5/4/2015 Pupil Accounting: Days, Hours, and Electronic Reporting 2015 MPAAA SPRING CONFERENCE Jill Slaght – Calhoun ISD Brian Ciloski – MDE Agenda • • • • • • Days and Hours Defined What Counts… and What Does Not Count 2009-10 Day Requirement Calendars and Schedules Resources Days and Clock Hours Reporting (D/CH) Application (DS-4168) • Questions 2 1 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined The HOUR requirement can be found in Section 101 of the State School Aid Act (Google 388.1701) MCL 388.1701(3)(a) “… each district shall provide at least 1,098 hours …” 3 Days and Hours Defined The HOUR requirement can be found in Section 101 of the State School Aid Act (Google 388.1701) • 1,098 instructional hours per year = 1.0 FTE – Applies to K-12 – Law changed that allowed K to earn a full FTE for part-time programs. 4 2 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined • FTE must be prorated if less than 1,098 using the actual number of hours provided Exceptions: – Reduced schedule 5 Days and Hours Defined 388.1701(7)(c) – … a pupil in grades 9 to 12 for whom a reduced schedule is determined to be in the individual pupil's best educational interest must be scheduled for a number of hours equal to at least 80% of the required minimum number of hours of pupil instruction to be considered a full-time equivalent pupil. A pupil in grades 9 to 12 who is scheduled in a 4-block schedule may receive a reduced schedule under this subsection if the pupil is scheduled for a number of hours equal to at least 75% of the required minimum number of hours of pupil instruction to be considered a full-time equivalent pupil. 6 3 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined – Seat Time Waiver (STW) – MCL 388.1701(9) – “Upon application by the district for a particular fiscal year, the superintendent may waive for a district the minimum number of hours and days of pupil instruction requirement of subsection (3) for a department-approved alternative education program or another innovative program approved by the department, including a 4-day school week….” 7 Days and Hours Defined – SEEC 340.1754, 340.1755, and 340.1862 – Hours that early childhood pupils with an IEP or IFSP only receive services (not instruction), such as speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, or psychological or social work services, may not be counted for pupil membership purposes. 8 4 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined – Alternative or innovative programs with an hours waiver – MCL 388.1701(9) – Must request the waiver by October 2, 2015. – If you had the waiver for 2014-15, your district must report on the waiver by July 3, 2015. – www.mi.gov/alted 9 Days and Hours Defined The DAY requirement found in Section 101 of the State School Aid Act (Google 388.1701) MCL 388.1701(3)(a) “Beginning in 2014-2015, the required minimum number of days of pupil instruction is 175….” 10 5 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined • MCL 388.1701(3)(a)(i) – If a collective bargaining agreement that provides a complete school calendar was in effect for employees of a district as of July 1, 2013 … then this subsection does not apply to that district until after the expiration of that collective bargaining agreement. – If a district entered into a collective bargaining agreement on or after July 1, 2013 and if that collective bargaining agreement did not provide for at least 175 days of pupil instruction beginning in 2014-2015, then the department shall withhold … an amount equal to 5% of the funding the district receives 11 Days and Hours Defined • MCL 388.1701(3)(b) – Beginning in 2016-2017, the required minimum number of days of pupil instruction is 180. If a collective bargaining agreement that provides a complete school calendar was in effect for employees of a district as of [June 24, 2014], and if that school calendar is not in compliance with this subdivision, then this subdivision does not apply to that district until after the expiration of that collective bargaining agreement. A district may apply for a waiver under subsection (9) from the requirements of this subdivision. 12 6 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Days (cont.) • A “day” is not defined by the length, whole or half, but whether instruction was scheduled and occurred. • If instruction occurred on a partial day where the day was shortened or the start delayed, the day still counts as 1 day toward the day requirement. 13 Days and Hours Defined Days (cont.) ALL OF THESE COUNT AS A DAY • Full Days • Half Days • Partial Days (less than half day) • Early Release Days (e.g. water main breaks during start of first period.) 14 7 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Scenario: • A district cancels 7 days due to inclement weather. All 7 cancellations occur prior to April 1st. The district scheduled 175 days of instruction. The district is one day short of the required minimum days. However, the district is still in compliance with the required minimum hours. 15 Days and Hours Defined • The district has half days scheduled the last 3 days of the school year. The district would like to reschedule the deficient “day” on the afternoon of one of the last 3 days or school originally scheduled as morning only. Does lengthening a half day allow the district to meet the minimum days requirement or must they reschedule instruction on a day not originally scheduled for any length of instruction? 16 8 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Days (cont.) • If a district canceled a full day of instructions, it may not be necessary to reschedule another full day if the hours can be met with a partial day. 17 Days and Hours Defined Days (cont.) • Total days of instruction – Scheduled to be offered (not to be confused with the day threshold) – Minus # days canceled – Plus # of days forgiven – Plus # of days rescheduled 18 9 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Does the district need to reschedule a day? • Does the district meet the day requirement (including forgiven and rescheduled days)? • Does the district meet the hour requirement with the number of days provided (including forgiven and rescheduled hours)? 19 Days and Hours Defined Example 1 • Scheduled 175 days and 1,098 hours • The district had 5 snow days during the year – 175 scheduled (on original calendar) – -5 canceled – +5 forgiven (of 6 available) – +0 rescheduled (needed to reach 1,098) 20 10 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Example 1 (cont.) Requirements: Days – 175 Hours – 1,098 175 – 5 + 5 (to reach 1,098) = 175 – District was able to meet the day and hour requirement using just 5 forgiven days – 175 total days of pupil instruction – No need to reschedule days. 21 Days and Hours Defined Example 2 • Scheduled 180 days and 1,150 hours • The district had 9 snow days – 180 scheduled (on original calendar) – -9 canceled – +4 forgiven (of 6 available) – +0 rescheduled (needed to reach 1,098) 22 11 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Example 2 (cont.) Requirements: Days – 175 Hours – 1,098 180 – 9 = 171 days -> 171 + 4 = 175 days • 4 of forgiven days needed to reach reqs. • No need to reschedule days. 23 Days and Hours Defined Example 3 • Scheduled 175 days and 1,098 hours • The district had 7 snow days during the year – 175 scheduled (on original calendar) – -7 canceled – +6 forgiven (of 6 available) – +1 rescheduled (needed to reach 1,098) 24 12 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Example 3 (cont.) Requirements: Days – 175 Hours – 1,098 175 – 7 + 6 +1 rescheduled = 174 – District was under the required hours and day requirement by 1 day of instruction. District rescheduled time to avoid an adjustment to their state aid. 25 Days and Hours Defined Example 4 • Scheduled 175 days and 1,098 hours • The district had 6 snow days during the year • The district also had two days where school started 2 hours late on each occasion. 26 13 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Example 4 (cont.) Requirements: Days – 175 Hours – 1,098 175 – 6 + 6 = 175 … BUT… the district is still 4 hours short of 1,098 even after forgiven time is added due to the late starts. +1 rescheduled = 176 days 27 Days and Hours Defined Example 4 (cont.) • Although the district met the day requirement, they still needed to reschedule the hours since they do not have enough forgiven time to cover the lost hours. • In this case, the district rescheduled the time by adding a day. • Day could have been a full or partial 28 14 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Example 4 (cont.) • Alternatively, the district could have rescheduled the hours by lengthening the instructional day… • This can be done by lengthening an existing day, or by adding minutes to a few days; • The SBE and Department prefer that time is only added in 30 min blocks. 29 Days and Hours Defined • The district maintains the option of not rescheduling lost instructional time, however, this may generate a state aid deduction. • If a district had scheduled more days or hours than is required by law, there is not penalty if that number is reduced during the school year as long as the legislative requirements are satisfied. 30 15 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined There are three (3) requirements that must be met to avoid a state aid penalty: • the Hours requirement (1098); • the Days requirement (175 for 2015-16); and • the Attendance requirement (75%) 31 Days and Hours Defined Scenario: District A has high school students who attend cooperative education programs provided by District B. District B cancelled instruction on 9 days and District A cancelled instruction on 6 days due to inclement weather. Students in District A attending the cooperative education programs are under the instructional hour and days requirement however, students in District B who attend the same programs are not deficient days and/or hours. As a result District B will not be rescheduling days or hours for their cooperative education program. 32 16 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Must District A reschedule hours in the local district for cooperative education students? 33 Days and Hours Defined Scenario: A district cancelled school due to a power outage after the bus students were already in route to school. Students entered the building and had breakfast but did not participate in scheduled instructional time. Public notice of cancellation was made. Just as students were being reloaded on busses to return home the power came back on so the district decided to keep the students in attendance and provide instruction. (Safety was a consideration as many homes in the district were without heat and electricity) 34 17 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined The Jr./Sr. High School did not meet 75% attendance but the Elementary met 75% attendance. Overall the district did not meet 75%. Can the district use one of the 6 forgiven days allotted? 35 Days and Hours Defined Deduction Calculation You will need your most recent state aid status report in order to create an estimate. To access the report, go to www.mi.gov/sasf Click on the link named ‘State Aid Financial Status Reports’ 36 18 5/4/2015 37 Days and Hours Defined Hours Deduction Calculation • Keep in mind that deduction calculations are estimates at best until the August payment is generated. • Changes to pupil counts are most likely behind significant changes to the payment amount. • Monitor your Section 25e transfers each month… 38 19 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Hours Deduction Calculation • Monitor your Section 25e transfers each month… • View your 25e net membership transfer amount under the Summary tab here: https://cepi.state.mi.us/MSDS/Offline.aspx • You should also review the 25e Summary Report each month. Access to this requires appropriate MSDS privileges. 39 Days and Hours Defined Hours Deduction Calculation • Also keep in mind that the Department generates your monthly state aid payment based on membership totals captured during the 1st week of the month. • State aid status reports are generated using this data during the 3rd week of the month, so it’s safe to expect changes to the membership amounts by the time you view your report. 40 20 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Hours Deduction Calculation • adjusted state aid = annual state aid minus Adult Education and Durant • adjusted state aid / hour requirement = per hour short adjustment amount • $10,500,000 / 1,098 = $9,562.84 per hour short 41 Days and Hours Defined Day Deduction Calculation • adjusted state aid = annual state aid minus Adult Education and Durant • adjusted state aid / minimum required days = per day short adjustment amount • $10,500,000 / 175 = $60,000 per day 42 21 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined 75% Attendance Deduction Calculation • adjusted state aid = annual state aid minus Adult Education and Durant • adjusted state aid / 180 days (per legislation) • $10,500,000 / 180 = $58,333.33 per day • 75% - Actual Attend. = Attend. Diff. • 75% - 74% = 1% attendance difference • $58,333.33 x (1% / 75%) = $777.78 43 Days and Hours Defined MDE will not collect on days, hours, and attendance deductions that are $500.00 or less in total. 44 22 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Scenario: District A scheduled 175 days of instruction for the school year. District A’s Elementary building cancelled instruction for three days because of a boiler breakdown. The Junior High and Senior High buildings remained in session. The district cancelled an additional 6 days due to inclement weather. The Junior High and the Senior High buildings will meet the required minimum days and hours after applying the 6 forgiven days allotted. 75% attendance was achieved on all days for students scheduled for instruction. 45 Days and Hours Defined The Elementary is deficient 8 hours and 3 days. Can the district reschedule only those instructional hours that the Elementary is deficient or must they reschedule the 3 days in order to be in compliance with the minimum days and hours requirements? 46 23 5/4/2015 Days and Hours Defined Scenario: District A cancelled 5 days of instruction for the entire school year. 3 days were due to inclement weather, one day was for the funeral of a student, and the last day was so students could attend the grand opening of a local sporting venue. The district also had two days where attendance fell below 75%. The district originally scheduled 175 days and 1098.25 hours. How many days must the district reschedule in order to meet minimum days and hours requirements? 47 What Counts… • Pupil instructional time is defined by administrative rules and legislation • 388.1606(8) - "class" means a period of time in 1 day when pupils and a certificated teacher or legally qualified substitute teacher are together and instruction is taking place. – The class must be offered for credit or grade progression 48 24 5/4/2015 What Counts… • Passing time – Up to 30 minutes/day – Additional passing time can be requested by the district and approved by the ISD auditor if the district is able to demonstrate the need. – Passing time can be used for intradistrict travel between buildings 49 What Counts… • Scenario: • A local district would like to count 8 minutes of passing time between periods. The district operates on a 7 period per day schedule. Six passing times multiplied by 8 minutes equals 48 minutes of passing per day or 4 hours per week. The district provides the auditor with documentation detailing the size of the building and the average time it takes students to pass between the farthest points. 50 25 5/4/2015 What Counts… • Documentation supports the 8 minutes of passing for classes on opposite ends of the building. All students must make this pass at least once a day in order to access core courses. Can the district count the additional passing time towards the minimum instructional hour requirement? 51 What Counts… • Dual enrollment – Students taking college courses, paid for by district – Travel time CAN be counted, but may not be needed • See Section 5-G-A of the PAM for detailed FTE calculation 52 26 5/4/2015 What Counts… • Dual enrollment – In short, FTE can be calculated using three different methods: • Total number of classes enrolled (student attends all classes each day for a regular course period). • Total number of classes enrolled when courses aren’t scheduled for each day (conversion of college credit to high school classes) • Or by totaling the hours of instruction (college + h.s.) and travel time 53 What Counts… • Dual enrollment – Students with a reduced schedule • If 80% (878.8 hrs.) -> count as full time • If 4x4 block schedules -> use 75% (832 hrs.) to count as full time 54 27 5/4/2015 What Counts… • Travel time – 3 Hours/week allowed without a waiver (36 min per day) – Dual Enrollment, Cooperative Ed., Special Ed. – A waiver can be requested for additional travel time if the need can be documented • The amount of travel time required must be the ONLY reason the student cannot meet the 1,098 hour requirement. • Part-time students are not eligible for travel time 55 What Counts… • Scenario: • District A shares bussing to the Vocational Ed center with District B. Travel time from District A the Vocational Ed center is 25 minutes per day. Travel time is increased by 12 minutes each day because of the shared transportation. Can District A receive a travel waiver for the additional travel time needed as a result of shared transportation with District B? 56 28 5/4/2015 What Counts… • Alternative Ed Waiver – Can waive the day requirement with MDE approval (145 days min) – Can waive the 1,098 requirement with MDE approval (878.8 hours min) – Can waive the 75% requirement with MDE approval (50% min attendance) – Online courses are exempt of these requirements with seat time waiver (STW) 57 What Counts… • Professional development time – (10) … if a collective bargaining agreement that provides for the counting of up to 38 hours of qualifying professional development for teachers as pupil instruction is in effect for employees of a district as of July 1, 2013, then until the school year that begins after the expiration of that collective bargaining agreement a district may count up to the contractually specified number of hours of qualifying professional development for teachers as hours of pupil instruction. 58 29 5/4/2015 What Counts… Professional development time (cont.) • A district may provide professional development to teachers who are not involved with proctoring the state exams while exams are being administered. • Online professional development is allowable and encouraged 59 What Counts… Professional development time (cont.) • Allowable activities – Achieving or improving adequate yearly progress (AYP) – Achieving or improving a school's accreditation status – Achieving highly qualified teacher status – Integrating technology into classroom instruction – Maintaining teacher certification 60 30 5/4/2015 What Counts… Professional development time (cont.) • Reporting Professional Development Time – report the lowest number of hours provided to all teachers in any given group (district, building, grade, program) – Provided to “all teachers” • Clarified by June 4, 2008 memo from MDE to MEA • …district’s discretion as to how the district assesses PD attendance levels and determines the number of countable hours of legitimate PD… 61 What Counts… Professional development time (cont.) – District A • provided 38 hours of PD • 68% of the teachers received all 38 hours • 89% of the teachers received 36 hours • 100% received 33 hours – District reviewed their attendance records for the PD sessions. Some of the teachers had valid reasons for not attending, but not enough to feel comfortable with reporting that level of attendance for instructional hours. The district determined that they would use 33 hours since all of their teachers received that amount. 62 31 5/4/2015 What Counts… Professional development time (cont.) – District B • provided 38 hours of PD • 80% of the teachers received all 38 hours • 95% of the teachers received 36 hours • 100% received 33 hours – District elected to report 36 hours after reviewing the attendance records and determining that staff gave their best effort in attending, and that those who were not present had a valid reason for their absence, such as illness, weather conditions, family emergency. 63 What Counts… • Recess (certified teacher must be present) – Not at start or end of day – Recess can attach to the lunch period 64 32 5/4/2015 What Counts… • Scenario: • Elementary students are scheduled for a 15 minute morning recess and a 20 minute lunch recess. Classroom teachers monitor the morning recess on a rotating schedule (one teacher is outside with 120 students for the entire recess). 65 What Counts… • The lunch recess is monitored by a parapro, although a classroom teacher walks the students to and from the playground. The teacher stays outside for the first 2 minutes of recess before going into the teacher lounge for lunch. The teacher returns to the playground for the last 3 minutes of lunch recess. How much recess time can the district count towards instructional hours? 66 33 5/4/2015 What Counts… • Study hall – Not more than 2 study hall periods • If supervised by a certificated teacher • And the district provides at least 90 additional hours of pupil instruction (1,188 hours) 67 What Counts… • Junior reserve officer training corps (JROTC) instructional time in grades 7 to 12 • Homeroom that is not a study hall and is not more than 15 min in length • Breakfast (when instruction is provided by a certified teacher during the time…) 68 34 5/4/2015 What Counts… • Seminar, Achievement Hour, or Focused Instructional Time – academic in nature – includes activities such as tutoring, mentoring, or advising – pupil to teacher ratio not greater that 35:1 • These are good for filling up blank slots in a student’s schedule when a traditional class won’t fit in the slot 69 What Counts… • Forgiven time – “...conditions not within the control of school authorities…” • severe storms, fires, epidemics, utility power unavailability, water or sewer failure, or unsafe health conditions, funerals, bomb threats – First 6 days or the equivalent number of hours (automatic) – 6 additional days or the equivalent number of additional hours after April 1 with State Superintendent approval • State Superintendent does not have the authority to grant additional hours for use for days before April 1. 70 35 5/4/2015 What Counts… • Forgiven time – The executive budget proposal contains language that would give districts 6 days at the start of the school year, and another 3 days with the approval of the State Superintendent that could be used anytime (rather than after April 1). 71 What Counts… Less than 75% Attendance Days • Hours and day count for any building/grade/program that was scheduled for and held instruction. • Days rescheduled for the end of the school year are only held to 60% requirement • Do not report days where attendance was 60% of above if rescheduled at end of year. 72 36 5/4/2015 What Does Not Count… • Lunch • Breakfast when no instruction is provided • Recess when not supervised by a certified teacher…. 73 What Does Not Count… • Passing time – Only 1 passing time to or from lunch may be counted – Passing time to the first class period and from the last class period shall not be counted. – Passing time to or from the bus at the beginning or end of the school day 74 37 5/4/2015 What Does Not Count… • Professional development time – The following may not be counted toward professional development time: • Records day • Parent/teacher conferences • Prep hours • Time setting up room • PD offered during scheduled instructional time – Professional development time does not count toward the day requirement 75 2009-10 Day Requirement • Districts no longer need to provide a minimum number of days based on the number the district provided in 2009-10. • For the most part, districts are all required to provide 175 days during 2014-15 and 2015-16. • This requirement is set to increase to 180 days during 2016-17. 76 38 5/4/2015 Calendars and Schedules • Calendars – Single calendar if scheduling the same full & half days – Start and End times can vary on same calendar – If different half days, days off, then separate calendars – Different Canceled and/or Forgiven hours for 1 building will cause separate calendar 77 Calendars and Schedules • Schedules – Shows 1,098 hours • Start & end times • Passing • Lunch • Recess • PD time • Partial Days • Total Hours Scheduled 78 39 5/4/2015 Calendars and Schedules • Your days and hours report should match the originally scheduled days and hours shown in your calendar and schedule. • If they don’t, you may have a data error… • Note: Your district’s calendar should share the same spring and winter breaks shown in the ISD common calendar unless the district has a waiver from the Department. 79 Calendars and Schedules • Resources – If you are looking for a template for a district calendar or schedule, the MPAAA website (www.mpaaa.org) may help. – It’s also a good idea to check with the ISD auditor… they may have one that they recommend. 80 40 5/4/2015 D/CH Application (DS-4168) • Official D/CH Report (DS-4168) – Districts must certify their report by July 15 (unless they have made arrangements with the ISD for a later date). – ISDs must certify all of the district reports by August 1. – Once the district has certified their report, notify the ISD. 81 D/CH Application (DS-4168) • Satisfies the requirement in Section 101 to report Days and Hours of instruction • Satisfies requirement to report 75% attendance days • Report of canceled, forgiven, rescheduled, and PD time • Districts that fail to meet the day or hour requirements are subject to a state aid adjustment 82 41 5/4/2015 D/CH Application (DS-4168) • In 2012, a collaborative effort between MDE and CEPI developed an online system that replaced the paper form used to collect the DS-4168 data • The system collects the same information, but allows the district to enter canceled days and hours when the events occur • Unlike the paper form, the system offers more data quality checks • [System Walkthrough] 83 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 84 42 5/4/2015 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 85 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 86 43 5/4/2015 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 87 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 88 44 5/4/2015 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 89 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 90 45 5/4/2015 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 91 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 92 46 5/4/2015 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 93 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 94 47 5/4/2015 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 95 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 96 48 5/4/2015 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 97 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 98 49 5/4/2015 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 99 D/CH Application (DS-4168) 100 50 5/4/2015 Contact Information • State Aid and School Finance – Brian: (517) 373-3352 – CiloskiB@michigan.gov – www.mi.gov/sasf • Information Directory on State School Aid – “Who to Call” List – http://goo.gl/3XjxU 101 51
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