MMSC MIS SI SS IP P I MAT T E R S APRIL 2015 600 East Amite Street, Suite 200 Jackson, Mississippi 39201 800-989-1032 Servicing the needs of: The Municipal Workers’ Compensation Group The Municipal Liability Plan INSIDE THIS ISSUE: SPRING WORKSHOPS 1 MOWING SAFETY 2 SAFETY AND THE CITY OF CORINTH 2 CLAIMS ONLINE 3 SPRING WORKSHOP INFORMATION 4 SPRING WORKSHOP REGISTRATION FORM 5 RISK CONTROL SERVICES 6 MS MUNICIPAL SERVICE COMPANY 600 EAST AMITE ST., SUITE 200 JACKSON, MS 39201 MEMBER SERVICES: Marion Alford— Jennifer Carter— Charlene Strong— LOSS CONTROL SERVICES Alan Bowen— CLAIM SERVICES Work Comp- Nancy Pennock— Liability- Jack Combes— —————————————————————————–——————————Mississippi Matters newsletter is published by MMSC to educate its members on issues of importance and is not intended to provide specific, medical or legal advice. Readers should seek advice on specific concerns from qualified professionals. We welcome your comments or suggestions for future topics. SPRING EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS ARE HERE! The Mississippi Munici- pal Service Company has long provided risk management solutions to our members through educational and safety programs specific to governmental entities across the state. Our number one goal is to equip our membership with the necessary knowledge to help members mitigate or eliminate risks. We are hosting educational workshops this April and May which will cover numerous topics related to worker’ compensation and municipal liability risk management. In the workers’ compensation arena, we will provide in-depth training on how to create and administer early return to work programs. We will share “real life” examples that support the benefits that an early return work program can have on the injured worker, as well as, the employer. For our general liability training session we will provide updates on recent court decisions that deal with certain immunities under the Mississippi Tort Claims Act. We will also cover topics related to police pursuits, use of force and harassment cases and how these exposures can be avoided. These workshops are free of charge to our membership and have been approved for two hours of CMO credit for Mayors and Board Members. We hope you and others in your organization will participate in one of these workshops coming in April and May. MISSISSIPPI MATTERS Page 2 MOWER SAFETY REMINDERS Mowing season is just around the corner! Below are some reminders to assist you in mitigating mower accidents this Spring! We encourage our members to please take all necessary precautions for a safer mowing season. Conduct a Mower Safety Check Roll-bar Maintained in Highest Position Cover Discharge Openings Discharge Away From Roads & Vehicles Wear Seatbelts/Safety Glasses Grass Trimming – 2-3” Off The Ground Raise Deck Of Mower To Minimize Throwing Objects Wear Highly Visible Clothing Near Roadways CITY OF CORINTH MAKING SAFETY A MISSION The City of Corinth has recognized the importance of safety for its’ employees and citizens. To promote safety, the City of Corinth and Mayor Tommy Irwin, recently named a fulltime safety director to help prevent workplace accidents and create a safer environment for the citizens of Corinth. Officially, the City passed a “Resolution to Adopt Safety Mission” and named Kim Ratliff as the Safety Officer for the City. Kim will be facilitating and monitoring safety awareness with the various city departments. Every department has a different set of safety issues and Kim will facilitate safety meetings, as well as track and monitor re- Ms. Vicki Roach, City Clerk and Mr. Kim Ratliff, Safety Director sults. The City recently formed a Safety ComIn partnership with the Municipal Service mittee which consists of representatives Company, Kim and the department heads from each department. This committee have participated in will assist Kim in the intensive training to make safety a priority City’s efforts for a safer workplace for all. for all employees. The Municipal Service Company looks forward to working with the City of Corinth in this effort. MISSISSIPPI MATTERS Page 3 MMSC WEBSITE—NOW TAKING CLAIM SUBMISSIONS ONLINE We listened to our membership and made improvements with added features to our website. The enhancements allows for the electronic reporting of claims ONLINE. We continue to accept claims via fax, email or mail but implemented these improvements way to serve “you” the member! How ? It’s EASY! Simply go to and Login. If you are responsible for reporting claims for your organization. Click on Member Login and select “Register Now”. You will be asked for an activation code. Enter “SERVICE” using all caps. After completing the member information you will receive an email confirmation of successful activation. This grants you access to the New Member Dashboard where you may select the type of Claim Notice required. Feel free to contact Member Services at 800-989-1032 for assistance over the phone if you need some help. We are here to make this as easy as possible for you. MEMBER SERVICES TIPS MMSC can provide “risk management contract review service” to its members. If there are any liability questions or concerns, please contact us. If your municipality or other public entity has a comprehensive Drug & Alcohol Testing Program, please contact Jennifer Carter to see if your entity is eligible for reimbursement of the testing if it is related to a workers’ compensation claim. City Clerks, please check your certificates of insurance to be sure they are still needed by the institution requesting on your Liability Coverage Policy. If the certificates are no longer needed and may be deleted, please be sure to contact us so that we can update our records. MISSISSIPPI MATTERS Page 4 Mississippi Municipal Service Company 2015 Educational Program WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Mayor & Board Members Can Earn (2) CMO Credits City Clerks, Deputy Clerks, Department Heads, Claim Handlers, Safety Coordinators Workers’ Compensation—Understand the Litigation Process and How to Reduce Litigated Claims Municipal Liability—Understand How The MS Tort Claims Act Applies to Your Municipality Risk Control—Understand the Accident Investigation Process and Help Prevent Reoccurrence of Accidents Education Materials Provided FREE - No Tuition - (Lunch Provided) Re NLINE or u gistration O ge on back pa ops m/worksh o .c c s m s www.m Register Early! Seating is Limited. Directions and location will be emailed to you upon confirmation. se the Form Credits Approved By: MISSISSIPPI MATTERS ER GIST E R m y now m a s m m w. You at ww E N I ONL Page 5 REGISTRATION FORM April 29, 2015 Collins, MS 10AM-2PM May 6, 2015 Greenwood, MS 10AM-2PM May 20, 2015 Pelahatchie, MS 10AM-2PM Check one date above only Please Print CITY/ORGANIZATION NAME: ATTENDEE NAME: TITLE: DEPARTMENT: MAILING ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: CELL PHONE: FAX: EMAIL: CERTIFIED MUNICIPAL OFFICER CREDITS (CMO’S) YES – Requesting 2 CMO’s (MAYORS & BOARD MEMBERS ONLY) Directions To The Meeting Location Will Be Sent Upon Registration Confirmation. Additional Registration Forms On Website Email: or Fax 601-355-8584 or Mail Registration Form To Jennifer Carter 600 East Amite St. Suite 200, Jackson, MS 39201 MISSISSIPPI MATTERS Page 6 RISK CONTROL SERVICES PUT A SPOTLIGHT on "Safety and Loss Prevention" Mississippi Municipal Service Company's Risk Control Services Department provides our membership with the direction, education, and assistance towards the prevention or reduction of accidents and exposures. Our Risk Control Specialists provide a detailed approach and plan to address our member's safety and accident prevention needs. We take a professional approach to safety and offer practical risk solutions. Our Risk Control Programs Offer: Safety Program Development Comprehensive Safety Video Library Risk Control Site Visits/Surveys Detailed Loss and Trend Analysis Reports Specialized Safety Training Accident Investigation Assistance Contact Alan Bowen at 800-898-1032 or for more information regarding risk control. Safety Videos can be requested for your safety meetings online here. The Mississippi Municipal Service Company prides itself in being able to provide individualized attention to each of our members. MMSC is owned by its members and governed by a Board of Directors made up of elected officials. Our staff is made up of professionals whose priority is serving the members of the Mississippi Municipal Liability Plan and Workers’ Compensation Group. Our commitment to you is COMPETITIVE RATES with SERVICE unmatched by any other in the industry. S E R V I N G 600 East Amite Street Suite 200 Jackson, MS 39201 800-898-1032 Phone: 601-355-8581 Fax: 601-355-8584 E-mail: M I S S I S S I P P I P U B L I C E N T I T I E S
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