newsletter Term 1 Week 8 - 20 March 2015 1 IMPORTANT DATES Week 8 - MARCH Thurs 19 “BULLYING NO WAY!” (Recess and lunch time activities on the oval) Fri 20 PRIMARY SPORTS DAY (School Oval) Week 9 - MARCH Tues 24 Primary Assembly* (Year 2 Class) *Tea & Coffee provided for parents afterwards Wed 25 Year 8 Design & Tech Showcase (9.00am - 9.45am) Westpac Rescue Helicopter Visit (Primary Classes) Thurs 26 SACSA Secondary Athletics Carnival (SANTOS Stadium) Nursing Home Visit (Year 4 Class) 28 East Terrace, Strathalbyn, SA 5255 Phone: (08) 8536 3355 exciting times ahead The School is very excited to share with you the following news regarding capital projects that have been planned for this year. The first project will be the air-conditioning of our Gymnasium and will include the cladding of the side walls with acoustic material that will not only enhance the sound quality in the Gym but improve the overall aesthetic look. A second exciting capital project is the relocation of our Early Learning Centre (ELC) to our Chapel Street site. This fantastic new facility is currently in planning phase with floor plans submitted for building approval. The new ELC will consist of a refurbishment of the multipurpose hall into a learning space with a construction project adding toilet facilities and a kitchenette to the facility. The street frontage of our School on East Terrace will be landscaped to enhance the appearance of our site. Tender documents have been sent to contractors and work should commence soon. Information regarding other projects will be communicated to our Community when the planning phase continued on page 2 is completed. 5 in a row for mighty angas! Week 10 - MAR/APR Tues 31 Buddy Classes Cabaret Evening (Year 7 - 12, 7.00pm) Wed 1 Parent Prayer Meeting (9.00am - Auditiorium) SACE Art Show Excursion (Year 10 - 12) Thurs 2 EASTER SERVICES Fri 3 GOOD FRIDAY - Primary - 12.15pm - Secondary - 1.45pm (School Auditorium) ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 Full story on page 8 website: email: letter - week 8 2 PARENT NEWS AND NOTICES exciting times ahead We are very grateful for this opportunity to engage in these capital projects to provide upgraded facilities for our students. I have included a brief summary of the history of the Tyndale Group of Schools for your information. Tyndale Christian School is named after William Tyndale, one of the early translators of the Bible into English. Just as William Tyndale was determined that everyone should have access to the Bible in their own language, our School is determined to provide a high quality, holistic Christian education at affordable rates so it is accessible to everyone. Our Salisbury East School was established over 30 years ago by Christian parents wanting their children educated in an environment that would support their family values and faith. These foundational sentiments are still our focus today, as we are intentional about providing an excellent, inclusive, Christian education that equips our (from page 1) students to serve God and His world. We are an independent, co-educational, inter-denominational Christian school that commenced in 1983 with 137 students from Reception to Year 7 and 10 staff. Whilst the land had been purchased at London Drive, Salisbury East (now our Middle School entrance) and four transportable classrooms ordered, the students attended Salisbury Baptist Church in an old house on the property for the first year. The Founding Principal, Mr Roy Magor, served the School from 1982 to 1999. By 1987, the School had grown to become an R to 12 School, and by 1999 was servicing 790 students. The Head of Schools, Mr Mike Potter, joined the School in 2000 as Principal, and enrolments had grown to 850 by 2003. In 2003 the School entered into an agreement to purchase the building facilities of the former University of South Australia Salisbury Campus that abutted the School’s western boundary, and moved its Senior School, Years 10 to 12, into the facilities at the start of 2004. The School expanded its enrolment as a result of this acquisition, growing to a total of 1450 by 2015. In 2015 Tyndale Christian School acquired the ownership of Murraylands Christian College and now the group consists of three independent schools under the Governance of the Tyndale Christian Schools Group of Schools. Tyndale Christian Salisbury East, Tyndale Christian School Murray Bridge and Tyndale Christian School Strathalbyn are providing a future through education for many children and young people. We are proud to be Tyndalians and we thank God for this wonderful opportunity to be part of a caring environment. Johan Griesel Principal Canteen news CONGRATULATIONS to Caitie Green (Year 2) who is the first student in our School to complete the Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2015. She is pictured above with her book prize she received for her good effort! Well Done Caitie! ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 I would like to thank the beautiful volunteers that assist in the canteen. You are a huge help THANK YOU!! Volunteers are still needed to fill some days. Without volunteers the canteen could not function and our children would miss out. So if you think that you can spare some time to help the please ring myself or Anne on 8536 3355. Mandy Batt Canteen Manager website: email: letter - week 8 3 PARENT NOTICES prayer corner Praise God for • Successful heart surgery of Mr Nick Simons (Year 7 and 8 Teacher) • A great Secondary Sports Day on Friday 13 March • The wonderful gift of health Please pray for • A speedy recovery for Mr Nick Simons • Mr Greg Miller who is Mr Simons’ replacement for the remainder of the term • All members of our School Community suffering from ill health • Primary Sport Carnival on 20 March • SACSA Secondary Athletics on 26 March • Board of Governors meeting on 30 March • Secondary Cabaret on 31 March • Year 10 to 12 students going on an Outdoor Education Bike excursion and Art Exhibition on 1 April • Final preparations of the planned Capital projects to commence soon As Christians we believe that prayer is a crucial and highly beneficial part of life. We benefit as we take time out of our busy schedules to intentionally be still in the presence of God. Also those that we pray for are benefitted by the power of God being released into their lives and the situations that we bring before God. It is exciting to be part of this group, seeing prayers answered all the time! Some within the day, others taking longer. Part of the thrill is seeing how God’s timing, as He answers our prayers, is always perfect! Reminding us over and over to put our trust in His plans rather than our own. Although we consider the prayer ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 FROM THE OFFICE MANAGER What an incredible privilege it was to be part of the Chapel Street Play Date & BBQ last Friday Night. Thank you to all the families that came and enjoyed an afternoon of activities with their children and to the staff that had the afternoon & evening running so well. The fun times for Term 1 continue with Primary Sports day this Friday and Family Fun Day on the last day of term. Your program for Sports Day and a flyer regarding the Family Fun Day are enclosed. Share it with your family & friends and see the Office staff for more copies if you need. Family Fun Day Our annual Family Fun Day is fast approaching, as is the end of the term! Classes from Reception to Year 11 are busy planning their ideas for their stalls. This is a fun day full of food, drinks and games, all running at a small cost to participate, with all proceeds going to support Mission that the School & students will be involved in for 2015. Your children’s class teachers may send notes home regarding areas that they may need your help with. We’d love to have your involvement on this day. We will also be offering any of our parents the opportunity to run a stall that could promote their own small business. Already booked in is one parent with her Body Shop at Home products. If you are a family with your own small business and would like a stall booked for this day, please send me an email to: Early Learning Centre With our ELC at capacity for this Semester, it is a timely reminder to all of our existing parents that if you have younger children nearing the age of 3 or 4 years and are not yet enrolled here at the School, please see me urgently for an enrolment form so we can secure them a place for mid year and beyond. Lynette Whittaker Office Manager & Enrolments Officer parent prayer group group a very important thing we are also relaxed and would welcome any and all newcomers or visitors regardless of your previous experience with prayer. This group is for anyone who wants to pray for the school or learn more about the power of prayer by seeing it in action. If you just want to listen to others pray while praying along silently that’s fine, or a simple one sentence prayer is also fine. Of course if you want to jump right in and pray more, then that’s great too. You are welcome to bring your young children with you. We have plenty of toys to keep them occupied while we pray and we are used to praying over website: their noise or with our eyes open to supervise them. Who Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Carers, Friends, Anyone. Where The auditorium of the Main Administration Office on East Terrace When Every Wednesday of the term at 9.00am For more information or to pass on prayer requests please phone Kristy Smith on 0438 442 172 or email on email: letter - week 8 4 STUDENT NEWS buddies in action We had so much fun in buddy classes where each Primary class pairs up with a Secondary class to do some different activities! Here’s a snapshot of what we got up to last week! The Reception and Year 8 class enjoyed a craft activity together. They made beautiful butterflies using pegs! The Reception/1 class and Year 7 students spent some time doing different activities together in the classroom. The Reception/1’s enjoyed showing the Year 7 children around their classroom and doing activities together! The Year 1 and 10 classes shared some books together. Mr Croser read two of his books to the children, one about Max and the clouds and one called Good Dog. It was great to have the Year 10’s and year 1’s reading to one another! The Year 2 and 8 Gold classes are playing get to know you games and having fun learning a range of games to play with each other. The competition will get fierce as the year goes on! ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 ELC NEWS The Year 3 and 9 classes played some sport games together. Some favourite games are poison ball, chasey and tails. The Year 4 and 9 classes did painting in the Art Room. Half of the students did lovely, bright and colourful acrylic paintings. The other class experimented with black, red and blue ink. The Year 4’s have been learning about perimeter so we went out outside and drew shapes that were 1m square in perimeter. The Year 9’s were very helpful! Then we played a game of Octopus and Rabbits, Hares and Foxes on the oval. The Year 6 and 11 classes played a game of Seeya which is a favourite with the students! They are enjoying getting to know each other and bonding together! In the ELC, we have been learning about a famous artist called Vincent van Gogh. Some of van Gogh’s famous paintings were of sunflowers and we have painted our own sunflower pictures. Chris Rollins ELC Teacher Jess Schulz Buddy Coordinator website: email: letter - week 8 5 STUDENT NEWS year 5’s explore the universe Last week on Wednesday 11 March we went to the University of South Australia to The Planetarium. We sat in a domelike room while our lecturer, Martin talked about the planets. Geographic video about which planet has the worst storms. My opinion is that Neptune has the worst storms because it rains Diamond-like minerals as big as boulders onto the surface. After Martin finished introducing the planets he turned the lights off and we saw the stars. Where we live in the country we see more stars than the people living in the city. This is because of light pollution. Martin has taught us lots of amazing facts about the universe, like that Neptune is under -218 degrees. Later on we watched a National Year 5 Student Science is fun! Alana Adams primary students Junior primary family fun night explore science in We had a wonderful time after school last Friday. A big “Thank you” to all those who helped make this occasion so successful. In particular we would like to thank Kylie Williams and Darryl McKellar for cooking our BBQ, Val and Keelyn Cosgrave for face-painting, Kylie Herbut for helping with craft and Liz Thiele for supervising the bouncy castle. The children had a brilliant time, and it was lovely to see so many families there. a fun way Therese Okkerse JP Coordinator On Friday of week 7, the Yr 3 - 6 students joined in celebrating the opening of the latest section of the Convention Centre. Science was the theme as students learned the finer points of native Australian animals and the effects of liquid nitrogen; as a point of interest, there were a number of curly questions asked and the students from Tyndale excelled, out answering students from the likes of Scotch College - well done to the Tyndalian family! There were various exhibits from 3-D printing to stick insects and wind related experiments. A fantastic time was had by all. Cameron Lock Year 3 Teacher ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 website: email: letter - week 8 6 WHOLE SCHOOL NEWS year 9 rite journey program commences On Wednesday night 4 March we had the Rite Journey Opening Ceremony. It was a lovely occasion. Dan introduced himself to the parents and talked about his role in the School. The students gave their parents a letter to thank them for the role they have had in their life so far. The girls went on a rather slow journey to a very serene place (the roundabout) to listen to some poetry while the boys walked to the duck pond and crossed the children’s bridge to signify the beginning of the journey into adulthood. Upon return the girls were overwhelmed and surprised by the memories that their parents had dug up for them (including a few raided bedrooms). There were some gorgeous photos of our students when they were very young and a few tears and sentimental moments were shared. All in all it was a great night for everyone to get to know each other better and to support their children as they flourish throughout the Rite Journey program this year. TYNDALE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PRESENTS YEAR 7 - 12 CABARET NIGHT TUESDAY 31 MARCH 7.00PM - 8.30PM SCHOOL AUDITORIUM TICKETS ARE FREE* *LIMITED TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE courageous teachers lose their hair for a cure Last Friday during the Sports Day lunch break the Awesome Foursome (Mr Hand, Mr Drury, Mr McGowan and Mr Dan) were left in the hands of 4 students (Tamara, Brianna, Tayla & Rachel) as they had their hair shaved off to help raise much needed funds for the Leukaemia Foundation. The Student Leader Team also ran a BBQ on the day to assist with the cause. So far the students have raised over $600 from both the BBQ and donations. Their target is $1,000, so if you would love to help champion the cause, donations can be made at the Main Administration and Student Services Offices. We would like to thank you all for your attendance. Thank you for your support Ellie Sih The Fundraisins Year 9 Teacher ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 website: email: letter - week 8 ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 website: 7 email: letter - week 8 8 SPECIAL EVENTS 5 in a row for mighty angas! With the Swimming Carnival behind us, it was time for the landlubbers to strut their stuff on the Sports Day stage. And with the smell of freshly cut grass in the nostrils, the outstanding performances came thick and fast. The Munyard sisters were a force to be reckoned with as they racked up the points for Murray. Joe Goodman also put on a spectacular show, collecting a heap of points for Finniss. Nevertheless, it was an Angas juggernaut in the end with dominant performances from Tahmika Richardson, Olivia Jansen, Matthew Harris and Rhett Perry. They led their house to a crushing victory. The final scores were: 1st 849 - Angas 2nd 684 - Murray 3rd 681 - Finniss 4th 527 - Bremer Despite the hard competing, student attitudes and team work were excellent on the day. And a huge thank you to all the student helpers and teachers who made the event run as smooth as butter. Ryan Mc Gowan Secondary PE Teacher ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 website: email:
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