Strengthening Communities Partnerships and Capacity Building

Strengthening Communities
Partnerships & Capacity Building Grants
Important Information
Strengthening Communities Partnership & Capacity Building Grants provide funding to support the
development and implementation of community projects that address local land management issues
and/or build the capacity of grassroots and community-based organisations.
These include Local Government, Aboriginal groups & organisations, Landcare and Producer groups, and
other community organisations working in Natural Resource management, agriculture and connection to
Projects may cover areas such as sustainable land management economic development, organisational
capacity, improving knowledge and skills, Aboriginal Culture, and safety issues.
Applicants should read these Guidelines and consider the application form carefully before starting their
Grant Details
Capacity Building Grant Award Amount: Up to $10,000
Up to three separate applications can be submitted per group, organisation or applicant.
Application Deadline: 5pm, Monday, 11 May, 2015
Each response is limited to 200 words or less.
Applications with all relevant attachments are to be emailed to Wendy Nethercote
Submissions received with incomplete or missing information may be disqualified.
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
Important Information .................................................................................................................................. 1
Part 1 – Partnerships & Capacity Building Grants Overview ........................................................................ 4
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Strategic Objectives and Outcomes .................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Timeframes ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Part 2 Funding Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 The importance of community engagement ..................................................................................... 5
2.2 Indigenous Participation ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Monitoring and reporting ................................................................................................................... 5
Part 3 Eligibility and Who Can Apply? ........................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Who can apply?................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 What activities are eligible? ................................................................................................................ 6
3.3 What activities are not eligible? ......................................................................................................... 6
Part 4 The application ................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Completing the application ................................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Lodgement Process ............................................................................................................................. 8
Part 5 Assessment and Notification .............................................................................................................. 8
5.1 Assessment Process ............................................................................................................................ 8
5.2 Assessment Criteria............................................................................................................................. 9
5.3 Notification ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Part 6 Funding Agreement Requirements .................................................................................................... 9
6.1 Funding Agreements ........................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Public and Private Benefit ................................................................................................................. 10
6.3 Project Commencement ................................................................................................................... 10
6.4 Taxation and GST .............................................................................................................................. 10
6.5 Insurance ........................................................................................................................................... 11
6.6 Communication and Acknowledgement........................................................................................... 11
6.7 Project acquittals .............................................................................................................................. 11
6.8 Murray LLS audit requirements ........................................................................................................ 11
6.9 Compliance and Relevant Laws......................................................................................................... 11
Part 7 Rights and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................... 11
7.1 Applicants Responsibilities................................................................................................................ 11
7.2 Work Health and Safety .................................................................................................................... 12
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
7.3 False or Misleading Information ....................................................................................................... 12
7.4 Murray Local Land Services Rights .................................................................................................... 12
7.5 Disclaimer.......................................................................................................................................... 13
7.6. Confidentiality and Privacy .............................................................................................................. 13
Part 8 Enquiries, Complaints, Feedback and Contact Details ..................................................................... 14
8.1 Enquiries and complaints .................................................................................................................. 14
8.2 Feedback ........................................................................................................................................... 14
8.3 Contact details for further information ............................................................................................ 14
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
Part 1 – Partnerships & Capacity Building Grants Overview
1.1 Overview
This grant round is part of Murray Local Land Services (Murray LLS) aims for improving the health,
productivity and resilience of our natural landscapes. The Program will also contribute to the Australian
Government’s objectives under the National Landcare Program.
The grant round brings together Murray LLS Local Community Program and the Aboriginal Community
programs to create a single Partnership and Capacity Building Grants round that will invest to protect and
improve our Region’s organisational and people capacity, assets and values through action at the local
The Program is designed to be simple, reflect local and regional priorities, and contribute to the long-term
health of local landscapes and communities. By investing in local and regional projects Murray LLS
acknowledges the important contribution of local communities in assisting Murray LLS realise its national,
state and regional obligations.
The Program will be delivered through simplified guidelines, applications, reporting and administration.
1.2 Strategic Objectives and Outcomes
Grant Streams
Stream 1
General communities program
This stream will support applications that address Outcomes 1 and 2 below
Stream 2
Aboriginal Program
This stream will support applications from the aboriginal community which address
Outcomes 1, 2 or 3 below.
Three key outcomes
Outcome 1 Organisational Capacity Building:
Communities Partnership & Capacity Building Grants support projects that strengthen and enable the
community organisation to build its structures, systems, people, and skills so that it can achieve
greater performance and impact in the management of natural resources & land.
Capacity Building activities include:
 Evaluation of Organisation’s Core Services
 Improvement of Organisation’s Program Delivery
 Organisational or Community Assets & Needs Assessments
 Strategic Collaborations
 Training, and skills development
 Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Planning
 Resources to build group capacity.
Outcome 2 The delivery of land management projects addressing local issues
Projects that address this goal would include on ground works such as environmental restoration or
agricultural demonstration. It would also include education and training to support the capacity of land
managers to manage land sustainably
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
Outcome 3 The delivery of projects that increase opportunities for Aboriginal people to work
on Country
Projects in this category may include projects that deliver information, products or on ground
outcomes associated with
Technical Ecological Knowledge
Cultural Education and/or oral history recording
Management of Traditional Lands
Increasing employment outcomes for Aboriginal people
Cultural Heritage Management.
1.3 Timeframes
New application period
Closing date for
Assessment period
Grants Awarded
24 April 2015
11 May 2015
12 to 25 May 2015
By 30 June 2015
Contracts will need to be executed within the timeframes to enable funding to be allocated prior to 30
June 2015.
Part 2 Funding Requirements
2.1 The importance of community engagement
Delivery of Partnership and Capacity Building Grants should be designed to maintain or build upon
current engagement in Landcare and practice change activities, while increasing the engagement and
participation rates in natural resource management and sustainable agricultural activities of a wide variety
of groups including indigenous groups.
2.2 Indigenous Participation
It is expected that Indigenous people and organisations will have opportunities to participate in the
delivery of priority natural resource management and sustainable agricultural activities and contribute to
wider social and economic benefits. Aboriginal organisations will be eligible to apply to both streams of
the grant program but stream 2 is specifically targeting the Aboriginal community. It is expected that
Indigenous people will be involved at an early stage of Partnership and Capacity Building Grants delivery
design to ensure that activities are accessible, relevant and appropriate to Indigenous people and
2.3 Monitoring and reporting
Murray LLS is committed to accountability and demonstrating that its natural resource management
investments achieve desired natural resource management outcomes over both the short- and long-term.
It has responsibility for reporting on national and international commitments, conventions, policies,
frameworks and agreements.
The Program will be monitored against its vision, goals and management targets using a consistent
framework of standard measures and key performance indicators and successful Applicants will have an
important role in demonstrating the value of Partnership and Capacity Building Grant investments.
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
Part 3 Eligibility and Who Can Apply
General Requirements
1. Project Timeline: Partnerships & Capacity Building Grant projects must be started and
completed within 6 months of the grant being awarded, which will occur approximately June
30, 2015.
2. Project Location: Project sites must be located in the Murray LLS Region.
3.1 Who can apply?
Applications will be accepted from:
Community groups and organisations, Landcare and producer groups and Local Government
bodies within the Murray LLS Region
Individual land managers may apply for grants that deliver on stated project outcomes. Individuals
need to be aware there will be an assessment weighting for group applications.
Applicants will need to satisfy incorporated, registered and certified organisation criteria (refer to
application criteria questions 1 to 8)
3.2 What activities are eligible?
Applicants, in consultation with their local community are responsible for identifying the best way to
achieve local natural resource management priorities and deliver on them. However, there are constraints
on the types of activities for which funding can be used to ensure that Murray LLS funds are used
Section 1.2 provides examples of the types of activities that may be considered eligible
Applicants should note that administration costs of up to 10 per cent of the proposed budget can be
included in the application:
 Administration costs may include project monitoring, reporting and evaluation costs, and costs
associated with organisational governance, delivery and engagement practices
Applicants may not request more than 10 per cent of the proposed project budget to support
these activities without justification in their application. This will be considered by Murray LLS on
a case by case basis.
3.3 What activities are not eligible?
Partnership and Capacity Building Grants may not be used for:
activities that are inconsistent with the outcomes and example activities in section 1.2;
activities that contradict or inhibit the targets and outcomes of existing relevant programs
activities or investments undertaken, or liabilities incurred, before Murray LLS enters into a written
funding agreement with the successful Applicant;
activities that are the responsibility, or the business, of state, territory or local governments or of
private land managers, including activities that are a legislative and regulatory responsibility, such as
managing or controlling certain weeds or compliance activities, and activities that would be
considered a landholder’s responsibility, such as standard boundary fencing. These activities may be
undertaken in conjunction with Program funded activities provided that Program funding is not used
for them;
activities that are required to be undertaken by any person or are part of an approval under
Commonwealth, state or territory legislation, for example, the provision of an environmental offset
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
under the EPBC Act;
activities that are likely to have a significantly adverse impact on any species or ecological community
listed under the EPBC Act, an ecosystem of national or international significance (e.g. a Ramsar
listed site, World Heritage area or part of the National Reserve System) or activities with the potential
to exacerbate a threatening process listed under the EPBC Act;
activities that may have a significant adverse impact on Indigenous cultural heritage and which have
not received approval through relevant state or territory legislative requirements;
activities that involve planting of species (including native species) that are known to be, or could
become, environmental or agricultural weeds in or near the project location;
activities or elements of activities that are primarily for the purpose of beautifying or improving
amenity, for example, landscaping, picnic tables, shelters and paving;
the production or purchase of promotional clothing or items / merchandise (unless approved in writing
by Murray LLS);
political or ideological advocacy (e.g. protesting against a development). While Regional Funding may
not be used for political advocacy, this does not exclude, and should not discourage applications from
Applicants that also undertake political or ideological advocacy;
purchase or hire of equipment, materials or other major capital items that are normally part of a
landholder’s or organisation’s responsibility except where it can be demonstrated that the purchase of
equipment or other capital items represents value for money and contributes to delivery against the
Program. Any such purchase or hire requires prior approval by Murray LLS;
providing bounties for the control of vertebrate pests;
business development activities or subsidies for commercial operations, except where related to
Indigenous capacity building to deliver natural resource management outcomes;
construction, repair or maintenance of major water infrastructure such as large salt interception or
engineering works, unless specified as a recovery action to benefit a listed species or matter of
national environmental significance in an endorsed recovery or management plan;
activities that are conducted outside the defined Murray Local Land Services region.
Part 4 The application
4.1 Completing the application
Application Components
There are 2 forms that require completion both are available on our website
The Partnership & Capacity Building Grant Application form
The Budget workbook/spreadsheet
The applicant form has a series of questions designed to provide information on your organisation and
the project you propose.
The application form requires applicants to demonstrate how they will use Partnership and Capacity
Building Grants to contribute to the Murray Catchment Action Plans goals and management targets. (See
Attachment 1 of these guidelines)
Partnership and Capacity Building Grants applications are expected to show how they will achieve
practical on-ground sustainable land management and natural resource management outcomes and/or
contribute to these by increasing community engagement, participation, skills and capacity in natural
resource and land management.
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
Project Description: Applicants will be asked to describe/answer the following:
The proposed project to be funded.
The defined community that will be impacted by the project.
The need the project will address.
How the project relates to one (or more) of the desired outcomes
If your project builds upon a past works: How will it take the previous project in a new
direction or add value?
How will the proposed project increase the capacity of the community and/or organisation?
Resident/Stakeholder Involvement: Applicants must demonstrate how the organisation, community,
and residents of the defined community (or stakeholders who are a part of the defined community) were
substantively involved in project planning and will be actively involved in project execution.
Applicants are also asked to identify a plan for assessment and reporting on the project:
Timeline: A timeline must be provided for implementation of the project documenting a few key milestone
dates and confirming the project will be completed within 6 months of the grant awarded (July 1, 2015 –
December 10, 2015).
The budget spreadsheet must be completed
Applicants can refer to the following supporting documents, available at and, when preparing their applications:
 the Australian Government Performance Expectations for regional natural resource management
 the Indigenous Participation in the planning and delivery of National Landcare Program
 the Murray Catchment Action Plan
4.2 Lodgement Process
Proposals must be submitted via email by 5pm on Monday, May 11th, 2015 to Wendy Nethercote
If you are not able to electronically lodge your application please contact Wendy on 03 58801400 to make
alternative arrangements for receipt by the due date and time.
Part 5 Assessment and Notification
5.1 Assessment Process
There will be separate assessment panels for the Aboriginal program stream and the General Community
Each assessment panel will include MLLS staff and a community representative. The panels will consider
all applications against defined assessment criteria and provide recommendations.
Murray LLS will ensure all assessors involved in the assessment process comply with the NSW Public
Service Code of Conduct and declare and address any actual, perceived or potential Conflict of Interest
prior to providing any advice or assessment.
The Murray LLS General Manager and the Manager for Strategic Land Services will make the final
decision on funding.
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
Murray LLS reserves the right to use information from any other source, as well as the information
provided in applications, for the purposes of assessment.
Word limits apply to answers in the application form and assessors may not consider any information that
applicants provide beyond the specific word limit.
5.2 Assessment Criteria
Assessment criteria include (but are not limited to the following
The extent the application aligns with the CAP goals and strategies ( Attachment 1)
The extent the application delivers on outcomes 1,2 and 3 as defined in Section 1.2
The extent the application reflects a need identified by the local community
The extent of public/private benefit
Whether the application come from a community organisation (preference will be given to
applications from established community organisations working in NRM and Agriculture)
The long term outcome of the project
The extent the applications provide the opportunity for an increased number of
organisations to participate in the delivery of National Landcare Programme funding
Before approving a project under the Program, the relevant Program Manager and his/her delegates must
ensure that they consider value for money and promote proper use of Murray LLS resources, meaning
efficient, effective, economical and ethical use that is consistent with Murray LLS policies
5.3 Notification
All applicants will be notified of the final funding decisions via email prior to the end of May. For the grant
to proceed contract execution and invoice may be required in time for processing prior to June 30 2015.
Part 6 Funding Agreement Requirements
6.1 Funding Agreements
A funding agreement is a performance-based, legally enforceable agreement setting out the terms and
conditions governing the provision of Partnership and Capacity Building Grants for activities under the
All grant payments for activities conducted as part of the Program are subject to the successful Applicant
entering into, and complying with, the terms and conditions of a funding agreement entered into directly
with Murray LLS.
Murray LLS will only enter into a funding agreement with the successful applicant. The successful
applicant will then be legally responsible for ensuring all of the obligations under the terms and conditions
of the funding agreement are met.
Applicants should take note of the following important points relating to funding agreements:
 Murray LLS will not be legally bound to provide funding, until it actually enters into a written funding
agreement with the successful Applicant. Successful Applicants will not be entitled to expend
Program funding on project related expenses incurred prior to this time. As a result, successful
Applicants must avoid commencing activities, or entering into legally binding commitments relating to
activities, until they receive confirmation from Murray LLS that a funding agreement has been entered
Where the successful Applicant has established a partnership, or has identified third party
contributions that will assist in completing the project, the successful Applicant may need to have
legal arrangements in place (including Work Health and Safety) with those parties to ensure the
completion of the project. Murray LLS may require successful Applicants to confirm that such legal
arrangements are in place prior to the first funding release being made under the funding agreement.
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
If a successful Applicant is currently the recipient of Murray LLS funding under another program but
acquittals required to be provided for that funding are outstanding, Murray LLS may delay execution
of a funding agreement with that successful Applicant until the acquittal has been provided and
If there is an inconsistency between the terms of a funding agreement and these Guidelines, the
terms of the funding agreement take precedence.
6.2 Public and Private Benefit
Murray LLS funding must be strongly linked to providing benefits for the public good (externalities) and/or
addressing market failure (including information failure). Assistance may be granted only where activities
that provide a public benefit would not occur without government intervention and the outcome
contributes to the objectives of the Program.
Applicants proposing under their delivery of Partnership and Capacity Building Grants to undertake
activities on private land must ensure that other contributions (cash and/or in-kind) are made to the cost
of the activities to account for the levels of public and private benefits to be obtained from the activities.
For example, funding for on-ground works on private land may only be provided if there is a high public
benefit, and a contribution from the landholder/s that will compensate for any private benefit obtained. For
further information please contact the appropriate grants contact officer/s.
6.3 Project Commencement
Successful applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application in writing and, if successful, will
be provided with a funding agreement for signature by an authorised representative of the organisation.
The funding agreement should be signed and returned to Murray LLS, within 5-10 business days from the
date on which it is provided. The funding agreement will then be signed by the relevant delegate and the
date on which the funding agreement is executed by the relevant delegate will be the commencement
date of the agreement and the successful applicant may commence the project on that date. Funds will
be payable in accordance with the milestone schedule set out in the funding agreement, provided that the
successful Applicant has met all the relevant terms and conditions set out in the funding agreement.
6.4 Taxation and GST
Grants are subject to normal taxation treatment and no special arrangements will apply. Where
applicable, GST will be added to funding payments so that the Commonwealth and the successful
applicant may meet their obligations (if any) under the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act
Applicants, or their authorised representative organisation, must at the closing date for applications, be a
legal entity capable of entering into a funding agreement. The ABN of the entity that is to receive funds
under the Program must be provided to Murray LLS. If no ABN is available, a completed ‘Statement by a
Supplier’ form claiming an exemption for lodging an ABN with Murray LLS should be provided.
Applicants are to ensure that all budget figures provided in applications are calculated on a GST
exclusive basis.
Murray LLS recommends that Applicants seek advice:
from an independent source on the taxation implications of receiving a grant of under the
if required, from the Australian Taxation Office on completing and providing a ‘Statement by
a Supplier’ form.
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
6.5 Insurance
If successful and immediately upon entering into a funding agreement, an applicant must ensure that it
holds a policy or policies of insurance that is/are appropriate to the proposed project to be undertaken
and in compliance with the requirements of the funding agreement. Policies must be maintained for the
period specified in the funding agreement which depending upon the type of policy held, may extend
beyond the completion of the relevant project.
Murray LLS may be entitled to withhold funding, or seek a range of other legal remedies including
termination of the funding agreement, if a successful Applicant does not comply with the insurance
obligations applying to it under the relevant funding agreement. In order to verify compliance by
successful Applicants, Murray LLS may require that copies of certificates of currency of insurance be
6.6 Communication and Acknowledgement
Successful Applicants are required to acknowledge Murray LLS’s contribution to their project. Rules for
acknowledging the Murray LLS’s contribution and for working with it to publicise Partnership and Capacity
Building Grants under the Program, including with regard to media and publicity opportunities will be
provided to successful applicants.
6.7 Project acquittals
As a recipient of public monies, every successful applicant has an obligation to report on the financial and
practical progress of their project, including completion of annual acquittals. Once a project is completed,
the successful applicant is required to acquit the project in its entirety.
6.8 Murray LLS audit requirements
Every successful Applicant has an obligation to provide any information reasonably required by Murray
LLS to perform audits of the reports provided in relation to the funded project.
6.9 Compliance and Relevant Laws
Activities undertaken by successful Applicants must comply with all relevant Commonwealth, state,
territory and local laws and regulations. This requirement is specified in the funding agreement, and
action may be taken to terminate the funding agreement and/or require repayment of funds for noncompliance.
Part 7 Rights and Responsibilities
7.1 Applicants Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the Applicant to:
Inform themselves fully and properly of the requirements of the Program, these Guidelines
and the requirements of the application process
Ensure that their application is complete and accurate, as Murray LLS is not obliged to
request additional or missing information
Identify any information contained within their application which they consider should be
treated as confidential, and provide reasons for the request (noting that Murray LLS will not
be in breach of any confidentiality obligations where disclosure is required as outlined further
in section below)
Keep a copy of their application and any attachments for their own records
Inform Murray LLS of any changes to their circumstances which may affect their application
or their eligibility for Partnership and Capacity Building Grant under these Guidelines
Provide correct contact details of an appropriate person in the event that Murray LLS wish to
discuss the application or provide notifications relating to the Program application or
assessment process.
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
Conflict of Interest Applicants are also required to declare in writing to Murray LLS where any actual,
apparent, or potential Conflict of Interest exists or might arise in relation to their application that may
impact on the application, the proposed project, or any funding agreement the Applicant may enter into
with Murray LLS.
Examples of Conflicts of Interest may include situations where the applicant or any of its personnel:
 Has or has had a relationship (whether professional, commercial or personal) with a party who
is able to influence the application assessment process, such as a staff member of Murray LLS
 Has a relationship with, or interest in, an organisation which is likely to interfere with or restrict
the applicant in carrying out the proposed activity fairly and independently
 Has a relationship with or interest in, an organisation from which they will receive personal gain
as a result of the granting of funding under Murray LLS programs and initiatives.
Risk: The applicant's participation in any stage of the application process, or in relation to any matter
concerning the process, is at the applicant's sole risk, cost and expense. Murray LLS will not be
responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by an Applicant in preparing or lodging an application or in
taking part in the process.
If successful, the applicant will be required to:
 ensure that Murray LLS is recognised as the investor and invited to participate in launches,
communication and media opportunities
 monitor their performance and capacity, be accountable for and transparent in their decision
making, and identify measures to achieve continuous improvement in both their delivery of the
Program’s Funding, and in their organisational performance.
7.2 Work Health and Safety
Applicants, if successful, will be required to implement high standards of Work Health and Safety at all
Project sites to the maximum extent possible, including providing a safe work environment and
appropriate safety equipment for all project participants and ensuring safe access to project sites where
work is being carried out. All parties must comply with the relevant Commonwealth, state or territory Work
Health and Safety legislation.
7.3 False or Misleading Information
Applicants are entirely responsible for the accuracy of all information submitted in an application.
If an Applicant discovers any material discrepancy, ambiguity, inconsistency or errors in their application
they should immediately bring it to the attention of Murray LLS by contacting the appropriate Murray LLS
contact officer. Murray LLS may request further information from an Applicant and allow an Applicant to
remedy any discrepancy, ambiguity, inconsistency or errors in an application.
Murray LLS reserves the right to accept or disregard clarification information provided by an Applicant
and Murray LLS will not accept responsibility for any misunderstanding arising from failure of the
applicant to comply with these guidelines, or arising from any discrepancies, ambiguities, inconsistencies
or errors in an application.
Applicants that knowingly provide inadequate, false or misleading information may be excluded from the
assessment process. Applicants should be aware that the giving of false or misleading information is a
serious offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995.
7.4 Murray Local Land Services Rights
Murray LLS reserves the right to amend these Guidelines in its absolute discretion and will where
possible, provide reasonable notice of these amendments. Murray LLS also reserves the right to vary,
suspend or terminate the assessment process at any time and in its absolute discretion.
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
7.5 Disclaimer
Murray LLS including their officers, employees, agents and advisors:
 are not, and will not be, responsible or liable for the accuracy or completeness of any
information in or provided in connection with these Guidelines
 make no express or implied representation or warranty that any statement as to future matters
will prove correct
 disclaim any and all liability arising from any information provided to an Applicant, including
errors in, or omissions contained in that information
 except in so far as liability under any statute cannot be excluded, accept no responsibility arising
in any way from errors or omissions contained in these Guidelines
 accept no liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of that person, or
any other person, placing reliance on the contents of these Guidelines or any other information
provided by Murray LLS in respect of the Program.
7.6. Confidentiality and Privacy
Applicants must identify any information contained within their application which they consider should be
treated as confidential and provide reasons for the request.
Murray LLS will only consider a request for confidentiality where:
 the information to be protected is identified in specific rather than global terms
 the information is by its nature confidential, and
 disclosure would cause detriment to the parties concerned.
Murray LLS is subject to the legislative and administrative accountability and transparency requirements
of the Government, including disclosures to the Parliament and its Committees. Notwithstanding any
obligations of confidentiality, Murray LLS may disclose, or allow at any time the disclosure of, any
information contained in or relating to any application:
 to their advisers, employees or internal management for purposes related to the application and
assessment processes, including to evaluate or otherwise assess applications and manage any
resultant funding agreement
 to the responsible Ministers and/or respective Murray LLS Chairperson
 in response to a request by a House or a Committee of the State or Commonwealth Parliament
 within Murray LLS or with another agency, where this serves the Murray LLS and Government’s
legitimate interests
 where the information is authorised or required by law to be disclosed, noting that information
submitted to Murray LLS is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and its requirements
 where the information is already in the public domain otherwise than due to a breach of any
relevant confidentiality obligation by Murray LLS.
In submitting an application, applicants consent to Murray LLS using the information contained in their
application for the abovementioned purposes, for administering the Program and any other incidental or
related purpose. Murray LLS will store and use the personal information collected by them in compliance
with their obligations under the Privacy Act 1988.
Murray Local land Services may publish successful Partnership and Capacity Building Grants when
funding agreement is finalised and executed. Subject to the confidentiality provisions above, by
submitting an application in accordance with these Guidelines, the applicant consents to its publication by
Murray LLS if their application is successful.
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
Part 8 Enquiries, Complaints, Feedback and Contact Details
8.1 Enquiries and complaints
All enquiries and complaints will be handled consistent with Murray LLS policy and procedures.
8.2 Feedback
Feedback is an important element of the Program’s delivery. An ongoing business review and
improvement cycle is incorporated into the administration of the Program. This process looks at the
Program’s design and utilises methods such as surveys, stakeholder feedback, assessor forums and
other consultative processes. This continual improvement approach will help us to refine the Program
over time and may inform Program auditing and evaluation.
8.3 Contact details for further information
Details for Murray LLS grant program officers are as follows:
Jade Miller
Aboriginal Communities (Albury)
Phone: 02 6051 2219
Mobile: 0427 896 265
Dan Hutton
Community Engagement (Deniliquin)
Phone: 03 5880 1413
Mobile: 0427 330 613
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – Application Guidelines
ATTACHMENT 1: Murray Regions Catchment Action plan goals and management targets
This table 1 is an extract from the Murray Catchment Action Plan. The Murray goals and
management targets reflect the basis for the Murray LLS natural resource management
investment programs delivering this grant round.
Murray LLS: Partnership & Capacity Building Grant 2015 – RFP Guidelines: V4