252 Groups May 2015, Week 1 Small Group, K-1 (Tipp) Walk This Way Bible Story: Walk This Way (Integrity Principle) • Proverbs 10:9, NIrV Bottom Line: Being truthful helps you stay out of trouble. Memory Verse: “Keep me from cheating and telling lies. Be kind and teach me your law.” Psalm 119:29, NIrV Life App: Honesty—choosing to be truthful in whatever you say and do. Basic Truth: I need to make the wise choice. “Today is Communion weekend. At some point someone will bring you the blessed bread and wine. Use the Communion Script to lead your group in Communion. Copies of this script can be found with the small group materials. If you are reading this online, you can get a copy of the Communion script in the resource section at the bottom of the page.” Relationship Building: As an ice breaker: Ask kids to share about some things that are easy to tell the truth about, such as what they ate for breakfast or how they got to school. Then ask them to think of things that are easy for kids to lie about, such as telling their parents they had a good day at school, when really they got into a lot of trouble; or lying to friends about what they got for their birthday. Catch On: Make the Connection (Small Groups, 20-30 minutes) Pick one or two of the activities below to complete in your small group. Give the kids the choice of what they want to do. 1. Tangled Story (application activity / review the Bible story) • Print the “Tangled Story” Activity Page • Ball of yarn or string (or a roll of tape) • Scissors 2. Crooked Sharks and Minnows (application activity / great for active learners / a large-group activity) • No supplies needed ©2015 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com Adapted by Ginghamsburg Church 2015 1 252 Groups May 2015, Week 1 Small Group, K-1 (Tipp) FOR LEADERS ONLY GOD VIEW: the connection between HONESTY and God’s character, as shown through God’s big story There’s something about the things that we say that kind of stack up one way. Then there’s the way we live, or the reality about certain situations that stack up another way. If those all line up, there’s strength and balance like a dependable tower. When what we say lines up with what we do, people know they can trust us, because, like a strong tower, our lives are built with integrity. Honesty really is a big deal. That’s why we’re spending the month of May to talk about Honesty. Honesty is choosing to be truthful in whatever you say and do. When we’re honest, when our words line up with our actions, people know they can trust us. Our relationships grow stronger. God understands the relationship between honesty and trust. This is something God set into motion in the first place. Since the beginning, God has been in the business of making and keeping promises. God told Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation of people—He was. God told the Israelites that He would provide for them in the desert—He did. God told Joshua that the wall of Jericho would fall if the people marched around it for seven days—it did. God told Mary that she would have a baby boy—she did. That baby boy was the answer to a promise God had set in motion from the beginning: God kept His promise to send a Savior. When we were lost, He came through and sent Jesus, the Messiah, the One in whom we can ultimately put all of our trust. That’s really it, isn’t it? God is honest. He has proven from the beginning that He can be trusted—even to the point of sending His Son. And we’re called to reflect the image of God to a world around us that is desperate for people who will live with integrity. We want kids to begin building the kind of lives that show they can be trusted. Because they know the One who can be trusted above any other. This week, we’re discovering: We start the month with Proverbs 10:9, “Anyone who lives without blame walks safely.” Being honest isn’t just about the words you say, it’s really about the life you live. Being honest comes much easier when you are an honest person and live your life with integrity. Bottom Line: Being truthful helps you stay out of trouble. You don’t have to worry about what will happen to you if you live life with honesty. We hope kids realize that making the wise choice to tell the truth is a great way to not get tangled up in a lie. Our Memory Verse is Psalm 119:29. “Keep me from cheating and telling lies. Be kind and teach me your law.” Being honest isn’t always easy; this verse is a great reminder that God is there to help us when we need the strength to tell the truth, no matter what the situation looks like. ©2015 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com Adapted by Ginghamsburg Church 2015 2 252 Groups May 2015, Week 1 Small Group, K-1 (Tipp) Walk This Way Bible Story: Walk This Way (Integrity Principle) • Proverbs 10:9, NIrV Bottom Line: Being truthful helps you stay out of trouble. Memory Verse: “Keep me from cheating and telling lies. Be kind and teach me your law.” Psalm 119:29, NIrV Life App: Honesty—choosing to be truthful in whatever you say and do. Basic Truth: I need to make the wise choice. Before kids arrive, pray for each regular attendee by name. Pray for those who might visit your group for the first time. Pray for the kids who have trouble being honest. Pray that they would walk away challenged and empowered to start being more truthful, not just in order to avoid getting in trouble, but to protect their relationships with those around them. For the kids who don’t have trouble being honest, ask that God would help them not to “check out.” Pray that they would be encouraged to keep being honest, even if it means they might be embarrassed or could possibly get in trouble for something they did. “Today is Communion weekend. At some point someone will bring you the blessed bread and wine. Use the Communion Script to lead your group in Communion. Copies of this script can be found with the small group materials. If you are reading this online, you can get a copy of the Communion script in the resource section at the bottom of the page.” Relationship Building: As an ice breaker: Ask kids to share about some things that are easy to tell the truth about, such as what they ate for breakfast or how they got to school. Then ask them to think of things that are easy for kids to lie about, such as telling their parents they had a good day at school, when really they got into a lot of trouble; or lying to friends about what they got for their birthday. Catch On: Make the Connection (Small Groups, 20-30 minutes) Pick one or two of the activities below to complete in your small group. Give the kids the choice of what they want to do. 1. Tangled Story (application activity / review the Bible story) What You Need: “Tangled Story” Activity Page, ball of yarn or string (or tape), scissors What You Do: Choose one kid to be Zander, and instruct the other kids to get in a circle around him. Tie one end of the yarn loosely around Zander’s waist. Read the story aloud to the kids, and use the yarn or tape to create a web like the one in Large Group. Follow the instructions in the story on what to do with the yarn. What You Say: “Zander sure wove a tangled web of lies, didn’t he? And he could have gotten really hurt in the process. [Make It Personal] (Tell kids an age-appropriate story about a time when you wove a tangled web of lies and what happened.) [Apply] When you find yourself tempted to lie, think about Zander and his tangled web. Choose to make the honest choice. Remember, [Impress] being truthful helps you stay out of trouble.” ©2015 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com Adapted by Ginghamsburg Church 2015 3 252 Groups May 2015, Week 1 Small Group, K-1 (Tipp) 2. Crooked Sharks and Minnows (application activity / great for active learners / a large-group activity) What You Need: No supplies needed What You Do: Choose a few kids to be the sharks, and the other kids will be minnows. Tell the sharks to spread out, and instruct the minnows to line up side by side on one side of the room. Designate one shark to be the lead shark, who will say, “Fishy, fishy, come out to play,” at which point the minnows will slowly begin walking toward the other side of the room. When the lead shark says, “Shark attack!” the minnows will run to the opposite side of the room, trying not to get tagged by a shark. Anyone who gets tagged becomes a shark. After playing once or twice, throw in a catch. Some kids will be able to walk or run straight, but others have to take a crooked path. These kids will have to take two steps diagonally toward the left and then two steps diagonally toward the right, all the way across the room. You can choose these “crooked” players in various ways: all the boys, everyone wearing blue, everyone wearing flip-flops, everyone with brown eyes, etc. Play as many times as you wish. Note: If you have a smaller space, you might want to have kids crawl instead of walk/run, or only allow them to take tiny steps and not run. What You Say: “The verse we are learning about today, Proverbs 10:9, warns about taking a crooked path. [Apply] When we lie, we take a crooked path, and that crooked path will lead us into trouble, just like having to take a crooked path in this game usually led to getting caught by a shark. On the other hand, [Impress] being truthful helps you stay out of trouble.” Give each child a GodTime card. Pass out Parent Cue cards as adults arrive to pick up. ©2015 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com Adapted by Ginghamsburg Church 2015 4
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