Program (English) - Monterey Park Chinese Baptist Church

Sunday, June 7, 2015
English Pastor:
Pastor Mark Ingram (626) 289-1284
Welcome to Monterey Park Chinese Baptist Church!
Thank you for worshipping with us today. Our prayer is that you would
experience Jesus in a fresh way as we worship together. If you have any
questions about our church or would like to speak with a pastor, please
contact the church office at 626-289-1284.
Associate/Assistant EM Pastor (Youth Ministry):
Pastor Nick Lee
English Deacons:
Monterey Park
Chinese Baptist Church
Jeff Cha
Sharon Lee
Charles Leung
Silent Prayer & Confession
Wed 6/10 Bible Study & Prayer Meeting (Chinese), 8:00PM
Call to Worship
(Ed. 1/F).
Fri 6/12
Mand. Youth Groups (7th grade & up), 7:00PM (FH).
Sat 6/13 Diakonos (English 7 -12 grade), 7:00PM (FH).
Welcome and Announcements
Upcoming Events
Praises to God
6/14 Business Meeting
Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 6:6-19
6/20 Quarterly Adult Pot-Luck Fellowship @Ed. & Liz’s house
6/17 Andrew Quan’s Graduation Ceremony
6/21 Father’s Day Worship
Preaching the Word:
6/28 Church 38 Anniversary Combined Worship & Luncheon
“Godliness with Contentment is great gain.”
Rev. Nick Lee
English Ministry Gathering
7/26 English Ministry Potluck Fellowship & Small Group Bible
Communion: Rev. Mark Ingram
Tithes and Offerings
302 W. Commonwealth Ave.
Alhambra, Ca 91801
(626) 289-1284
The Lord’s Prayer
June 7, 2015
Mission Statement:
Following Christ. Loving People. Sharing Christ. Making Disciples.
Core Values:
Christ as the Head of the Church – Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:19-21
We value Christ as the head of our lives and as the foundation of our
church. We submit ourselves to his direction, guidance and control.
Biblical Teaching – 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 2 Timothy 4:2
We value Biblical teaching because the Holy Bible is the complete,
inerrant and infallible word of God to all mankind. It is the foundation
of our beliefs and it is proclaimed from our pulpit, taught in our classes
and honored by our obedience.
Worship- Romans 12:1
We value worship that draws us closer to God’s presence. Whether
whispering our personal desires for him or passionately singing his
praise, we declare God is worthy.
Prayer – Matthew 6:9-13, Philippians 4:6, 19
We value prayer as our means of communicating intimately and
reverently with God.
Evangelism – Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:19-20
We value Evangelism because we love people and want to see them
come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Community –Acts 2:44-47
We value a sense of community in order to develop relationships that
nurture, support and teach others to be Christ-like.
Discipleship – 2 Timothy 2:1-2; John 8:31
We value discipleship that leads to authentic life change. It is our goal
to develop followers of Christ who grow and live in the knowledge of
Him and His teachings.
Mandarin Pastor Search Prayer Meeting:
• The special prayer meeting for searching Mandarin pastor will
be held TODAY at 12:30pm-1:00pm in the 1/F of Ed. Annex.
Please stay to join the meeting and seek God’s will together.
Business Meeting:
• Business Meeting will be held next Sun 6/14 at 12:30pm in the
sanctuary. All members, please reserve the date to attend.
• 4/12 Business Meeting minutes are posted in the foyer.
Church 38 Anniversary Combined Worship
• Choir director, Denise Fong is asking for brothers & sisters to
join a very short choir practice- for the "Hallelujah Chorus" right
after service today, 6/14 & 6/21. Please meet immediately after
service in the main sanctuary. The chorus will be part of our
church's 38th anniversary service on 6/28 and so it is very
special that we can have multiple congregations joining
together to sing Hallelujah to our Lord Jesus!
Youth Fellowship:
• We will be having fellowship on 6/13 Sat at 7 p.m. in lieu of
going to Fish Fest. Thank You Blair Fong for your hard work
on Fish Fest. All are welcome to join our youth for: Karoake
Night (ground rules for appropriate song selection will be given
out the night of). We have established that those who tested
out our Karoake system are "tone deaf" so all are welcome
(good or not so good singers, and very not so good). We will
have a lot of fun, fellowship, as well as a short Bible Study tied
to our theme for the night.
Graduation Ceremony:
• You are cordially invited to celebrate the High School
graduation of our brother Andrew Quan. He will be graduating
on Wednesday June 17, 2015 @ 6:30 PM and the Ceremony
will be held at East Los Angeles College (Weingart Stadium)
1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez, Monterey Park, CA 91754.
Tickets are not required. Congratulations Andrew- we love
you and are so proud of you!
English Ministry Gathering:
• Looking for someone to volunteer their home for 7/4 Sat for an
English Ministry Gathering. We can arrange for a potluck or
for people to bring items to BBQ but just in need of a place
large enough to host people from the English Ministry. Please
contact Pastor Nick: if your home is
available this is for the entire English Ministry and not youth
Pianist Needed:
• We are seeking pianist to serve in both Cantonese and
Mandarin Service. Please contact Denise Fong for more
Anger Management Class:
• We are planning to have the anger management class at
church. It will be providing you guideline & technique to
manage your anger. Pastor Mark is the certified instructor
to conduct the class. If you are interested in joining or any
question or need more details, please contact Pastor
English Ministry Potluck Fellowship:
• Next Quarterly Adult Pot-Luck Fellowship will be held on
6/20 Sat at Ed Yee & Liz Yee’s house. For more details,
please contact Pastor Mark (
• Due to church anniversary celebration, next English
Ministry Pot-Luck Lunch and Small group Bible study will
be held on 7/26 (4 Sun). We will study the Book of
Revelation. Please contact Pastor Mark (markingram@ for details.
Church Newsletter:
• Church Publication Dept. would like to invite brothers &
sisters to participate in publishing the church quarterly
newsletter. If you are interested, please contact Pastor
Mark ( for more details.
English Adult Sunday School:
• Join us next week for Sunday School at 9:45am in the
Library every Sunday. College & up are welcome!
Sunday Breakfast:
• Coffee & continental breakfast items are available from
8:45-10:45am every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall entry
area. Your donations will support the Missions fund, youth
ministry & church beautification.
Junior Worship:
• All children (Grades 1-6) are welcome to join our Junior
Worship in the Ed Annex 1st floor at 11:00 am every
Sunday. The youth (Grade 7 & up) will be in the Adult
English Worship today for Communion Sunday.
• Next week’s speakers: English - Rev. Mark Ingram;
Cantonese - Rev. Caleb Cheung; Mandarin – Bro. David