The Thomas and Margaret Roddan Trust 2015 - Policy and Application form POLICY and APPLICATION INFORMATION Please read all the information below BEFORE completing the application. Please do not contact Student Funding at Edinburgh Napier for further details as we do not have any additional information. 1. Bursaries from the Thomas and Margaret Roddan Trust will, in general, range from £500 to £3,000 and may be awarded as follows: a) To undergraduates who have completed at least one year of study or b) postgraduates undertaking taught courses or c) postgraduates engaged in research for a higher degree. 2. Awards can be made to students having their ordinary residence in Scotland and studying anywhere in the world (including Scotland) or students having their ordinary residence outside the United Kingdom and studying in Scotland. 3. The Trustees will only consider ten applications from any University or Institution. All applications from students at Edinburgh Napier University will be considered by the Student Funding Team and the 10 most deserving applications will be counter-signed by a member of the Student Funding Team and sent on to the Trustees. 4. To be eligible to have your application considered by the Student Funding Team at Edinburgh Napier University you must be a currently matriculated student of the University at the time of application and returning to study next academic year i.e. 2015/2016. If you are returning to study at postgraduate level after completing an undergraduate degree at Edinburgh Napier University in 2014/2015 you must have a confirmed unconditional place to start in September 2015 for the 2015/2016 academic year. 5. To apply you must print off the application form, fully complete and sign it and send it to the Student Funding Office at Edinburgh Napier University (see point 6 below). Applications scanned in and attached to an email will NOT be accepted. 6. Fully completed applications with all relevant supporting documents MUST be returned to the Student Funding Team, Student Hub, Merchiston Campus (full postal address is at the top of the application form) by 12noon on FRIDAY 15th May 2015. Incomplete applications will not be considered and there will be no time to follow up incomplete applications. Applications sent direct to the Trustees by students or other members of Edinburgh Napier staff or Schools/Departments will not be considered by the Trustees. It is therefore essential for applicants to send their fully completed applications and ALL relevant supporting documents to the Student Funding Team at the address given above by the deadline. 7. Students will be notified, via email to their Edinburgh Napier student email account, by the end of June 2015 as to whether or not their application has been forwarded to the Trustees for consideration. 8. Final decisions about actual awards are made by the Trustees and no correspondence can be entered into between the Trustees and individual applicants. 9. The Trustees hope to be able to advise the Student Funding Team at Edinburgh Napier University in late July/early August 2015 whether any of the applications from students here have been successful. The Student Funding Team will advise students by email to their student email account as soon as possible after receipt of this information from the Trustees. The Thomas and Margaret Roddan Trust 2015 - APPLICATION FOR A BURSARY Fully complete all parts of this application and return to the Student Funding Team, with ALL relevant supporting documents by 12noon on FRIDAY 15th MAY 2015:Student Funding Team Edinburgh Napier University Student Hub, Merchiston Campus 10 Colinton Road Edinburgh EH10 5DT (NOTE: you can send by internal mail from any main campus reception of the University – clearly mark the top right corner of the envelope ‘INTERNAL MAIL’. Name: Place and date of birth: Citizenship: Current educational institution: Edinburgh Napier University Identification details (e.g. matriculation number or copy of Edinburgh Napier ID card: Student status (mark the appropriate level or levels [x]) 2nd- year undergraduate 3rd - year undergraduate 4th - year undergraduate 5th - year undergraduate [ [ [ [ ] Student on work placement [ ] ] Postgraduate on a taught course [ ] ] Postgraduate engaged in research [ ] ] Recent academic record: Intended degree or qualification and the expected date of completion of your course: Name and address of a referee (Please ensure that your referee has agreed to act on your behalf before going ahead and please include your referee’s e-mail address if possible): Statement of your case for the award of a Roddan Bursary (Attach a statement of not more than 300 words in which you set out your reasons for applying for a bursary and how it would help to further your education and career goals – please use the attached Personal Statement Form for this. Remember to include your name on this statement and sign it): Statement of your financial situation and needs (Attach an outline budget indicating how a grant will contribute to your education - Please use the attached Financial Details form) Applicant’s certification: I certify that I have fully completed this application form and that the information I have provided is correct. I also certify that I am the author of the 2 attached statements. I hereby consent to the disclosure to the Trustees of financial information in relation to any application I have made for assistance from any of the Funds, bursaries and scholarships managed by Edinburgh Napier University (including the Discretionary and Childcare Funds. Signed……………………………………. Date………………………………………. To be completed by Edinburgh Napier Student Funding Team who are responsible for submitting the application to the Roddan Trustees: I confirm that before……………………………………………………………………………………………. was admitted to this educational institution evidence was obtained to demonstrate that he/she had adequate financial support to cover fees and living costs. I confirm that he/she is an undergraduate/postgraduate member of this educational institution, and is in good standing with the institution. I also confirm that this institution is willing to receive and administer a bursary on behalf of the above named student. Signed……………………………………………Position…………………………………………………….. Date……………………………………………… Institutional stamp 1) Name Personal Statement Student ID Write a statement of not more than 300 words below - set out your reasons for applying for this bursary and how it will help you achieve your career goals - continue on separate sheet if necessary. This statement must be signed by you. 2(a) Financial Statement Name Student ID Break down your income and expenditure to show how you manage your money. Income (Monthly) £ Expenditure (Monthly) Student Loan Rent/Mortgage/Contribution to Parents Bursary Council Tax (full-time students are exempt) Supplementary Grants Food Your Earnings Any contribution from Spouse or Partner Electricity/Gas Insurances (e.g. home/personal) Contribution from parents Housing Benefit Child Tax Credits Working Tax Credits Child Benefit State Benefits/Pensions University/Institution hardship fund. Are you eligible and have you applied? Income Support Income from other source: e.g. maintenance Other – please specify Telephone Bank Loans/Hire Purchases Travel TV Licence/Rental Books/Special Equipment Tuition Fees (if relevant) Leisure/Household/Clothes TOTAL MONTHLY Income TOTAL MONTHLY Expenditure Do you have a Bank loan? Misc What is your borrowing Has this been exceeded? £…………………………… 2b) Please explain in a few words how an award would contribute to your education Please sign here…………………………………………………………. £
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