About Homeobotanicals

By Joanna Loveys BNatMed HbT
Combining the potency of homoeopathy with the reliability of herbs, Homeobotanical Therapy means
gentle, effective health care for the whole family.
Homeobotanical Therapy has comprehensive healthcare applications and is used for most conditions, and
people at all ages and stages of life – babies to the elderly, in chronic, acute or palliative situations.
Homeobotanical formulas (abbreviated to ‘HbT’) are fundamentally a 'mix-and-match' system of prescribing
herbs prepared in a homeopathic manner.
The major presenting symptoms in every client are matched to a selection of HbT formulas from over fortytwo main formulations (The Classic Range). For instance, a woman having migraines with her periods might
be prescribed the combination Hb M, F (ie, HbM [Migraine], HbF [Female Formula I]) to be taken three
drops, three times a day.
The amount of each of those two concentrates would be determined by the Practitioner to match the
intensity of symptoms in the client. There are further specialised Homeobotanical formulations beyond
these main formulas as well.
Homeobotanical formulations were researched and developed in New Zealand by Dr Brian Murray ND PhD
(Hon) and his team in the 1980’s. Components are botanical extracts and tinctures that are employed in
both herbal and homoeopathic manners. Indications for the components are considered using BOTH the
homoeopathic and botanical indications for therapeutic purpose.
HBT’s rebalance and reinforce the healing activity in the patient. HbT remedies are a CORE THERAPY used as
the basis of health management programs because they enhance clinical results for other therapies.
Hahnemann (the founder of Homeopathy) said that the place to start every case was to first remove the
My Remedy | Unit 3, 9 Karaka Street, Takapuna, Auckland | P. 09 486 2175 | health@myremedy.co.nz | www.myremedy.co.nz
Perhaps, for example, removing the effects of metabolic and environmental toxins from the Patient.
All HbT remedy action starts at the cellular level, helping us assimilate nutrients and detox toxins. HbT’s are
frequently used together with balanced nutrient supplementation and dietary guidance.
Each Homeobotanical formulation focuses on an organ or system of the body
For example A= Allergy, B = Blood, K = Kidneys...and each is a mixed blend of herbs particular to that organ
The various components initiate healing responses over a broad spectrum of symptoms that are active
within the Patient. HbTs enable us to focus prescriptions to achieve a precise, specific response. HbT’s do
not inflict a heavy chemical solution usually associated with powerful medicines. They are safe and gentle
for children and babies too.
HBT’s purify the system, enhance nutritional status and
initiate homoeostasis. In acute situations, this composite
action results in rapid, effective healing. When combined
with appropriate life-style adjustments most patients are
well on their way to regaining health. Where years of
degeneration have produced tissue and system damage,
a sustained program of HbT remedies is recommended.
Backed up by the appropriate nutritional program, the
long term response is progressive, gentle restoration and
regeneration of organs and systems. Even where the
disease is irreversible, the Patient's quality of life can be
enhanced through regular use of HbT’s. HbT remedies
complement very well any other form of natural therapy as a way of giving immediate relief.
Ref: Naturopathic College of New Zealand, Certificate in Homeobotanical Therapy Course.
My Remedy | Unit 3, 9 Karaka Street, Takapuna, Auckland | P. 09 486 2175 | health@myremedy.co.nz | www.myremedy.co.nz