इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 4746 (1968): Code for transport of dogs and cats by rail, road and air [FAD 5: Livestock Feeds, Equipment and Systems] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” Indian Standard OF noes ,\ND nv RJ\ I L, RC),\I) AND AI R COI)E fc'()R (~A~rS :'-r:T; ~rRf\NSP()Rl~ (( ')6. ~l/ .7 .. o·Tli (£) COp}J'l~:~hl INDIAN Gt 2 nrun ~ 59:1. 74~). 1 .-- -~ ; 19l>8 STANDARDS M"\NAK BH"" J\;'1 ~~ liAH~l)lJR NEW ~ INSTITU'"fION ~HAH 110002 l.AJ-.-\l~ ~~l"RG 18:4746·1968 Indian Standard CODE FOR TRANSPORT OF DOGS AND CATS BY RAIIJ) ROAD AND AIR Live Animals Sectional Committee, AFDC 24 Rtprtstnt,ng Mrrnstry of Health, Family Development Cllamno" {lit Y K C;;UBkAU"A,\YAM Planning & Urban Memb,rr I)H P. 8H \'r'1"('1i A ltV' ~"J<J c..;(., V. R. n, C. Animal Husband. y Commissioner 10 the Government of India (Mlnlsl1 y of Food, Agrictllturt', Community Development & t~o.. operation ) 1ndian Airline» (~orporation. :'1C\V Delhi Drrectoratr uf Mihrarv ).'ell ms, Armv Headquanei s, (:HAKIt~V'AHT'-fT ))AT'I·.\ '\r\\' })ralh, ~,., It IRK" I) u P. J ) ) I( T It I P vr If' J)I'~()HA ~ ~: K { I h A. "It ( 4 J'lt""fll, J Iall'k ine Jnvtrt ure, Bombav '11 ( ~~llf',n'l, I)FPt"'rv 1)11t..: CTI)f! TttAF)rt' { I{t\1'RR ) ),,;PU'J',· INIJP)t.( Tf)1t 0, " .... R ~ r (), F'')It''~8''H DI~Pl'TY ~AIT1'1C \, \t.VI~li·l( ))JJtl':C'I'OJt "8 ttl.J f'KRS AN lU;M SHltl B.)", PA R \ '1H .\ SIt RI E. F. GF:ItOl,,(l It J Ii f( 10 J.. 1). K",' \ ~IA.JS.:\ J Railwav Board (MinlC\ttV of Rarlwavs ) Jn~I)"( tor (,enrral (If t"nrr-,ttl;, ~(.\\ Dellu Dn ectorare General of Shippmg (:\{tn,t;fry nr"r.a{asPOI I & Shrppmg ), Bomba y t l)elhi Zoological Pal k, N~w n,.,lh. t, Air-I ndra, Bombav : n" ( -i1/nNalf) Commute« of I I1h', natrona] j."()r~lltn Flag (;arrler~in Indra. ~r," I ),~lhl ; d It of Reruount & V t."trr Heaclquarter s, New Delht ))lrr( tOI It Ina, v Sri VICe-S Ar.,y ' Ir Snr\·A~r", ... ( . ~I/,r"t1t~) SH n I J" \f 14" I r. 1ndran V rtr-r mar y Reseal ("11 I nstrtute, 178 I na~ar Sllltl 8.!\( M \~\""J)AI( Manlltry of Transpoi t & Shipping ( Trauspoi t \Ving ) SKRJ K. (,. :'\~lt\I'l'lr'Ualf\'\1 (~hlt"f Controller of Imports & Exports, X('\V Dellu SltHI D. S. ~f()RJ()tJ\fA ( Alternate ) I)R 1)..:\, RA.' '\ \R"~(.J I'hc All India SClCl~ly for Preventron of Ci ueltv to Animals, Calcutta SKItI IJ8HN I l~AI. ( Alternate ) Stlft. ~I S. RA1 Vua Private I.. td, Delln SMHI S. K. n..: Rl ( Alternot« ) DR T. RA)1Al'KASI)KA RA') Indian Council of Medical Research. N~\\· IJt'lh. DR S. G. SRIKA.~TIA (AII,rnntt) R'EPR~REST.AT1'·... Animal Welfare Board ( Mmun v of Food, Agr« ul ture Community Developmen t & Co-operation) : Madras { Con tt nued on pa" 2 ) • INDIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION MANAK BHAVA~. 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG XEW ORIAHI IS I f746 -1968 ( ContiftUld from /Ja" J ) M,mh"s DR R,/W,-Uing National Institute of Communicable Diseases, Delhi Ministry of Tourism &, Civil Aviation (Department of Aviation) Director General, lSI (Ex-offirio Almtbtr ) SATYA PRAKAIH N. VAltADABAJAN SIIRI DR HAllI BHAOWAN, Deputy Director ( Agri & Food ) Stcrltdry SIIBI N. K. CHAWLA Auiatant Director (Agri & Food), lSI Transport of Laboratory Animals Subcommittee, AFDC 24: 3 CcmrJllWf' DB P.J. DEO~A. Haffkine Institute, Bombay M""b".., DB A. H. AKIN DB ( Mas ) B. K. BATRA n. W. baOACH c. SHRIS,R.CHADBA DB RANJIT Roy eRA t7DBURY SB&IE.F.GZBOLDJB DB T. RAJlAC'RANDRA ll.&o 1la'P. . .B1fTATIT. DR SA"l'YA. PaAKAJJH DBAB ( DB H. G. SEN DJt S. G. SatK,A.)tTI~ DB D. N. n. A. K. TBollA8 ,.4""." ) Alembic Chemical WorD Company Limited, Baroda Laboratory AnimalJ Information Service, Bombay Central Drug Research Institute ( CSIR ) ~ Lucknow Committee for the Purpose of Controlling and Supervising Experiments on Animals, Bombay POIt Graduat~ Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh Committee of International Foreign Flag Carrien in India, New Delhi Indian Council of Medical Retearch, New Delhi Animal Welfare Board ( MiniJtry of Food, Agriculture, Community Development at Co-operation ), Madras National Institute of Communicable Diseatel, Delhi elBA Research Centre, Bombay Nutrition Research Laboratory, Hyderabad Central Research Institute, Kuauli ( Punjab) AMENDMENT NO. 1 SEPTEMBER 1972 TO IS : 4746·1968 CODE FOR TRANSPORT OF DOGS AND CATS BY RAIL, ROAD AND Am Alteration (Page 5) clause 4.3, first the existing first sentence: s~nt''''') .... Substitute the following for C The vehicle used for transporting these animals should maintain a constan t speed and shall not exceed 40 km per hour. t (AFDC 24) Reproduced by Rlprogf.phy Unit. lSI. Ie. D.,lil IS 14746· 1968 Indian Standard CODE FOR TRANSIJOR"r OF DOGS AND CArTS BY RAIL, ROAD AND AIR 0. FORE WORD 0.1 'I'hiv Iridian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution 011 26 August 1(}f)l~, after the draft finalized IJy the Live Animals Sectional Committee hat) been approved ])y the Agricultural and Food Products Division Council. 0.2 I)()~'i and c ats ,ll fa widely used a" pot's and as exhibits. DC)KS are also used for manv other purposes. S11' 11 a~ [(lr ~lliding' blind persons; watch, protection and hunting operation-: ..uid tr,u ing the convicts, Besides, dogs a nd cats arc 11~~(1 ..\~ laboratorv animals for rr-search concerning t,iolll~dical pllrpos{'s. 111 view of this lar~(~ uvaue of dogs and cats, tile)' are frequently required to })l' transported. As transport i equire-rnents of both these animals are l>y and largf' the sarnc, a r ouu nou C()(tt~ is l)~illg- prescribed for their transport. 0.3 In tilt' preparation of this code. due rons ideration has been 1o{:~/ell to Prevention of Cruelty to Anirnal-, Act , 19t>O. However, it is subject to restrictions ilJIP()SP<) under this .'\( r. tile tile wherever applicable. 0.4 For the ptlrp()s~ of clcciding whether a part icular requ ir emr-n t of'thi-, c ode is complied with, the filial value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall bo rounded off in accordance with IS: 2·1960*. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This code covers the essential requisites for the transport of ~)()I{s and rats bv- rail, road and, air. It is applicable to all breeds of d(j~'i a nd cats. 2. TERMINOLOGY 2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the follow ing definitions shall apply. ·Rul~1 to.. rounding off numerical values ( rll'/~,J ). 3 2.1 ADlmal--- Only dog or cat. 2.2 Sbe - The length, width, height and elbow size of dog and cat shall be defined as under. 2.2.1 Length -- Tip of nose to root of tail (set A in Fig. 1). 2.2.2 Jti.'idl" - Width across the shoulders (set D in Fig. 1 ). , 2.2.3 Height- Tip of ears to toe while standing (see B in Fig. 1). 2.2.4 Elbow Si~e - Toe to tip of elbow (see C in Fig. I ). B I I r-- 1-__1 _ FIG. s, 000 GENERAL CONDmONS '.1 Animals to be transported should be healthy and ill good condition. They shall be examined by a qualified pf'rson for freedom from contagious and infectious diseases and their fitness to undertake the journey I 3.1.1 Animals transported in the same container shall be species and breed. or the same 3.1.2 Unweaned puppies or kittens shall not be transported in the same cage with adult dogs or cats other than their dams. 3.1.3 Any dog or cat reported to be vicious or exhibiting a vicious disposition shall be transported individually in a cage, muzzled and labelled to give warning to the handlers. In extreme cases, the animals shall be administered with sedative drugs by a suitably qualified officer. 4 1114746·1_ 3.1.4 Any female dog or cat ill season (oestrus) shall not be transported in the same container with any male. 3.1.5 It is nell desirable to transport dOKS and cats in an advance stage of pregnancy. 3.2 Animals should I.>f' f~d and watered about two hours prior to their transport. Hungry and thirstv animals should not be packed. 3.2.1 Watering en route may l>e done- every four hours in summer or every six hours during winter. Feeding en route shall be done at least once in 12 hours for adult animals and once in four hours for puppies and kittens or in accordance with the instructions of the consignors. 3.3 Animals should also tlf' exercised as late as possible before despatch. 3.4 Animals should become accustomed to the cage in which thev are to travel beforehand, a, this may assist the animal during its journey, dogs and cats may l)~ allowed to travel with the owner provided they are protected from calJ'iing anv nuisance . disturbance, etc, to tile other passenzers. 3.5 Toy breeds (If 3.6 Adequate arrangements shall 1)(' made lor the care arid management of rhe animals during tile journev. 3.7 Health Certificate ---- A val id health certificate by a veterinarian authorized by the State to the effect that the animals are ill fit condition to travel ll)' rail, road or air and are not showing any sign of infectious or contagious disease including rabies shall accompany the consignment. For dogs tho rr-rtificate vhall also include the date and type of vaccine injeqted. 4. ROAD TRAVEL 4.1 This mode of transport may he adopted only when the animals ate to 1)(' transported over short distances. 4.2 In road journcv, ill public vehicle, the dogs or cats shall be put in a rage. ThE" cage containing dogs or cats shall not be put on the roof of the vehicle hut shall J)f' put inside the vehicle preferably near the rear end of the vehir If'. 4.3 The vehicle ill which the animals are to be transported should maintain constant speed. Sudden stops should be avoided. Effects of shocks and jolts should be reduced to a minimum. 4.4 At least one attendant shall be present at all times during transit and he shall ensure that proper transit conditions are observed. He shall also replenish food and water whenever necessary. 5 18:4746·1963 5. RAIL TRAVEL 5.1 In case the journey is for more than six hours, all attendant shall accompany the animals to supply them with their food, water, t'llt( , en route. The attendant shall have all access to the animals for Iecding, watering and attention at all stations. 5.2 Thr- .uiimal« should [lot be exposed to the direct blast of air. 6. AIR TRAVEL 6.1 Tile cages should he properly cleaned and sterilized before the animals are put in the cages. tt 6.2 Snub nose dog-s, such as pekiugese 9 a nd PURS, are affected more than other breeds by rarified atmosphere and care shall be taken to ('11StI1'~ that the front of the container has open barsfrom the top to the bottom of the box for ventilation. It is essential that the animal be free Irom respiratory troubles . 6.3 Sufficient paddy stra\v! saw dust 'I)(ll)t~r cI,ttil1C:" ,>11,111 cats ill the C'a~c~ as resting mate: ia l , 6.4 For iuternational transport. tho anim.rl-, should be kept compartment with regulated temperature, J)f\ provided !CH' ill a pressurized 7. CONTAINERS FOR TRANSPORTING 7.1 Cages, cartons or crates, used tel transport clogs or cats, shall be of such nlaterial which will 110t tear or crumble. They shall be well constructed, well ventilated and designed to protect the health of the animals by ~ivill~ them adequate space and safety. It is essential that wire mesh should })(A nose and paw proof'; suitable material is a welded wire mesh of not less that} 3 rnrn, with a spacing 12 X 12 mm, Expanded metal and wire neuing are unsuitable for this purpose. There should be no protruding nails or unprotected edges of wire. DOKS and cats kennels in rail coaches shall be so placed as to give protection to animals from extremes of temperature and disturbance from birds and by givill~ them adequate spacf' for health and safety. 7.1.1 The size of the containers for transportmg dogs shall be as Riven ill Table 1. A model cage is shown in Fig. 2. 6 IS: 4746 .)968 TABLE 1 DOG CONTAINER ( Clause 7. 1.1 ) All dimensions By ROAD In centimetres. By ANn RAIL A + C + 10 D x 2 + 10 Ii Length ( L) Width (W) A X if I{eight (H) 8 -1 15 AIR B + 10 LIPTING HANDLE CATCH FOR PADLOCK k H i WELDED WIRE M!SH DOOR "'NOES ~--.---._-. l ----#¥-.......". FLOOR BATTEN FIG. 2 A ?\10DEL DOG CAGE 7.1.2 The size of the containers for transporting cats shall be as given in Table 2. A model cage is shown in Fig. 3. TABLE 2 CAT CONTAINER All dimensions in centimetres. By ROAD AND RAIL Lenltb(L) Width (W) A A Height (Ht) B X 2 + 15 7 By AlB Ax2 A B + 10 IS 14746.1968 M!TAL CON1.,NEffS 'OR flOOD AND WATER lfFTING HANDLE OPEN DOOR I VENTILATING HOLES PADLOCK CATCH <, .......... TRAy HANDLE ...- .. SANITARV lAAY ~ PARTITION FO" FOOD AND SANIT.RV COMPARTMENTS 7.2 LabelUag of Coataiaer. - All animal conta iners shall clearlv labelled showing the name, address and telr-phone number (if anv \ of the consignor and the consignee and the mark <livestoc k ' In 1>01(1 It'd letters. ))C 8. CAllE IN TRANSIT 1.1 The consignee shall l)f- informed about the train or transport arrival or flight number and it, time of arrival in advaru (-. 8.2 Animal consignment to be transported 1)\, tail or road shall be booked by the next passenger or mail train or 1)\18 and should not be detained after accepting the consignment for booking. 8 INDIAN STANDARDS INSTIT·UTION ""~.1qll.,t6rr. M ~U it" 8 h f! 1IaT'. 9 8 ~ t IlH.1 loU S t, ~ h / a ~ lH l,.~ #I' g NEW [Jfl HI 11f)002 1.~.ph{H~.S,. 2f1 60 11 TGiI'''f~Hlll ,; 7 \I, 31 "1f~n~",.s81f~th~ 'Cornn~.(tn tl'1 ,,11 Ot~:(;Cij Hf'glotl$J O'f'c~1 M,of\M-4,ar.t (9 MIDC 'AatcJI ·Wes:tt:tn 4 At'dhtK! (f ast) BOMBAY 400093 ~ /14 C l T ~(h~m\!f VII M V , P R041d, Mao,. tQta CAlCU t1 ~ 700()f~. C' T C.mpu& MADRAS 600113 869 PhattfJ VJI f£a-,tttrn $outhe,"'" Northern 36 24 19 4' 14 42 8 13 21 JndtJ5trl.I ff'c.ltl Po,ot ~'a A S NAG J\~ 1 ~O()!J 1 ( ItunJ.b ) 8,/1'1<:'" Off IC_S ·Pushpak:. J1d floor. Nv'n1oham*d Sh•• ~h M.,O Ic:hanpul AHMADABAD 380001 ~f· 8~ock. Unf(V aldg Narasrmh.".,1 Squ~,. BANGAlORl 5&0002 Ganuol" COt'n p l •• (6th FloGf) 8hadbheda AoAd.. T 1 Nag.lf 8HOPAl .62003 I 21 ( Kalpanjl ArE.-a e'1USA.r~f!>HWA.R 41 1:2 ts3 4& 22 .. e O~ 6 27 t6 b 3~ 21 1510'.f M~tg ~iYOEHA;e~,O t00001 5 8.. 56C L N GUOI () A14 V'lJdt""., MlNg. C Sch.m. JAtP-UR 3Q200fl 117 ". 11 8 5Bt\fO ....W' ~ • ., ~AH PlJ A ;{O&OO, Patl,put,. tndusttt-.4 (S1.al. FA TNA 800Q13 ".401",)( Bldg (;' nd f locr l, Ra,fway Slatton l~J"ANOflUM 695001 r1 63 22 10 83 6 SIt 32 " 11 92 ., "'o.d ~3 05 32 27 In$&t~c1~oVY O'I(t.~iA (wtth S~I" ~a'-Mtl tn$t11ut I<.,n uf .._·'w.IOf'M'S (~n(j,;) BUildInG ) ') ~ 2 StHVflJ' N.F.t\J~f f.t L'Nt-" l , 001 $SaJftS O"lc" ~n 80tnhav l~ .~ T.Jove'ty Ch"'7'i1hft,~. a 0 "" a A Y (,Jan, t'nad 1.. \}O(}() I 1~a.a5 (Jfft(!) In Calr otte P" ,.1 2 I 66 00 ~hOwrlr~'Jt, e~ (~njHoiJ'ch~ f..1 () Plul1''''~ ~,l' '(,~y S CAtC'Ltf1A 100()1? R~-;:':':t.)ti~-;:ff)-j\';"'E F?~)GR~FJ-'-i'Y-Li~jl~;~~r:)f w15f"i.·~-; I
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