March 22 Bulletin - Mount Hamilton CRC

Contact Us:
1411 Upper Wellington Street
Hamilton, Ontario L9A 3S9
Victory Garden Hours:
Phone: 905-383-8315
Marlene Knevel
Office Hours:
9:00 - 12:00 Tuesday
9:00 - 2:00 Thursday, Friday
Arie Bouma
Home: 905-679-8516
Cell: 905-928-7431
Henk Van Tuyl
Home: 905-388-7748
Chairman of Council:
Clerk of Council:
Chairman of Deacons:
Harmen Vander Meulen
Mark Demik
Ellen Hunse
Mount Hamilton
Our Mission Statement
“To glorify God as a vibrant community of disciples that actively
and joyfully serve one another and our community.”
Christian Reformed Church
March 22, 2015
Rev. R. Koops
9:30 a.m.
Organist: Mr. Ed Bosveld
Welcome & Announcements
Gathering Songs SB #97 “O How I Love Jesus”
SB #41 “His Name is Wonderful”
*Call to Worship
* Silent Prayer
M: People of God, from where does our help come?
C: Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth.
* God’s Greeting
* Hymn of Praise: #479 “I Will Sing of my Redeemer”
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession
Assurance of Pardon
Song of Response: SB #16 “Freely, Freely”
Prayer for Illumination
Bob DeHaan
Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-11; John 19:1-5; Revelation 21:1-7 (Pages 1119; 1683; 1937)
Text: John 19:5
Song: #571 “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know”
Sunday School for children ages 3 - 5, and grades 1 - 4
Sermon: “See the Man”
*Hymn of Response: #383 “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”
Congregational Prayer
Rev. Koops
Offering: Budget and Tuition Help Fund
Offertory Prayer
*Apostle’s Creed
Closing Song: #374 “No Weight of Gold or Silver”
* Benediction
* Doxology: #461 “Beautiful Savior”
* Postlude
* (denotes please stand if you are able)
Church Duties
March 29
April 3
(Good Friday)
Christine Demik
Marlene Knevel
Trish Demik
Justin Knevel
Joshua Knevel
Frank Buwalda
Henk Van Tuyl
Doug Dekker
Alex Demik
Louise Dekker
Marlene Knevel
Parking Lot
Doug Nagtegaal
Bill Nagtegaal
Henk De Groot
Margaret Kool
Eileen Nagtegaal
Greeters **
Simon & Truus
Paul & Tara
John & Alida
Frank & Sandi
Henk & Rita Van Tuyl
Casey & Maryke
Coffee Duty
Paul & Tara
John & Evie Flokstra
Gerry & Nelly Gutter
Melle & Alida
Wilma Fennema
Coby Lammers
Ron & Jean Postma
** Note to Greeters - Nametags are in the wooden box on top of the shelf in the kitchen. Please stand at the main front door entrance. Thank you! If you are unable to
fulfill your duties, it is your responsibility to find someone else. Thanks.
Church Calendar
Monday March 23
7:30 p.m. - COA Meeting
Wednesday, March 25
9:30 a.m. - Coffee Break
2:00 p.m. - Spring Seniors Tea
7:30 p.m. - Council Meeting
Thursday, March 26
Noon - Announcements due to Marlene
at the church office
6:45 p.m. - Friendship Group
Friday, March 27
7:00 p.m. - GEMS
Sunday, March 29 (Palm Sunday)
9:30 a.m. - Rev. R. Koops
Offering: Indwell (Formerly Homestead)
March 22, 2015
From Shalom Manor & Shalom Gardens:
We are presently in an Enteric outbreak (vomiting and diarrhea). We have put the
following steps into place to prevent further spread within Shalom, as well, we also
do not want our visitors to bring this home with them.
Visitors are limited.
ALL visitors visiting residents in isolation MUST wear gown, mask, and gloves
Visitors may only visit one resident and leave immediately.
Unfortunately, this does include church visitors, pastors, elders and deacons
Wash your hands when entering and exiting the building (and in-between
times, as well)
If you are feeling unwell, please do NOT visit
If you have been enteric, we ask that you not visit for 48 hours after your last
All volunteers have been cancelled, except for mealtime partners who are
comfortable to come in
The Breezes Café and General Store are closed
Your thoughts and prayers for Shalom, during this outbreak, are appreciated.
We welcome Rev. R. Koops who will preach for us this morning. If needed, DVD’s are
available at the audio/video station at the rear of the sanctuary. Please join us following the service in the fellowship hall for refreshments.
Our Church Family
Church Family:
Prayer and Praise
Give thanks to God for our church, church family, groups and leaders.
Thank Him also for all the work that gets done on a regular basis by
our members.
Pray for the wellbeing of our church; for our young families and children;
for our older members with special needs.
Canadian Bible League: This past year, your prayers have been a part of an amazing
move of God, as He gathers His people to Himself... an awesome movement of the Holy
Spirit that is bringing new life to men, women and children. God has used your generous
gifts and heard your prayers – and He has done something incredible. In 2014, through
this ministry, God called 688,692 men, women and children to Himself. Isn’t our God
amazing? Praise God for His awesome and mighty works!
Notice from Council: Council will meet this Wednesday, March 25th to discuss a
recommendation from the Search Committee to extend a call to Pastor Mark Verbruggen from Sioux City, Iowa. If Council approves this recommendation, we will
have a Congregational Meeting on Wednesday, April 1st at 7:30 p.m. to review the
information on Pastor Verbruggen, as well as listen to a DVD of one of his services.
April Calendar Dates: Please have all dates for the April Calendar in to Marlene in
the church office no later than this Thursday, March 26th, noon. Thank you.
Seniors Spring Tea: The Fellowship Committee would like to invite all the seniors
in our congregation to our Annual Seniors Spring Tea, to be held this Wednesday,
March 25th, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. We hope to can join us in
celebrating the arrival of spring!
From CRC Communications: Prayer Summit 2015 | Register Now! - Prayer Summit 2015 will be held April 13-15 at All Nations Christian Reformed Church in Lake
View Terrace, CA. Join fellow CRC pastors, church and ministry leaders, prayer
leaders, and intercessors in a binational event to pray for the CRC and its North
American and worldwide missions. Prayer Summit 2015 will provide opportunities to
learn how to pray, discuss building a prayer ministry in your ministry, and partner in
prayer with other organizations and congregations in your region. For more information and to register, visit
From World Renew: Cycle to end poverty! - Join other cyclists this summer for a
10th anniversary ride with Sea to Sea and raise money to fight poverty. You can
choose to participate in a 6-day ride in Ontario or a 10-day ride in Alberta. Proceeds
from your ride will be used to fund ministry by World Renew, Partners Worldwide,
International Justice Mission, and local poverty initiatives. Volunteers are also urgently needed to assist with both rides. For more information or to register, visit The Alberta ride is nearly full. Register today to avoid disappointment.
From Back to God Ministries International: HEART OF GRACE: - What’s wrong
with Chamy? Why is she crying? Lucille finds out and learns a lesson about being a
friend. Also, a new KC song premieres! Follow the adventures of Liz and his pals
every week: subscribe for free at Be sure to download this special song, “Leap of Faith,” at
Community Announcements
An Easter Celebration: Come join us at Mountainview Christian Reformed
Church, 290 Main Street East in Grimsby, on Thursday April 2nd, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
for a Musical Celebration of the Easter Season. Performing will be "To the King
Male Chorus" under direction of Mendelt D. Hoekstra, joined by Guest Soprano,
Suzanne Schaafsma, and accompanied by Pianist Julie Hoff. Proceeds from the
evening will benefit McNally House Hospice. Tickets for the event are $15.00 per
person, with children 12 and under free, and are available at the Dutch Shop in
Grimsby or at the door.
6th Annual HAMILTON PLACE CONCERT – April 4, 2015, DV Hosanna Choir &
Mattaniah Christian Male Choir: Tickets are now available for the annual combined
concert of the 125 voice Hosanna Choir & 45 voice Mattaniah Christian Male Choir
concert which will once again be held, the Lord willing, at Hamilton Place on Saturday, April 4 at 7:30pm. In addition to our regular line-up of musicians of Ryan Vandenberg (Organ), Andre Knevel (Organ), Joyce Postmus (Piano), Scott Harrison &
Shawn Spicer (trumpets), the concert will also feature Heather Macdonald (Oboe),
and Jacob Schenk (Tenor from Urk, the Netherlands). Tickets are available at $15
& $25. To obtain your tickets, contact a choir member, or contact Wendy den Hollander at 905-628-1211 or email her at or online at
Spring Gala is coming to Providence Christian School. Save the date: Saturday, April 11, 2015. Plan to attend this wonderful evening to support Christian education and "Share in the Story" of PCS. A great night is being planned with a seven course meal, entertainment, stunning decor, photography and more! We hope
to see you there!
Thank You Canada Concert: In commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the
Liberation of Holland, the Soli Deo Gloria Christian Male Choir from Urk, the Netherlands and participating choirs will present concerts in Grimsby, Woodstock, Whitby, Ancaster, Guelph and St. Catharines from May 1 - May 8. For tickets and more
information visit or contact John VanderLaan at