-scale deliveries in Algeria for the oil, energy and industrial sector since 1996. Early on, the company only handled deliveries from sea ports, but now offers a whole exceptional transport package, mostly for the energy sector. ei A © w w w .m ov member of the Naxco Group (specialized in maritime services and logistics in both France and abroad); El Alama is based in Algiers and is specialized in exceptional transport services. This transporter is an expert in the delivery of heavy goods and large-scale convoys, and currently employs 14 people. Their main clients are active in the energy sector: electricity (power stations, electrical substations), oil & gas and hydraulics (dams and equipment). They have worked for such industry clients as Sonelgaz, Sonatrach, ABB, Siemens, General Electric and Alstom. The company may have started out transporting components between ports and their destinations, but they’ve now diversified and offer a range of all-inclusive services for convoy logistics: transport studies and consulting, reconnaissance and route recommendations, creation of technical files for traffic authorizations, studies and quotes for any modifications to be made and more. “Our biggest difficulties are finding the skilled and qualified personnel and materials we need. We need trucks and trailers, and these take a long time to arrive. Of course, we also have to deal with the various locales’ topography, poor road conditions, works of art, urban infrastructure which is not necessarily adapted to this type of transport, and a whole host of other challenges,” explains Jamel Hamdani, managing director for El Amana. Fleet 30 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com El Amana is a specialist in exceptional deliveries, handling loads of up to 600 tonnes. Their fleet has just been expanded to include a Nicolas modular 10-line double-axle trailer and 6X6 Iveco truck. The fleet includes two 6x4 trucks with converters and a capacity of 250 to 500 tonnes of rolling stock (Iveco and MOL), and two Nicolas lowered hydraulic trailers with a capacity of 15 tonnes per axle, with a total of 40 axles. They also rely on a range of hydraulic handling equipment when installing transformers and electrical turbines. “In terms of our future acquisitions, we’re looking towards getting some heavy equipment transporters, semis and tractor tows so we can handle the increasing demand for lighter goods transport, generally weighing between 40 and 80 tonnes,” explains Jamel Hamdani. Among the most striking convoys this transporter has provided was for their Japanese client JGC. They were asked to go to the gas platform at Tiguentourine (AIN AMMENAS) in southeast Algeria with a column measuring 40 meters long, 6 meters wide and 6 meters high, weighing 320 tonnes. * NaxcoGroup: HEAD OFFICE: le vallois ferret France Turnover.: 220M€ EMPLOYEES: 440 Employees MARKET: Europ, Africa, Asia, Caribbean Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page31 © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om TRANSPORT ALGERIA www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 31 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 16:10 Page32 .c om TRANSPORT MOROCCO ag az in e One of the oldest freight forwarders in Morocco ov A ei tm AGTT is one of the oldest freight forwarders in Morocco. Founded in 1949, the company is now working with the major players for transporting heavy loads. w w w .m GTT (Agence Générale de Transit et de Transports) was founded in 1949 and is one of the oldest logistics companies in Morocco. Headed by Peter Galvan since 1988, is specialised in transport, transit and logistics, and also intervenes in heavy lift and industrial transfer. AGTT has participated in most of the major projects ever undertaken in Morocco, in the sector of energy, road, port and airport terminals, telecommunications…” By contributing to the success of major projects, we propel Morocco into the future. Our role is to transport and manage the logistics of product and heavy material imports to Morocco, required for the implementation of critical projects in our country “, says Peter Galvan, CEO. © Industrial turnkey projects “ We offer comprehensive management of transport services and turnkey logistics for all types of merchandises and by any means (water, road, railway, air…), says Peter Galvan. We have formed a “industrial projects” department, which brings together a professional team relayed by specialists worldwide. They expertise: the turnkey assembly of industrial operations such as assembly or disassembly of factories, transport of oversized loads by air, sea or land… The field of intervention is very wide and includes preliminary feasibility studies, transit 32 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com formalities and customs, development of routes, reinforcement of infrastructures, modification of structures, management of commands and follow-up for computer-assisted shipping. AGTT worked on the projects of the Ouarzazate Solar Power Station, the Ain Beni Mathar Central Thermo Solar Power Station, the renovation project of the Samir refinery, the wind farms in the north and south of Morocco, the thermal power stations (Jorsf Lasfar 1 to 6, Laayoune, Dakhla) or hydroelectric power stations, pipelines etc... A fleet of over 50 modular lines Their large fleet allows them to meet all the needs of industrial transfer, in Morocco and abroad : it has indeed 50 axle lines of modular and extendable trailers up to 40 m. In 2008 and 2009, the hydropower fleet was modernised with the acquisition of the 34 line by 3 rows Goldhofer THP SL, 11 lines of THP SL as well as 3 tractors MAN 8X4 TGX 41.680. To meet the development needs for wind energy sector, AGTT invested in Noteboom 4 and 7 Axles extendable trailer to transport sections and blades. The parc also includes Cometto and Trabosa hydraulic trailers, Nicolas tank semi-trailer. Relating to tractors, the park also has Mercedes 6X4 and Scania 4X2. Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:55 Page33 w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om TRANSPORT MOROCCO © w w “ Finally, in order to offer a complete range of services, AGTT has several plants of hydraulic cylinders for removing and placing on the base of loads entrusted by our clients” explains Mathieu Junca. With these advanced materials and teams specifically dedicated to these projects, AGTT diversified internationally. The company has collaborated with SDV Industrial Projects to transport and install 12 engines of 295 tonnes, 12 alternators of 78 tonnes and 3 transformers of 102 tonnes for a power plant in Mauritania.The load had to be transported from the port of Nouadhibou to more than 500 km from the plant. Major projects ahead The company continues its development and relies on many upcoming major projects, such as the supply of heavy lift equipment to the thermo-solar power plant in Ouarzazate : within this framework, they will receive at the port of Nador 48 exceptional items in terms of weight or dimensions including 6 exchangers of 362 tonnes each. The trip between Nadir and the plant is composed of more than 150 structures spread over 947 km away. AGTT will also carry out the transportation of 11 transformers, weighting from 209 to 480 tonnes, to Agadir and Tan Tan on behalf of Alstom Grid. Finally, it is AGTT who will take the full management of the movement of Man Diesel equipment, stored in Agadir (4 motors of 340 tonnes, 4 generators of 70 tonnes and 2400 tonnes of general cargo). The material has already been transported in 2013 from the port of Agadir to its storage place located 40 km away ; in 2015 they will transfer them to the final site Dakhla, 1147 km away. www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 33 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 16:11 Page34 TRANSPORT EGYPT © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om 5000 heavy lift transport in Egypt within the next three years The Gabal el Zeet wind turbine project: ETAL provided transport for the blades and hubs of the 100 turbines in the Gabal el Zeet wind farm. The blades weighed 37.5 tonnes and measured 40.5m x 4.22m x 3m and the hubs weighed 24 tonnes each, measuring 4m x 3.5m x 3.5m. These blades, unloaded in the port in Alexandria, were transported using the new extendable Faymonville trailers, and the hubs on lowered semi-trailers. 34 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:56 Page35 TRANSPORT EGYPT .c om Created in 1984, ETAL (Egyptian Transportation & Logistics) has risen to become a major player in heavy transport in Egypt. Between 2013 and 2014, the company invested massively in its fleet, adding 8 new Faymonville trucks and Scheuerle Intercombi 6-axle modules with power boosters. These rounded out their fleet of several dozen axle lines for their exceptional transport activities. “In 2015, we foresee even more investments in extendable and modular trailers,” explains Sarah Farid. ETAL believes that in the years to come, these will help them strengthen their market share in Egypt. “We estimate that, between 2015 and 2018, more than 5 million tonnes of freight will be unloaded in our country. This is the equivalent of almost 5000 heavy goods deliveries! This volume would help us continue to grow, and explains why today we’re working exclusively within the Egyptian market. But in the near future, we will be ready to assess and meet the needs of the markets in our neighbouring countries too.”The Egyptian economy is rich with opportunity, in a whole range of sectors. © w w w .m ov ei tm we’ve taken a commanding position in the field of heavy goods transport in Egypt,” explains Sarah Farid, Senior Marketing Specialist for Eguytrans. “By providing fully integrated special transport solutions, we have really strengthened the ETAL brand in the Egyptian market. We’ve fitted out our fleet with the most modern equipment available, so we’re able to meet the market’s demands and achieve the highest possible level of professional quality, resulting in total customer satisfaction.” Investment to face a growing market ag az in e 5000 heavy lift transport in Egypt within the next three years www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 35 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 16:12 Page36 w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om TRANSPORT EGYPT w Difficult conditions © However, ETAL, like a lot of transporters specializing in heavy goods deliveries, must work with road transport conditions which are often rather delicate. Aside from overhead signs, roundabouts, tunnels and electrical cables which they need to compensate for, transporters are also faced with much more localized difficulties. The country is effectively crisscrossed by a huge number of canals, which proves to be problematic when many of their bridges are not designed to support weights of several hundred tonnes. To solve these difficulties, over the past few years ETAL has put its skill and expertise to work, reinforcing several bridges to enable their heavy deliveries to cross: in 2005, for example, they reinforced 21 bridges with support posts to let them deliver a 285 tonne gas turbine! 36 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com “We’ve got teams of engineers who are tasked with setting the best route possible, with the fewest obstacles. We anticipate and assess our routes according to the dimensions of the component to be delivered and, if necessary, we take special measures, such as reinforcing bridges, to get it to its destination. As transporters of exceptional goods, we face a greater range of difficulties than regular transporters. But we can overcome these challenges with a good logistics department, by assessing the dimensions of the package to be transported and choosing the best equipment for the job. This lets us transport our goods perfectly safely,” concludes Sarah Farid. Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:56 Page37 .c om TRANSPORT EGYPT w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e The transformers for the Giza North project: six transformers weighing 146.5 tonnes each, with dimensions of 7.42m x 4.31m x 5.10m were transported from the port of Adabya to the site of El Khataba.. w The recently renewed fleet © Over the past few years, the transporter has invested heavily in its equipment, acquiring the latest models developed by the leading construction firms. In 2013, the fleet was expanded with the addition of several Faymonville trailers: three Telemax 4-axles, extendable up to 47.5m and with a 50 tonne capacity; three Telemax 4-axles, extendable up to 55m and a 50 tonne capacity; and two Multimax 6-axles, extendable up to 30m, with a capacity of up to 80 tonnes. They rounded out a fleet which already contained two Diebolt 3-axle extendable trailers, thee 2-axle dollies, two 4-axle swan neck trailers and four 3-line lowered trailers. In terms of trucks, they boast three 660 horsepower 8X4 MANs, seven 480 horsepower 6x4 MANs, three 480 horsepower 6x4 Mercedes, one 6x6 MAN and two other carriers fitted with a 6 tonne crane and a 70 tonne capacity winch. ETAL also has a range of specialist equipment such as 42 Scheuerle lines with a total capacity of 1260 tonnes (including 40 lines received in 2012), some 180 tonne 6-axle Intercombi PBs (delivered in 2014), 8 swan neck Scheuerle lines for a capacity of 216 tonnes, 10 Trabosa lines (260 tonnes), 8 Cometto lines (150 tonnes), 6 other Cometto lines (110 tonnes), and a Scheuerle power pack unit to form self-propelled and radio controlled modules. These self-propelled modules were only delivered last year, and were the first to be integrated into an Egyptian transporter fleet! www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 37 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:56 Page38 © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om TRANSPORT IRAQ ©BYN 38 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:56 Page39 TRANSPORT IRAQ w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om 1150km on 20 lines IN IRAQ ©BYN © w w It was a convoy measuring more than 70m long with a weight of 247 tonnes which crossed the 1150km between the Iskenderun port and the Iraqi town of Erbil. 1150km were travelled, using a combination of two 10-axle Goldhofer trailers. T he refinery boiler bound for Erbil, Iraq, started its journey by ship from Jebel Ali (UAE) to the Turkish port of Iskenderun. From there, the load was taken by the Turkish transporter Botros-Yiget-Nata, who specialize in heavy convoys. They loaded this mammoth cargo onto two 10-axle THP/SL Goldhofer trailers. The convoy was then made ready to cross almost 1150km to the Iraqi town of Erbil, famous for its oil wells. This was the first time that a delivery of this size had made its way from Turkey to Iraq in one go. The size of the convoy was monstrous: 247 tonnes, more than 70m long and over 5m high! The journey took 20 days to complete. The Goldhofer THP/SL modules were well able to adapt to all the conditions they faced on the road. With suspension travel of +/- 300mm and a high peak bending moment, they were the ideal solution for this mission. www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 39 Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:56 Page40 TRANSPORT © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om Exceptional Transport on the Seine 40 PAGE - www.moveitmagazine.com Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:56 Page41 TRANSPORT N ov ei tm ag az in e .c om The Grand Port Maritime in Le Havre has all the equipment necessary to accept exceptional deliveries. They proved this most recently with the transit of 20 drums of metallic cable weighing 600 tonnes which, after being transported on the Seine, took off across the Atlantic to Mexico from the Le Havre port. w w w .m ormally, General Cable, the leading manufacturer of cables and wires, would dispatch their products made in the French site of Montereau-Fault-Yonne (Seine-et-Marne) from the port of Antwerp. However, at the end of last year, the company decided to look at transporting their goods by river to Le Havre. General Cable are aware of their environmental responsibilities, so they chose Haropa (with locations in the ports of Le Havre, Rouen and Paris) following a call for bids which focused on a number of different criteria, especially quality, safety, environmental awareness and CSR. It turned out that river transport met their needs perfectly. 20 cable drums with a weight of 600 tonnes © The load of 20 drums of metallic cable weighing 600 tonnes and covering 1260m3 left the Seine-et-Marne construction site and arrived at the port of Le Havre following two days’ navigation down the Seine; a total journey of 464km. The transfer was undertaken by the multimodal operator Logiyonne and the industrial and transport logistics company Altead. Logiyonne actually operates a regular river line from the port of Gron in Burgundy. “The Montereau docks are a new destination for us, a new stop on the route from Burgundy to Le Havre. We’re heavy goods specialists, so we offer our services to any industrial clients who wish to take their goods off the road and send them up-river to the northern ports in Le Havre,” said Didier Mercey, president of Logiyonne. River transport is particularly well-adapted to the needs of companies specializing in cables, sheet metal-work or industrial unit installation. Essentially, “there are fewer regulatory hoops to jump through, and the ease of use of river docks and the regularity of our services provide the best possible transport conditions,” underlines Patrick Maletras, president of the Tramar Company and the “Exceptional Goods Transport” Commission in the port of Le Havre. The port of Le Havre itself is fitted with all the equipment it needs to handle exceptional deliveries ranging from 25 to 1000 tonnes. “The full package offered by Haropa is coordinated with all their specialist partners: shipping agents, customs, river freight operators, handlers and lifting specialists,” explains Hervé Cornède, Haropa’s marketing director. Haropa can handle 3 exceptional deliveries per day, and has 27 stations available for these goods: 13 in Le Havre, 5 in Rouen and 9 in Paris. The Seine route offers permanently fluid traffic seven days a week, reduces the risk of unexpected incidents, offers simplified regulations, the possibility of handling any sort of package with no weight or volume limits and offers vertical or horizontal handling solutions. www.moveitmagazine.com - PAGE 41 © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:56 Page42 © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:56 Page43 © w w w .m ov ei tm ag az in e .c om Move it 01 2015 MARS ENG.qxp_Mise en page 1 06/03/2015 15:56 Page44
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