3/30/2015 2015Mississippi4‐HHorseShows Classes,Rules&Regulations Dean Jousan, Ph.D. Extension 4‐H Livestock Specialist April 1st ENTRYDEADLINEFINALREMINDER • May 1st (Friday) – Youth must be a 4‐H member and own their own horse – All district and state‐only horse show entry forms must be your county office 1 3/30/2015 ENTRYDEADLINEFINALREMINDER • June 1st (Monday) – Youth, parents, volunteers, etc. must be horse ethics certified • Horse ethics certification material can be found on the MSU Extension Intranet, Resources, Professional Development DISTRICTSHOWDATES&LOCATIONS • NE: June 10‐13, Starkville • SW: June 11‐13, Jackson • NW: June 11‐13, Tunica • SE: June 11‐13, Meridian 2 3/30/2015 SIGNIFICANTCHANGES Significant changes to classes, rules, and regulations have been underlined in the rulebook for your convenience! CLASSNUMBERS(PG.3‐4) • Be sure youth, parents, and volunteers check class #’s carefully when making entries 3 3/30/2015 SHOWSCHEDULE(PG.6‐8) • Kirk Fordice Equine Center, Jackson – Tuesday, June 23rd to Saturday, June 27th • Horse show – Wednesday to Saturday • Some classes will be held in the Rodeo Barn (Barn 11) to help with issues regarding overcrowding in the makeup area SHOWSCHEDULE(PG.6) • Moved classes 73‐75 (Dressage) – Wednesday, June 24th from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. • Goat/cattle classes – Senior classes go before junior classes 4 3/30/2015 NON‐HORSEREGIONALQUALIFYING • Top two senior individuals or teams qualify for the Southern Regional 4‐H contest – Horse Bowl Must pay own way to Southern Regional in Perry, GA (hosted by FL) – Hippology – Horse Judging Top team/individual will be supported to go to Denver in January – Horse Individual & Team Demonstration – Horse Public Speaking SOUTHERNREGIONAL4‐HHORSESHOW • Wednesday, July 29th to Sunday, August 2nd • Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter – Perry, GA (hosted by FL) • About 6+ hours from MSU based on Mapquest 5 3/30/2015 QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 1. Ring One Champion Mare (OB; Mini; S&G) 2. Ring One Champion Mare (QH; RP; GW; Pony) 3. Ring Two Champion Gelding (OB; Mini; S&G) 4. Ring Two Champion Gelding (QH; RP; GW; Pony) QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 1. Ring One Champion Mare (OB; Mini; S&G) 2. Ring One Champion Mare (QH; RP; GW; Pony) 3. Ring Two Champion Gelding (OB; Mini; S&G) 4. Ring Two Champion Gelding (QH; RP; GW; Pony) 5. Working Hunter (Best Score) 6. Equitation Over Fences (Best Score) 7. Open Jumping 8. Jr. Hunter Under Saddle 9. Sr. Hunter Under Saddle 10. Jr. Hunt Seat Equitation (Best Score) 11. Sr. Hunt Seat Equitation (Best Score) 12. Jr./Sr. Dressage (Best Score) 6 3/30/2015 QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 1. Ring One Champion Mare (OB; Mini; S&G) 16. Jr. Ranch Trail (Best Score) 2. Ring One Champion Mare (QH; RP; GW; Pony) 17. Sr. Ranch Trail (Best Score) 3. Ring Two Champion Gelding (OB; Mini; S&G) 4. Ring Two Champion Gelding (QH; RP; GW; Pony) 5. Working Hunter (Best Score) 6. Equitation Over Fences (Best Score) 7. Open Jumping 8. Jr. Hunter Under Saddle 9. Sr. Hunter Under Saddle 10. Jr. Hunt Seat Equitation (Best Score) 11. Sr. Hunt Seat Equitation (Best Score) 12. Jr./Sr. Dressage (Best Score) 13. Jr./Sr. Breakaway Roping (Fastest Time) 14. Jr. Ranch Riding (Best Score) 15. Sr. Ranch Riding (Best Score) QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 1. Ring One Champion Mare (OB; Mini; S&G) 16. Jr. Ranch Trail (Best Score) 2. Ring One Champion Mare (QH; RP; GW; Pony) 17. Sr. Ranch Trail (Best Score) 3. Ring Two Champion Gelding (OB; Mini; S&G) 18. Jr. Showmanship (Best Score) 4. Ring Two Champion Gelding (QH; RP; GW; Pony) 19. Sr. Showmanship (Best Score) 5. Working Hunter (Best Score) 6. Equitation Over Fences (Best Score) 7. Open Jumping 8. Jr. Hunter Under Saddle 9. Sr. Hunter Under Saddle 10. Jr. Hunt Seat Equitation (Best Score) 11. Sr. Hunt Seat Equitation (Best Score) 12. Jr./Sr. Dressage (Best Score) 13. Jr./Sr. Breakaway Roping (Fastest Time) 14. Jr. Ranch Riding (Best Score) 15. Sr. Ranch Riding (Best Score) 7 3/30/2015 QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 1. Ring One Champion Mare (OB; Mini; S&G) 16. Jr. Ranch Trail (Best Score) 2. Ring One Champion Mare (QH; RP; GW; Pony) 17. Sr. Ranch Trail (Best Score) 3. Ring Two Champion Gelding (OB; Mini; S&G) 18. Jr. Showmanship (Best Score) 4. Ring Two Champion Gelding (QH; RP; GW; Pony) 19. Sr. Showmanship (Best Score) 5. Working Hunter (Best Score) 20. Jr. Trail (Best Score) 6. Equitation Over Fences (Best Score) 21. Sr. Trail (Best Score) 7. Open Jumping 22. Jr. Western Pleasure 8. Jr. Hunter Under Saddle 23. Sr. Western Pleasure 9. Sr. Hunter Under Saddle 24. Jr. Horsemanship (Best Score) 10. Jr. Hunt Seat Equitation (Best Score) 25. Sr. Horsemanship (Best Score) 11. Sr. Hunt Seat Equitation (Best Score) 26. Jr./Sr. Western Riding (Best Score) 12. Jr./Sr. Dressage (Best Score) 27. Jr./Sr. Reining (Best Score) 13. Jr./Sr. Breakaway Roping (Fastest Time) 14. Jr. Ranch Riding (Best Score) 15. Sr. Ranch Riding (Best Score) QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 28. Pony & Jr. Pole Bending (Fastest Time) 29. Sr. Pole Bending (Fastest Time) 30. Pole Bending (Fastest Time NAQ) 31. Pole Bending (2nd Fastest Time NAQ) 32. Pole Bending (3rd Fastest Time NAQ) 33. Pole Bending (4th Fastest Time NAQ) 8 3/30/2015 QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 28. Pony & Jr. Pole Bending (Fastest Time) 29. Sr. Pole Bending (Fastest Time) 30. Pole Bending (Fastest Time NAQ) 31. Pole Bending (2nd Fastest Time NAQ) 32. Pole Bending (3rd Fastest Time NAQ) 33. Pole Bending (4th Fastest Time NAQ) 34. Pony & Jr. Barrel Racing (Fastest Time) 35. Sr. Barrel Racing (Fastest Time) 36. Barrel Racing (Fastest Time NAQ) 37. Barrel Racing (2nd Fastest Time NAQ) 38. Barrel Racing (3rd Fastest Time NAQ) 39. Barrel Racing (4th Fastest Time NAQ) QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 28. Pony & Jr. Pole Bending (Fastest Time) 29. Sr. Pole Bending (Fastest Time) 30. Pole Bending (Fastest Time NAQ) 31. Pole Bending (2nd Fastest Time NAQ) 40. Pony & Jr. Stake Race (Fastest Time) 32. Pole Bending (3rd Fastest Time NAQ) 41. Sr. Stake Race (Fastest Time) 33. Pole Bending 42. Stake Race (Fastest Time NAQ) (4th Fastest Time NAQ) 34. Pony & Jr. Barrel Racing (Fastest Time) 35. Sr. Barrel Racing (Fastest Time) 36. Barrel Racing (Fastest Time NAQ) 37. Barrel Racing (2nd Fastest Time NAQ) 43. Stake Race (2nd Fastest Time NAQ) 44. Stake Race (3rd Fastest Time NAQ) 45. Stake Race (4th Fastest Time NAQ) 38. Barrel Racing (3rd Fastest Time NAQ) 39. Barrel Racing (4th Fastest Time NAQ) 9 3/30/2015 QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 46. High Point Saddle & Gaited Horse 1 47. Reserve High Point Saddle & Gaited Horse 1 48. 3rd High Point Saddle & Gaited Horse 1 49. 4th High Point Saddle & Gaited Horse 1 QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 46. High Point Saddle & Gaited Horse 1 47. Reserve High Point Saddle & Gaited Horse 1 48. 3rd High Point Saddle & Gaited Horse 1 49. 4th High Point Saddle & Gaited Horse 1 50. High Point Horse from Thursday (NAQ) 2 51. 2nd High Point Horse from Thursday (NAQ) 2 10 3/30/2015 QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 46. High Point Saddle & Gaited Horse 1 47. Reserve High Point Saddle & Gaited Horse 1 48. 3rd High Point Saddle & Gaited Horse 1 49. 4th High Point Saddle & Gaited Horse 1 50. High Point Horse from Thursday (NAQ) 2 51. 2nd High Point Horse from Thursday (NAQ) 2 52. High Point Horse from Friday (NAQ) 3 53. 2nd High Point Horse from Friday (NAQ) 3 54. 3rd High Point Horse from Friday (NAQ) 3 QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 55. High Point Horse from All Qualifying Classes Wed, Thurs, and Fri (NAQ) 4 56. 2nd High Point Horse from All Qualifying Classes Wed, Thurs, and Fri (NAQ) 4 57. 3rd High Point Horse from All Qualifying Classes Wed, Thurs, and Fri (NAQ) 4 11 3/30/2015 QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 55. High Point Horse from All Qualifying Classes Wed, Thurs, and Fri (NAQ) 4 56. 2nd High Point Horse from All Qualifying Classes Wed, Thurs, and Fri (NAQ) 4 57. 3rd High Point Horse from All Qualifying Classes Wed, Thurs, and Fri (NAQ) 4 58. High Point Horse from All Qualifying Classes (NAQ) 5 59. 2nd High Point Horse from All Qualifying Classes (NAQ) 5 60. 3rd High Point Horse from All Qualifying Classes (NAQ) 5 Five alternate regional qualifying slots will be filled after the 60 slots have been taken in case there is a cancellation prior to the entry deadline. The alternate slots will be filled from All Qualifying Classes (Not Already Qualified). QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 ONCEAYOUTHSIGNSTHEFORM STATINGHE/SHEFORFEITSTHEIR RIGHTTOGOTOREGIONALS,THAT HORSEISINELIGIBLEOFQUALIFYING FORTHATYEARINALLCLASSES! 12 3/30/2015 QUALIFYINGHORSES– SR4‐HHORSESHOW 60SLOTS;SEEPAGES6‐9AND55 • Explanation of high point horse regional qualifying slots can be found on page 9 in addition to tie breaker process • Must pay regional entry fee within 30 minutes of the last qualifying class held each day or forfeit right to go to regional show HELMETPOLICYAT2015SR 4‐HHORSESHOW(PG.9) • Any youth age 18 or under (as of January 1 of the current show year) is required to wear a properly fastened American Standard for Testing Materials (ASTM)/Safety Equipment Institutes (SEI) approved protective headgear when mounted on a horse. Helmet use is required when mounted AT ALL TIMES on the show grounds, including all performance classes and divisions. 13 3/30/2015 HELMETPOLICYAT2015SR 4‐HHORSESHOW(PG.9) • Additionally, this policy is in effect in the show pen as well as ALL warm‐up/practice pens and on the show grounds when mounted. Violation of this policy may result in disqualification from the show and/or removal from show grounds. HELMETPOLICYAT2015SR 4‐HHORSESHOW(PG.9) • It is the responsibility of the exhibitor, or the parent, guardian, or trainer of the exhibitor, to ensure the headgear worn complies with appropriate safety standards for protective headgear intended for equestrians’ use and is properly fitted and in good condition. The Southern Regional Show Committee and officials are not responsible for checking appropriateness of headgear worn. 14 3/30/2015 GENERAL4‐HREGULATIONS(PG.10) 1. Youth must be 4‐H members by May 1st 2. 4‐H’ers, parent/guardian & volunteers must complete horse ethics program by June 1st – Follow MSUES 4‐H Policies on Registering Volunteers GENERAL4‐HREGULATIONS(PG.10) 3. Each and all horses/equids exhibited in any 4‐H show must be solely owned by the 4‐H’er showing the horse or by an immediate family member by May 1. – Parent, Stepparent, Brother, Sister, Half Brother, Half Sister, Grandmother, Grandfather, or Legal Guardian • Legal guardian is determined by presenting an official court order (authorized by a judge) before the show Registered horses will be registered with the proper registry association by May 1 of the show year. 15 3/30/2015 SignGradeHorseForminColor STAMPFORGRADEHORSE FORMS&OTHERENTRIES • 2014 State 4‐H Horse Meeting – Voted to utilize a stamp for grade horse forms – Recommend using it for official 4‐H horse show entries as needed • Stamp costs $10; make check payable to MS 4‐H Horse Clubs, Inc. & mail to Elwanda 16 3/30/2015 GENERALSHOWRULES®ULATIONS (PG.10‐13) • Important rules to know about horse shows – 2: Horses ridden in competition by adults other than immediate family are ineligible for 4‐H horse shows – 3: Must have original registration paper or official ownership form for all registered and grade horses – 8: Entering horses in halter and performance classes – 9: Entering horses jointly owned – 10: Same horse & exhibitor must show at state show GENERALSHOWRULES®ULATIONS (PG.10‐13) • Important rules to know about horse shows – 15: Code of Conduct/Dismissal of horses – 16: Horses must start performance w/in 1 minute – 17: Nobody allowed in show ring (except roping) – 18: Judge has final say on illegal equipment – 23: Protest fee is $150 17 3/30/2015 GENERALSHOWRULES®ULATIONS (PG.10‐13) • Important rules to know about horse shows – 24: Where to wear exhibitor numbers – Failure by exhibitor to wear correct number(s) in a visible manner shall result in disqualification. GENERALSHOWRULES®ULATIONS (PG.10‐13) • 26: District and State‐Only Substitution Rules – To substitute a horse • Exhibitor must have two or more horses entered • Horse must be injured, sick or deceased • Written statement from vet on vet’s letterhead – Property of show management when given to show office • Horse being substituted is ineligible to show at that year’s district & state horse shows 18 3/30/2015 GENERALSHOWRULES®ULATIONS (PG.10‐13) • 26: District and State‐Only Substitution Rules – Substituted horse can show in classes in which it was already entered and in the classes that the horse that is unable to be shown was entered, if applicable. GENERALSHOWRULES®ULATIONS (PG.10‐13) • 27: All horses brought onto the show grounds must be accompanied by an Original Negative Equine Infectious Anemia Test Certification or certified Coggins document (PHOTOCOPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED) in hand bearing lab number with animal ID issued within 12 months of show date. 19 3/30/2015 GENERALSHOWRULES& REGULATIONS(PG.10‐13) • 34/34a: Helmet Rule – Must be worn in barrels, poles, & stakes ENTRYREMINDERS(PG.13) • Entries must be received in county offices by May 1st • Online entry system opens on April 13th • District Show entries – send to District Show secretary • State‐only entries for classes 37‐39, 52, 56, 68‐75, 98‐99, 101, and 104‐107 and their entry fees should be received in county offices by May 1st 20 3/30/2015 DISTRICTHORSE SHOWENTRYFORM 1) Order from Elwanda 2) One entry form needed per horse 3) Copy of grade form or registration certificate must be sent to District Show Secretary “STATEONLY”HORSE SHOWENTRYFORM 1) Order from Elwanda 2) One entry form needed per horse 3) Copy of grade form or registration certificate must be sent to Elwanda 21 3/30/2015 STATESHOWQUALIFICATIONS(PG.13) • Welsh Pony High Point Award – May be a full or half Welsh Pony (Section A, B, C, or D) – Must have registration papers from Welsh Pony & Cob Society – Send copy of entries and registration papers to Dean STATESHOWQUALIFICATIONS(PG.13) • 3. All horses qualifying for the state horse show must enter and pay all fees within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the last state qualifying class of each day. Any exhibitor who does not pay their entry fees within 30 minutes of the last qualifying class each day will forfeit the right to compete at the state horse show in the class or classes that they qualified in that day. 22 3/30/2015 STATESHOWQUALIFICATIONS(PG.13) • 3. Alternates to fill open slots will begin immediately following the 30‐minute time limit and will continue for an additional 30 minutes. Books are closed each day at the district horse show. No substitutions or additions will be made after the district show books have been closed. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to see that all entries and fees are properly made and paid at the appropriate time. STATESHOWQUALIFICATIONS(PG.13) • 4: No horses are allowed on State Fairgrounds before 4:00 P.M. on Tuesday, June 23, 2015 23 3/30/2015 STATESHOWQUALIFICATIONS(PG.13) • 5: Financing State 4‐H Horse Show –Each entry fee is $6 per class –Ranch Sorting has a $15 cattle charge per rider MEASURINGPONIESFORNON‐ OVERFENCESCLASSES(PG.14) • 1. Miniature horse – 38 inches and under • 2. Pony – 48 inches and under • 3. Pony – over 48‐52 inches – Registered miniature horse over 38 inches will be moved to the appropriate Registered Other Breeds halter class (Class 15 or 16) – Grade miniature horse over 38 inches will be moved to the appropriate pony halter class (Class 21 to 24) 24 3/30/2015 MEASURINGPONIESFOROVER FENCESCLASSES(PG.14) • 1. Small/medium ponies: ≤ 13 hands • 2. Large ponies: < 13 hands to 14.2 hands • 3. Hunter horses: > 14.2 hands CONFORMATIONCLASSES(PG.14) • 9: Horses can be entered and shown in only one conformation or in hand (halter) class. 25 3/30/2015 CRITERIAFORSHOWMANSHIP(PG.14‐16) • Some changes to Presentation of Horse on page 16 SADDLEANDGAITEDDIVISION(PG.16‐19) CHECKYOURGAITEDHORSEENTRIESCAREFULLYUSINGTHISPAGE • Flat Shod Horse – Exhibitor can enter • Padded Horse – Exhibitor can enter the following classes: the following classes: 32 or 33, 34 or 35, 31, 36, 37 or 38 37 or 38 and 39 and 39 26 3/30/2015 SADDLEANDGAITEDDIVISION(PG.16‐19) • Shoe size – Refer gaited exhibitors to page 17 • Saddle & Gaited Trail (page 18) – Rule clarification on holding reins WESTERNPLEASUREVS. RANCHRIDING(PG.20&52) • REMINDER ABOUT RULE – A horse/rider combination may participate in only one pleasure class (either Western Pleasure or Ranch Riding). • Can enter both classes ONLY if you ride different horses in each pleasure class. 27 3/30/2015 REMINDER(PG.21&ELSEWHERE) • Exhibitors in classes 41, 42, 49, 53, 56, 59, 65, 73 and 99 may only enter Halter and Showmanship. These classes DO NOT count toward high point awards. – Walk‐Jog/Walk‐Trot Classes: 41, 42, 49, 53, 59, 65, 73 – Special Needs Classes: 56, 99 • If special needs 4‐H’er owns their own horse: can enter and show in walk/trot, halter, and showmanship classes. SPECIALNEEDSWALK/JOG HORSEMANSHIP(PG.21) • Special Needs Walk/Jog Horsemanship pattern 28 3/30/2015 WESTERNTRAILVS.RANCHTRAIL (PG.26&53) • REMINDER ABOUT RULE – A horse/rider combination may participate in only one trail class (either Western Trail or Ranch Trail). • Can enter both classes ONLY if you ride different horses in each trail class. SPECIALNEEDSWALK/JOG TRAIL(PG.28) • Special Needs Walk/Jog Trail pattern 29 3/30/2015 HUNTERDIVISION(PG.34‐34) • Personal appointments –Shirts should be conservative in color with a choker/rat catcher, snap choker, or tie. DRESSAGETESTS(PG.42‐44) • Updated 2015 dressage tests • 2015 Introductory Level Tests A & B from USDF • 2015 Training Level Tests 1‐3 from USEF 30 3/30/2015 SPEEDEVENTSDIVISION(PG.45‐47) • 3. Gate setup for speed events will consist of a V pattern with one entry gate and one exit gate in the alley with the option of an arena gate and will be patterned after NBHA. • Gate setup for speed events is for the state horse show only and is recommended for each district horse show. SPEEDEVENTSDIVISION(PG.45‐47) • 3. At the state show, a closed gate finish at the end of the alley will be used. Requests to close the arena gate are permitted but must be made immediately before the start of the run. In the Stake Race, the arena gate will be closed once the horse enters the arena and will remain closed the entire run. Horse and rider will leave the arena through the exit gate after the run. 31 3/30/2015 SPEEDEVENTSDIVISION(PG.47) • Tack • Stirrups, stirrup leathers, or any part of the fender should not be attached by any means to the cinch, breastplate, saddle, horse, or anywhere other than where it is normally attached to the saddle. ROPINGDIVISION(PG.47) • General Rules and Regulations, 1. – Each member may enter Team Roping twice in one class (one time as a header and one time as a heeler and may ride the same or a different horse as a header or heeler). • Repeated on Page 49, rule 2, under Dally Team Roping • All roping contestants will pay a $15 cattle charge. 32 3/30/2015 RANCHSORTING(PG.49‐50) • Matches a two‐rider team against 12 head of cattle to be sorted in numerical order from one sorting pen to another. • Most cattle sorted in the fastest time wins. • All sorting contestants will pay a $15 cattle charge. WESTERNPLEASUREVS. RANCHRIDING(PG.20&52) • REMINDER ABOUT RULE – A horse/rider combination may participate in only one pleasure class (either Western Pleasure or Ranch Riding). • Can enter both classes ONLY if you ride different horses in each pleasure class. 33 3/30/2015 RANCHRIDING(PG.51‐53) • Ranch Riding pattern included on page 52 WESTERNTRAILVS.RANCHTRAIL (PG.26&53) • REMINDER ABOUT RULE – A horse/rider combination may participate in only one trail class (either Western Trail or Ranch Trail). • Can enter both classes ONLY if you ride different horses in each trail class. 34 3/30/2015 AWARDS(PG.55) • Classes that count toward division high point awards – Western: 1‐18, 25‐28, 43‐48, 50‐51, 54‐55, 57‐58 – Saddle and Gaited: 19‐20, 29‐39 – Hunter: 61‐64, 66‐67, 70‐72, 74‐75 – Pony: 21‐24, 40, 60 – Speed Events: 78‐81, 84‐87, 90‐93 – Pony Speed Events: 76‐77, 82‐83, 88‐89 – Cattle & Goat: 94‐98, 102‐103 AWARDS(PG.55) • Welsh Pony High Point Award – May be a full or half Welsh Pony – Registration papers from Welsh Pony & Cob Society – Includes all classes that count toward a high point horse 35 3/30/2015 AWARDS(PG.55) • NOTE: All Walk‐Jog, Walk‐Trot, Introductory, Novice, Beginner, Team and Special Needs classes do not count toward high point awards. – Classes 41‐42, 49, 53, 56, 59, 65, 69, 73, 99‐101 • Classes 52, 68, & 104‐107 count toward a horse’s and youth’s high point totals, but not a division TIEBREAKERSFORREGIONAL(PG.55) • Ties for high point horse regional qualifying slots and for filling open slots with high point horses will be broken in this order: the exhibitor who (1) beats the greatest number of horses in all qualifying classes on a single horse; (2) earned the most points on a single horse in the greatest number of qualifying classes; or (3) earned the most points in performance classes on a single horse. 36 3/30/2015 SUBSTITUTIONRULEFORREGIONAL HORSESHOW(PG.55) • Horse qualifies for SR 4‐H Horse Championship and dies after state show, the exhibitor may substitute one of his/her horses for the regional show if the following criteria are met. • 1) Exhibitor must provide a copy of a death certificate obtained from a licensed veterinarian to Dean before the regional horse show deadline. SUBSTITUTIONRULEFORREGIONAL HORSESHOW(PG.55) • 2) Exhibitor must own the substituted horse under the existing Mississippi 4‐H Horse Show Rules and Regulations. • 3) Substituted horse must have been exhibited in that year’s Mississippi 4‐H State Horse Show. 37 3/30/2015 COUNTYSTALLDECORATION/DISPLAY CONTEST(PG.55‐56) • Provide 4‐H’ers an opportunity to display educational information related to the 4‐H horse project. • Decorations and displays should be exciting and challenging to construct and so 4‐H’er can share accomplishments, ideas, requirements, and/or results of studies in their projects. • ENTER BY FRIDAY, JUNE 5TH FOR COUNTY TO RECEIVE A STALL FOR THIS CONTEST – EMAIL ELWANDA AT ESHOOK@ADS.MSSTATE.EDU ALLJUNIOR4‐HCONTESTSWILLBEHELD ATDISTRICTHORSESHOWS • This allows for top 3 individuals & teams to advance to compete at the State Horse Show. • District Show Management will set the deadline for entering juniors for educational contests. 38 3/30/2015 JUNIOR4‐HHORSECONTESTS(PG.56) • The same junior individuals and/or team members must compete at the state horse show that competed at the district show (cannot substitute horse bowl/horse judging/team demonstration members between district and state horse show educational contests). HORSEBOWL(PG.56‐60); TEAMSMUSTCONSISTOF4OR5MEMBERS • Top 3 junior teams advance from each district • Senior entry deadline: Friday, June 5th to ADS Office 39 3/30/2015 HORSEBOWL(PG.56‐60); TEAMSMUSTCONSISTOF4OR5MEMBERS • SENIOR REFERENCE – AQHA – 2015 American Quarter Horse Association Show Rules HORSEBOWL(PG.56‐60); TEAMSMUSTCONSISTOF4OR5MEMBERS • SENIOR REFERENCE – Parker Equine Science (4th edition) by Rick Parker (senior reference); ISBN‐13: 9781111138776; Published January 2012 • Search online for book; available at Amazon.com 40 3/30/2015 HORSEINDIVIDUAL& TEAMDEMONSTRATIONS(PG.60‐61) HORSEPUBLICSPEAKING(PG.61‐62) HORSEJUDGING(PG.62) TEAMSMUSTCONSISTOF3OR4MEMBERS • Top 3 junior individuals and/or teams advance from each district • Senior entry deadline: Friday, June 5th to ADS Office HIPPOLOGYCONTEST(PG.62‐64); TEAMSMUSTCONSISTOF3OR4MEMBERS • SENIOR TEAM CONTEST (no juniors are eligible to compete) • Senior entry deadline: Friday, June 5th to ADS Office; each county can enter only one team 41 3/30/2015 HIPPOLOGYCONTEST(PG.62‐64); TEAMSMUSTCONSISTOF3OR4MEMBERS • HIPPOLOGY REFERENCE – Parker Equine Science (4th edition) by Rick Parker (senior reference); ISBN‐13: 9781111138776; Published January 2012 • Search online for book; available at Amazon.com HORSEART&PHOTOGRAPHY(PG.64‐65) • Districts may submit only the TOP 5 winning junior and senior entries in each category from that district • If you qualify for the state show, turn in entry – 10:00 A.M. until 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, June 24th, East End of Kirk Fordice Equine Center 42 3/30/2015 HORSEPHOTOGRAPHY(PG.65) • General Rules – 2. All digital and 35mm entries will be judged together in each category. • Photography Categories – Breed Promotion, Action, Non‐action, and Human Interest HORSEPHOTOGRAPHY(PG.65) • Rules for Horse Photography Contest –4. Photographs MUST have a horse/equid as the primary focus of the picture! 43 3/30/2015 HORSET‐SHIRTCONTEST(PG.66) • 1. Each 4‐H county is allowed to submit one printed t‐shirt that promotes the 4‐H horse program to its District 4‐H Horse Show. If a county has multiple horse clubs, that county will have to decide the one t‐shirt to submit to represent that county. SWAZYEWOODRUFFMEMORIALALL‐AROUND AWARD(PG.66) • Exhibitor must compete in one non‐riding contest at the State 4‐H Horse Show (or District 4‐H Horse Show for juniors), including Horse Judging, Horse Public Speaking, Individual Demonstration, Team Demonstration, Horse Bowl, and Hippology. • Exhibitor must compete in at least three events in three or more categories on the same horse. 44 3/30/2015 ENTRYDEADLINEFINALREMINDER • May 1st (Friday) – Youth must be a 4‐H member and own their own horse – All district and state‐only horse show entry forms must be your county office ENTRYDEADLINEFINALREMINDER • June 1st (Monday) – Youth, parents, volunteers, etc. must be horse ethics certified • Horse ethics certification material can be found on the MSU Extension Intranet, Resources, Professional Development 45
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