Communication for Effective Leadership SPC 4445 Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Instructor: Raquel Perez Phone: (305) 348-4686 Office: GL 486 Fax: (305) 348-6272 Office Hours: Tuesdays 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. By appointment (Recommended) Email: Use Pearson course mail Course Description and Purpose This course introduces theories, models, and domains of leadership, emphasizing the role of communication and effective leadership. It examines the context of leadership from multiple settings to aid students in the development of their own leadership skills. Course Objectives By the end of the course, you will be able to: • • • • Examine leadership theories. Examine theories of motivation and their impact on leadership processes. Examine the personal qualities possessed by good leaders. Analyze leadership traits. Expectations of this Course The following guidelines will create a respectful and productive learning environment throughout the semester. You can expect me: • • • • To start and end class on time; To reply to e-mails within 24 hours on weekdays and 48 hours on weekends; To assign homework that adequately covers the material and meets the learning objectives of the course while adhering to the time expectations for a 3 credit course; To give exams that accurately reflects the material covered in class and assigned in homework. I can expect you: • • • • • • • Attend all class sessions on time; To be attentive and engaged in class; Purchase the textbook within the first week of class; To refrain from using laptops, cell phones and other electronic devices during class (outside of class activities); To spend an adequate amount of time on the homework each week; Create a calendar consisting of the assignments and their respective due dates; Follow instructions and ask questions when you are uncertain of the course material. Course Prerequisites There are no prerequisites for this course. REQUIRED E-BOOK and REQUIRED TEXT BOOK Course ID: professor73283 Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice (1st Edition) Author: Peter G. Northouse ISBN: 978-1412916554 You need to purchase access to your instructor's MyComLab section, where your course material and special FIU edition eBook are located. You can purchase an access code from the FIU Bookstore OR direct access from the publisher, Pearson. MyComLab Instructions: To enroll in a typical course, a student needs to have a: • Student access code, a valid credit card, or a PayPal account– Students get an access code with a new book purchase or by buying the code separately in a student access kit/card at the campus bookstore. Students can also buy access to a course online with a credit card or PayPal account while they are enrolling. • The student access code is nontransferable and can be used only once. To purchase course access online • Go to the MyLab and Mastering website and click Student in the Register area. Enter the Course ID provided by your instructor and click Continue. After verifying your course information, enter your username and password, and click Sign In. If you don’t have a Pearson account, click Create an account. Complete the Create an Account page. Helpful hints display to guide you. Read and accept the license agreement. Click Create Account. Select the button for the access level you want. Select whether you want to pay with a credit card or use PayPal and enter payment information. Click Review to review your order details. If you need to change anything, click the Change link. Click Make Payment to submit your order. Click Go to Your Course to access your online course. Register and Enroll in a New Subject • Go to the MyLab and Mastering website and click Student in the Register area. Enter the course ID you received from your instructor for your new course, and click Continue. Follow the instructions to either: Use a student access code, purchase access online, or request temporary access. To use a student access code: Go to the MyLab and Mastering website and click Student in the Register area. Enter the course ID provided by your instructor and click Continue. After verifying your course information, enter your username and password, and click Sign In. If you don’t have a Pearson account, click Create an account. Complete the Create an Account page. Helpful hints display to guide you. Read and accept the license agreement. Click Create Account. Click Access Code and enter your six-word access code in the boxes. Click Finish to complete your registration. Click Go to Your Course to access your online course. For more help with registration, go to the Get Started for Students area of the MyLab and Mastering website. For instructions on registration, watch the Register for your course videos. Policies Attendance Class attendance is an essential part of the educational process at Florida International University, and students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered to facilitate their academic success. Your absences are calculated from the first official day of class. You are expected to attend class on time and are expected to remain in class for the duration of the published class time. You are permitted 1 unexcused absence. You are responsible for the knowledge, skills and abilities not acquired due to absences and for assignments made or due from the first official day of class. Understanding that circumstances may arise, including but not limited to illness of the student or an immediate family member, accidents, death of an immediate family member, jury duty, court appearance, religious holy day, or involuntary call of military personnel to active duty, which are, upon presentation of official documentation, determined to be excused absences. Participation in college related events, which you required to attend by the club sponsor, and which have been approved by the appropriate Dean will also be excused. When such an absence occurs, you are responsible for providing official documentation of the reason for the absence and make-up work will be accepted. Acceptance of Late Assignments The departmental and course policies governing the acceptance of late assignments were adopted for the purpose of ensuring each student in the course is treated fairly and held to the same objective standards. The department, in adopting the late assignment policy, concluded that it was reasonable for students enrolled in an online class to be responsible for the following: • • To understand and to respect an assignment's posted due date; To read and to abide by the course policies posted within syllabus; and As such, requests for extensions related to the mismanaging of one's time, unfamiliarity with course policies contained within the syllabus, and/or not following an assignment's posted submission instructions are not compelling reasons for an instructor to grant an extension and will, therefore, be denied. • All documentation related to medical emergencies must be dated, signed by a licensed medical professional, and contain the licensed medical professional's contact number. It is expected that such documentation will be submitted no later than one week after the assignment's due date. Supporting medical documentation is always kept confidential. Once again, the departmental policies and procedures were adopted for the purpose of ensuring that all students in a class are treated fairly and are evaluated using the same objective standards. Your understanding and cooperation are both greatly appreciated. Policy for Assigning an incomplete "I" Grade An incomplete grade is a temporary symbol given for work not completed because of serious interruption not caused by the student's own negligence. An incomplete must be made up as quickly as possible, but no later than, two consecutive semesters after the initial taking of the course or it will automatically default to an "F" or the grade that the student earned in the course. There is no extension of the two semester deadline. The student must not register again for the course to make up the incomplete. Students who have incomplete grades on their records must remove the incomplete by the end of the fourth week of the term in which they plan to graduate. Failure to do so will result in a cancellation of graduation. Incompletes are awarded only if the student has completed most of the course work. If a student misses a significant portion of the course work, he/she should drop the course. If the drop period has ended, the student may petition for a withdrawal—this requires the student to un-enroll in all of their courses for that semester. Incompletes are not to be used because a student took on too many credits and they cannot complete everything that is now required of them. In such cases where the course instructor determines that it appropriate to award a student a grade of "I" (incomplete) the following steps must be followed. Using an Official University Form the course instructor will report the following: • • • • • • • The grade earned by the student to date. The missing work and the percentage of the final grade it represents (this requires the details of the specific missing assignment). The date the instructor expects the missing work to be submitted or in the case of an examination made up. The justification for awarding the grade of "I". Have the student sign the form. Submit this form to the Department Chair and Dean and maintain a copy for instructor records and provide a copy for the student. Upon satisfying the requirements for a grade the instructor will sign off on the form and attach it to the change of grade form she or he will submit. COURSE DETAIL Academic Misconduct Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly to demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the Student Handbook. This Code of Academic Integrity was adopted by the Student Government Association on November 28, 2001 and reflects the values articulated in the Student Code of Standards. All students are deemed by the university to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Code of Academic Integrity's procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the FIU Student Handbook. Students have the right to due process in all disciplinary situations. For additional information concerning student rights and responsibilities, please contact FIU's Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution. Academic misconduct will not be tolerated in this class. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Violations of academic integrity will be punished. These violations involve the use of any method or technique enabling you to misrepresent the quality or integrity of any of your university related work. University Learning Center The FIU University Learning Center is available on both campuses to support you. They provide personalized attention tailored to your needs in a user-friendly environment that includes online support. You can get help writing a paper, reading more efficiently and increasing textbook comprehension, or even creating an individualized learning plan. The center is located in PC 247 (305-348-2180) on the main campus and at ACI 160 (305-919-5927) on the Biscayne Bay campus. Find them online at Disability Clause Students with disabilities, as defined by law, have the right to receive needed accommodations if their disabilities make it difficult to perform academic tasks in the usual way or in the allotted time frame. In order to receive accommodation, however, students with must register with Disability Resource Center: University Park Campus, GC 190 Voice: (305) 348-3532 TTY: (305) 348-3852 Fax: (305) 348-3850 Email: Religious Holidays The University's policy on religious holy days as stated in the University Catalog and Student Handbook will be followed in this class. Any student may request to be excused from an online class to observe a religious holy day of his or her faith. Code of Student Conduct A University is a learning community following a tradition more than 1,000 years old. Florida International University is such a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. As a member of this community: • • • • I will respect the tradition of academic inquiry, the University's rules of conduct, and its mission. I will respect the opinions and differences of all members of the FIU community. I will practice civility and demonstrate conduct that reflects the values of the institution. I will be diligent and honest in my personal and academic endeavors. The FIU Student Handbook outlines the Student Code of Conduct regarding students with disruptive behavior. Course Content Please read the weekly calendar carefully. You are fully responsible for completing the assignments by the assigned dates. This requires that you read ahead as some assignments may take you more time and research than others. This course will consist of the following assignments: • Leadership Quiz: Complete the leaders ship quiz adapted from Mind Tools. You will receive questions on the weekly assignments and exams about this exercise. This exorcise has no individual point value as far as class is concerned. Please answer the questions honestly and do not share your score with your classmates, or myself. It is a personality test designed to determine your individual leadership qualities. The more honest you are in your answers, the more valid your score will be. • Weekly Assignments: Each week you will have assignments based on readings, lectures, and class activities. However, we will be a paperless class. I have set up an online section for this class. You will complete your weekly assignments in Pearson. In addition, I will post the class handouts in Pearson as well. This will serve two purposes. The main purpose is to provide you with what you need if you miss a class. The secondary purpose is to give you more detail about what to expect before class. I will expect each of you to print out the agenda and handouts prior to class and bring them to class. • Discussions/Participation: Class participation is a very important part of the learning process in this course. You will be evaluated on the QUALITY of your contributions and insights. Quality comments possess one or more of the following properties: o Offers a different and unique, but relevant, perspective; o Contributes to moving the discussion and analysis forward; o Builds on other comments; o Transcends the “I feel” syndrome. That is, it includes some evidence, argumentation, or recognition of inherent tradeoffs. In other words, the comment demonstrates some reflective thinking. • Exams: There will be 2 exams throughout the semester. They will be a combination of multiple choice and true/false. The exams will be timed. The exams will have 50 questions with each question being worth 2 points. The exam is worth 100 points. You will have 120 minutes to complete the exams. • Leadership Workshop: You will work in a group to create and present a Leadership Workshop. You will submit your lesson to You can find the instructions for the paper in Pearson. The report will comprise of 100 points toward your grade. **TURNITIN.COM and Grademark • • • • • Review the detailed Turnitin instructions on how to submit your assignments and how to review the Grademark comments (feedback) from your professor. All written assignments must be submitted to Turnitin Dropboxes by the posted deadline. Assignments submitted by any other means will not be accepted. Turnitin drop boxes will be available within the Assignment Dropbox link off the course tools menu on the left hand side of the page within Blackboard. Within one week after the assignment’s deadline has passed, you will receive written feedback on your assignment. The written comments on your assignment are accessible using the GradeMark function within your assignment submission. Late Submissions must be uploaded in the appropriately labeled “Late Drop Box” by the posted “Late Assignment Deadline”. Late submissions are only eligible for a maximum of 50% of the assignments original point value. Grading COURSE REQUIREMENTS Weekly Assignments Discussion/Participation Mid Term Final Exam Leadership Workshop Total LETTER GRADE A AB+ B RANGE 460 - 500 450 - 459 440 - 449 410 - 439 WEIGHTS 100 Points Percentage 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 500 Points LETTER GRADE BC+ C C- RANGE 400 - 409 390 – 399 360 – 389 350 – 359 LETTER GRADE D+ D DF 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 100% RANGE 340 – 349 310 – 339 300 – 309 299 and below COURSE CALENDAR Week of the: Week Focus 1. August 25th 2. September 1st (University Closed on Monday) 3. September 8th 4. September 15th 5. September 22nd 6. September 29th th 7. October 6 (Review for Exam 1) 8. October 13th (Exam 1) 9. October 20th 10. October 27th 11. November 3rd E-‐Book Chapter 1: Introduction: The Nature of Leadership Textbook Chapter 1: Being a Leader Read Textbook Chapter 2: Recognizing Your Traits Read E-Book Chapter 3: Effective Leadership Behavior Read Textbook Chapter 3: Recognizing Your Philosophy and Style of Leadership Read E-Book Chapter 4: Leading Change and Innovation Read E-Book Chapter 6: Leadership Traits and Skills Read E-Book Chapter 7: Contingency Theories and Adaptive Leadership Read E-Book Chapter 8: Power and Influence Tactics Read Textbook Chapter 6: Creating a Vision Leadership Workshop Follow Up Read E-Book Chapter 10: Leadership in Teams and Decision Groups Read Textbook Chapter 8: Listening to OutGroup Members Read E-Book Chapter 12: Charismatic and Transformational Leadership Read Textbook Chapter 7: Setting the Tone Read E-Book Chapter 13: Ethical, Servant, Spiritual and Authentic Leadership Read Textbook Chapter 10: Addressing Ethics in Leadership 12. November 10th (University Closed on Tuesday) 13. November 17th (Submit Group Analysis to Read E-Book Chapter 15: Developing Leadership Skills Read Textbook Chapter 5: Developing Leadership Skills Read E-Book Chapter 16: Overview and Integration Read Textbook Chapter 9: Overcoming Obstacles Group Collaboration Group Presentation 14. November 24th (University Closed on Thursday or Friday) Group Presentation 15. December 1st (Review for Exam 2) Group Presentation 16. December 8th (Exam 2) Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to alter the course requirements, schedule, and/or assignments based on new materials, class discussions, or other legitimate pedagogical objectives. Students will be given notice of relevant changes in class or via e-mail.
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