Newsletter No 17, Thursday 4 June 2015 SPECIAL EVENTS DIVISION CROSS COUNTRY Congratulations to Tilly R, Chris F, Alannah T, Matthew N, Liam S, Andy D, On the ropes Oliver C, Rehan F, Emma R, Johnny M and Mineth N who run at the Division Cross Country on Monday. It was great to see you all enjoy the run in very cold conditions. Well done! Cassie Kemp PE/Sport Coordinator QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY MONDAY 8 JUNE IS A PUBLIC HOLIDAY AND SCHOOL WILL NOT BE OPEN ON THIS DAY. SWIMMING CARNIVAL Congratulations to all the Prep to Year 3 students who participated in their swimming carnivals over the last few weeks. Thank you to all the parents who offered their help on the day and a special thankyou to those parents who got into the water to lend a hand. The children had a great time enjoying novelty events, as well as learning about swimming races and competing for house points and ribbons. The results were very close and are as follows: Prep and Year 1 Year 2 and Year 3 Murray – 336 Equal 1st – Goulburn and Murray - 314 Glenelg – 348 3rd – Glenelg – 312 Barwon – 335 4th – Barwon – 306 Goulburn - 315 Mount Waverley Primary School, Park Lane, Mount Waverley 3149 Ph: 9807-1480 I Fax: 9888-1495 I Email: I Web: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE PREP TRANSITION The Step into Prep program commences on Thursday 11 June and although acceptance letters will not be sent out until the following week, all families who have applied for Mount Waverley Primary School are welcome to attend. While the kinder students are engaged in some activities parents are welcome to have morning tea in the staffroom and listen to a brief presentation about Mount Waverley Primary School. Assistant Principals Vicki Martin and Peter Hough will also be in attendance at this presentation. SCIENCE FEEDBACK Thanks so much to the parents who have provided feedback on my newsletter article about Science last week. The support to increase the allocation of science in schools appears to be overwhelming and I look forward to continuing discussions regarding this with all stakeholders in the community. Fortuitously, Deakin University have approached our school to be involved in a joint venture with Essex Heights PS, Wattle Park PS and Box Hill North PS to develop science curriculum and increase skills in science teaching with pre service teachers. Robyn Knight and Tom Boyle will be our representatives for this project. IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES 5 June WILD ONESIE DAY Yr 5 Gold Rush Incursion 8 June QUEENS BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY 9 June-10 June Yr 3 & Yr 4 Science incursion 11 June Yr 3-6 Music Night 6.30pm see Compass/ Tiqbiz for notice Subway 15 June ICAS Writing this week Annual Reporting Meeting 7.00pm Staffroom 16 June ICAS Spelling Regional Cross Country 18 June Night of the Notables Yr 5 23 June Yr 6 Melbourne Museum 24 June Yr 6 Reach Rookys COMPASS As of Term 3 Compass will be used to disseminate the newsletter, rather than email, but it will also be available to download from our website. We are currently having discussions about using Compass next year to disseminate student June and December reports. I have been using this system as a parent for many years and have found it to be very user friendly. Greg Paine Years 3 - 6 Music Night 2015 Thursday the 11th of June, 6:30pm onwards. Please see Compass/Tiqbiz for notice WORKING BEE DATE Term 3: Saturday 1 August Term 4 : Saturday 7 November 26 June LAST DAY OF TERM 2.30PM DISMISSAL REMINDERS Permission forms & payments: Yr 5 Gold Rush due 3 June Yr 3 & 4 CSI Lab forensics due 5 June Yr 3/4 ,4,5 & 6 Swimming notices due 26 June PAYMENTS FOR HOUSE ATHLETICS If families have paid the Excursion Levy for this year they do not need to send along any money for the House Athletics. Only those who have not paid the Levy need to pay. SCHOOL TOURS Wednesday school tours will cease at the end of Term 2. From 13 July families wishing to visit the school should call to make an individual appointment. ACHIEVEMENTS/CURRICULUM . Hi, I’m Earnest and I care about the Environment. Earth Hour is this Friday. Remember to turn off any appliances at the wall rather than have them on stand-by. GOLD Ameesha W, Amir K, Ayush S, Eleisha L, Andrew B, Elsie W, Grace R, Hitani C, John S, Mirae, Tyler Z, Jiny J, Vincent C, Maria K LIBRARY NEWS It might surprise you to know that we are still winding up the last odds and ends of orders for the Book Fair… with only one book to be delivered and we’re done! And what a great success – at the moment our commission stands at $2030, which is a record high! This will directly benefit all the children, who will find comfy chairs and new books arriving in the Library over the next weeks. Thank you very much everyone who supported the book fair by purchasing books, and especially by helping out with the sales. Children of parent helpers at the Book Fair will be very pleased to hear that Mum or Dad have won house points for Glenelg, Barwon, Goulburn or Murray with their hard work. Thank you! Jacqueline Griffeth Teacher Librarian SILVER Melody Z, Gina K, Michael L, Daniel C, Sagarika A, Eldrick H, Olivia K, Allan W, Ashley W, Emily M, Taelora P, Keevan V, Isabella M, Shivank Agarwal, Ria P, Sophie S, Esha G, Keira G, Madeline T, Alannah T, Nudara L, Jasmine J, Andy L, Lucinda M, Catherine F, Caitlin H, Ethan L, Arthur C, Maria P, Racheal Z, Adam T, Charlotte W, Esha A WILD ONESIE DAY IS TOMORROW (FRIDAY) DRESS IN YOUR ONESIE OR AS AN ANIMAL AND BRING A GOLD COIN DONATION! Rubbish Free Lunch Day Winners Week 7 Term 2 Congratulations to our winning classes for last week’s Rubbish Free Lunch Day. The winning prep class was PF with 94% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning junior school class was 2A with 96% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning middle school classes were 3B, 3C and 3D with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning senior classes were 6A and 6C with 96% rubbish free lunches in their class. Our winning classes are rewarded with 15 minutes extra recess! Congratulations! CLASS PA PB PC PD PE PF 1A 1B SCORE No result 89% 90% 75% 83% 94% 79% 92% CLASS 1C 1D 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 3A SCORE 87% 87% 96% No result No result 91% 88% 85% CLASS 3B 3C 3D SCORE 100% 100% 3/4Y 100% 82% 4B 83% 4C 4D 4E 79% 86% 96% CLASS 5A 5B 5C 5D 6A 6B 6C 6D SCORE 56% 86% 90% 90% 96% No result 96% 86% GENERAL INFORMATION ‘Out of this World’ School Holiday Fun! ...And we have lift off! Bookings are now open for our Winter School Holiday programs. There's heaps of exciting activities to choose from – all with an ‘Out of this World’ twist! Each program is linked to activities that draw on imagination and creativity. From different times and lands, to out of space and back again…. with a little Minion fun! To find out what’s on and to book, visit We look forward to seeing you these School Holidays for fun that’s sure to be ‘Out of this World.’ The Camp Australia Team. COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD WHO’s IN CHARGE? An 8 week FREE program for parents or carers of young people (8-18 yrs) who are out of control. Program starts on Thursday 23 July 7pm-9.30pm Monash Youth & family Services Batesford Community Hub, 94 Batesford Rd, Chadstone Enquiries & bookings call Emily or Libby on 9518 3900 GENERAL INFORMATION 2015 CAMPS, SPORTS AND EXCURSIONS FUND (CSEF) CSEF will be provided by the Vic Government to assist eligible families to cover costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance will be paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The annual CSEF amount per student will be: $125 for primary school students How to Apply Contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from Closing Date You should lodge a CSEF application form at the school by 26 June 2015. Eligibility Date CSEF eligibility will be subject to the parent/legal guardian’s concession card successfully validating with Centrelink on either the first day of term two or term three. Term Two Validation If the parent/legal guardian’s concession card successfully validates on the first day of Term Two (13 April 2015), the application will be processed and full annual payment will be made to the school from the commencement of Term Three. For applications which fail Term Two validation, but become valid on the first day of Term Three, the application will be processed and payment will be made to the school during Term Three. 1:1 Laptop Program At Mount Waverley Primary School we recognise that we must remain at the forefront of maximising the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in our classrooms. Proudly over the past two and a half years, the school has invested significant time and financial support into developing a successful 1:1 laptop program. This innovative program was driven by the need to not only adapt to the Australian Curriculum, but also to continue to increase student engagement and student learning outcomes. The Australian Curriculum and AusVELS integrates ICT throughout English, Mathematics and other domains. It is therefore critical that our school’s leadership team and staff continue to advocate for, and use technology, to broaden the learning of their students. Mount Waverley Primary School is privileged to be a pilot school of the New Pedagogies Project. This program has focussed on creating ‘deep learning experiences’ in which technology can facilitate. We firmly believe that the 1:1 program enables students to engage in real life learning experiences which engage them and create exciting new possibilities for all involved. On Monday 15th June there will be Information Evening for the 2015 Year 3 parents to discuss our plans for 2016 with the 1:1 program. Whilst these families are strongly encouraged to attend to gain an understanding of our directions for Grade 4 2016 classes, we extend our invitation to any family in the school to attend. To assist our planning, please fill out the RSVP slip below and return it to the office by Friday 12 th June if you are planning to attend this valuable information evening. We look forward to seeing you there! Erin Harman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:1 Laptop Evening – Attendance Reply Monday 15 June 2015 – 6:00pm in the Great Space (West) Parent and Child Name:___________________________________________________ Number of people attending:______________________________________________ PARENTS AND FRIENDS PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS CITIZENSHIP ACHIEVEMENT 34Y Tessa for always supporting others with their learning. Well Done! Sinead for an excellent job with her reading task on drawing conclusions and making inferences. Great Work! 3A Michelle V for being a positive class member who enthusiastically participates in all class activities. Liam S for responding creatively to a writing task, using descriptive language for effect. 3B Chiara F for being a very helpful and cooperative class member who displays a positive attitude at all times. Rina S for always working diligently and enthusiastically in all areas of the curriculum and producing work of a consistently high standard. 3C Andre L for displaying a friendly attitude towards his classmates and using beautiful manners at all times. Sara P for working diligently and consistently producing work of a very high standard. 3D Athan M for the team work and co-operation he has shown through his Integrated Studies project. Michelle W for consistently helping others, including her peers and teachers, with great enthusiasm. Thank you Michelle! Juliette G for always producing work at a high standard and presenting all her work beautifully. 4C Hunter B for developing his ability to be resilient towards difficult and challenging tasks. Hyunji C for putting in the extra effort with her studies and being a leader in the classroom. 4D Senuja R for working well and consistently in reading group sessions this term. Well done Senuja. Finlay D for writing intriguing narratives. Well done Finlay. 4E Shreesh V for being an active citizen in our classroom by helping others, being proactive and continually contributing to our class discussions. Seyara F for working through multiplication and division problems with enthusiasm and sharing her understanding of these problems with her peers. 5A Abby D for always enthusiastically participating in all activities and for her fantastic and confident performance at assembly with the Dance and Drama Group. Well done! Marisa P for always producing an exceptional standard of work and for always being a helpful classmate. Keep up the great work! 5B Vincent C for always being a happy, friendly and caring member of our class. Jeremy D for always trying his best and completing high standards of work. 5C Oviya P for giving a fantastic effort to become more involved in class discussions and sharing her ideas with audiences. Cameron H for participating wonderfully during his Japanese lessons and giving his best efforts. Keep it up Cam! 5D Matthew T for excellent work in class, listening to instructions and maintaining focus on his activities, producing a fabulous result. Olivia K for an excellent effort in Literacy, writing creative and entertaining stories. 6A Alanah S for helping out our newest class member with class routines and unfamiliar work. Jacob N for writing a very good persuasive text about camp. 6B Brayden J for his fun nature and always being kind and supportive towards other class members. Daniel T for his excellent work this semester in all areas of the curriculum. 6C Melinda M for always having a smile on her face and bringing positive vibes to those around her. Jinghan Y for the beautiful poetry she has composed this term. Your poems showed skill and sophistication, Jinghan! 6D Imandie A for her positive attitude to her learning and willingness to help her classmates Ahnaf R for a big improvement in his effort, attitude and quality of work. 4B Oscar R for always making great comments and insights during our class discussions. Well Done!
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