MAN 3022 – U01A – Introduction to Management (Monday/Wednesday 7:30pm-9:45pm) MMC GL 245 fgfgfgf GENERAL INFORMATION Instructor: Andrew P. Yap Office: MANGO 411 Office Hours: by appointment Phone: 305-403-0240 Fax: 305-348-3792 E-mail: fgfgfgf COURSE DESCRIPTION This is an introductory course designed to help you better understand the essentials of management and organizations. By exploring the four pillars of management (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) we will discover how organizations leverage their scarce resources to achieve their goals. The course presents an overview of the field of management, including the concept of organizational structure. You will be introduced to the process of management in terms of both theory and practice. We will use case discussions, interactive exercises, current events, and relevant examinations. At the end of the course you should know the basic principles and practices of management. While working through this course you will see that when most businesses fail it is because of bad management. Strive to have fun and learn as much as possible; having a good understanding of the principles of management is vital in today’s marketplace! fgfgfgf COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an analysis of organizations and the management processes of planning, organizing, directing, controlling, and decision making. Specific course objectives are: 1. Define the important concepts and practices of modern management 2. Identify the principle challenges managers face in achieving competitive advantage 3. Distinguish among the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, controlling and decision-making 4. Describe managing in the global environment, and the implications of culture, diversity, and managerial ethics fgfgfgf MAJOR & CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES TARGETED LO_IB_01 Demonstrate understanding of how to carry out the planning function of management including: Describe methods of strategic business analysis considering political, cultural, legal, market and socio-economic forces; Identify ways to create competitive advantage; Explain how international business and global economic issues are considered in strategic analysis; Describe how to establish corporate goals; Identify methods of planning for efficiency and effectiveness objectives; Explain considerations for exploring outsourcing options; Describe how to conduct analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. LO_IB_02 Demonstrate understanding of how to carry out the organizing function of management including: Describe various types of teams and group processes; Explain how to conduct job design and scheduling of work; Identify methods for creating effective communication networks; Explain advantages and disadvantages of different types of organizational structures; Describe important aspects of human perception, expectations and behavior in organizations; Examine the impact of individual differences, culture, diversity, power and politics in organizations; Describe the antecedents of job satisfaction and specify methods to foster it. LO_IB_03 Formulate ways to carry out the controlling function in organizations, including: Discuss ways of monitoring organization systems; Describe methods for evaluating performance and implementing feedback mechanisms; Explain how to maintain human resources and human capital through selection, evaluation, compensation, skill training and career development processes; Describe effective use of technology in managing systems; Inventory various methods of compliance with legal regulations in the workplace. LO_IB_04 Identify ways to fulfill the leadership function of management, including: Explain how to foster commitment and motivation; Explain considerations necessary for timely and effective decision making; Contrast different leadership styles; Prescribe actions for providing direction, support, participation, and maintaining standards of excellence; Explain the importance of leader vision; Identify methods and important factors in managing crises; Identify the situational components necessary for change, adaptation and innovation; Describe methods of implementation and follow-through. LO_IB_05 Explain how linking the organizational social practices to the community is ultimately advantageous in regard to: Maintaining ethical standards; Developing sustainable influence on the business environment; Establishing a strong reputation through community engagement. fgfgfgf TEXTBOOK Essentials of Contemporary Management Gareth R. Jones and Jennifer M. George McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition ISBN 978-0077630805 or ISBN 978-1308527871 (Customized Version at FIU Bookstore) Student online learning center for text Click here to buy your textbook online at the FIU Bookstore. fgfgfgf TEACHING METHODOLOGY Case analyses and discussion. Internet research and discussion of assigned readings. Individual assignments and reports. Online quizzes. Group Case Analyses Course Exams fgfgfgf COURSE PREREQUISITES For information about prerequisites, click here. fgfgfgf COMMUNICATING WITH THE INSTRUCTOR In order to communicate with the instructor, please send an email via Blackboard and allow 48 hours to reply. If there is no reply within 48 hours, please call the instructor via telephone at the number indicated at the top of this syllabus or send an email to (subject MAN 3022 Hybrid) fgfgfgf GRADING Course Requirements Weights Online Quizzes (2 online multiple choice quizzes at 5% each) 10% Individual Internet Assignment 5% Current Event Presentation/Report 3% Participation and Attendance 2% Five Group Case Analyses (4% each) 20% In-Class Midterm Exam 30% In-Class Final Exam 30% Total 100% Letter Grade A AB+ B Letter Grade 95-100% B90-94 C+ 87-89 C 84-86 CRange Range 80-83 77-79 74-76 70-73 Letter Grade D+ D DF Range 67-69 64-66 60-63 <60 fgfgfgf ASSURANCE OF LEARNING As a college, we care about the quality of the business education we are providing you. More on the College’s commitment to Assurance of Learning can be found at the following link: Fgfgfgf QUIZZES Quizzes The quizzes will be online and include 40 questions each. Each student will have 60 minutes to complete the quiz. fgfgfgf DISCUSSION It is critical that all students properly prepare for class as students will be asked to participate in class discussions. Student not properly prepared for case discussion will lose participation points on their course grade. fgfgfgf ASSIGNMENTS Student Homepage Every student is required to create his/her own student homepage using the course's Discussion Forum, which can be found on course's left navigation menu. The student homepage is due on 5/19/15. To complete the student homepage, simply answer the questions regarding “Introduce Yourself” and include a current photo so other students can know who you are. Current Event Presentations Each class session will begin with several selected students who will complete a 3-5 minute informal presentation on an article published within the past 6 months that discusses a company’s use of at least 2 specific management concepts covered in the current class session chapter discussion. If a student is selected to do a current event presentation, the student must complete the presentation otherwise he or she will receive 0% for that portion of their course grade. A ½ to one page analysis of the current event is required to be submitted after the presentation has been completed. Students may be selected randomly throughout the semester. Students not selected for the current event presentation can select any chapter in the text and identify an article published within the past 6 months that discusses a company’s use of specific marketing strategies related to the selected chapter. A ½ to one page analysis from these students is required to be submitted at the beginning of class on 6/10/15 INDIVIDUAL INTERNET ASSIGNMENT You will need to complete this assignment as an individual. Individual Internet Assignment Description (due on 5/27/15) – for this assignment you will need to search the internet for information that would help an entrepreneur and/or small business owner to understand the importance of evaluating their organization’s business plan and strategy. You would then create a simple, yet very effective step by step instruction manual on how these entrepreneurs and/or small business owners should write a business plan. The length of this assignment is 2-3 pages single-spaced with 12 point font. Creativity will be counted toward the student’s grade so be sure to print and submit a creatively and professionally designed report. You can use programs such as Word, Publisher, etc. to complete this assignment. fgfgfgf RESEARCH PAPER GROUP CASE ANALYSES Each group of students will analyze assigned cases by answering the case questions and submit the analysis on the date specified. It is important to apply relevant management concepts where possible when addressing the questions. Length of each case analysis is 25 pages. Make sure that all team member names are on the cover page. The following are the case analyses and due dates throughout the semester: Due on 5/20/15 Case Chapter 1 – page 32 – Apple, with or without Steve Jobs Case Chapter 5 – page 172 – Alcatel-Lucent Chops Away at Years of Failure Due on 6/3/15 Case Chapter 7 – page 245 – Larry Page’s Google 3.0 Case Chapter 8 – page 282 - Benetton: A Must Have Becomes a Has-Been Due 6/8/15 Case Chapter 10 – page 340 – How Siemens Got Its Geist Back fgfgfgf DISABILITY NOTICE If you have a disability and need assistance, please contact the Disability Resource Center (University Park : GC190; 305-348-3532) (North Campus: WUC139, 305-919-5345). Upon contact, the Disability Resource Center will review your request and contact your professors or other personnel to make arrangements for appropriate modification and/or assistance. fgfgfgf RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS The University's policy on religious holy days as stated in the University Catalog and Student Handbook will be followed in this class. Any student may request to be excused from class to observe a religious holy day of his or her faith. fgfgfgf RULES, POLICIES, and ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT Assignments from the text and other resources are listed below for each class session. Students are expected to be pace their learning according to the posted course assignments. It is expected that interactive learning and teaching will enrich the learning experience of all students, and that each student will work in partnership with the professor to create a positive learning experience for all. Student engagement is a necessary condition for an effective learning experience, and includes contributions to debate and discussion (if any), positive interactive learning with others, and an enthusiastic attitude towards inquiry. Everyone is expected to be a positive contributor to the class learning community, and students are expected to share the responsibility of teaching each other. Statement of Understanding between Professor and Student Every student must respect the right of all to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students must adhere to a standard of academic conduct, demonstrating respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. As a student in the College of Business taking this class: I will not represent someone else’s work as my own I will not cheat, nor will I aid in another’s cheating I will be honest in my academic endeavors I understand that if I am found responsible for academic misconduct, I will be subject to the academic misconduct procedures and sanctions as outlined in the Student Handbook Failure to adhere to the guidelines stated above may result in one of the following: Expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from the University, preventing readmission to the institution. This sanction shall be recorded on the student's transcript. Suspension: Temporary separation of the student from the University for a specific period of time. Additionally the following two documents should be used by every student in business classes that require individual or group written assignments: Certification of Authorship Assignment Cover Page (Individual) Certification of Authorship Assignment Cover Page (Groups) For details on the policy and procedure go to ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT. (Section 2.44) NOTE: Intensive Auditing of the course will be conducted to prevent academic misconduct. fgfgfgf EXPECTATION OF THIS COURSE As noted above, students are expected to keep up with the readings, assignments and projects and submit all requirements on time. fgfgfgf COURSE CALENDAR Module 5/11/15 This week’s assignments 5/13/15 5/18/15 5/20/15 5/25/15 5/27/15 Complete student homepage and work on group case analysis The Management Process Today Text Syllabus and Course Overview Select Groups for Case Analyses Chapter 1 Values, Attitudes, Emotions, and Culture: The Manager as a Person Managing Ethics and Diversity Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Managing in the Global Environment Decision Making, Learning, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship Student homepage due 5/19/15 by 11pm Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Cases from Ch 1 and Ch 5 due at the beginning of class Online Quiz 1 (Ch 1-5) Available 5/21/15-5/23/15 Planning, Strategy, and Competitive Advantage Discuss Cases from Ch 1 and Ch 5 Chapter 6 No Class (Memorial Day) Designing Organizational Structure Control, Change, Entrepreneurship Individual Internet Assignment due at the beginning of class Chapter 7 Chapter 8 6/1/15 100 multiple choice questions Midterm Exam (Ch 1-7) 6/3/15 Cases from Ch 7 and Ch 8 due at the beginning of class Motivation Leaders and Leadership Discuss cases from Ch 7 and Ch 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Effective Team Management Building and Managing Human Resources Case from Ch 10 due at the beginning of class Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Communication and IT Management Operations Management Online Quiz 2 (Ch 7-11) Available 6/11/15-6/13/15 Group member evaluations submitted individually to the professor at the beginning of class Chapter 13 Chapter 14 100 multiple choice questions Final Exam (Ch 8-14) 6/8/15 6/10/15 6/15/15 fgfgfgf ADDITIONAL INFORMATION At this time, the professor has not requested the insertion of any information into this section. Please contact the professor directly if you have any questions. College of Business Administration - Enterprise Technology Center (RB 107) Tel: (305) 348-6259 | Fax: (305) 348-6882 | Email: Copyright © 2006 FIU College of Business
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