St. Martin Church 21304 Church Avenue Interim Parochial Administer Father Michael Kaluza Life/Death Emergency Number 763-428-9283 Parish/School Website Parish Office Hours Monday: noon—4:00p Tues.—Thurs. 9:00a—4:00p Friday: 9:00a—noon Parish Phone Number 763-428-2585 21304 Church Avenue Rogers, MN 55374 St. Walburga Church 12020 Fletcher Lane WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00pm St. Walburga PRAYER LINE— Please call Terry 428-2618. Sunday SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM — Baptisms are scheduled the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month for registered parishioners only. Call the parish office to schedule. ****9:00am St. Martin 11:00am St. Martin 6:00pm St. Martin ****NURSERY AVAILABLE IN CHURCH BASEMENT DURING MASS September—May WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday-6:30p—St. Martin Wednesday –8:30a—St. Martin Thurs.-Fri.— 8:00a—St. Walburga SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00-4:45p—St. Walburga Sunday 8:00-8:45am—St. Martin SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE — An immediate family member must be a registered parishioner of Mary Queen of Peace for at least one year or more. Arrangements must be made with the pastor. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK — Call the parish office or emergency number. Parish Staff Office Manager/Pastoral Assistant Carol Lutgen— MQP AUCTION IN THE BIG RED SHED SATURDAY, JUNE 27th—10:00AM Director of Religious Education/ Confirmation Do you have items you would like to donate? Furniture, sporting goods, power tools, hunting/fishing equipment, lawn mowers, time shares, cars, trailers, household, etc.. Please call: Ann Beach: 763-428-4441 or Joan Burkett: 763-428-2996 Youth & Family Apostolate Coordinator THE RED SHED WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY, MAY 16th FROM 9:00 TO 11:00AM FOR DONATION DROP OFFS. Betty Zahler— Laura Selken— Music Director Dianna Anderson– Mary Queen of Peace School Principal Michael Gerard LOOK at the new items collected for the Auction from generous donor! 2 queen headboards and bed frames, 3 dressers, stackable chairs, 2 new 24x38 windows, variety of used doors, large chalk board, entertainment center, sofa table Along with past donations of Woodworking tools, three saddles and new blankets, Ski Do Gsx Snowmobile, new electric toothbrush, beef packages including hamburger, steaks and roasts, hamburger packages, ½ hog including processing, portable contractor compressor, wood chipper/shredder, duck decoys and cedar patio glider. Keep us in mind as you do your spring cleaning. SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 10, 2015 LITURGICAL M INISTERS MAY 16 & 17 ALTAR SERVERS Saturday 5:00pm Kyle Scherber Joanna Scherber Sunday 9:00am Nolan Farnam Max Farnam Sunday 11:00am Anthony Moriarty Andrew Moriarty Sunday 6:00pm Jack Koenen Need 1 Volunteer READER Ann Beach Van Satlak Robin Hemmesch Melissa Umerski EXTRA-ORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Ann Beach Gayle Holmberg Steve Justen Van Stalak Theresa Satlak Gina Rickert Bo Schmidt Tracy Shakal Susan Miller John Ruff Emily Torres Melissa Umerski USHERS Steve Justen Richard Beach Molly & Tony Hines Patrick Wurm, Lee Suedbeck John Ruff Steve Hemmesch Jason Umerski MASS INTENTIONS May 12—17 Tues. (6:30p) +Marie Hopkins Weds. (8:30a) Jill Weyenberg Family Thurs. (8:00a) +Rev. Gilbert Endres Fri. (8:00a) +Jerome & Ferdella Gmach Sat. (5:00p) +Leonard Schlegel Sun. (9:00a) Rev. Nathan Miniatt Sun. (11:00a) Tim Behnke Family Sun. (6:00p) For the People EXTRA-ORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND Please call Dave Paschke 428-4955 by noon on Saturday if you would like a visit on Sunday. FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Weekend 5-3-15 142 Adult $ 7,801.15 Plate 1,636.36 Children .50 $ 9,438.01 SUPERVISED NURSERY IS CLOSING MEMORIAL WEEKEND FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS. MAY MONTHLY COLLECTION FOR C.R.O.S.S. GRAVY/BROTH & TOOTHPASTE C.R.O.S.S. is our local food shelf. Collection boxes will be at the back of both churches for your donations. HOST: CUP: SCHOOL NEWS Week of May 11—15 Wednesday 8:30am School Mass Friday 2:15pm Rosary SECOND ANNUAL MQP GOLF TOURNAMENT Monday, June 15, 2015 Fox Hollow Golf Club 18 Hole Scramble Mary Queen of Peace is pleased to announce we are producing a new Pictorial Directory. THERE IS NO COST TO YOU to have your photographs taken. You will receive a complimentary 8 x 10 portrait and a pictorial directory for participating. You will be able to view your images electronically immediately after you are photographed. At the time, you will have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits to share with family and friends. We look forward to “seeing you in the pictures!” Registration: 10:30am Tee off: 12:00pm Dinner, awards, raffle and silent auction to follow at 5:00pm Entry fee: $100 includes golf, cart, gifts and dinner To register for a photo session: 1. Register online at, click on the “Lifetouch Photo Session Signup” button 2. Look for sign up tables on weekends after mass and someone will be there to help you 3. Or Call: Gina 612-564-9721 or Mary at 763-428-7790 William Sundeen, son of David & Brenda Simons Don’t miss out! Sign up today! REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: Please join us in welcoming the newest little member of Mary Queen of Peace through the Sacrament of Baptism: Benjamin William, son of Daniel & Tonya Pfeifer Contemporary Mass 6:00 pm Sundays We are still in need of singers for the 6:00 p.m. Mass and instrumentalists as well. Our rehearsals are at 5:00 p.m. on Sundays prior to the 6:00 Mass. Please contact Dianna at 763-441-6918 or email May Volunteer Opportunities with Faith in Action Faith in Action is a non profit organization that works in your community. We are currently serving individuals in our area who are low income, socially needy, homebound, disabled, chronically ill, and elderly. We have several volunteer opportunities for men, woman, youth and small groups. The following needs are current in Elk River, Otsego & Roger’s area and the individual is perhaps someone you already know. Through your volunteering no matter the time commitment, together we can make a difference for our neighbors…and our community. If you are interested in volunteering in our community, please contact Laura at We are still in need of volunteers for VBS!! VBS runs Monday July 20 – 23 9am – Noon each day. We still need: 2 Adults for the Game Station 1 Adult for the Craft Station 1 Adult for Registration Monday morning 3-4 Adults for Clean-up Thursday afternoon 2-3 Adults to help Decorate Sunday July 19th 5-6 Teens for VBS Performers 2-3 Teens for the Snack Station Not all positions are filled, but these are the most in need Please email Laura Selken if you can volunteer or with any questions. Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time & talent, without your help VBS is not possible. SUMMER STRETCH Incoming 6th grade through incoming 12th grade Thursdays: July 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, August 6th, 13th 7:55am—4:30pm 8:00am Mass, breakfast meeting, service project, lunch and afternoon fun activity. Please Join us!! MQP Catholic Vacation Bible School Mon. July 20th – Thurs. July 23rd 9:00am – 12:00pm St. Martin Hall Children ages 4 to incoming 4th grade Registration forms are located in the church and on the Website Registration is now open for the MQP Mystery Trips! 8th Annual Middle School trip (All youth incoming 6th grade – outgoing 8th grade) Sunday August 2nd – Tuesday August 4th 3rd Annual High School trip (All youth outgoing 9th grade – incoming 12th grade) Friday August 7th – Sunday August 9th Registration forms can be found at the back of the churches and on the MQP Website ( Contact Laura Selken with any questions ATTENTION ADORERS The Adoration Chapel will close for Memorial Weekend on Friday May 22 as usual, and re-open on Tues May 26 at 6am. Have a safe holiday weekend. ADORATION CHAPEL NEWS OPEN HOURS: MONDAY 5:00pm WEDNESDAY 8:00am, 5:00pm FRIDAY 2:00am, 11:00am PRAYER PARTNERS NEEDED: Monday 3:00pm Thursday 10:00pm Friday 3:00pm beginning July 3rd REMINDER: You are always welcome to come to the chapel and adore Jesus in the Tabernacle at anytime. Please call Ellie to commit to an hour 428-2172. FROM THE DESK OF FATHER KALUZA The Joy of Easter Happy Mother's Day to all who celebrate with us this weekend! Saint John tells of Jesus speaking to his disciples. In the discourse, Jesus shares his joy with the disciples, because that is his mission given to him by the Father. His will is to do the will of the Father and having done that fully completes the joy that Jesus was to experience in not only speaking about the Father’s will, but also giving the disciples an example. Jesus’ joy is only complete when he shares that mission with those who choose to follow him. In choosing to follow Jesus, we also must submit to the example of Jesus and accept his ways as our own. In doing so, we also experience joy and are able to be elevated from simple creatures of the creator to true friends of Jesus and therefore friends of God. That’s great cause for celebration and rejoicing because we are truly joyful when we can be friends of God, because God has chosen us and offered redemption through Jesus Christ! The victory over the grave is the joy of Easter! Jesus also gives two commands in this Gospel passage: First to love one another, which means truly desiring what is best for the other. Speaking and living the Gospel message. Proclaiming that God is love and in love we have been created to love in return. The second command is to bear fruit that will remain. As a community we must be willing to make God a priority and reveal that with all that we say and do. We must commit ourselves to building up God’s kingdom and producing real fruit that cultivates more believers through education and worship. Let us be ever ready to reveal God’s love throughout Rogers relying on the intercession of Mary Queen of Peace to be real friends of God by what we say and do. God bless you, Father Michael Kaluza Dehn’s Country Manor DUANE’S FLOOR SERVICE • LUNCH • BANQUETS • DINNER • TAKE-OUT Sanding • Refinishing • Installation Estimates Cheerfully Given Troy & Neva Gullickson 20060-148th Circle No., Rogers (763) 420-6460 FUNERAL HOME 34 2nd St. NE Osseo, MN 763-424-4000 Now Open for Sat. & Sun. Breakfast 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 11281 Fernbrook Ln. Maple Grove, MN 55369 9100 Park Ave. NE, Otsego,MN • Private Party Room • Tue. Nite Bingo • Open Lunch & Dinner • Live Music – Fri & Sat Nites Air Conditioning, Inc. 24 Hour Emergency Service Free Estimates on Installations (763) 274-9945 Otsego 21660 S. Diamond Lake Rd. Rogers, MN 55374 763-493-21ST (2178) 763-367-6790 Member FDIC • Decorative Rock • Wood Mulch Sand & Gravel • Topsoil Rogers, MN 428-2393 Otsego 763-441-4362 We brought back the jukebox, the neon and the fun. (612) 428-1574 13450 Rogers Dr. Rogers with any purchase at reg. price Country Pride Restaurant FREE - One Entree with one paid entree (with this ad) (Excluding Mini Murphs & Faves) Across from Cub Rogers (763) 428-8601 Fax (763) 428-8983 Knight Heating and • Gowns • Rentals • Decorations • Tuxedos FREE Cookie Dough NOW OPEN $10 OFF any Service – First Visit Rogers 763.777.8711 13400 Rogers Dr. Rogers 763-428-2993 763-428-2277 Just a SHORT distance for a LONG list of benefits! Located just off of Beautiful facilities I-94 & Weaver Lk. Rd. and competitive prices! in Maple Grove ROGERS For Kids... .. For Adults. For Life! WWW.SCHARBERS.COM 763-416-0016 Rogers PH: (763) 428-4107 Rogers 763-428-6464 Call for FREE CLASS EAGLE WINDOW DISTRIBUTING CO. Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 763-425-2900 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ Practical advice for personal and business planning XTREME DETAIL Detail $30 OFF Complete Cars, Trucks & Boats Remote Starter or $50 OFF Heated Seat (with this ad) Rogers 763-428-3803 Anthony M. Gleason is a registered representative of and offers securities, investment advisory and financial planning services through MML Investors Services, LLC, member SIPC ( 901 Marquette Ave., Suite 2600, Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 333-1413. Gleason Financial is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investors Services, LLC. $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Windows • Doors • Installation ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 763-428-2883 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months MPS TAX Marc Macke, CIC President & Parishioner • Business • Home • Auto • Life • Disability Tax Preparation for: • Individual • Corporate • Partnerships • Farms 20750 Rogers Drive Rogers, MN 55374 (763) 428-8636 10% OFF with this ad 14165 James Rd. Rogers 763-420-1084 763-551-1010 763-428-4500 FUNERAL & CREMATION 805 MAIN ST. NW • ELK RIVER 918030 Mary Queen of Peace 763-441-1212 MICHAEL O’HALLORAN, OWNER TY B. SUNDERMAN, MANAGER & DIRECTOR ST. MICHAEL-ALBERTVILLE Funeral Home and Cremation Services 300 N. Main St. St. Michael, MN 55376 (763) 497-5362 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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