Newsletter No 18, Thursday 11 June 2015 SPECIAL EVENTS MWSC MUSIC MENTOR PROGRAM AND NEVR CONCERT At the beginningOn of the theropes year, three MWPS students were chosen to be part of Mt Waverley Secondary College’s Music Mentor Program. The program gives advanced primary woodwind instrumentalists the opportunity to be part of a secondary school concert band and be mentored by higher level secondary players. Our students - Imogen J, Teshani W (clarinet), and Louise W (flute) are thoroughly enjoying the experience. The girls have said they have learnt a great deal and their playing skills have really improved! Louise and Teshani have also participated in the North Eastern Victorian Region Concert, which took place at Hamer Hall last Wednesday 27 May. Teshani played in the Concert Band consisting of over 104 performers from 17 different schools. Louise performed in the Symphonic Band with 37 performers from 14 schools. Both girls were thrilled to perform in a venue like Hamer Hall. Well done girls and keep up the great work! Mr Macaulay Mrs Ellis MWSC Music Director Mr Davenport Music Coordinator Pinewood Bendigo Bank Manager MWPS GOES WILD FOR WILD ONESIE DAY MWPS once again supported the WWF and went wild over Wild Onesie Day. We raised $692 for our animal adoption programs. If you would like to watch the school’s Wild Onesie Day video then it is on the Sustainability blog: If you would also like to know more about our animal adoption programs then go to: Mount Waver- ley Primary School, Park Lane, Mount Waverley 3149 Ph: 9807-1480 I Fax: 9888-1495 I Email: I Web: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE EXPLICIT TEACHING At Mount Waverley Primary School our staff are involved in a great deal of professional learning and equally I expect them to engage in ongoing professional reading. Last week I shared with staff an article by Anita L Archer on explicit teaching and below is a very brief summary of a few of the main points: 1. Focus instruction on critical content 2. Sequence skills logically 3. Break down complex skills and strategies into smaller instructional units 4. Design organized and focussed lessons 5. Begin lessons with a clear statement of the lesson’s goals and your expectations 6. Review prior skills and knowledge before beginning instruction 7. Provide step-by-step demonstrations 8. Use clear and concise language 9. Provide an adequate range of examples and nonexamples 10. Provide guided and supported practice 11. Provide frequent responses 12. Monitor student performance closely 13. Provide immediate affirmative and corrective feedback 14. Deliver the lesson at a brisk pace but allow a reasonable amount of time for processing 15. Help students organise knowledge 16. Provide distributed and cumulative practice. IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES 11 June Yr 3-6 Music Night 6.30pm Subway Lunch 15 June ICAS Writing this week Annual Reporting Meeting 7.00pm in the Staffroom 16 June ICAS Spelling Regional Cross Country 18 June Night of the Notables Yr 5 23 June Yr 6 Melbourne Museum 24 June Yr 6 Reach Rookys 26 JUNE LAST DAY OF TERM 2.30PM DISMISSAL TERM 3 13 JULY—18 SEPTEMBER REMINDERS Permission forms & payments: Yr 3/4 ,4,5 & 6 Swimming notices due 26 June Although there is much more to this article, the summation provides a sense of what excellent explicit teaching looks like. STUDENT FEEDBACK PREP SIBLING ENROLMENTS 2016 At a recent presentation to staff I shared my strong belief in the importance of seeking student feedback and a range of strategies were presented. As Prep enrolments for 2016 are rapidly growing, it is extremely important that existing families at the school complete and lodge Prep enrolment forms for 2016 by Friday 19 June. I was delighted to see that the Year 6 team have completed a ‘Parking Lot’ on their Year 6 programs and this information will be used to foster continuous improvement. Great job! SCHOOL TOURS Wednesday school tours will cease at the end of Term 2. From 13 July families wishing to visit the school should call to make an individual appointment. Greg Paine 2015 P&F MEETING DATES July 15 August 12 September 9 October 14 November 11 December 9 WORKING BEE DATE Term 3: Saturday 1 August Term 4 : Saturday 7 November ACHIEVEMENTS/CURRICULUM . KIDS HOPE AUSTRALIA Hi, I’m Earnest and I care about the Environment. As a school benefiting from KIDS HOPE AUS Programs, we see first-hand the impact that their mentors have on the lives of vulnerable children across Australia. Remember that there are clothing donation bins at the school in the Senior Learning Area and the foyer of the Hall. The program is currently experiencing significant demand for their programs in regional and remote areas of Australia and have been actively working to develop innovative approaches to rollout new programs where there is the greatest need. Today they have approximately 30 additional schools that are wishing to establish a KIDS HOPE AUS program, however a lack of trained mentors is preventing timely implementation. To assist with the increasing need, KIDS HOPE AUS is proud to announce the launch of the Online Mentoring Development Initiative. To launch the Online Mentoring Development Initiative, we require an additional $20,000 to ensure its ongoing sustainability. Any member of the school community can assist them to reach this target. GOLD Gaho L, Kiara W, Tanya S, Leah S , Neha G You can assist by making a tax-deductable donation via and encouraging others to donate. SILVER Rex Y, Saige H, Sivya U, Dineth F, Nicholas C, Keiran F, Ayden L, Ian W, Thomas D, Veboda W, Danny O, Ramit K, Jack A, Grace C, Anna S, Dylan S, Jemima M, Vidun N, Om C If you have any questions about this initiative, please don’t hesitate to contact Marylin Leermakers, Chief Executive Officer KIDS HOPE AUS (03) 0434 404 994. Thank you for your support. Rubbish Free Lunch Day Winners Week 8 Term 2 Congratulations to our winning classes for last week’s Rubbish Free Lunch Day. The winning Prep class was PB with 89% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning junior school class was 2A with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning middle school classes were 3B and 4E with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning senior classes were 6A and 6D with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. Our winning classes are rewarded with 15 minutes extra recess! Congratulations! CLASS PA PB PC PD PE PF 1A 1B SCORE No result 89% 84% No result No result No result 76% No result CLASS 1C 1D 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 3A SCORE 88% 79% 100% 90% 96% 91% 76% 81% CLASS 3B 3C 3D SCORE 100% 92% 3/4Y 96% 87% 4B 79% 4C 4D 4E 95% 83% 100% CLASS 5A 5B 5C 5D 6A 6B 6C 6D SCORE 58% 73% 85% 96% 100% 96% 96% 100% GENERAL INFORMATION Qkr is also available via PC version at: look for "use Qkr online" Camps,Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) TISSUES A reminder that eligible families need to submit their application to the Office by Friday June 26 ( end of term). The funds will be paid directly to schools in July/August. Funds received in 2015 will be allocated towards the 2016 Excursion Levy. Each semester we request that EVERY student bring to school a LARGE box of TISSUES for use in the classroom. If you see any on special, we’d love a few extra boxes for our Specialist Teachers—just leave them at the Office. Thank you. CONTACTING THE SCHOOL OFFICE Please only contact the school Office to pass on messages to students if it is urgent. There have been an increasing number of phone calls requesting that Office staff pass on messages to students during the day regarding arrangements or reminders about after school pick up or attendance at OSHC. We strongly encourage parents to promote greater independence and responsibility by making these arrangements prior to the school day. PREP PARENTS’ MORNING TEA Wednesday 17 June from 9 - 10am in the Staffroom. Please come along for a cuppa and a chat Kate Prep B - Parent Class Rep COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD ST LUKE’S PRESCHOOL 3 Year Old Saturday Morning Program 2016 enquiries Alicia 0432 161097 4 Year Old 3 day program 2016 enquiries Tonia 0433 594016 94 Essex Rd Mt Waverley DC HOOPS ACADEMY Boys & Girls Term 3 14 July—15 Sept Tuesdays 5.30pm 5-11 yr olds Tuesdays 6.30 12+ yr olds $190 for 10 weeks Contact Deb Carr 0433 820088 Wesley College 620 High St Rd FOOTBALL STAR 5 DAY HOLIDAY CAMP 6—10 July 5-7yo & 8-12yo Argyle Reserve, Kinrade St, Hughesdale Term 3 Program weekly clinics various venues and times Register: 1300 372300 AFL VICTORIA HOLIDAY PROGRAMS Boys & Girls 5-12 yo Footy Fun Day in July For info or to register: http:// PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS CITIZENSHIP ACHIEVEMENT Prep A Lina for lining up without pushing others or making a fuss. Angela for practising her reading every night. Prep B Harin D for being a positive class member who enthusiastically participates in all class activities. Kieron T for taking pride when completing his work. It is always neat and beautifully presented. Prep C Yeon-Woo L for always being a kind and friendly classmate, with a big and happy smile! A for his excellent effort in writing his long weekend recount. Fantastic work A! Prep D Audrey G for being a kind and caring class mate who always considers the feelings of others. Riley D’S for the fantastic work he produced whilst completing activities involving speech bubbles. Prep F Ria P for being a good citizen. You are kind and caring. Thank you for thinking of others! Sowmika C for always trying your best at school. You are willing to have a go! Fantastic start to the year! 1A Adams Y for being a kind and happy member of our class. Well done! Mihir G for always presenting your work in a neat and tidy manner. Well done! 1B Thomas D for always being courteous to his classmates. Thomas is always happy to help. Kenneth Z for the dedication he shows to improving his learning. 1C Chloe L for being a well organised and attentive member of our classroom. Ben P for making such a big effort to develop a neat handwriting style. 1D Reva M for being a wonderful little helper in the classroom. Reva always finishes her work and then helps others to complete their work too. Top job Reva! Danny H for producing some excellent written work and for making huge gains in reading this term! 2B Indigo G for always being supportive and positive toward her classmates when they have done well. You are lovely :). Emily A for your wonderful focus and concentration during class time . Well done on trying your very best with your work :). 2C Gaho L for making a big effort to listen and follow instructions in class. Keep it up Gaho! Nitara M for trying her best to present her work beautifully in her Integrated Studies book. 2D Kirsten W for being a great class member by always offering to help her class mates with their work. George D for the way you have improved so much this year. Congratulations on working so hard. Keep it up. 2E Hayden J for always listening to instructions and following directions. Tianyi F for catching up really quickly with work she missed whilst she was away. Good on you Tianyi!
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