Newsletter No 9 Thursday, 26 March 2015 SPECIAL EVENTS HARMONY DAY On the ropes Mount Waverley Primary School, Park Lane, Mount Waverley 3149 Ph: 9807-1480 I Fax: 9888-1495 I Email: I Web: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE TERM 1 REFLECTIONS Although Term 1 2015 has provided some unexpected challenges, through tragic circumstances and our thoughts remain with those families affected, Mount Waverley Primary School also has much to celebrate. HIGHLIGHTS Sporting events, incursions, excursions, a working bee and a great deal of professional learning for teachers has all added value to the learning environment of our great school. However, for me it was Harmony Day that stole the limelight of our Term 1 highlights. This concept alone resonates with my own philosophy and the need for all of us to seek to understand the cultures and religions of other countries. The students put a great deal of effort into preparing their outfits for the day and I thank parents for supporting the event with an array of culinary delights. COOKBOOK The P & F cookbook is an exciting fundraising opportunity and I look forward with great anticipation to the recipes being provided and the final product coming to fruition later in the year. END OF TERM At Mount Waverley we have a highly professional and dedicated staff who are no doubt looking forward to a wellearned break. I wish the whole community a safe and happy holiday. Greg Paine PRINCIPAL IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES 27 March LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Early Dismissal 2.30pm 13 April CURRICULUM DAY (No students at school) 14 April Students return to school 16 April Yrs 3-6 House Cross Country 17 April SCHOOL PHOTOS— Class, individual & siblings 20 April Yr 2 Kids Car Ed 21—24 April Yr 5 Camp 27 April Yr 1 Kids Car Ed REMINDERS Permission forms & payments: Yr 6 Camp deposit overdue Prep—Yr 3 Swimming Program due 27 March ICAS closed 2016 ENROLMENTS Sibling Enrolment Forms for 2016 are now available from the Office. Enrolment forms for new families to the school will be available from Monday 13 April. EARLY FINISH Remember that school finishes at 2.30pm on the last day of this term, Friday 27 March. TERM 2 OPEN NIGHT AND SCHOOL TOURS Enrolment Forms and information will be available at: SCHOOL STARTS Open Night Tuesday 19 May 6.30—8.00pm The first day of next Term, 13 April, is a Curriculum Day. School Tour Saturday 23 May 11.00—12.00 noon Students return to school on Tuesday 14 April. ACHIEVEMENTS Hi, I’m Earnest and I care about the environment. Congratulations to the following students who attained Silver and Gold Certificates in recent weeks! GOLD Remember to switch off the TV, computer or radio if you are not using it. Have a great holiday and think about the environment when you are at home. Mia M, Nathan K, Alanah S, Chrystal Z, Andy S, Alexander W SILVER Hitani C, Jasmine J, Hiruki M, Kayla S, Charli S, Kenneth C, Matthew W, Ashley W, Mia D, Ethan L, Elsie W, Alex T, Forest L, Anirudh S, Dylan S, Arianna T, Imogen J, Mineth N, Shivank A Rubbish Free Lunch Day Winners Week 8 Term 1 Congratulations to our winning classes for last week’s Rubbish Free Lunch Day. The winning prep class was with Prep E with 95% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning junior school class was 1D with 95% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning middle school classes were 3B, 3D and 3/4Y with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning senior class was with 6A with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. Our winning classes are rewarded with 15 minutes extra recess! Congratulations! CLASS PA SCORE 88% CLASS 1C SCORE 86% CLASS 3B SCORE 100% CLASS 5A SCORE 59% PB 83% 1D 95% 3C 95% 5B 96% PC 85% 2A 81% 3D 100% 5C 81% PD 76% 2B 83% 3/4Y 100% 5D 95% PE 95% 2C 91% 4B 91% 6A 100% PF No result 2D 86% 4C 95% 6B No result 1A 92% 2E 81% 4D No result 6C 96% 1B No result 3A 91% 4E No result 6D 96% SCHOOL PHOTOS Advanced Life Photographers will be at the school on Friday 17 April to photograph all classes, siblings and individual students. This is the first Friday after school resumes for Term 2. Instructions for ordering photos online have been sent home with the youngest students. Orders can be done online. Order envelopes will be sent home on the first day of next term for those who have not completed online orders. It is important to note that Sibling Photo orders must be in by 15 April, 2 days prior to School Photo Day. Please read instructions carefully. MWPS NEWSLETTER At the moment families receive the newsletter via email and it is also available on the school website, as well as being displayed on the P&F Noticeboards near the Prep and Senior classrooms. As of next term the newsletter will be distributed via Compass, therefore it is very important that all families are registered on Compass. If you are not yet registered and are uncertain of how to go about this please contact the Office or Jen Dynan (ICT Coordinator). GENERAL INFORMATION WORKING BEE DATES th Term 2: Saturday 16 May Term 3: Saturday 1st August Term 4: Saturday 7th November SRI CHRISTIAN INSTRUCTIONS A SRI Christian Instructions Parent Consent Form will be distributed to all families in the first week of Term 2. It is intended that Christian SRI lessons will commence early in Term 2. There will be a cost of $10 to cover the student workbooks. The SRI Christian Instruction program gives students the opportunity to explore Christian beliefs and values. SRI Christian Instruction is an extra -curricular activity delivered by accredited volunteers associated with Access Ministry. LOST PROPERTY All items of clothing and other lost items that have not been collected from lost property by the end of term will be donated to the Second Hand Uniform Shop or to our charity clothing collection. SECOND HAND UNIFORMS Your child will only be eligible to participate in SRI Christian Instruction if you return the consent form to school. SRI ISLAMIC INSTRUCTIONS The school has been approached by Arkan Toledo seeking to deliver SRI Islamic Instruction at Mount Waverley Primary School in 2015. It is intended that Islamic SRI lessons will commence early in Term 2. There will be a cost of $5 to cover the student workbooks. The Second Hand Uniform shop will be open again in Term 2, on Monday 20 April 9.10-9.30am. The Islamic Special Religious Instruction program gives students the opportunity to explore Islamic beliefs and values. SRI Islamic Instructions is an extra-curricular activity delivered by accredited volunteers associated with Arkan Toledo. Mechelle G Coordinator If you would like your child to participate in SRI Islamic instruction please collect a parent consent form from the Office. Your child will only be eligible to participate in SRI Islamic Instructions if you return the consent form to school. PARENT CLASS REPS The following teachers still need a Parent Class Rep for this year. 6A - Loretta Leary, 6C - Chris Low, 5D - Wendy Ball, 4C - Tom Boyle, 4B - Erin Harman, 3A - Chris Parker, 1B - Leasyl Richards and Prep F - Kate Orr. If you are able to help in this role or would like some more information can you please contact Emily Johnston at as soon as possible COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD Host Families Needed For New Exchange Students in 2015 Many girls and boys aged between 15 and 18 from exciting countries like Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Brazil, Norway, Sweden, Argentina, Finland and Austria are hoping to come here to study for 3, 5 or 10 months from July this year and stay with a volunteer family that is willing to host and welcome them and can afford an extra member at the family table. If you feel you could do this for them for the length of their stay or even some of it, please contact Klaus Schumann on (03) 97584279 and let Klaus know of your interest. PARENTS AND FRIENDS NEWS The MWPS Cookbook fundraising project has kicked off and we now need your recipes!! Each family should have received a flyer last week outlining how you can submit recipes online to our cookbook. We’ve received a handful of recipes so far – so thanks heaps to those families! Our cookbook is a celebration of the multiculturalism of our school and wider community and would like as many multicultural recipes as we can get. We’d LOVE to get as many recipes as possible submitted by the start of Term 2 so that we can start the big task of editing, formatting and pulling the cookbook together. Maybe picking your favourite family recipe and submitting it online could be a fun family project to do over the school holidays. Before submitting your recipe we encourage everyone to check out the list of recipes that we have already received to avoid duplications. You can access this recipe list by logging onto Compass (see the link under ‘MWPS Cookbook’ in the ‘News’ section) or going onto the MWPS website (go to and click on the ‘MWPS Cookbook recipes’ link under the Forms section on the left hand side). This list will be updated daily. Then simply go into the Create A Cookbook website as per the instructions in the box below to submit your recipe. To submit your recipe please go to: Click on the “Submit recipe” tab near the top of the screen. This will take you to a page where you can select Mount Waverley Primary School in the drop down box. Once you have selected our school simply click on the ‘click to access recipe form’ tab and follow all the prompts. If you have any questions at all about the cookbook, experience any problems submitting a recipe or would like to donate your time helping us with this project, please feel free to contact cookbook coordinators Kerrie Richards and Narelle Bethune via Secure Parking Loves Melbourne! Free Weekend & Evening Parking for the Month of April! Enjoy the city this school holidays with No Parking Worries! Choose from Secure Parking’s 17 locations when you book your evening or weekend parking online. Whether you are going shopping, dining out, seeing a show, or just exploring our magnificent city, let Secure Parking take care of your car so you have No Parking Worries! This is no April Fool! All you need to do is: • Register for our online booking system Secure-A-Spot • Select a car park in the Melbourne CBD and choose weekend or evening parking • Enter the promotional code LOVEMELB15 to secure FREE parking, any time in April! You will receive a 5 digit PIN when you book, which is your unique key to the car park. And that’s it! Enjoy Melbourne this April and make sure you let your friends know so that they can enjoy it too! You can find out more information at PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS CITIZENSHIP ACHIEVEMENT 34Y Gisele A for always using excellent manners and for being co-operative when working with others. Great job! Joel K for always contributing good ideas to discussions and completing work to a high level. Well done! 3A Maisie B for being a considerate class member who is friendly and polite towards all her peers. Pranav D for willingly exploring and sharing different strategies for adding and subtracting numbers mentally. 3B Rhea G for always showing respect and kindness to her peers and her willingness to share with others. Lucas J for his excellent work ethic and positive participation in all learning areas. 3C Julian C for always being a good citizen. He always demonstrates a positive attitude and tries his best. Awesome work! Sarina Z for her improved dedication towards her class work. She is more regularly completing work within set time frames. Keep up the great work! 3D Adhvik B for always being polite and thinking of others. Well done Adhvik! Beatrice L for always giving an amazing effort with the creativity and presentation of her schoolwork. 4B Katelyn T for trying her best on all camp activities and even holding a snake in the reptile house. Emily WS for her great achievement in reaching 22 crates in the camp crate climb. 4C Carter C for helping others in his group and being respectful and polite. Also making a smooth transition back into class. Tile B for being so upbeat and engaged in camp, even when stepping outside his comfort zone. 4D Michaela J for working with a friend to create a group card that was presented to Camp Oasis staff. What a lovely gesture Michaela! Matthew B for a huge improvement in his effort, concentration and quality of work produced in the classroom. Keep it up Matthew. 4E Aryan M for participating in all activities whilst at camp and encouraging his fellow group members. Well done! Mia D for stepping out of her comfort zone to participate in the camp talent show. It is great to see your dancing talents out on display! 5A Lily S for always being a kind and helpful member of our class and for helping other teachers clean up. Well done! Daisy J for her excellent debating skills on the topic "School should start at 9am and end at 5pm'. Great persuasive skills. Well done! 5B Maria K for always being a beautifully mannered, polite and positive member of 5B! Subu B for continually completing outstanding standards of work and always putting in 100%. 5C Jason H For always being a positive and friendly student who works well with all his peers. Oliver C For doing a fantastic job representing MWPS at the Gateways Program. Well done Oliver! 5D Riley S for always being polite and considerate to others. Riley also has an excellent work ethic. Laura W for excellent achievements in writing, being able to express herself using all her senses. 6A Chelsey D for always having a go at everything and trying her best. James H for committing to his job as School Captain with great fervour. 6B Partalie K for her resilience and for being courteous towards other class members. James M for making an excellent start to Year 6 and completing challenges placed before him. 6C Jiny J for showing wonderful organisational skills in the way she has managed her tasks and brought back all notices on time. Ivan Z for showing excellent work ethic in completing all his tasks to a great standard, showing initiative when the situation calls for it. 6D Sophie P for always being willing to help those who need it and supporting others when completing learning tasks. Neha M for taking a risk during Reach Rookys and dancing in front of the entire group. Mount Waverley Primary School EVENTS PLANNER Term 2 2015 RFL = Rubbish Free Lunches WEEK Week 1 Monday 13 April Curriculum Day 20 April School Council Week 2 Yr 2 Kids Car Ed 27 April Yr 1 Kids Car Ed Week 3 Week 4 Week 6 Week 7 14 April 21 April Target Tuesday Year 5 Camp Wednesday 15 April 4 May Prep/1 Swimming BOOK FAIR 5 May Target Tuesday Prep/1 Swimming Friday State Swimming School Photos 22 April 23 April 24 April Year 5 Camp Monash Rotary Club ANZAC Service 28 April Thursday 16 April Year 3-6 House Cross Country RFL Year 5 Camp 29 April Division Tennis 6 May 30 April RFL 17 April Year 5 Camp Yrs 3&4 Mt Waverley Library Visit 7 May 8 May Prep/1 Swimming Yr 6 Sport – (by) Prep/1 Swimming 12 May NAPLAN Prep/1 Swimming Year 6 Camp 13 May NAPLAN Year 6 Camp BOOK FAIR BOOK FAIR 18 May EDUCATION WEEK School Council Years 2/3 Swimming 19 May Target Tuesday Regional Tennis ICAS digital technologies Years 2/3 Swimming 20 May BOOK FAIR OPEN NIGHT BOOK FAIR EVENT 25 May Years 2/3 Swimming 26 May District Cross Country Years 2/3 Swimming 27 May 1 June 2 June Target Tuesday 3 June BOOK FAIR 1 May Earth Hour Yr 6 Sport – Round 1 Yrs 3&4 Mt Waverley Library Visit RFL BOOK FAIR 14 May RFL NAPLAN Prep/1 Swimming Year 6 Camp BOOK FAIR 15 May Earth Hour Prep/1 Swimming Year 6 Camp Yr 6 Sport – (bye) 21 May 22 May Yr 6 Sport – Round 4 Years 2/3 Swimming RFL Years 2/3 Swimming 28 May RFL Years 2/3 Swimming ICAS Science 4 June RFL Week 8 BOOK FAIR 29 May Years 2/3 Swimming Yr 6 Sport – Round 5 State Tennis 5 June Earth Hour Division Cross Country Yr 6 Sport – Round 6 WILD ONESIE DAY World Environment Day Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Sat/Sun Yrs 3&4 Mt Waverley Library Visit CHANGE THE WORLD IN 5 MINS- MOBILE PHONE COLLECTION WEEK 11 May Prep/1 Swimming Week 5 Tuesday 8 June QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY 9 June 10 June 11 June 15 June School Council ICAS Writing this week 16 June Target Tuesday ICAS Spelling Regional Cross Country 17 June 18 June RFL Yr 5 Night of the Notables 22 June 23 June 24 June Year 6 Reach Rookies Reports to go home 25 June RFL RFL 12 June Yr 6 Sport – Round 7 Subway Lunch Yrs 3-6 Music Night 19 June Yr 6 Sport – Finals 26 June LAST DAY OF TERM 2 WORKING BEE SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT UPDATE MWPS CONTINUES TO SUPPORT EARTH HOUR Our Environmental Sustainability policy encourages all members of the school community to be active and responsible in their actions towards the global environment. The overarching theme of our whole school curriculum is: It’s Our Choice! In an effort to minimise our ecological footprint, MWPS has chosen to implement regular Earth Hours at school and asks the school community to support this event at home and at work. This event has been created to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced. Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming. All you need to do is turn off all of your lights for one hour. Easy! We will be supporting this program at school again on Friday, May 1st (as this Friday is the end of the term and early dismissal prevents our Earth Hour from occurring) by switching off all of the lights in the school and any unnecessary electrical equipment in each classroom for one hour between 2.30 and 3.30pm. Throughout the year, there will be many more Earth Hours celebrated in our school in an effort to make a difference and to making Earth Hour part of our everyday lives at school, home and at work. What is Earth Hour? Earth Hour was founded by WWF in Sydney in 2007 and has now been embraced by 7001 cities and 152 nations across the globe. And in 2014, Earth Hour will focus attention on one of the world’s most iconic and threatened places: Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. As always, Earth Hour only works if you’re part of it. WWF is launching a special Earth Hour television event with Channel Ten to reveal the true story of what’s happening to the Great Barrier Reef due to climate change and more. Then they’ll turn out the lights to make a stand for the Great Barrier Reef. On Saturday 28th March Earth Hour supporters will get together at small and large gatherings around the country. They’ll tune in to the must-see TV special, before turning out the lights to remind the world that it’s lights out for the Great Barrier Reef if we don’t stand up to protect it. The organisers of the fifty best – most original, inspiring, impressive or unique Earth Hour gatherings – will then win a ticket to Camp Earth Hour on the Great Barrier Reef. How will you celebrate Earth Hour in 2015? There are many ways to get involved, from spreading the word or holding your own Earth Hour event, to making Earth Hour part of your everyday life at home and at work. You also get your own Earth Hour page which allows you to see the direct effect that you are having when you invite friends and family to get involved too. Go to to find out more and register. The planet can supply for our need, but not for our greed. It’s Our Choice! Loretta Leary Environment Co-ordinator Change The World In Minutes The Senior Environment Team have undertaken a challenge to CHANGE THE WORLD IN 5 MINUTES. This can easily be achieved by taking small actions towards making our community a more sustainable place to live in. Next term the challenge is to recycle as many mobile phones and mobile phone accessories as possible. So we ask that students please bring to school any old phones and accessories for recycling. Students, parents and friends may bring in these things any time from today. Each class will have a small collection box. During Week 3 the Senior Environment Team will call for a five minute collection of all mobile phones and parts for recycling. These will then be collected by Mobile Muster as part of our commitment to Zoos Victoria to help save endangered gorillas in the wild. For more information on this program go to Imandie, Ella and Chanuth Environment Captains ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS WILL ARRIVE MAY 1ST 2015 Inside the book you will find hundreds of vouchers with up to 50% off, and 2 for 1 offers from restaurants, fine & casual dinning, cafes, movie cinemas, family holidays, attractions and lots more. You’ll have over 12 months to use the book, until June 2016. It’s a great value, as you only need to use the book 3- 4 times to get the money you spent on the book back. A copy of the book will be sent home to families Friday 1 MAY (not April, error in notice sent home on Friday). If you do not want a copy of the book please fill in an “opt out of book” form and return it to the office by FRIDAY 27 MARCH (last day of term) The cost is $65 with $13 from every book sold going towards the school for our children. If you wish to purchase a digital version for your smart phone you can do this online at: For more details contact Rosy on 0418 516 902 or via email on ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “NO” ENTERTAINMENT BOOK PLEASE (Please return to the General Office by Friday 27 MARCH 2015) Thank you but we DO NOT want the 2015 Entertainment book sent home. Youngest Child’s Name: ___________________________Class__________ Order your new Entertainment™ Books and Entertainment™ Digital Memberships from us today, and 20% of your Membership goes towards our fundraising for our fundraising Order Now for Early Bird Offers>> For only $65 Entertainment™ Memberships are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the best local restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel, and much more! Available as a traditional Entertainment™ Book -or- Digital Membership on your smartphone, your Membership gives you over $20,000 worth of valuable offers valid through to 1 June 2016! Order either Membership type before 15th April 2015, and you'll receive over $155 worth of Early Bird Offers which you can use straight away! " The Entertainment™ Book is such a great way to try new restaurants. It's also a great opportunity to help community organisations. It's been a big year for Entertainment™, with the Digital Memberships as well – just when I didn't think it could get any better!" - Ali M. (Member since 2009) CONTACT: Mt Waverley Primary School Rosy Linden 0418516902 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Mount Waverley OSHC phone: 0426 631 940 Coordinator: Karen Newham REMINDERS OSHC NEWS Hello Everyone, A kindly reminder that Monday 13 April is a curriculum day. We will be operating a service from 7am to 630pm. If you do need care please go to to book the day. It’s that time of the term again! Camp Australia Autumn holiday program is now open for bookings. An exciting program has been planned with an excursion to the movies. Incursions we will be making super hero bears, trying to catch a spy by cracking the code and making your own movie to take home on a dvd! Please go to to book the days required. How to get started before using our programs register online for an account. Registering is quick and easy. Visit our website to begin Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Save on Care You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday. Have a great week. Karen WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK AFTER SCHOOL CARE BEFORE SCHOOL CARE MENU MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Easter Craft Group games Cooking Easter Craft Group games MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Active games Easter Craft Group games Easter craft Active games MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Fresh fruit Fresh fruit platter Fresh fruit platter Fresh fruit platter platter Saladas with Sandwiches w/ choice of spread Fresh fruit platter Sandwiches with Choice Choice of spread of spread Choice of Sandwiches Popcorn Salad sandwiches
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