Curriculum Vitae Stephen J. Toope ADDRESS: Office of the Director Munk School of Global Affairs University of Toronto Observatory Site 315 Bloor St. West Toronto, ON M5S 1R9 E-MAIL: DATE: Spring 2015 EMPLOYMENT AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE • Director, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto (2015-) • President and Vice-Chancellor, University of British Columbia (2006-14) • President and CEO, Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation (2002-2006) • Co-Director, Institute for European Studies (McGill-Université de Montréal) (2000-2) • Dean, Faculty of Law, McGill University (1994-1999) • Professor of Law (1999-2006 McGill; 2006-14 UBC; 2015- University of Toronto) • Associate Dean (Graduate Studies and Research), Faculty of Law, McGill University (1991-1994) • Associate Professor of Law, McGill University (1993-1999) • Assistant Professor of Law, McGill University (1987-1993) • Consultant on International Law, International Human Rights, and Legal Reform to the Canadian Departments of Foreign Affairs and Justice, and to the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) (1988-2006). Extensive experience in the design of legal and judicial reform programs around the globe. Institutional design and re-structuring. Focus upon change management, and program monitoring and evaluation. General international legal advice to the Government of Canada. • Law Clerk to the Rt. Hon. Brian Dickson, P.C., C.C., Chief Justice of Canada (1986-87) 1 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS • Member, Canada-China Science and Technology Committee (2011-4) • Counsel, Government of Canada, Manuge v. The Queen (Successful settlement negotiations on $800m class action) (2013) • Independent Report, Indemnification of Public Servants, Government of British Columbia (2012) • Chair and Rapporteur, United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (2003; chair 2004-7) • Fact Finder, Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Government Officials in relation to Maher Arar (2005) • Advisory Council, Minister of Justice of Canada (2005-6) • Commonwealth Group of Experts, Consultation on the Constitution of Sri Lanka, Law and Society Trust and Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (Colombo, Sri Lanka) (1997-8) • Research Director, Office of the Special Representative concerning the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (The Rt. Hon. Brian Dickson, P.C., C.C.) (1991) EDUCATION Graduate Trinity College, Cambridge, England (Ph.D. in Law 1987) Commonwealth Scholar Thesis Director: Professor D. W. Bowett, Whewell Professor of International Law Law McGill University, Faculty of Law, Montreal, Quebec (LL.B. and B.C.L. degrees 1983 with Honours) National Scholar College Harvard University, Cambridge, USA (A.B. 1979, Magna Cum Laude with highest standing in English History and Literature) James Russell Lowell Scholar AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS • Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Canada (2012) • John Read Medal for Service to International Law, Canadian Council on International Law (2015) • Honorary Fellowship, Royal Conservatory of Music (2014) • President’s Award of Distinction, United Way of Canada (2014) • Certificate of Merit for Creative Scholarship, American Society of International Law (2011) (shared) (highest award for a book on international law) 2 • Chair, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (2011-13) (Vice-Chair 2010-11; Executive Committee 2006-14) • Honorary Professor, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing, China (August 2013-August 2016) • Bullock Chair in Canadian Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (May 2015) • Visiting Professor, Sciences Politiques, Paris (October 2014) • Distinguished Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, the University of Toronto (January 2002 and September 2003) • President, Canadian Council on International Law (2001-2) (Executive 1990-2002) • John W. Durnford Teaching Excellence Award, Faculty of Law, McGill University (2001) • Francis Deák Publication Award, American Society of International Law (1998) (shared) • David L. Johnston Award for distinguished service to the McGill Alumni Association (1997) • Douglas J. Sherbaniuk Distinguished Writing Award of the Canadian Tax Foundation (1995) (shared) PUBLICATIONS P signifies peer reviewed Books After the Paris Attacks: Responses in Canada, Europe, and Around the Globe. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (2015), pp. 1- 221 (co-editor Prof. Edward M. Iacobucci) P Legitimacy and Legality in International Law: An Interactional Account. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2010), pp 1-411 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P Mixed International Arbitration [:] Studies in Arbitration Between States and Private Persons. Cambridge: Grotius Publications (1990), pp. 1-404 (An imprint of Cambridge University Press) P Articles “Thinking, Doing, Being: Why ‘Practising’ Law Matters to the Prevention of Torture” in Helge Dedek & Shauna Van Praagh, eds, Stateless Law: Evolving Boundaries of a Discipline (Farnham, UK, 2015) 159 P “Constructivism and International Law” in Jeffrey Dunoff & Mark Pollock, eds., Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations (Cambridge University Press, 2013) 119 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P “Interactional International Law: Introduction” in symposium on Legitimacy and Legality in International Law: An Interactional Account (2011) 3 Int’l Theory 307 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P “History, Mystery and Mastery” in symposium on Legitimacy and Legality in International Law: An Interactional Account (2011) 3 Int’l Theory 348 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) 3 “Interactional International Law and the Practice of Legality” in E. Adler & V. Pouliot, eds., The Practice Turn in International Relations (2011) Chap. 5 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P “The Responsibility to Protect and the Use of Force: Building Legality?” (2010) 2 Global Resp. to Protect 191 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P “Formality and Informality” in D. Bodansky, J. Brunnée & E. Hey, eds, Oxford Handbook Of International Environmental Law (Oxford: OUP, 2007) 107 P “Disparitions, prisons secrètes et restitutions extraordinaires: comment perdre la ‘guerre contre la terrorisme’” (2007) Esprit (octobre) 41 (trans .Julien Cantegreil) “The Roles of International Law and of International Lawyers” in H. Kindred, gen. ed., International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied in Canada, 7th ed., Chapter 1 (2006) “Human Rights and the Use of Force After September 11th, 2001” in Terry Nardin & Daniel Sherman, eds, Terror, Culture, Politics: Rethinking 9/11 (Bloomington: U. Indiana Press, 2006) 236 P “Public Commitment To International Law: Canadian and British Media Perspectives on the Use of Force” in Christopher P.M. Waters, ed., British and Canadian Perspectives on International Law (Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 2006) 13 “Norms, Institutions and UN Reform: The Responsibility to Protect” (2005) 2 J. Int’l L and IR 121, reprinted in shortened form in (2006) 63:3 Behind the Headlines (Canadian Institute of International Affairs) 1 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P “Globalization and Instrument Choice: The Role of International Law” in Pearl Eliadis, et al, Designing Government: From Instruments to Governance (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s U. Press, 2005) 322 (co-author Dr Sean Rehaag) P “The Use of Force: International Law After Iraq” (2004) 53 ICLQ 785 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P “Persuasion and Enforcement: Explaining Compliance With International Law” (2002) 13 Finnish Yb. Int’l L. 273 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) (appeared in 2004) P “Canada and the Use of Force: Reclaiming Human Security” (2004) International Journal 247 (Canadian Institute of International Affairs) (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) “Slouching Towards New ‘Just’ Wars: International Law and the Use of Force After September 11th” (2004) 51 Netherlands Int’l L. Rev. 363 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P “Slouching Towards New ‘Just’ Wars: The Hegemon After September 11th” (2004) 18(4) International Relations 405 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) (a shortened and re-written version of the previous text for international relations scholars) P “A Hesitant Embrace: The Application of International Law by Canadian Courts” (2003) Can. Yb. Int’l L. 3 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) 3. A shortened and revised version appears as “A Hesitant Embrace: Baker and the Application of International Law by Canadian Courts” in David Dyzenhaus, et al, eds, The Unity of Public Law (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2003) 357 P 4 “Legal and Judicial Reform and Development Assistance: Some Lessons (2003) 48 McGill L. J. 357 P “Managing and allocating water resources: adopting the integrated water resource management approach” in A.S. Alsharam & W. Woods, eds, Water Resources Perspectives: Evaluation, Management and Policy (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003) 1 (co-authors Mr. Ken Rainwater & Prof. Tony Allan) P “The Nile Basin Regime: A Role for Law?” in A.S. Alsharam & W. Woods, eds, Water Resources Perspectives: Evaluation, Management and Policy (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003) (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P “Powerful but unpersuasive?” The role of the United States in the evolution of customary international law” in Michael Byers & Georg Nolte, eds, United States Hegemony and the Foundations of International Law (Cambridge: CUP, 2003) 287 P “Fallout from 9-11: Will a Security Culture Undermine Human Rights?” (2002) 65 Sask L.Rev. 281 P “The Changing Nile Basin Regime: Does Law Matter?” (2002) 43 Harvard J. Int’l L. 105 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P “Interactional International Law” (2002) 3:3 Int’l L. Forum droit intn’l 186 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) “Alternatives to ‘Legalization’: Richer Views of Law and Politics” (2001) 55 (3) International Organization 751 (co-author Prof. Martha Finnemore) P “The Uses of Metaphor: International Law and the Supreme Court of Canada” (2001) 80 Can. Bar Rev. 534 P “Inside and Out: The Stories of International Law and Domestic Law” (2001) 50 UNB L.J. 11 P “International Law and Constructivism: Elements of an Interactional Theory of International Law” (2000) 39 Col. J. Trans. L. 19 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P “Does International Law Impose a Duty Upon the United Nations to Prevent Genocide?” (2000) 46 McGill L.J. 187 P “Emerging Patterns of Governance and International Law” in M. Byers, ed., International Law and International Politics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000) 91 P “The Quebec Secession Reference: A Comment” (1999) 93 AJIL 519 P "Freshwater Regimes: The Mandate of the International Joint Commission" (1998) 15 Arizona J. of Int'l & Comp. L. 273 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P "Environmental Security and Freshwater Resources: Ecosystem Regime Building" (1997) 92 AJIL 26 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P "Human Rights and Cultural Diversity" (1997) 42 McGill L.J. 169 P 5 "The Convention on the Rights of the Child: Implications for Canada" in M. Freeman, ed., Children's Rights: A Comparative Perspective. London: Dartmouth Publishing Co. (1995) 33 "Environmental Security and Freshwater Resources: A Case for International Ecosystem Law", (1994) 5 Yearbook International Environmental Law 41 (co-author Prof. Jutta Brunnée) P "Spousal Support in Family Law and Alimony in the Law of Taxation" (1994) 42 Can. Tax. J. 1 (co-author Prof. J.W. Durnford) P "Too much and Not Enough" (Comment on the Thibaudeau case), (1994) 2 Can. Tax. Highlights, 41-42. “Family Relations" in J.E.C. Brierley & R.A. Macdonald, eds, The Civil Law of Quebec. Toronto: Emond Montgomery (1993), 231-253 P “Droits de la personne, souveraineté et nationalisme: Des notions contradictoires au tournant du millénaire” (1991-92) R.Q.D.I. 226 "Repairing Fences: Courts, Charter Rights and Family Law", (1991) 9 Can. J. Fam. L. 55-96 P "Pragmatic Compromise or Mere Transaction: The Use of Chamber Procedures in International Adjudication" (1990) 31 Va. J. Int'l L. 53-97 P "Dispute Settlement under the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement" in Institute of Comparative Law, McGill University, Access to Markets Under the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement: Proceedings of a Conference, Montréal (1987) 33-37 "The Confidentiality of Income Tax Returns in Canadian Law" (1982) 27 McGill L.J. 479-503 (Co-author Alison Harvison-Young) P Reviews, Essays, Reports and Proceedings “I Love You, Please Change: Universities and their Relationships” (September 2014) (Canadian Council of Chief Executives) “Improving Asia-Pacific Science Collaboration” 336 Science (2012) 38 (co-authors Chorh Chuan Tan and Nina V. Federoff) P “Strengthening education and research connectivity between Canada and Asia: Innovative models for engagement” (July 2012) (Canadian Council of Chief Executives “Canada in the Pacific Century” reports) “Internationalism and Global Norms for Neuroethics” (2009) 9(1) Am. J. Bioethics 1 (Editorial) “A Changed World? International Law After September 11th, 2001” [2008] Proceedings of the Canadian Council on International Law (Keynote Address) “Report of the Fact-Finder”, Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Government Officials in relation to Maher Arar (2005) “Global Governance by Force? Pluralism or Solidarism” (2005) 26:2 Policy Options 60 6 Review of M. Barnett, Eyewitness to a Genocide: The United Nations and Rwanda (2003) 97 AJIL 459 “The Measure of International Law: Canada’s Role After September 11, 2001” [2002] Proceedings of the Canadian Council on International Law 21 (Keynote Address) “Changing Interface Between International Politics and International Law” (a panel debate) [2000] Proceedings of the Canadian Council on International Law 111 Review of M. Byers, Custom, Power and the Power of Rules [1999] Can. YB Int’l L. 480 “Five-year Review of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development” (Parliament of Canada) (1998) (with Universalia, Inc.) “Canada and International Law” [1998] Proceedings of the Canadian Council on International Law 33 (Keynote Address) “Preparing for the 1997-98 Kenyan Elections: The Role of Civil Society”, Report for the Centre on Governance and Development (Nairobi) (1996) “Preface”, Special Issue on International Human Rights Law (1996) 41 McGill L. J. 739 "Redefining Norms for the 21st Century", [1995] Proceedings of the Canadian Council on International Law 191 Review of J. Syrtash, Religion and Culture in Canadian Family Law (1992) 71 Can. Bar Rev. 769 Review of J.G. Merrills, International Dispute Settlement, 2d ed. (1992) 37 McGill L.J. 674 "State Sovereignty: The Challenge of a Changing World", [1992] Proceedings of the Canadian Council on International Law 294 Canadian Human Rights Mission to Sri Lanka, Report (1992) (Authored sections on Human Rights, pp. 15-19 and co-authored Recommendations). "Ad Hoc Equity: Legal Regulation of Cohabitation in Canada", [1991] Proceedings of the Ninth Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Conference, Sydney, Australia (16 September 1991) "Confronting Indeterminacy: Challenges to International Legal Theory", [1990] Proceedings of the Canadian Council on Int'l Law 209 Review Essay of M. Cohen, ed., Lawyers and the Nuclear Debate (1989) 35 McGill L.J. 285 Book Review of R. Lillich, ed., The Iran U.S. Claims Tribunal, (1987) 51 Brit. Y.B. Int'l L Review Essay of R.St.J. Macdonald & D. Johnston, eds, The Structure and Process of International Law, (1985) 30 McGill L.J. 355 7 RESEARCH GRANTS SSHRC, “Building compliance: The Hard Work of International Law” (2010-2015), $113,728 (with Professor Jutta Brunnée) SSHRC, “Legitimacy and Persuasion: The Hidden Power of International Law” (2005-2009), $165,051 (with Professor Jutta Brunnée) Canadian Centre for Foreign Policy Development, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, “Canada and the Use of Force: Caught Between Multilateralism and Unilateralism” (2003), $15,000 (with Professor Jutta Brunnée) SSHRC, “Interactional International Law: Shaping International Society” (2002-2005), $115,000 (with Professor Jutta Brunnée) SSHRC “The Evolution of International Legal Regimes: New Approaches to Law, Society and Politics” (1999-2002), $121,900 (with Professor Jutta Brunnée) Cooperative Security Programme, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, "Environmental Security and Freshwater Resources" (1994-97), $65,000 (with Professor Jutta Brunnée) SSHRC, Internal McGill Grants Competition in Social Sciences, "Mixed International Arbitration" (1990), $5,000 Ministry of Community and Social Services, Government of Ontario, "Liability Issues Relating to the Use of Emergency Response and Monitoring Systems" (1989), $20,000 (with Professor Alison Harvison Young) CONFERENCE PAPERS AND INVITED LECTURES “Terrorism and Human Rights,” Canadian International Council, Ottawa, 30 April 2015 “Religion and Global Affairs: The Craddock Lecture,” Bloor Street United Church, Toronto, 19 April 2015 “Terrorism Trends and Responses,” Plenary Panel, Department of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, and Development, International Conference on Terrorism, Ottawa, 30 March 2015 “The End of Our Institutions?” Walter Gordon Symposium, Massey College, University of Toronto, 25 March 2015 (Keynote Address) “A Critical Analysis of the Concept of Fragmentation and the Normative Legitimacy of International Criminal Justice,” Plenary Panel, Conference on International Criminal Justice: The State of Play, Vancouver, 19 March 2015 “Stability and Change in International Law: An Interactional Account,” European Society of International Law, Annual Meeting Plenary Forum, Vienna, 5 September 2014 “Torture: Can International Law Prevent It?” Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University, 8 May 2012 8 “International and Domestic Law: The Role of Appellate Judges,” National Judicial Institute Appellate Judges Conference, Vancouver, 22 April 2010 (with Prof. Jutta Brunnée) “How International Norms are Built, Maintained and Destroyed: The Case of Torture”, Green College Lecture, University of British Columbia, 26 August 2009 “A Right to Escape Poverty? The Dr. Richard B. Splane Lecture on Social Policy,” University of British Columbia, 2 October 2008 “Canadian Universities and a New Internationalism”, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Session of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vancouver, 5 June 2008 (Keynote Address) “Crossing Borders, Contesting Values: Do Universities Matter?” Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vancouver, 3 June 2008 (Keynote Address) “Identity and Citizenship After September 11th, 2001”, CERIUM Annual Conference, Montreal, 3 April 2008 (Keynote address) “Law, War and Human Security,” University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, 9 October 2007 “Law, Education and Social Change,” Lawyers’ Rights Watch Annual Dinner, Vancouver, 4 October 2007 (Keynote address) “Dawson College Graduation Address,” Montreal, 18 June 2007 “Security and Civil Liberties,” British Columbia Court of Appeal, Vancouver, 14 May 2007 “Law’s Borders,” 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Legal Studies Graduate Students Conference”, UBC Law School, Vancouver, 3 May 2007 “Losing the ‘War on Terror’: New Forms of Disappearance,” Yale Law School, Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights, New Haven, 20 March 2006 “Judges Helping Judges: The Possibilities and Risks of Judicial Development Assistance,” National Judicial Institute of Canada Conference on International Judicial Reform, Ottawa, 1 February 2006 (Keynote Address) “Human Rights and the ‘War on Terror’: New Forms of Disappearance,” Amnesty International/Reprieve Conference on The Global Struggle Against Torture, London, 20 November 2005 (Keynote address). “Parliamentary Control over the Use of Force – a Comparative Assessment,” World International Studies Conference, Istanbul, 26 August 2005 “Reform of UN Human Rights Mechanisms,” Centre for International Governance Innovation, Waterloo, 5 August 2005 “Public Commitment to International Law: British and Canadian Media Perspectives on the Use of Force,” British Association for Canadian Studies, London, 24 June 2005 (Keynote address) 9 “The UN Human Rights Commission: The Need for Reform and Support,” NGO Parallel Event at the 61st Session of UN Commission on Human Rights (sponsored by UN Watch), Geneva, 4 April 2005 “Reform of the UN Human Rights Commission,” Rights and Democracy Seminar Series, Montreal, 9 March 2005 “The Fate of the Disappeared: Addressing a Human Security Crisis,” Vancouver Institute – Canada-Norway Peace Prize Symposium, Vancouver, 3 February 2005 (Keynote address) “The Human Security Agenda as Advanced by the UN,” Liu Institute – Canada-Norway Peace Prize Symposium, Vancouver, 4 February 2005 “UN Reform: Can the UN Adequately Protect Basic Human Rights?” Human Rights Roundtable, Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Ottawa, 14 January 2005 “The Use of Force: International Law After Iraq,” Globalization Seminar, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, Toronto, 25 November 2004 (with Prof. Jutta Brunnée) “Order and Justice, but not Necessarily War,” 5th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, The Hague, 9 September 2004 “The Use of Force: International Law after Iraq,” Joint Meeting of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 4 May 2004 (with Prof. Jutta Brunnée) (Keynote Address) “All is not Rosy,” Seminar on Canada-US Relations, Dickey Centre, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH, 8 April 2004 (Commenting on Speeches by the US Ambassador to Canada and the Canadian Ambassador to the US) “Why Teach International Law?” American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 3 April 2004 “Slouching Towards New ‘Just’ Wars: The Hegemon After September 11th,” International Studies Association Annual Conference, Montreal, 19 March 2004 (with Prof. Jutta Brunnée) “International Law in the Canadian Public Mind,” International Studies Association Annual Conference, Montreal, 18 March 2004 “Ethical Implications of Recent Changes in Canadian Legal Education,” Panel on the Americanization of Legal Education in Canada, American Association of Law Schools Annual Conference, Atlanta, 4 January 2004 “Disappearances Today,” John Humphrey Freedom Award Ceremony (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development), Ottawa, 9 December 2003 (Keynote Address) “Do International Law and International Relations Theory Speak to One Another?” International Relations Class, Dartmouth College, Hanover N.H., 1 December 2003 (Prof. Ned Lebow) “Challenges to Human Rights After September 11, 2001,” Renison College, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, 27 November 2003 10 “A Comparative Look at the Interplay of International Law and Domestic Law in the United States and Canada,” Canadian/American Appellate Judges Seminar, Victoria BC, 27 October 2003 “Human Rights and the Use of Force After September 11th, 2001,” Faculty-Student Seminar, The University of Victoria Faculty of Law, Victoria BC, 16 October 2003 “Canada and the Use of Force: Caught Between Multilateralism and Unilateralism,” Joint Law-International Relations Seminar, University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Toronto, 16 September 2003 (with Prof. Jutta Brunnée) “Evil and International Law,” Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs Seminar, Montreal, 5 June 2003 (with Prof. Jutta Brunnée) “Treaties and Human Rights – Governed by Consent or Duty?” Conference on National Sovereignty and International Institutions, James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, 11 April 2003 “Human Rights and Social Change,” International Development Research Council Lecture, Ottawa, 11 March 2003 “The Interrelationship Between International Law and Canadian Law,” British Columbia Courts Annual Education Seminar, Vancouver, 6 March 2003 (with Prof. Jutta Brunnée) “The Interrelationship Between International Law and Canadian Law,” Federal Court of Canada Annual Education Seminar, Ottawa, 31 January 2003 (with Prof. Jutta Brunnée) “Baker and the Role of International Law in Canadian Courts,” Conference on the Baker Case, The University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Toronto, 4 January 2003 (with Prof. Jutta Brunnée) “The Role of the USA in the Evolution of Customary International Law,” International Law Workshop, Columbia Law School, NY, 22 November 2002 “The Measure of International Law: Canada’s Role After September 11, 2001,” Canadian Council on International Law, Annual Meeting, Ottawa, October 25, 2002 (Keynote Address) “International Law and Ethics after September 11, 2001,” Conference on Reconstructions 9-11, Centre for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 5 October 2002 “Globalization and Instrument Choice: The Role of International Law,” Conference on Instrument Choice in Global Democracies, Policy Research Initiative (Government of Canada), Montreal, 27 September 2002 “The Interrelationship Between International Law and Canadian Law,” Ontario Court of Appeal Annual Education Seminar, Niagara-on-the-Lake, 7 June 2002 (with Prof. Jutta Brunnée) “Domestic and International Law,” Association for Canadian Studies Conference: 20 Years After the Charter, Ottawa, 19 April 2002 “Fallout from ‘9-11’: Will a Security Culture Undermine Human Rights?” The University of Saskatchewan Law Review Lecture, Saskatoon, 11 March 2002 11 “The Nile Basin Regime: A Role for Law?” Zayed Foundation Environmental Award Conference, Dubai, 5 February 2002 “International Law for Domestic Court Judges,” International Association of Women Judges Conference, Montreal, 10 November 2001 “The Role of the United States in the Evolution of Customary International Law,” Conference on the Effects of United States Predominance on the Foundations of International Law, Göttingen, 25-27 October 2001 “Applying International Law in Domestic Courts,” Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice Annual Conference, Halifax, 13 October 2001 “The Domestic Impact of International Human Rights Law,” Committee on Human Rights, Senate of Canada, 24 September 2001 “Alternatives to ‘Legalization’,” International Law Workshop, University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, 14 May 2001 “International Law and Its Application in Canadian Courts,” Conference on The Practice of International Law in the 21st Century, Canadian Bar Association, Ottawa, 3 May 2001 (Keynote Address) “International Human Rights Law in Canadian Law,” Parliamentary Human Rights Caucus, Parliament of Canada, Ottawa, 26 April 2001 “International and Comparative Human Rights Law,” Conference on the “Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Twenty Years Later”, Canadian Bar Association and the Federal Department of Justice, Ottawa, 19 April 2001 “The Stories of International and Domestic Law” (The Ivan C. Rand Lecture), Faculty of Law, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, 22 March 2001 “United States Hegemony and Public International Law,” Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, Windsor, 12 March 2001 “The Effects of United States Predominance on the Foundations of International Law: Customary Law,” Duke University Law School, Durham, 23 February 2001 “International Law and International Relations,” Annual Meeting, Canadian Council on International Law, Ottawa, 27 October 2000 “International Law and the Supreme Court of Canada,” 125th Anniversary Conference of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, 28 September 2000 “International Legal Theory and Constructivism,” Political Science Department, Duke University, Durham, 18 January 2000 “Human Rights in Southeast Asia,” Duke University Law School, Durham, 17 January 2000 “Evaluating Governance Programs,” International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, 8 April 1999 12 “Can Professionalism Be Taught?” American Bar Association Annual Convention, Toronto, 1 August 1998 “The Law and Politics of Transboundary Environmental Protection,” International Law Association (British Branch) Conference, Oxford, 24 April 1998 "International Human Rights Law and Cultural Diversity," Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jakarta, 31 October 1997 "Devolution - Lessons from Canada," Public Lecture sponsored by the Sri Lanka Foundation and the Sri Lanka Ministry of Justice, Colombo, 8 August 1997 "International Law and International Relations," International Order in the Twenty-first Century Conference, Montreal, 16-17 May 1997 "Freshwater Regimes: The Role of the International Joint Commission," Law and Civil Society Conference, Vermont Law School, 12 May 1997 "Human Rights and Cultural Diversity," F.R. Scott Lecture, Friends of the McGill Library, Montreal, 8 May 1996 "Recent Developments in the International Law of Human Rights," Foreign Affairs Ministry of Singapore, Singapore, 22 November 1995 "Human Rights and Culture," Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 21 November 1995 "Rights and Their Limits: Religion and Custody of Children," Hebrew University Conference on the Legitimacy of Judicial Review, Jerusalem, 12 November 1994 "Human Rights and Asian Values," Foreign Affairs Ministry of Singapore, Singapore, 20 October 1994 "Human Rights and External Intervention," comments to the Ditchley Conference, Ditchley, England, 11-13 June 1993 "Human Rights and Development," Parliament of Thailand Seminar on Human Rights, Bangkok, 2 November 1993 "The Rights of the Child," World Jurists Association Biannual Conference, Manila, 25 October 1993 "Review of Conference Themes/Commentary," Canadian Council on International Law Annual Conference, Ottawa, 17 October 1992 "Human Rights and Sovereignty," Joint Conference of the French and Québec Societies of International Law, Montréal, 6 October 1992 "Beyond Normativity: Implementation of International Human Rights Norms," Peace Studies Programme, Cornell University, Ithaca, 8 February 1991 "Canadian and Japanese Perspectives on International Legal Theory," Canadian Council on International Law Annual Conference, Ottawa, 19 October 1990 13 "Repairing Fences: Courts, Charter Rights and Family Law," Canadian Bar Association, Family Law Programme, Calgary, July 1990 "Internal Subdivisions of International Tribunals," International Academy of Comparative Law, Montréal, August 1990 "Developing Procedures for the Compensation of Victims of Human Rights Abuses," War Amputations of Canada Conference on Compensation to Victims of Human Rights Violations, Ottawa, 29 May 1989 "Defence Relations: New Horizons with Gorbachev," Canadian Council on International Law Annual Conference, Ottawa, 20 October 1988 "Dispute Settlement under the Canada‑U.S. Free Trade Agreement," Conference on the Free Trade Agreement, McGill Faculty of Law, Montréal, 12 February 1988 TEACHING 2014-15 Public International Law (Munk School); IR Theory and International Law (Sciences Politiques, Paris) 2001-02 Public International Law; International Dispute Resolution 2000-01 Public International Law; International Dispute Resolution; Foundations of Canadian Law; Research Seminar on Law and International Relations 1995-99 Public International Law 1989-94 Public International Law; Family Law; International Dispute Resolution; International Human Rights Law 1987-89 Public International Law; National Civil Procedure; Family Law Supervision of scores of directed research projects, LL.M. theses and DCL dissertations. 14 VOLUNTARY SERVICE (multi-year commitments only) • Chair, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (2014-) • Board Member, The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (2014-) • Board Member, The Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto (2014-) • Board Member, Public Policy Forum of Canada (2012-) • Campaign Co-Chair, United Way, Lower Mainland of B.C. (2010-11) (Campaign Cabinet 2009-10) • Chair, World University Service of Canada (2007-11) (Vice-Chair 2004-7; Past Chair (2011-12) • Board Member, Conference Board of Canada (2009-2013) • Council Member, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2005-8) • Research Council, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (2004-) • Taskforce on Appellate Court Education, National Judicial Institute (2001-2) • Board Member, Canadian Human Rights Foundation (2001-6) • Executive Committee, Primate's World Relief and Development Fund, Anglican Church of Canada (2000-01) • Task Force on Jurisdiction, Anglican Church of Canada (2000-2) • Canon Law Commission on the Blessing of Same-sex Unions, Anglican Diocese of New Westminster (1999-2003) • Member, Worldwide Anglican Consultative Council (1998-2005) • Executive Council, American Society of International Law (1995-98) • Executive Committee, Canadian Council on International Law (1995-2002) • National Chairperson, Primate's World Relief and Development Fund, Anglican Church of Canada (1995-98) • Executive Committee, Primate's World Relief and Development Fund, Anglican Church of Canada (1989-1994) • Member of the Board, Canadian Lawyer's Association for International Human Rights (1992-95) • Member, Primate's Task Force on the Future of the Anglican Church of Canada (1992-95) • Member of the Board, Canadian Human Rights Foundation (1993-1994) • Kenya Development Partnership Group, (1989-1992) • Executive Committee, Canadian Human Rights Foundation (1989-1991) LANGUAGES : English and French 15
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