· L-IIOl.-,73/201.:--L& l ' crnmell1 I India lini >1(\ 0 _ gri ·llltufl.: Deranmt:nt Agri ult rl:t.\.: ( pcrnlJ n OFFI L 0 THE CE ITR L REGI. TR I 0 0 WI:.RA TI T L 0 J ETn: Kri hi BI a\311 V\ Delhi. ORDER nder the pro,risions of sub- cetion (3) of eetion 7 of (h Wh r as th Chief Prom ter 0 Ya hwee MuJti tatc Hou iug Cooperative oeiety Limited E 40, Ka hi Ram agar, ear Gautam Budham Pa."k Moradabad-244001, ttar Prade h had ubmitted a propo a1 for regi trati n (M CS Act 002). Wherea the ~ the proposed society under the ulti tat op rativ Societi s Act. 2002 1I0wi g defi ienci s, ere found in the applil;.:ation submitted . tb f th so i ty is to acquire land, develop ioto farm h u e/ house sits and distribute the ame to the ordinary individual members whereas, in bela 101 o. 10. the multi tate cooperative societies. cooperative cieties. Central/ tate Go emmen, NCO and other institutions hav been proposed as ordinary members. Bye law. o. 29 s) i not in con onance with the pr vision of section 39 of th M CS Act, 2002. Filin a of returns to the Central R gi trar does n t fall und r the powers and function f General Body. It i the responsibility of the Chief Executiv to file the ame to th Central Registrar und r the MSCS Act 2002. Bye la' o. 31(a) is not in consonance with the rovision ofR11e 15(1) of h MSCS Rules, 2002. The pro is; n made in b e law o. 36 Oed) i in c ntra entjon t the pr visa of section 4] 3) of the SC' Act. 2002. Bye l v o. 36(ii) is in contravention to the proviso of ction 41 (3 of the said Act. The provision made in bye la No. 40 is in c ntraven ion to tb pro ision of section 45 of the MSCS Act, 200_. In bye law o. 50, 0 provisiOl has been de that the remaining net profit, i an , shall be credite to Rese e F od. Tn the membership list ofUttarakhand all the propo ed member ar bin to the same professi n. In the list of members from the State of Uttarakband it appears that some person hav signed in many pi ces. a) The main objective b) c) d) e) f) g) h) j) j) In the list of members fT m the State of Uttar Pradesh, in many places. the m· mbership has b en drawn from the arne family/address. The following are the exampl S.No.6,10 S. 0.39,12 S. 0.8,1417 S.No. 20 21,22,24 S. 0.2526,27 S. 0.29,30 k) The project report is I t atisfactory. The projected financial tatem n15 at lea for thre years ha e not been given without it is difficult to assess the viability of the society. Further, profit appropriati n as mentioned und r Section 63 of the MSCS Act 2002 has not been included in the project report. Whereas under the provisions of Section 7(3) of the MSCS Act 2002 the Chi f Prom ter vide U notic of vel numb r dated the tilMay 2015 wBsgiven an opportunity of personal hearing on 14 'May, 20J 5 to cont t the d ficienci s. None appeared for hearing. Since the existing proposal is having deficiencies as mentjoned in the n ..... j-i~f' fit 07 ()'i ?O] 'i thp nrnnfl~prl ~nrif'tv in thf' n~mf' nf v~ hwpp ·Multi tgfp lInli ina ('nnnPNltivp -2 Har rad h den l meet th r quirements rthc pfl i ion 1 th(' luhi tate -operatj, L 1002 and rule. made tl t:1" under and tI erefon: cannol b clnsidr.red ~ r n~rri:"ll1lti(ln. 244001. cieti ccordin::-l). the proposal i. returned herewith in origin. I HI \\ \ cr. the: _ r.:ie~ i at liberty 1 submit a fr sll proposal and th~ .ame hall be 11 idered per thr. r )\i.i n- 011\'1 C' l. 2002 and M ufe:.. 2002 made tll reunder. Given under m hand and seal all ILl+h May. 2015. Er 1: a bo e ~\~ (A hish umar Bhutani) Joint ecretary to the Go\' rnment of India & Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies To, Chief Pr moter Shri Rahul Chaudhary), Yashwee Multi State Housing Cooperative ociety Limited E-40 Kashi Ram Nagar, Near Gautam Budl am Park, Mor dabad-24400 I, Uttar Prade h
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