2011-January Lesson Guide ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide Contents January 1, 2011 LESSON 45: At the Airport .................................................................................................. 3 January 2, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 46 – Health ............................................................................................... 8 January 3, 2011 Suresh–Lesson 47: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA ............................................. 12 January 4, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 10 – ग, घ, and ङ .............................................. 18 January 5, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 48: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA ........................................... 20 January 6, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 11–Consonants च and छ .............................. 26 January 7, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 49: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA ........................................... 27 January 8, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 12–Consonants ज and झ ............................. 33 January 9, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 50: My autobiography ............................................................................ 35 January 11, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 13–Consonants ट and ठ ............................. 40 January 12, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 51 दक्षऺण बायत क्मों प्रससद्द है ? (Dakshin Bharat kyon prasiddh hai ?)WHY IS SOUTH INDIA FAMOUS ? ................................................................................................................ 41 January 14, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 14–Consonants ड, ढ and ण ................................... 45 January 14, 2011 - Suresh – Lesson 52 वामम ु ान / वामअ ु ड्डे सम्फॊधधत शब्द एवॊ कुछ वाक्म = Vayuyaan/vayuaddey sambandhi shabd evam kuchh vaaky . Airport related words and a few sentences .................................................................................................................................................................... 47 January 14, 2011 - Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 14–Consonants ड, ढ and ण ...................... 51 January 15, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 15–Consonants त and थ ............................ 53 January 16, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 53 हहॊदी भें छोटे वाक्मों को फनाना सीखें | (Hindi mein chhotey vaakyon ko banana seekhen . Learn to make small sentences in Hindi ......................................... 54 January 18, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 16–Consonants द, ध and न ........................ 57 January 19, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 54 हहॊदी भें अततरयक्त छोटे वाक्मों को फनाना सीखें | (Hindi mein atirikt chotey vaakyon ko banana seekhen . Learn to make small additional sentences in Hindi ........................ 59 January 20, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 17–Consonants ऩ and प ............................ 61 January 21, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 55 हहॊदी ऩाठ सॊख्मा ५५ कववता (Kavita)Poem ............................................. 62 January 22, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 18–Consonants फ, ब and भ................................... 64 January 23, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 56 बायत भें रड़कों के नाभ = (Bharat Mey ladkon ke naam ) The boys names in India ............................................................................................................................................. 66 January 25, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 19–Consonants म and य ........................................ 70 ISpeakHindi.com 1 2011-January Lesson Guide January 26, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 57 बायत भें रड़ककमों के नाभ = (Bharat mein ladkiyon ke naam) girl’s names in India ............................................................................................................................................. 71 January 27, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 20–Consonants र and व ....................................... 76 January 28, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 58 ऩॊडडत जवाहयरार नेहरू PANDIT JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ..................... 77 January 29, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 21–Consonants श and ष ....................................... 82 January 30, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 59 जानवयों, ऩशुओॊ, ऩक्षऺमों, जर-जन्तुओॊ एवॊ कीड़ों -भकौडों, के नाभ हहॊदी भें (Janwarons, pashuon, pakshiyon, jal-jantuon, keedon-makaudon ke naam Hindi mein. Name of animals, cattle, birds, water and living animals & insects in Hindi ........................................................................... 83 ISpeakHindi.com 2 2011-January Lesson Guide 3 January 1, 2011 LESSON 45: At the Airport हवाई – अड्डे ऩय (Havai addey par) At the airport 1. हवाई- अड्डों भें मात्रिमों की सवु वधाओॊ के सरए कापी दक ु ाने होती हैं| (hawaiaddon mein yatriyon ki suvidhaon ke liye kaafee dukanein hotee hain.) The airports have several shops for the convenience of passengers. 2. हवाई -अड्डों भें सयु ऺा कभमचायीगण तनगयानी यखते हैं| (Hawai -addon mein suraksha karmchareegan nigrani rakhtey hain.) The security staff keep vigil at the airport. 3. दतु नमा भें सफसे फड़ा हवाई – अड्डा कहाॉ स्थथत है ? (Duniya mein sabsey bada hawai-adda kahan sthit hai?) Where is the biggest airport located in the world ? 4. हवाई- अड्डे भें दतु नमा के कोने कोने से रोग आते एवॊ जाते हैं| (Hawai- addey mein duniya ke koney koney se loag aatey evam jaatey hain.) The people from different corners of the world come and go at airports. 5. हवाई – अड्डे भें , थवच्छता ऩय कापी ध्मान हदमा जाता है | (Hawai- addey mein swatchtaa par kaafee dhyaan diya jaata hai.) In Airport, much attention is provided to hygiene/cleanliness. 6. हवाई अड्डे भें धुम्रऩान कयना तनवषद्ध है | (Hawai addey mein dhumrapaan karna nishidh hai.) Smoking is prohibited at the airports. ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide 7. हवाई – अड्डा अन्तयाष्ट्रीम एकता का प्रतीक है | 4 (Hawai- adda antarashtriya ekta ka prateek hai.) The airport is a symbol of international unity. 8. कसाईखाना हवाई – अड्डे से दयू होना चाहहए| (Kasaikhaana Hawai- addey sey door hona chahiey.) The slaughterhouse should be located far(away) from the airport. 9. वामुमान के सभम ऩय हवाई – अड्डे न आने से रोगों को असुववधा होती है | (Vayuyaan key samay par Hawai- addey na aaney se logon ko asuvidha hoti hai.) The non arrival of flights on time at the airport puts the people into inconvenience. 10. अभेरयका से बायत हवाई जहाज द्वाया आने भें रगबग १८ घॊटे रगते हैं| (America sey Bharar hawai jahaaj dwara aaney mein lagbhag 18 ghantey lagtey hain.) It takes approximately 18 hours to arrive by airplane from America to India. 11. हवाई अड्डे ऩय तराशी की अनुभतत है | (Hawai addey par talaashee kee anumati hai.) The frisking is permissible at the airport. 12. मात्रिमों की आकस्थभक भत्ृ मु मा अॊगों के नुकसान के सरए एमयराइन कॊऩतनमों द्वाया फीभा ककमा गमा है | (Yaatriyon kee aaksmik mrityu ya angon ke nuksaan ke liye airline companiyon dwara bema kiya gaya hai.) The travellers are insured by the airline companies for accidental death or loss of limbs. 13. वामुमान भें ववशेष कय सशशुओॊ, फच्चे, योधगमों, वद्ध ृ ों आहद के खाने,ऩीने,कम्फर, तककमे एवॊ अन्म सम्फॊधधत आवश्मकताओॊ ऩय कापी ध्मान हदमा जाता है | ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide (Vayuyaan mein vishesh kar shishuon, bacchey, rogiyon, vridhon aadi ke khanay, peenay , kambal, takiye, evam anya sambandhit aavashyaktaaon par kaafee dhyaan diya jaata hai.) In aircraft much attention is given to especially infants, children, patients, aged etc. regarding their food, drink, blankets, cushions and other related requirements. 14. भजफरू यमों के भाभरे भें ,प्राथसभकता के आधाय ऩय , ववभान तनमॊिण कऺ से अनभ ु तत ऩय, तनकटतभ हवाई ऩट्टी ऩय उताया जा सकता है | (Majbooriyon ke maamley mein, praathmikta ke aadhaar par, vimaan niyantran kaksh sey anumati par, nikattam hawai- patti par ootaara jaa sakta hai.) In case of exigencies, on priority basis, the plane can be landed to the nearest air-strip on permission from the control room. 15. ववभान भें मािा के दौयान दयू दशमन(टे रीववज़न) औय इॊटयनेट की व्मवथथा यहती है | (vimaan mein TV aur internet ke byavastha yaatra key dauraan rahti hai.) The arrangements for the Television(V )and Internet are there in aircraft during the course of travel. 16. ववभान भें मािा के दौयान भोफाइर फोन का उऩमोग कयना वस्जमत है | (Vimaan mein yaatra ke dauraan mobile phone ka upyog karna varjit hai.) The use of mobile phone is prohibited during the travel in flight. 17. अॊतयामष्ट्रीम मािा के दौयान वैध ऩासऩोटम , वीसा, वामु मान से आने एवॊ जाने का हटककट, कथटम्स का अनभ ु ोहदत प्रऩि एवॊ व्मम (खचम) के सरए आवश्मक डोरअसम एवॊ थथानीम भद्र ु ाएॉ आऩके ऩास अवश्म होनी चाहहए| (antarrashtriya yaatra kay dauraan vaidh paasport, visa , vayuyaan sey aaney evam jaanay ka ticket, customs ka anumodit prapatr, vyay(kharch) ke liye aavashyak dollars evam sthaniya mudrayen aapkay pass avashya honee chahiey.) The valid passport and visa, to/fro airticket, customs approved form and required dollars and local currencies to meet the expenses, should be available with you during the international travel. 18. छािों को हटककट भें छूट सभरती है | (Chhatron ko ticket mein chhoot milati hai.) ISpeakHindi.com 5 2011-January Lesson Guide The students get discounts in ticket. 6 19. हटककट का दय भौसभ , दयू ी एवॊ श्रेणी के आधाय ऩय तम ककमा जाता है | (Tikit ka dar dar mausam, doori evam shreni key aadhaar par tay kiya jaata hai.) The ticket rate is fixed based on the season, distance and class. 20. कबी कबी रम्फी मािा के दौयान, वामम ु ान फदरना ऩड़ता है । (kabhii kabhee lambi yaatra key dauraan, vayuyaan badalana padta hai.) Sometimes during the long travel, plane needs to be changed. 21. उड़ान की जानकायी के सरए सभम सभम ऩय ध्मान दे ना आवश्मक है | (Udaan kee jaankaree ke liye samay samay par dhyaan dena aavashyak hai.) It is necessary to pay attention to the flight information time to time. 22. खयाफ भौसभ, ऩक्षऺमों से ववभान के टक्कय, वामु मान भें तकनीकी दोष, टामय तछद्र, एवॊ सुयऺा सम्फन्धी सभथमाएॊ इत्माहद ववभान को सभम भें उडने नहीॊ दे तीॊ हैं | (kharaab mausam, pakshiyon se vimaan ke takkar, vayu yaan mein takniki dosh, tyre chhidr evam and suraksha sambandhi samasyayon ityadi viman ko smay mein oodnay nahin deten hain.) The bad weather, the birds hitting the aircraft, tyre puncture, the aircraft technical defects and securityrelated problems etc. , do not allow the plane to take off in time. 23. मात्रिमों को अऩने साभानों ऩय ववशेष ध्मान घय छोडने से घय ऩहुॉचने तक यखनी चाहहए| (Yaatriyon ko apnay saamaanon par vishesh dhyaan ghar chhodnay sey ghar pahuchney tak rakhnee chahiye.) Passengers should keep special attention to their goods from the time they leave the house until reach home. 24. मािा के दौयान ककसी बी गॊबीय थवाथ्म सभथमा की स्थथतत भें एमयराइन के कभमचारयमों द्वाया आऩका सवमश्रेष्ट्ट ध्मान यखा जाता है | ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide (Yaatraa ke dauraan kisee bhee gambheer swasthya samasya key sthti mein airlines ke karcharioyon dwara aapka sarshtresht dhyaan rakhaa jaata hai.) The airline staff do their best to take care of you in the event of any serious health problem during travel. 25. केवर वैध हवाई जहाज के हटकट धायक हवाई अड्डे भें प्रवेश कय सकते हैं | (Kewal vaidh Hawai jahaaj ke tikat dharak hawai addey mein pravesh kar saktey hain.) Only valid plane ticket holder can enter into the airport. 26. एमय इॊडडमा मात्रिमों के सरए एक सुखद मािा की घोषणा कयता है | (Air India yatriyon ke liye ek sukhad yaatra kee ghoshna karta hai.) The Air India announces a pleasant journey for travelers. Homework: 1. Answer the following questions in Hindi a. ववभान एवॊ वामु मान भें क्मा अॊतय है ? b. क्मा वामुमान एवॊ जहाज एक ही चीज है ? c. क्मा वामु अड्डा औय हवाई अड्डे भें कोई पकम है ? d. वामु अड्डे के सम्फन्ध भें अन्म ऩाॊच वाक्म हहॊदी भें अथम सहहत सरखें | 2. Write the meaning of these additional words often used at airports (Please take the help of www.shabdkosh.com) शौचारम ऩेशाफघय ऺतत आगभन प्रथथान सशकामत जरऩान गह ृ ववदे शी भुद्रा ववतनभम Come by the website http://www.ISpeakHindi.com and leave the answers to these questions as a comment to this lesson. Thank you. Dhanyawad ISpeakHindi.com 7 2011-January Lesson Guide January 2, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 46 – Health 8 HINDI LESSON 46 थवाथ्म: Swasthya = Health (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Beginner Lessons) DEVANAGARI (TRANSLITERATION) - TRANSLATION रुग्णता (rugrntaa) / योग (roge) / फीभायी (beemaaree) – sickness/illness धचककत्सक (chikitsak) / वैध (vaidh) – doctor कृसभ (krimi) – worms ऩाखाना (paakhaana) – stool/motion साफुन (sabun) – soap दवा (dawa) / गोरी (goli) – medicine/pill जुकाभ (jukaam) – cold कै (kai) / वभन (vaman) / उरटी (oolti) - vomit ऩेधचश (pechish) – dyesentery डाईरयमा – diarrhea दॊ तभॊजन (dantmanjan) – toothpaste सदी से फुखाय (sardi se bukhar) – flu धड़कन (dhadkan) – beat फूॊद (boond) – drop यक्त (rakt) / खून (khoon) – blood हहचकी (hichki) – hiccup नुसखा (nuskha) – prescription डकाय (dakaar) – belch छ ॊक (cheenk) – sneezing कोसशकाएॊ (koshikaayen) – cells फेहोश (behosh) – unconscious औषध (aushadh) – medicine फाॉझ (baanjh) – barren (cannot conceive baby) छूत (chhoot) / सॊक्रभण (sankraman) – infection/contagious नब्ज (nabj) – pulse तौसरमा (tauliya) – towel ऩारना (paalna) – cradle यजाई (razai) – quilt तककमा (takiya) – pillow भूि (mutr) / ऩेशाफ (peshaab) – urine खाॊसी (khaansi) – cough ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide भधुभेह (madhumeh) – diabetes 9 श्वास (shwas) / साॊस (saans) – breath राश (lash) / शव (shav) – deadbody/corpse चीयपाड़ (cheerfaad) – operation नाड (naadi) – vein भौत (maut) / भत्ृ मु (mrityu) – death थनान (snan) / नहाना (nahaana) – bath पब्फाया (fabbara) – shower उथतया (ustara) – razor दाढ़ी फनाना (dadhee banana) - to shave चाकू (chaku) / चुयी (churee) – knife फरवान (balwaan) / शस्क्तशारी (shaktishaali) – strong दॊ त-धचककत्सक (dant chikitsak) – dentist जनन-ऺभता (janan-kshamta) – fertility सई ु (sui) – needle फुखाय (bukhaar) – fever ठण्ड (thand) – cold अॊत् ऺेऩण (antah kshepan) – injection शल्म- कक्रमा (shalya- kriya) – surgery जम्हाई रेना (jamhai lena) – yawn थवाथ्मकय (swasthkar) – hygienic औषधारम (aushadhaalay) – pharmacy धोना (dhona) – wash कैंची (kanchee) – scissor सदभा (sadma) – shock उऩचाय कयना (upchaar karna) – to treat अॊडे सेना (andey sena) – to incubate आयोग्म (aarogy) / तनयोग (nirog) – healthy भानससक (maansik) – mental मोतन (yoni) – vagina तनयोऩ (nirop) – implants उदय (oodar) – abdomen तीव्र (teevr) – acute उदय सॊऩीडन (udar sampeedan) – decompression कम्ऩन (kampann) – tremble जीवाणु (jeevanu) – bacteria ऩेसशमाॉ (peshiyan) – muscles धभनी (dhamni)- artery ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide घषमण (gharshan) / खयोंच (kharonch)- abrasion 10 चमाऩचमी (chayapachayee)- metabolic व्मसनी (byasni)- addict भुहासा (acne)- Muhaasaa वद्ध ू ा (boodhaa)- aged ृ (vriddh) / फढ जननेंहद्रम (jananendriya) / जननाॊग (jananaang)- genital गबमऩात (garbhpaat)- MTP अॊडकोष (andkosh)- testicles त्रफम्फाणु (bimbanu)- platelet खज ु री (khujli)- itching अवसाद (avsaad)- depression योग पैरानेवारे जीव-जॊतु (rog failaaney waley jeev-jantu)- vectors थतन (stan)- breast थिाव (straav)- bleed भाहवायी (maahvaaree) / भहहना (mahina)- period आयॊ सबक जाॉच (aarambhik jaanch) / ऩयीऺण (pareekshan)- screening हड्डडमों का ववशेषऻ (haddiyon ka visheshyagy)- orthopedist भनोववऻानी (manovigyaani)- psychologist भनस्श्चककत्सक (manashichikitsam)- psychiatrist वक् ृ क योग ववशेषऻ (Vrikk Rog Visheshgya)- nephrologist त्वचा ववशेषऻ (twatcha visheshagya)- dermatologist (skin specialist) दाई (dayee)- Nanny or mid-wife गबमवती (garbhvati)- pregnant प्रसूतत (prasuti) / धािी (dhaatri)- lactating अथऩतार (aspataal)- hospital धचककत्सारम (chikitsaalay)- dispensary प्रसव (prasav)- delivery फहता नाक (bahata naak)- running nose थवथथ (swasth) / तॊदरुथत (tandurust)- healthy याजमक्ष्भा (rajyakshma)- tuberculosis(TB) दफ म (durbal) / कभजोय (kamjor)- weak ु र सशशु (shishu)- infant भत्ृ मु दय (mrityu dar)- death rate सुई (sui)- needle थक ू (thook)- sputum ऩट्टी (patti)- bandage ह्रदम योग (hriday roag)- heart disease ऩागर (paagal)- mad/insane ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide भानससक (maansik)- mental 11 सभगी (mirgi)- epilepsy or fit ताऩभान (taapmaan)- temperature आॊत (aant)- intestine स्जगय (jigar)- liver उदय (udar)- abdomen ददम (dard)- pain चा़ू (chaaku) / छुयी (chhooree)- knife कैंची (kainchee)- scissors जीब (jeebh)- tongue दाॊत (daant)- teeth नेि (netra) / आॉख (aankh) / चऺु (chakshu)- eye तत्त्व (tatva)- elements आहाय (aahaar)- food ऩौस्ष्ट्टक (paushtik)- nutrition भच्छय दानी (macchar dani)- mosquito net नासब (naabhi)- navel ऩेट (pet)- stomach पेपड़ा (fefda)- lungs ऩथयी (pathri)- stone ब्रीडडॊग (khoon bahna)- bleeding हवा (hawa) / वामु (vayu)- gas/wind/air आवाज (aawaj) / ध्वतन (dhwani)- sound श्रवण शस्क्त (shravan shakti)- listening power फहया (bahra)- deaf गूॊगा (goonga)- dumb काना (kaana)- one eyed अॉधा (andha)- blind उत्तेजना (uttejna)- excited कयाहना (karahna)- to moan काॊऩना (tremble)- uttejna फैसाखी (baisaakhee)- crutch काॊऩना (tremble)- uttejna ऩाचन कक्रमा (paachan kriya)- digestive system दभ घट ु ना (dum ghutna)- choke Thank you. Dhanyawad ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 3, 2011 Suresh–Lesson 47: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA Lesson 47: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA – बायत भें साभुदातमक ववकास (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Beginner Lessons) बायत भें भानसन ू अक्सय ववपर यहता है जफकक कृवष आजीववका का प्राथसभक स्रोत है | (Bharat mein monsoon aksar vifal rahta hai, krishi aajeevika ka prathmik strot hai.) In India the monsoon often fails while agriculture is the primary source of livelihood. दे श के कई हहथसों भें ऩानी की कभी के कायण बायत को रगाताय पसर की ववपरताओॊ का साभना कयना ऩड़ा है | (Desh key kayee hisson mein paanee kee kamee ke karan , Bharat ko lagaatar fasal kee vifaltaaon ka saamna karna pada hai. ) Due to lack of water in many parts of the country, India has faced crop failures, constantly. ऩशुओॊ के सरए चाये की कभी है | (Pashuon ke liye charey kee kami hai. ) There is the lack/dearth of fodder for the cattle. ग्राभीणों के सरए आजीववका के अगरे उऩरब्ध स्रोत जानवय है | (garmeenon ke liye aajeevika ke agley uplabdh strot jaanvar hain. ) The next available source of livelihood for the villagers is the animals. मह ऩरयवाय को एक व्मवसाम औय दग्ु धशारा (डेमयी) उत्ऩादों से वॊधचत यखती है | (Yah pariwaar ko ek vayvsaay aur dairy utpadon se vanchit rakhtee hai. ) This deprives family of an occupation and the dairy products . वे बूसभ को फेचने मा फॊधक यखने ऩय वववश हो जाते है | ISpeakHindi.com 12 2011-January Lesson Guide (Ve bhumi ko bechney ya bandhak rakhney par vivash ho jaatey hain. ) 13 They are constrained to sell the land or mortgage them. वन उत्ऩाद तीसया थिोत है जो उनके जीने के सरए कुछ आम राता है | (Van utpaad teesra strot hai jo unkey jeeney ke liye kuch aay laata hai. ) The forest product is third source which brings some income for their survival . नमा कानून उन्हें वन उत्ऩादों के इकट्ठा कयने ऩय प्रततफॊध रगाता है | (naya kanoon unhey var utpaadon ke ekattha karney par pratiband lagaata hai. ) The new laws prohibits them from collecting forest products. अफ ऩरयवाय थथानीम साहूकाय से सॊऩकम कयता है | (Ab pariwaar sthaneey sahukaar se sampark karta hai. ) Now family contacts the local money lender . ऋण के दष्ट्ु चक्र, पसर ववपरताएॊ, बूख औय चुकौती के सरए जरूयत इनका ऩरयणाभ है | (Rin key dushchakr, fasal vifaltaayen, bhookh aur chukauti key liey jarurat inka parinaam hain. ) This results in a vicious cycle of loans, crop failures, hunger, and the need for repayment. फच्चों औय भहहराओॊ के साथ ऩास के नगय /शहय के सरए प्रवास शुरू होता है | (Bacchon evam mahilaon ke saath pass ke nagar/shahar ke liye pravaas shuru hota hai. ) The migration with children and women to nearby town/city starts. अत् फच्चों की जरूयतों को ऩयू ा कयने एवॊ उनके ऩरयवायों औय सभद ु ामों के ववकास की प्रकक्रमा भें बागीदायी होनी चाहहए | (Atah bacchon ke jaruraton ko pura karney evam unkay pariwaron aur samudaayon ke vikas kee prakriya mein bhaagidaaree hone chahiye. ) ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide Therefore, the participation in the development process in meeting the needs of children , their families and communities is must. मह उन्हें आभ भद्द ु ों ऩय एक साथ कामम कयने भें सऺभ फनाता है | (Yah unhein aam muddon par ek saath kaary kareny mein saksham banaata hai. ) It enables them to work together on common issues. साभुदातमक बागीदायी अधधकाय, हहत औय फच्चों के आत्भ-सम्भान को फढ़ावा दे ता है | (Saamudayik bhagidaaree adhikaar, hit aur bacchon ke aatm-samman ko baddhaava deta hai. ) The community participation promotes rights, interests and dignity of children. मह उन्हें सभुदाम के बीतय, सयकाय औय अन्म गैय सयकायी सॊगठनों से सॊसाधन जुटाने के सरए प्रेरयत कयता है | (Yah unhein samudaay ke bheetar, sarkaar aur anya gaiyr sarkaree sangathanon se sansaadhan jutaney ke liye prerit karta hai. |) It encourages them to mobilize resources within the community, the government and other NGOs. गयीफ अगय अधधक साऺय हों तो उनकी उत्ऩादकता एवॊ आभदनी (आम) फढ़े गी | (Gareeb agar adheek saakshar hon to oonki utpaadakta evam aamdani(aay) baddhegee.) If the poor become more literate , then their productivity and income would enhance. उनके थवाथ्म की स्थथतत भें सुधाय औय जनसॊख्मा ववृ द्ध की दय धीभी होगी | (Unkay swaasthy kee sthiti mein sudhaar aur jansankhya vridhi kee dar dheemee hogee. ) Their health conditions would improve and the population growth rate would slow down. इसी प्रकाय, महद भहहराओॊ की साऺयता भें ववृ द्ध होती है , तो मह अऩने फच्चों के जीवन भें भहत्वऩूणम सुधाय , अथामत फेहतय ऩोषण , ववद्मारम के उच्च उऩस्थथतत औय फेहतय थवच्छता राएगी | (Isee prakaar, yadi mahilaon kee sakshartaa mein vridhi hotee hai, to yah aney bacchon ke jeevan mein mahatvapurn sudhaar arthat behtar poshan, vidhalay mein adhik upasthiti aur behtar swatchta layegi. ) Similarly ,if women’s literacy is increased it would to result in significant improvements in the lives of their children i.e. better nutrition, higher school attendance and improved hygiene/cleanliness at home. ISpeakHindi.com 14 2011-January Lesson Guide एक फच्चे के शायीरयक, साभास्जक, भनोवैऻातनक, आधथमक एवॊ भानससक ववकास ऩय ध्मान यखा जाना चाहहए | (Ek bacchey ke shareerik, saamaajik, manovaigyanik, aarthik, evam maanasik vikaas par dhyaan rakha jaana chahieye. ) A child’s physical, social, psychological, economical, and mental developments should be taken care of. एक फच्चे के जीवन के ऩहरे छह वषम भस्थतष्ट्क के ववकास के सरए अत्मॊत भहत्वऩूणम हैं जो फच्चे के ऩोषण औय थवाथ्म की स्थथतत ऩय तनबमय कयता है | (Ek bacchey key jeevan ke pahley chhe varsh mastishk ke vikaas ke liye atyant mahatvapurn hain . ) The first six years of a child’s life are crucial/critical for the brain development which depends upon the child’s nutritional and health status सबी गाॊव के फच्चों को खेर, अध्माऩन साभधग्रमाॊ , कऩडे ,भेज, कुससममाॊ , उऩकयण, ऩौस्ष्ट्टक आहाय एवॊ खाने के फतमन प्रदान की जानी चाहहए | (Abhee gaanv ke bacchon ko khel, addhyapan samagriyan, kapadey ,mej, kursiyan, upkaran ,paushtik aahar aur khaaney key bartak pradaan kee jaanee chahey.) All village children must be provided with play materials, teaching aids, clothes, table,chairs equipment, nutritious food and eating vessels. VOCABULARY: शब्दावरी(SHABDAWALI) DEVANAGARI TRANSLITERATION TRANSLATION ऩशुओॊ (pashuon) – cattle चाये (chaarey) – fodder आजीववका (aajeevika) – livelihood उऩरब्ध (uplabdh) – available जानवय (jaanvar) – animal. वॊधचत (vanchit) – deprive बसू भ (bhumi) – land फेचने (bechney) – sell फॊधक (bandhak) – mortgage वववश (vivash) – constrain थिोत (strot) – source आभदनी (aamdani) / आम (aay) – income ISpeakHindi.com 15 2011-January Lesson Guide कानून (kanoon) – laws 16 थथानीम (sthaneey) – local साहूकाय (sahukaar) – money lender सॊऩकम (sampark) – contact ऋण (rin) – loan दष्ट्ु चक्र (dushchakr) – vicious cycle ववपरताएॊ (vifaltaayen) – failures बूख (bhookh) – hunger चुकौती (chukauti) – repayment ऩरयणाभ (parinaam) – result प्रवास (pravaas) – migration सऺभ (saksham) – enable साभुदातमक (saamudayik) – community बागीदायी (bhagidaaree) – participation हहत (hit) – interest आत्भ-सम्भान (aatm-samman) – dignity फढ़ावा (baddhaava) – promote सयकाय (sarkaar) – Government अन्म गैय सयकायी सॊगठनों (gaiyr sarkaree sangathanon) – NGO सॊसाधन (sansaadhan) – resource जुटाने (jutaney) – mobilize प्रेरयत (prerit) – encourage गयीफ (gareeb) – poor उत्ऩादकता (utpaadakta) – productivity जनसॊख्मा (jansankhya) – population साऺयता (sakshartaa) – literacy उऩस्थथतत (upasthiti) – attendance शायीरयक (shareerik) – physical साभास्जक (saamaajik) – social भनोवैऻातनक (manovaigyanik) – psychological आधथमक (aarthik) – economical भानससक (maanasik) – mental भस्थतष्ट्क (mastishk) – brain ववकास (vikas) – development भहत्वऩूणम (mahatvapurn) – crucial/critical /most important साभधग्रमाॊ (samagriyan) – materials/items उऩकयण (upkaran) – equipment ऩौस्ष्ट्टक आहाय (paushtik aahar) – nutritious food ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide खाने के फतमन (khaaney key bartan) – eating utensils/vessels. 17 प्रदान (pradaan) / दे ना (dena) – provide/give PS: This lesson continues on to Lesson No.48 Question: Please write in Hindi 10 additional own sentences on Community Development . Thank you. S.Suresh Kumar,Hindi tutor and translator Sskay56@gmail.com 91 9840643690 ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 4, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 10 – ग, घ, and ङ This is the tenth lesson in a series of basic episodes to teach Hindi from the beginning. If you are already studying Hindi, it can provide a good review. If you are looking for something more advanced then master 4 words each day in the vocabulary master. Also, these basic lessons will be mixed in with more advance lessons. Tomorrow’s lesson will be more challenging. Previous Lessons in this series: Lesson 1 – अ and आ Lesson 2 – इ and ई Lesson 3 – उ and ऊ Lesson 4 – ऋ Lesson 5 – ए and ऐ Lesson 6 – ओ and औ Lesson 7 – अॊ and अ् Lesson 8 – Review of Vowels Lesson 9 – क and ख ग ga Gamla (गभरा ) – Garden pot/Flower pot Garam (गयभ) – Hot gha घ Ghar (घय) - House ISpeakHindi.com 18 2011-January Lesson Guide Ghada (घडा) – Pitcher 19 nga ङ no words ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 5, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 48: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA Hindi Lesson 48: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA - बायत भें साभुदातमक ववकास (Bharat mein saamudayik Vikas) Vol.II (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Beginner Lessons) CONTINUED FROM LESSON 47 हय सॊबव ऩव ू म थकूर(ववद्मारम )सशऺक एवॊ सहामक को सभद ु ाम से चन ु े जाने चाहहए औय प्रसशक्षऺत ककमा जाना चाहहए | (Har sambhav purv school skhikshak evam sahayak ko samudaay ke bheetar se chuney jaanay chahiye aur is udhyesh key liye prashikshit kya jaana chahiey. ) The pre-School teachers and assistants should preferably be selected from the community and should be trained . फच्चों को अऩनी उम्र के अनुसाय सभूहों भें ववबास्जत कयें | (bacchon ko apnee umra ke anusaar samoohon mein vibhjit karein. ) Split/divide the children into groups according to their age. उनके गाने ,खेर औय ऩढाई ऩय ध्मान दें | (Unkay gaaney, khel aur padhayee par dhyaan dein. ) Focus on their songs, play and studies . इस प्रकाय फच्चों के थनेह, ऩायथऩरयक सॊऩकम, सुयऺा औय प्रोत्साहन सम्फन्धी अधधकायों को सुतनस्श्चत ककमा जाता है | (Is prakaar, bacchon key sneh, paarasparik sampark, suraksha aur protsaahan sambandhi adhikaron ko sunishchit kiya jaata hai. ) Thus children’s rights related to affection, interaction, security and encouragement are ensured. गाॊवों भें कई मुवा रड़के औय रड़ककमाॉ हैं जो मा तो कबी थकूर नहीॊ गए हैं मा ऩढाई फॊद ककमे हैं | (Ganvon mein kai yuva ladkey aur ladkiyan hain jo ya to kabhee school nahin gaye hain ya adhuri padhai kiye hain. ) ISpeakHindi.com 20 2011-January Lesson Guide There are many young boys and girls in the villages who have either never been to school or who have discontinued studies. वे फेकाय औय अनत्ु ऩादक हैं मा जीवन बय अधधक सभम ऩशुओॊ को चयाने भें मा जॊगर से रकड़ी एकि कयने भें ब्मतीत कयते हैं | (Ve bekaar aur anutpaadak hain ya jeevan bhar adheek samay pashuon ko charaaney mein ya jangal se lakdi ekatr karney mein byateet kartey hain. ) They are idle and unproductive or spend most of the time in grazing cattle or collecting firewood from the forest. उन्हें व्मावसातमक प्रसशऺण केन्द्रों भें ,काय के चारक, सभथिी, नरसाज, झराईगय, ववद्मुद्वेत्ता, फढ़ई, कुम्हाय औय ईंट आहद फनाने भें प्रसशक्षऺत कयने की आवश्मकता है | (Unhey byavsayik prashikshan kentron mein, car ke chaalak, mistry, nalsaaj, jhaaligar,vidhweta, bhadai, kumhaar aur eent aadi bananey mein prashikchit karney kee aavashyakta hain. ) They need to be trained in the Vocational Training Centers as drivers, fitters, plumbers, welders, electricians, carpentry, pottery and brick making etc. रड़ककमाॊ उनके अऩने छोटे व्मवसाम थथावऩत कयने के सरए उऩमुक्त कौशर सीख सकते हैं, जैसे ससराई, टोकयी फुनना, कशीदाकायी, आहद | (Ladkiyan unkay apney chotey byavsaay sthapit krney ke liye upyukt kaushal seek saktey hain, jaise silai, tokree bunan, kasheedakaaree, aadi. ) The girls can learn appropriate skills to establish their own petty business i.e.as stitching, basket weaving, embroidery , etc. ग्राभीण ऺेिों भें थवाथ्म सेवा ववतयण प्रणारी ऩय प्राथसभकता दी जानी चाहहए | (Gramin kshetron mein swaasthy seva vitaran pranali par praathmikta dee jaanee chahiye. ) The Health Care delivery system in the rural areas needs to be accorded priority. उऩचायात्भक से अधधक तनवायक उऩामों ऩय जोय होना चाहहए | (Upachaartmak se adheek nivarak upayon par jore hona chahiey. ) The emphasis should be given more on preventive than curative measures. ISpeakHindi.com 21 2011-January Lesson Guide ग्राभीण ऺेिों भें आभ तौय ऩय फच्चे ऩोसरमो ,नवजात टे टनस, खसया, दथत की घटनाएॊ, तीव्र श्वसन सॊक्रभण, टीफी, भरेरयमा आहद से प्रबाववत हैं | (Grameen kshetron mein aam taur par bacchey Polio, navjaat tetanus, khasra, dast kee ghatnaanyen, teev shwasan sankraman, TB, Malaria aadi se prabhavit hain. ) Normally children in rural areas are affected by polio, neo-natal tetanus, measles, incidents of diahorrea, acute respiratory infections, tuberculosis, malaria etc. कभ से कभ एक वषम भें एक धचककत्सा जाॊच ककमा जाना चाहहए | (Kam se kam ek varsh mein ek chikitsa jaanch kiya jaana chahiey. ) At least one medical check-up in a year should be done. कुछ भहहराओॊ को सभद ु ाम से चमन ककमा जाना चाहहए औय थवाथ्म सेवा भें प्रसशक्षऺत ककमा जाना चाहहए | (Kuch mahilaon ko samudaay se chayan kiya jaana chahiye aur swaasthya seva mein prashikshit kiya jaana chahiye. ) Some women should be selected from the community and trained in health care. फदरे भें, वे सभुदाम के भाभूरी थवाथ्म सभथमाओॊ (ववशेष रूऩ से भहहराओॊ औय फच्चों के) का सभाधान कय सकते हैं | (badley mein ,ve samudaay ke mamooli swasthya samasyaon(vishsh rup se mahilaon aur bacchon key)ka samaadhaan kar sakte hain. ) In turn ,they can solve minor health problems of the community. (particularly for women and children). सुयक्षऺत (ऩेम) जर (ऩानी) का प्रावधान ककमा जाना चाहहए| (Surakshit (peya) jal (paanee) key peenay kee byavashta kee jaanee chahiye. ) The provision of safe (potable) water should be done. सभुदाम को घयों के ऩीछे फेहतय थवच्छता हे तु कभ रागत के शौचारमों के तनभामण के सरए प्रसशक्षऺत ककमा जा सकता है | (Samudaay ko gharon ke peachhay behtar swatchta hetu kam laagat ke shauchalayon key nirmaan ke liye prashikshit kiya jaa sakta hia.) ISpeakHindi.com 22 2011-January Lesson Guide The community can be trained to build low cost toilets behind the houses for better sanitation. सभद ु ाम को उधचत जर तनकासी प्रणारी का तनभामण औय ऊऩयी सभटटी के कटाव को योकने के ववसबन्न उऩामों(तयीकों )को ससखामा जाना चाहहए | (Samudaay ko uchit jal nikasi pranali byavastha ka nirmaan aur upree mitti key kataav ko rokney ke vibinn upayon ko sikhaya jaana chahiye. ) The community needs to be taught to build proper drainage systems and various methods to prevent top soil erosions. ववशेष रूऩ से प्रजनन औय मौन थवाथ्म के ऺेिों भें एक फड़ी बूसभका तनबानी चाहहए | (Vishesh roop se prajnan aur yon swasthy ke kshetron mein ek badee bhumika nibhaanee chahiye. ) There is need to play a greater role particularly in the areas of reproductive and sexual health. VOCABULARY: शब्दावरी(SHABDAWALI) DEVANAGARI TRANSLITERATION TRANSLATION अनस ु ाय (anusaar) – according सभूहों (samoohon) – group ववबास्जत (vibhajit) – divide थनेह (sneh) – affection ऩायथऩरयक सॊऩकम (paarasparik sampark) – interaction सयु ऺा (suraksha) – security प्रोत्साहन (protsaahan) – encouragement सम्फन्धी (sambandhi) – related अधधकायों (adhikaron) – rights सुतनस्श्चत (sunishchit) – ensure मव ु ा (yuva) – young फेकाय (bekaar) – idle अनुत्ऩादक (anutpaadak) – unproductive ऩशुओॊ (pashuon) – cattle चयाने (charaaney) – grazing रकड़ी (lakdi) – wood एकि (ekatr) – collect ब्मतीत (byateet) – spend प्रसशऺण (prashikshan) – training केन्द्रों (kendron) – center चारक (chaalak) – driver ISpeakHindi.com 23 2011-January Lesson Guide नरसाज (nalsaaj) – plumber 24 फढ़ई (badhai) – carpenter कुम्हाय (kumhaar) – potter रड़ककमाॊ (ladkiyan) – girls छोटे (chottey) – small उऩमुक्त (upyukt) – proper कौशर (kaushal) – skills ससराई (silai) – stitching टोकयी फुनना (tokri banana) – basket making कशीदाकायी (kasheedakaaree) – embroidery ववतयण (vitaran) – distribution प्राथसभकता (praathmikta) – priority उऩचायात्भक (Upachaartmak) – curative तनवायक (nivarak) – preventive जोय (jore) – emphasis नवजात (navjaat) – new born खसया (khasra) – measles दथत (dast) – diahorrea घटनाएॊ (ghatnaayen) – incidence तीव्र (teevr) – acute श्वसन (shwasan) – respiratory सॊक्रभण (sankraman) – infection धचककत्सा (chikitsa) – medical जाॊच (jaanch) – check-up चमन (chayan) – selecte सेवा (seva) – care/service फदरे भें (badley mein) – in turn भाभूरी (mamooli) – minor/ordinary सभथमाओॊ (samasyaon) – problems सयु क्षऺत (surakshit) – safe व्मवथथा (byavastha) – provision फेहतय (behatar) – better थवच्छता (swatchta) – sanitation/cleanliness रागत (laagat) – cost शौचारमों (shauchalayon) – toilets प्रसशक्षऺत (prashikshit) – trained उधचत (uchit) – proper तनकासी (nikasi) – drainage ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide प्रणारी (pranali) – systems 25 तनभामण (nirmaan) – build ऊऩयी (upree) – top सभटटी (mitti) – soil कटाव (kataav) – erosions योकने (rokney) – prevent/stop उऩामों (upayon) – methods ववशेष (vishesh) – particularly प्रजनन (prajnan) – reproductive मौन (yon) – sexual ऺेिों (kshetron) – area बूसभका (bhumika) – role तनबानी (nibhaaneee) – played Task: 1. What is the translation of soil erosion in Hindi.? Please write. 2. What do you understand by PARASPAR IN HINDI? 3. Please make sentence with sneh(hindi word) and provide meaning with alternate Hindi words, synonyms. 4. What is the difference between samasya and samadhaan? Please make a sentence using both the words in Hindi and write the meaning please. 5. What do you call NGO in Hindi? Please write and explain the meaning in Hindi. PS; CONTINUED ONTO LESSON 49, AND THEN THE TOPIC COMPLETES. Thanks S.Suresh Kumar Hindi tutor and translator Sskay56@gmail.com 91 09840643690 ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 6, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 11–Consonants च and छ This is a continuation of the series covering the very basics of Hindi. At the bottom of this lesson are links to the previous lessons. If you are already studying Hindi, it can provide a good review. If you are looking for something more advanced thenmaster 4 words each day in the vocabulary master. च cha Charkha (चयखा ) – Spinning wheel Chana (चना) – Gram cha छ Chatari (छतयी) – Umbrella Chat (छत) – Roof ISpeakHindi.com 26 2011-January Lesson Guide January 7, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 49: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA Lesson 49: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA ववकास Vol.III(final) – बायत भें साभुदातमक (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Beginner Lessons) CONTINUED FROM LESSON 48 ककसानों को कृवष के आधुतनक तयीकों को अऩनाने के सरए औय उच्च उऩज ककथभों एवॊ कई पसरों को प्राप्त कयने का तयीका ससखामा जाना चाहहए | (Kison ko krishi ke aadhunik tareekon ko apnaney aur ucch upaj kismon eam kayee fasalon ko praapt karney ka tareeka seekhaaya jaana chahiye. ) The farmers should be taught to adopt modern methods of agriculture and to obtain high-yield varieties and several crops. ककसानों के सभूहों मा थवमॊ सहामता सभूहों द्वाया सॊकय फीज पसरों के सरए फीज फैंक की थथाऩना की जानी चाहहए | (Kisaanon ke samuhon ya swayam sahayata samuhon dwara sankar beej fasalon key liye beej bank kee sthapna kee jaanee chahiye. ) The farmers’ groups or self-help groups should establish seed banks for hybrid crops उवमयक भहॊ गे औय हातनकायक है औय कई फाय ऩरयवाय के ऩास खयीदने के सरए ऩमामप्त ऩैसे नहीॊ होते हैं | (Urvarak mahange aur hanikaarak hain aur kai baar pariwaar ke pass khareedney ke liye paryaapt paise nahin hotey hain. ) The fertilizers are expensive and harmful and many a times families do not have enough money to buy. भछुआयों को भछसरमाॉ ऩकड़ने के सरए अच्छा जार प्राप्त कयने हे तु औय अऩने भछसरमों के सरए फाजाय खोजने भें सहामता प्रदान की जानी चाहहए | (Machuaaron ko machiliyan pakadaney ke liey accha jaal Praapt karney hetu aur apney machliyon ke liey baajaar khojney mein sahayta pradaan kee jaanee chahiey. ) The fishermen should be assisted to acquire good fishing nets and find markets for their fish. ISpeakHindi.com 27 2011-January Lesson Guide उन्हें प्राकृततक कीटनाशकों का प्रमोग कयने के सरए ससखामा जाना चाहहए (उदाहयण के सरए नीभ के ऩत्ते का उऩमोग) | (Unhein praakritik keetnaashakon ka prayog karney ke liye seekhaaya jaana chahiye(Udaaharn ke liye Neem key pattey ka upyog)) They are to be taught to use natural pesticides (for instance use of neem leaves) भहहरा सभूहों को गाॊवों भें छोडे ताराफों के ऩुनरुद्धाय(सुधाय )के सरए सभथमन ककमा जाना चाहहए | (Mahila samoohon ko gaanvon mein chhodey taalaabon key punaruddhar(sudhaar) ke liye samarthan kiya jaana chahiye. ) The women’s groups should be supported to renovate the ponds abandoned in the villages. ग्राभीणों को एक अच्छ नथर के दध ु ारू बैंसों के सरए भदद की जानी चाहहए ताकक वे कपय दध ू डेमयी (दग्ु धशारा) भें फेच सकते हैं | (Grameenon ko ek acchhee nasl ke dudharoo bhainson ke liye madad kee jaanee chahiye taaki ve phir doodh dairy (दग्ु धशारा-dugdhshaala) )mein bech saktey hain. ) The villagers should be helped with milch buffaloes of a good breed so that they can then sell milk dairy. भहहरा सभूहों को प्रत्मेक गाॊव भें थवमॊ प्रफॊधधत चावर फैंक को थथावऩत कयने के सरए धनयासश की सहामता दी जानी चाहहए | (Mahila samuhon ko pratyek gaanv mein swaying prabandhit chaawal bank ko sthapit karney ke liey dhanrashi kee sahayta pradaan kee jaane chahiye. ) The women’s groups should be assisted with funds to establish self -managed Rice Banks in each village . भाताएॊ इन फैंकों से अनाज उधाय रे सकते हैं औय अनाज के रूऩ भें प्रततदे म ब्माज के साथ वाऩस कय सकते हैं | (Maatayen in bankon se anaaj oodhaar le saktey hain aur anaaj ke roop mein pratideya(pratiphal) byaaj ke saath wapas kar saktey hain. ) The mothers can borrow grains from these banks and return with repayable interest in the form of grain. उनकी आधथमक स्थथतत भें तनस्श्चत रूऩ से धीये धीये सुधाय होगा | ISpeakHindi.com 28 2011-January Lesson Guide (Unki aarthik sthti mein nishcit roop se dheerey dheerey sudhaar hoga. ) 29 Their financial position will certainly improve gradually. गाॊव की भहहराओॊ को ववसबन्न भुद्दों ऩय चचाम कयने के सरए एक साथ आने की जरूयत है स्जनका उनऩय, उनके ऩरयवायों औय सभुदाम ऩय प्रबाव ऩड़ेगा | (Gaanv ke mahilaon ko vibhinn muddon par charcha karney ke liye ek ssath aaney kee jarurat hain jo unhein, unkey pariwaron aur samudaay par prabhav padega. ) The village women need come together to discuss various issues which will have effect on them, their families and on the community. उनको अऩनी आवाज शयाफ के ववरुद्ध (खखराप), साहूकायों द्वाया शोषण , भहहराओॊ के खखराप हहॊसा, फार वववाह आहद, सम्फॊधधत भाभरों ऩय उठाना जायी यखना चाहहए | (Unko apnee aawaaj sharaab keyviruddh( khilaaf), sahukaron dwara shoshan, mahilaon ke khilaaf hinsa, baal vivah aadi, uthana chahiye. ) They should continue to raise their voice against liquor, exploitation by the moneylenders, violence against women, child marriage etc. related matters. ऩरु ु ष साभहू हक खेती कय सकते हैं| (Purush saamoohik kheti(krishi) kar saktey hain. ) Men can do group farming. प्रत्मेक व्मस्क्त को बोजन, ऩानी, थवाथ्म दे खबार, सशऺा औय आश्रम का अधधकाय है | (Pratyek byakti ko bhojan, paanee, swasthya dekhbhaal, shiksha aur aashray ka adhikaar hain. ) Each person has right for food, water, health care, education and shelter. हभें सॊसाय से गयीफी ऩयू ी तयह से उन्भर ू न कयने की आवश्मकता है | (Humein sansaar se gareebee pooree tarah se unmoolan karney kee aavashyakta hain. ) We need to eradicate the poverty completely from the world . ऩूयी तयह से गयीफी उन्भूरन औय भहहराओॊ को सशक्त फनाने के सरए हभें कहठन प्रमास जायी यखना चाहहए | ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide (Poori tarah se gareebi unmoolan aur bahilaon ko sashakt bannaney ke liey hamein kathin prayas jaaree rakhan chahiey.) We should continue to strive hard to eradicate poverty completely and empower the women . VOCABULARY- SHABDAVALI शब्दावरी DEVANAGARI TRANSLITERATION TRANSLATION आधुतनक (aadhunik) – modern तयीकों (tareekon) – methods उच्च (ucch) – high उऩज (upaj) – yield/produce ककथभों (kismon) – varieties कई (kai) – several सॊकय (sankar) – hybrid फीज (beej) – seed पसरों (fasalon) – crops उवमयक (urvarak) – fertilizer भहॊ गे (mahange) – expensive हातनकायक (hanikaarak) – harmful ऩरयवाय (pariwaar) – family खयीद (khareed) / क्रम (kray) – buy/purchase ऩमामप्त (paryaapt) – enough/sufficiemt भछुआयों (machuaaron) – fishermen भछसरमाॉ (machiliyan) – fishes ऩकड़ने (pakadaney) – to catch जार (jaal) – net प्राप्त कयने (praapt karney) – to acquire हे तु (hetu) – for खोजने (khojney) – find/search प्रसशक्षऺत (prashikshit) – trained प्राकृततक (prakritik) – natural कीटनाशकों (keetnaashakon) – pesticides प्रमोग (prayog) / उऩमोग (upyog) – use ससखामा (seekhaya) – taught उदाहयण (udaharan example छोडे (chhodey) – left ताराफों (taalabon) – ponds ऩुनरुद्धाय (punaruddhar) / सुधाय (sudhaar) – renovate/improvement सभथमन (samarthan) – support ISpeakHindi.com 30 2011-January Lesson Guide नथर (nasl) – breed 31 दध ु ारू (dudharoo) – milch (milk giving) बैंसों (bhainson) – buffaloes भदद (madad) – assistance or sahayata in Hindi थवमॊ (swayan) – self प्रफॊधधत (prabandhit) – managed चावर (chawal) – rice थथावऩत (sthapit) – establish धनयासश (dhanrashi) – sum/amount सहामता (sahayata) – assistance प्रदान (pradaan) – give भाताएॊ (maatayen) – mothers अनाज (anaaj) – grain उधाय (oodhaar) – loan प्रततदे म (pratideya) – repayable ब्माज (byaaj) / सूद (sood) – interest वाऩस (wapas) – return आधथमक (aarthik) – financial तनस्श्चत (nishcit) – certain सध ु ाय (sudhaar) – improve गाॊव (gaanv) – village ववसबन्न (vibhinn) – various भुद्दों (muddon) – issues चचाम (charcha) – to discuss ऩरयवायों (pariwaron) – families सभुदाम (samudaay) – community प्रबाववत (prabhavit) – influence आवाज (aawaaz) – voice शयाफ (sharaab) / दारू (daroo) – liquor ववरुद्ध (viruddh) / खखराप (khilaaf) – against साहूकायों (sahukaaron) – moneylenders शोषण (shoshan) – exploitation भहहराओॊ (mahilaon) – women हहॊसा (hinsa) – violence फार वववाह (baal-vivaah) – child marriage आहद (aadi) – etc. उठाना (oothaana) – raise ऩुरुषों (purushon) – men ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide सभूह (samooh) – group 32 कृवष (krishi) / खेती (kheti) – agriculture सॊसाय (sansaar) – world ऩूयी तयह (poori tarah) – completely आवश्मकता (aavashyakta) – need प्रत्मेक (prayek) – each व्मस्क्त (byakti) – person बोजन (bhojan) – food ऩानी (panee) / जर (jal) – water थवाथ्म (swasthya) – health दे खबार (dekhbhaal) – care सशऺा (shiksha) – education आश्रम (aashray) – shelter अधधकाय (adhikaar) – right प्राप्त (praapt) – to realize /to receive सशक्त (shashakt) – empower गयीफी (gareebi) – poverty उन्भूरन (unmoolan) – eradicate कहठन (kathin) – hard प्रमास (prayaas) – strive 1.Write the Hindi words for drinking water and make a sentence. 2. Write two words and sentences for English word Method. in Hindi. 3. What do you call - to sell and purchase in Hindi? Two words each are required alongwith sentences in Hindi and explain the meaning. 4. Please write salient words in Hindi which are part of community participation and mention the meaning as well. S.Suresh Kumar Hindi tutor and translator Sskay56@gmail.com 91 9840643690 ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 8, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 12–Consonants ज and झ This is a continuation of the series covering the very basics of Hindi. At the bottom of this lesson are links to the previous lessons. If you are already studying Hindi, it can provide a good review. If you are looking for something more advanced thenmaster 4 words each day in the vocabulary master. ज ja Jahaj (जहाज़ ) – Plane Jal (जर) – Water झ jha Jhanda (झॊडा) - Flag Jhaaduu (झाडू) – Broom ISpeakHindi.com 33 2011-January Lesson Guide nia ञ 34 no words Previous Lessons in this series: Lesson 1 – अ and आ Lesson 2 – इ and ई Lesson 3 – उ and ऊ Lesson 4 – ऋ Lesson 5 – ए and ऐ Lesson 6 – ओ and औ Lesson 7 – अॊ and अ् Lesson 8 – Review of Vowels Lesson 9 – क and ख Lesson 10 – ग, घ, and ङ Lesson 11 – च and छ ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 9, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 50: My autobiography 35 (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Intermediate Lessons) Hindi (Transliteration) – Translation 1. शुब प्रात् Shubh Praatah Good Morning 2. भैं सन १९५५ भें बायत के केयर याज्म भें स्थथत त्रिचयु स्जल्रे भें ऩैदा हुआ था | main san 1955 mein , Bharat key Keral raajymein sthit Trichur zilley mein paida hua tha. In the year1955 ,I was born in Trichur district located in Kerala state of India. 3. भेये वऩताजी ,उस सभम,त्रफहाय याज्म के हजायीफाा स्जल्रे के याभगढ़ थथान ऩय काममयत थे | Mere pitajee Oos sama yBihar key Hazaribagh zilley ke Ramgarh sthaan par kaaryrat tthey. At that time, my father was posted in Ramgarh in Hazaribagh district of Bihar state 4. सन १९५९ भें ,एक फाय झूरे से धगयने ऩय भेये दाहहने हाथ की हड्डी टूट गई | San 1959 mein ek baar jhooley se girney par mere dahiney haath kee haddi toot gayee. In the year 1959, once I fractured my right hand on fall from a swing. 5. भैं फाएॊ हाथ से सरखने रगा | Main baayen haath se likhney laga. I started writing with the left hand. 6. भझ ु े दामें हाथ से सरखने-write (के उऩमोग- to use ) को कहा गमा, स्जसका प्रमोग शुब कामम के सरए होता है | Mujhey daayen haath likhney( kay upyog) ko kaha gaya, jiska prayog shubh kaarya ke liye hota hai. I was asked to use the right hand for writing which is used for good/auspicious work. 7. भेयी हाथ की सरखावट खयाफ हो गमी | Meri haath kee likhavat kharaab ho gayee. My hand-writing became bad(deteriorated). 8. भझ ु े प्रवाही सरखावट ऩसॊद न था | Mujhe pravaahee likhaavat pasand na tha. I did not like cursive writing. 9. सन १९६० भें भेये वऩताजी सऩरयवाय याॊची आ गए | San 1960 mein merey pitajee sapariwaar Ranchi aa gaye. My father came to Ranchi with family in the year 1960 . 10. ग्मायह वषम की अवथथा भें एक फाय भेया फामाॉ ऩाॉव घामर हो गमा, भैने पूटफार खेरना छोड़ हदमा | Gyaarah varsh kee avastha mein ek baar mera baayan paanv ghaayal ho gaya,mainey football khelna chhod diya. At the age of 11 years once my left foot got hurt/injured, I left playing football (soccer) . 11. सन १९७५ भें भैंने वाखणज्म भें थनातक ऩूया ककमा | San 1975 mein mainey vaanijya mein snaatak poor kiya. I completed graduation in commerce in the year 1975. 12 भैंने अऩने थनातक थतय तक हहॊदी भाध्मभ भें अध्ममन ककमा | Mainey apney snatak star tak Hindi madhyam mein addhyan kiya . I studied in Hindi medium till my graduation. ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide 13. भुझे हहन्दी फहुत ऩसॊद है | Mujhe Hindi फहुत pasand hai. I adore Hindi. 36 14. भेयी भातब ृ ाषा तसभर है | meri maatrbhaasha Tamil hai. My mothertongue is Tamil. 15. भुझे कुछ हद तक अन्म बाषाएॊ बी भारूभ है | Mujhe kuch had tak anya bhaashayen bhee maloom hain. I also know other languages to some extent. 16. भैने १९६६ से १९७६ तक कापी कक्रकेट खेरा | Mainey 1966 se 1976 tak kaafee cricket khela. I played enough cricket from 1966 to 1976. 17. गें दफाजी भेया ऩसॊदीदा था I The bowling was my favourite. The bowling was my favourite. 18. भैने टे तनस गें द का उऩमोग कयते हुए कक्रकेट सीखा| | Maintey tennis gend ka upyog kartey huay Cricket seekha. I learned cricket using tennis ball. 19. कई फाय घामर हो गमा गमा था, नाक के चीय पाड़ के फावजद ू खेर नहीॊ छोड़ा | Kai baar ghaayal ho gaya tha, naak ka cheer faad key baavjood khel nahin chhoda. Several times got hurt, had nose surgery , but did not leave the sport. 20. भझ ु े शतयॊ ज औय ताश खेरने का फहुत शौकीन था | Mujhe shatranj evam taash khelney ka bahut shaukeen tha. I was very fond of playing chess and cards. 21. भैं अच्छे शाकाहायी बोजन, गीत औय सॊगीत ऩसॊद कयता हूॉ | Main acchhey shaakahaaree bhojan, geet aur sangeet pasand karta hun . I like good vegetarian food ,songs and music 22. भुझे १९७६ भें एक अभेरयकी ,गैय सयकायी सॊगठन (एनजीओ) भें एक नौकयी सभर गई | Mujhe 1976 mein ek Americki gaiyr sarkaaree sangathan mein ek naukri mil gayee. I got a job in an American non Government Organization(NGO) in 1976. 23. भझ ु े फम्फई ऩसॊद है जहाॉ भैने कुर आठ वषम गज ु ाये | Mujhe Bumbai pasand hai jahan mainey kul aath varsh gujaarey I like Bombay, where I spent eight years in total . 24. भैने १९८४ भें शादी कय री. Mainey 1984 mein shaddee kar lee. I got married in 1984. 25. भैं १९९२ भें रूस भें 4 भहीने के सरए रुका था| Main 1992 mein Roos mein chaar maheeney key liye ruka tha . I had stayed in Russia in 1992 for 4 months. 26. ववदे श से रौटने ऩय, भधुभेह से सॊफॊधधत सभथमाएॊ शुरू हो गमी | Videsh sey lautney par madhmeh sey sambandhit samasyayen shuru ho gayeen. On return from abroad, diabetes related problems started . ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide 27. १९९६ – २००० के दौयान भुझे दो फाय गदम न औय ऩीठ ऩय गॊबीय ददम के सरए अथऩतार भें बती ककमा गमा था | 1996-2000 ke dauraan mujhey do baar garden aur peeth par gambheer dard key liye aspatal mein bhartee kiya gaya tha . During 1996-2000 I was hospitalized(or admitted in hospital) twice for severe pain on neck and back 28 भैने बायत औय ववदे श भें २९ वषों के सरए सॊथथान भें सेवा की | Mainey Bharat evam videsh mein 29 varshon key liye sansthaan mein seva kee. I served the Organization for 29 years in India and abroad. 29. भैने दक्षऺण अफ्रीका भें २००३ -२००५ के दौयान खुशी से कामम ककमा. mainey dakshin Africa mein 2003-2005 key dauraan khushi se kaarya kiya. I worked happily in South Africa during 2003- 2005. 30. भैने ऩौस्ष्ट्टक आहाय एवॊ आऩत्कारीन काममक्रभों भें सेवा की | Mainey paustik aahaar evam aapatkaaleen kaarykramon mein seva kee . I served in nutritive food and emergency programs.. 31. भैने ववथतत ृ रूऩ से जीवन भें भ्रभण ककमा है | mainey vistrit roop se jeevan mein bhraman kiya hai. I have travelled extensively in my life . 32. भैंने तम ककमा कक भझ ु े हहॊदी ऩढ़ाने एवॊ अनव ु ाद का कामम कयना चाहहए | Mainey tay kiya kie mujhe hindi padhaaney evam anuwaad ka kaarya karna chahiey. I decided that I should do the job of Hindi tutor and the translator. VOCABULARY: शब्दावरी (Shabdawali) Hindi Transliteration Translation (English) 1. शुब प्रात् Shubh Praatah 2. याज्म (प्राॊत ) 3. थथान 4. काममयत Raajya(Praant) state(province) 7. दामाॉ place or जगह jagah sthaan karyrat 5. झूरे 6. धगयने Goood Morning posted jhooley swing girney to fall daayan 8. हाथ 9. हड्डी टूटना 10. फाएॊ 11. उऩमोग(इथतेभार )/ 12.सरखावट right haath Haddi tootna fracture baayen left Upyog/ Prayog Use or (istemaal) lihavat writing 13.सऩरयवाय sapriwaar 14. गॊबीय ghambeer 15. घामर ghaayal 16. वाखणज्म hand Vanijya with family serious injury commerce ISpeakHindi.com 37 2011-January Lesson Guide 17.थनातक snatak n 18. भाध्मभ graduatio madhyam 19. फहुत प्माय कयना medium bahut pyaar karna 20. भातब ृ ाषा adore maatrubhaasha 21. अभ्मास mother tongue abhyaas 22. जायी practise jaaree 23. चीय पाड़ cheer-faad 24. शतयॊ ज 25. ताश continued operation/surgery shatranj taash cards also know as Patta. Please note Patta also means leaf. 26. शौक shauk or Pasand in Hindi 27.गुजाये favourite gujarey 28. सॊथथा 31. रूस 32.भधुभेह 33 गदम न 34. ऩीठ 35. ददम 36.अथऩतार spent sanstha or Sansthaan or sangathan 29. थथानाॊतयण sthaanaantaran word) 30. शादी chess Organization/Institution transfer or tabadala(I believe Urdu shaddee marriage or byaah in Hindi Roos Russia maduhmeh diabetes a or ग्रीवा greeva in Hindi gardan Peeth back dard pain aaspataal hospital 37. बती bhartee admit 38. ऩौस्ष्ट्टक आहाय paustic aahaar nutritious food 39.आऩात्कारीन 40.काममक्रभ 41. सेवा 42 ववथतत ृ 43. भ्रभण 44. तनश्चम 45. अनव ु ाद 46 प्रमत्न aapaatkaaleen kaaryakram seva vistrit bhraman nischay anuwaad praytn emergency progamme service extensive travel decide translation effort or प्रमास prayas or चेष्ट्टा chesta ISpeakHindi.com 38 2011-January Lesson Guide TASK: Please write 10 small sentences in Hindi in YOUR AUTO (SELF) BIO-GRAPHY and explain the meaning in English. Thank you. Submitted by: S. Suresh Kumar Hindi tutor and translator Sskay56@gmail.com Cell: 91 9840643690 ISpeakHindi.com 39 2011-January Lesson Guide January 11, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 13–Consonants ट and ठ This is a continuation of the series covering the very basics of Hindi. At the bottom of this lesson are links to the previous lessons. If you are already studying Hindi, it can provide a good review. If you are looking for something more advanced thenmaster 4 words each day in the vocabulary master. ta ट Tamatar (टभाटय ) – Tomato Tata (टाटा) – Bye tha ठ Thathera (ठठे या) – Blacksmith Thag (ठग) – Cheat ISpeakHindi.com 40 2011-January Lesson Guide January 12, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 51 दक्षऺण बायत क्मों प्रससद्द है ? (Dakshin 41 Bharat kyon prasiddh hai ?)- WHY IS SOUTH INDIA FAMOUS ? (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Beginner Lessons) Hindi Transliteration Translation 1. दक्षऺण बायत भें चाय याज्मों का नाभ आता है – केयर , तसभरनाडु , कणामटक एवॊ आॊध्र प्रदे श | Keral Dakshin Bharat mein chaar rajyon ka naam aata hai- Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Karnatak evam Keral . The four states name come in South India – Kerala, tamilnadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. 2. केयर, तसभरनाडु , कणामटक एवॊ आॊध्र प्रदे श याज्म की याजधातनमाॊ क्रभश त्रिवें द्रभ , चेन्नई , फॊगरौय एवॊ है दयाफाद हैं | Kerala ,Tamilnadu, Karnataka evam Andhra Pradesh raajyon kee rajdhaniyan kramash Trivandrum, Chennai, Banglore evam Hyderabad hain. The capitals of Kerala Tamilnadu, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh states are Trivandrum, Chennai, Banglore and Hyderabad respectively. 3. केयर, तसभरनाडु , कणामटक एवॊ आॊध्र प्रदे श की बाषा भरमारभ, तसभर ,कन्नडा, एवॊ तेरुगु है | Kerala ,Tamilnadu, Karnataka evam Andhra Pradesh kee bhaasha Malyalam, Tamil, Kannada evam Telugu hai. The language of Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnatak and Andhra Pradesh is Malyalam, Tamil, Kannada and Telugu. केयर के त्रिचयु स्जल्रे का ऩयू भ त्मौहाय, ओणभ का नौका दौड़ प्रभुख है | Keral ke Trihure Jilley ka Pooram tyohaar pramukh hai evam onam ka nauka daud pramukh hai. The pooram festival of Trichur and Onam boat race is of importance in Kerala. 4. 5. केयर भें आईप्ऩा बगवान ् एवॊ गुरुवामुय के श्री कृष्ट्ण के भॊहदय दशमन कयने दतु नमा के कोने कोने से रोग आते हैं | Keral mei Ayappa bhagwaan evam Guruvayur key Sri Krishna key mandir darshan karney duniya ke koney koney se log aatey hain. The people from different corners of the world come to visit the temple of Lord Iyappa and Lord Sri Krishna of Guruvayoor in Kerala. है दयाफाद भें गोरकॊु डा ककरा एवॊ साराय जॊग अजामफ घय(सॊग्रहारम-sangrahalay) ववख्मात है | Hyderabad mein Golkunda kila evam saalaarjang ajayabghar vikhyaat hai. The Golkunda fort and Saalaarjung museum is famous in Hyderabad. 6. 7. है दयाफाद की त्रफयमानी राजवाफ कहराती है | Hyderabad kee biryani laajawaab kahlaati hai. The biryani of Hyderabad is reported to be unbeatable. 8.आॊध्र प्रदे श का ततरुऩतत भॊहदय दतु नमा के अभीय भॊहदयों भें एक है | Andhra Pradesh ka Triupathi Mandior duniya ke ameer mandiron mein ek hai. The Tirupathi temple of Andhra Pradesh is one of the richest temples in the world. ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide 9.कणामटक के भैसूय स्जरे का वॊद ृ ावन फगान रोकवप्रम है | Karnatak ke mysore zilley ka brindavan bagaan lokpriya hai. The Brindavan garden of Mysore district in Karnatak is favourite of people. 10.तसभरनाडु भें तॊजोय ,त्रिचना ऩल्री , काॊचीऩुयभ , याभेश्वयभ एवॊ चेन्नई आहद जगहों भें अनेकों प्राचीन भॊहदय हैं | Tamilnadu mein Tanore, Trichnapalli, Kancheepuram, Rameshwaram evam Chennai aadi jaghon mein anekon pracheen mandir hain. There are several ancient temples in places like Tanjore, Tiruchanapalli, Kancheepuram, Rameshwaram and Chennai in Tamilnadu. 11.दक्षऺण बायत उच्च सशऺा एवॊ सूचना प्रौद्मोधगकी के सरए बी प्रससद्द है | Dakshin bharat ucch shiksha evam soochna Prauddhyogiki ke liye bhee prasiddh hai. The South India is also famous for higher education and the IT industry. 12.आॊध्र प्रदे श का कुचऩुडी, तसभरनाडु का बायत नाट्मभ एवॊ केयर का कथकरी नत्ृ म दतु नमा बय भें प्रख्मात है | Andhra Pradesh ka kuchpudi, Tamilnadu ka Bharatnatyam evam Kerala ka kathakali nrity duniya bhar mein prakhyaat hai. The kuchupudi of Andhra Pradesh, Bharatnatyam of Tamilnadu and Kathakali dances of Kerala are of world fame. 13.दक्षऺण बायत के कुछ खाध्म एवॊ अन्म ऩदाथम – जैसे इडरी, डोसा, उत्तऩभ, उऩभा, वडा , भैसूय ऩाक ,ऩऩडाभ / अप्ऩराभ,औय अचाय इत्माहद दतु नमा बय भें भशहूय हैं Dakishin bharat ke kush khady evam anya padarth – jaise idli, dosa, uttapam, Upma, vada, mysore paak, pappadam/appalaam aur achaar ityadi duniya bhar mein mashhoor hain .Some of the the south Indian food and other items are relished all over world i.e Idli, Dosa, Ootapaam, Upma, Vada, mysore paak ,pappadam/applaam and pickles etc. 14.दक्षऺण बायत की द्राववड बाषा फहुत ऩुयानी है | Dakshin Bharat kee draavid bhaasha bahut puranee hain. The south Indian languae draavid is very old. 15.दक्षऺण बायत ने अनेकों भहान ऩैदा ककमे हैं | डॉ. सी, वी , यभण, श्री., एभ ् जी आय, एभ ् एस सुब्फरक्ष्भी , श्री.सशवाजी गणेशन, श्री.शॊकयाचामम , डॉ. याधाकृष्ट्णन , याजाजी ,श्री.भूततम (इनफोससस), डॉ. ये ड्डी(अऩोरो अथऩतार ) श्री श्री यववशॊकय, एवॊ डॉ. फदयीनाथ( शॊकय नेिारम )आहद | Dakshin Bharat ne anekon mahaan paida kiye hain. Dr. C.V. Raman, MGR, . Ms. Subbalakshmi, Sri. Shivaji Ganeshan, Shankaracharya, Dr. Radhkrishnan, Rajajee, Sri Murthy(Infosys), Dr. Reddy(Appolo Hospitals) , Sri Sri Ravishankar, evam Dr. Badrinaath(Shankar Netralaya) etc. South India has produced several stalwarts i.e .Dr. CV Raman, MGR, Mrs. MS Subbalakshmi, Mr.Shivaji Ganeshan, Shankaraachary, Dr. Radhkrishnan, Rajajee, Murthy(inforsys), Dr. Reddy(Applo Hospitals), Sri Sri Ravishankar(art of living fame) and Dr. Badrinaath(Shankar Netralaya ) etc. 16. दक्षऺण बायत के असबमॊता, धचककत्सक, वैऻातनक , अनुसॊधानकताम, खखराड़ी, आशुसरवऩक, नसम , बववष्ट्मवक्ता एवॊ गामक ववश्व भें प्रससद्द हैं | . Dakshin bharat key abhiyanta, chikitsam vaigyanik, anusandhaankarta,Khiladee, aashulipik, nurse, bhavishyavakta evam gaayak vishwa mein prasddh hain. The engineers, doctors, scientists, South India’s engineers, doctors, scientists, researchers,players, stenographers, nurses, astrologers and singers are world famous. ISpeakHindi.com 42 2011-January Lesson Guide 17. यॊ गोरी के सुॊदय औय जहटर आकाय दक्षऺण बायतीम घयों के पशों की शोबा फढाते हैं | 43 Rangoli ke sundar aur jatil aakar dakshin bharteey gharon ke farshon ki shobha badhaatey hain. The lovely and intricate designs of colours (rangoli ) grace the floors of South Indian homes. 18. दक्षऺण बायत भें चॊदन,ऩीरे हल्दी औय रार कुभकुभ की ऩवविता की फहुत भहत्ता है | Dakshin Bharat mein chandan, peeley haldi aur lal kumkum kee pavitratq ki bahut mahatta hai. In South India,the sanctity of Sandalwood, yellow turmeric and red kumkum(vermillion) is of much importance. VOCABULARY(शब्दावरी- Shabadavali) DEVANAGARI 1. दक्षऺण TRANSLITERATION Dakshin South 2. याज्म Rajya state 3. याजधातनमाॊ rajdhaniyan capitals 4. क्रभश kramashah 5. स्जल्रे zilley 6. त्मौहाय tyohaar festival 7. नौका nauka boat 8. दौड़ daud race 9. प्रभख ु pramukh respectively district main 10. भॊहदय mandir 11. दशमन darshan 12. दतु नमा duniya world 13. कोने koney corners 14. रोग loag people 15. ककरा TRANSLATION temple visit kila fort 16. अजामफ घय ajayab ghar museum 17. प्रससद्द /ववख्मात/ रोकवप्रम prasiddh/vikhyat/PRAKHYAAT/lokpriy famous/popular 18. राजवाफ lajawaab unanswerable 19. जगहों jagahon 20. अनेकों anekon 21. प्राचीन pracheen places several 22. उच्च सशऺा ucch shiksha ancient higher education 23. सच ू ना प्रौद्मोधगकी soochna Prodhyogiki – Information Technology 24. नत्ृ म nritya dance or naach in Hindi 25. खाध्म ऩदाथम – khadya padaarth 26. बाषा 27. भहान 28. ऩैदा ककमे bhaasha mahaan paida kiye eatables langugae great/stalwarts produced ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide 29. . यॊ गोरी Rangoli 30. जहटर jatil 31. पशों farshon known as Kolam(Tamil) or Alpna(Bengali) 44 intricate floors 32. शोबा फढ़ाना shobha badhaana beautifies/graceS 33. चॊदन 34.ऩीरे हल्दी 35. रार कुभकुभ 36. ऩवविता 37. भहत्ता chandan sandlewood peelay haldi yellow turmeric lal kumkum pavitrata mahatta red vermillion sacredness importance TASK: PLEASE WRITE SIMILARLY ABOUT A PLACE YOU KNOW WELL IN HINDI AND EXPLAIN THE MEANING- 10 SENTENCES. Prepared and submitted by S.Suresh Kumar Hindi tutor and translator Sskay56@gmail.com Cell: 91 9840643690 ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 14, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 14–Consonants ड, ढ and ण This is a continuation of the series covering the very basics of Hindi. At the bottom of this lesson are links to the previous lessons. If you are already studying Hindi, it can provide a good review. If you are looking for something more advanced thenmaster 4 words each day in the vocabulary master. ड da Damaru (डभरू ) – Pellet Drum Dar (डय) – Fear ढ dha Dhakkan (ढक्कन) - Lid Dhapali (ढऩरी) – Tambourine ISpeakHindi.com 45 2011-January Lesson Guide nna ण Baann (फाण) – 46 Arrow Previous Lessons in this series: Lesson 1 – अ and आ Lesson 2 – इ and ई Lesson 3 – उ and ऊ Lesson 4 – ऋ Lesson 5 – ए and ऐ Lesson 6 – ओ and औ Lesson 7 – अॊ and अ् Lesson 8 – Review of Vowels Lesson 9 – क and ख Lesson 10 – ग, घ, and ङ Lesson 11 – च and छ Lesson 12 – ज and झ Lesson 13 – ट and ठ ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 14, 2011 - Suresh – Lesson 52 वामम ु ान / वामअ ु ड्डे सम्फंधधत शब्द एवं 47 कुछ वाक्म = Vayuyaan/vayuaddey sambandhi shabd evam kuchh vaaky . Airport related words and a few sentences (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Beginner Lessons) Devanagari Transliteration Translation 1.ऩायऩि, Paarpatr passport (ऩासऩोटम ) 2. वामुमान हटकट vayuyaan ticket 3. चरती सीढी chalati seeddhi 4. सरफ्ट 6. ववभान ऩरयचायक 10. आयऺण aarakshan 11. सुयऺा जाॊच suraksha jaanch airline seat belt reservation pushtikaran security check confirmation shulk भफ् ु त 15. आप्रवासन mukt /muft Aaapravaasan 16. अॊतयामष्ट्रीम antaraashtriy 17. घये रू 18. सेवा 19. ऩाक शैरी Seva 21. तनफामधन nirbaadhan 22. यात्रि(यात -night) का बोजन 26. भुद्रा ववतनभम international domestic cuisine clearance raatri(raat) ka bhojan dinner bhojan bahut or adhik mudra vinimay 27. अल्ऩाहाय alpahaar 28. अधधकायी adhikaaree 29. साभान सीभा immigration customs 23. दोऩहय का खाना dophar ka khaana 25. फहुत or अधधक free service Paak shailee Seema 24. बोजन duty gharelu 20. सीभा 30. दयू बाष air hostess hawai company suraksha paytee 12. ऩुस्ष्ट्टकयण pilot Vimaan parichaarak flight attendant/steward 8. हवाई कॊऩनी 9. सयु ऺा ऩेटी elevator vimaan chaalak 7. ववभान ऩरयचारयका Vimaan parichaarika 14. भक् ु त / escalator lift 5. ववभान चारक 13. शुल्क aircraft ticket lunch food/meal excess money exchange snacks officer saamaan seema baggage limit doorbhaash telephone ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide 31. धचककत्सक chikitsak doctor 48 32. भयीज /फीभाय mareez/beemar 33. ववकराॊग vikalaang handicapped 34. असभथम asamarth not capable patient/sick 35. फैंक दय bank dar 36.दक ु ान dukaan bank rate shop 37. आखखयी थथान aakhree sthan terminal 38. आसन क्रभाॊक aasan kramaank seat number 39.कोठयी kothree 40. बत्ता bhatta 41. ठे रा shauchaalay 44. भूिारम Mutralay 45. आऩत्कारीन emergency udna take off utarna landing durghatna 49. घटना accident ghatna 50. हड़तार 54. ऩूवम बुगतान toilet aapaatkaleen 47. उतयना 53. हभार luggage urinal 46. उड़ना 52 बाय/ वजन trolley saamaan 43. शौचारम 51. भाॊगे allowance tthela 42. साभान 48. दघ म ना ु ट cabin incidence hadtaal strike maangey demands bhaar /vajan weight porter/coolie(कूरी) hamaal purv bhugtaan 55. ज़ब्ती pre-paid jabtee confiscation 56. वस्जमत varjit 57. तथकयी taskaree 58. कैद/ धगयफ्ताय kaid/giraftaar 59. आचयण aacharan 60. हवाई -ऩट्टी hawai patti 61. थवागत swaagat welcome 62. ऩरयचम parichay introduction 63. भौसभ mausam weather 64. अयाजकता araajakta chaos 65. खरफरी khalbalee 66. खखड़की khidki 67. द्वाय / दयवाजा dwaar/darwaaja 68. ववरॊफ / दे यी vilamb contraband smuggle arrest conduct air-strip commotion window gate/door delay ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide 69. खेद 70. यद्द कयना 71. ऩुन: ऩुस्ष्ट्ट khed regret raddh karna punah-pushti 72. आऻाऩि/वीसा aagya part/visa 73. घोषणा ghoshna 74. अनुभोदन anumodan re-confirmation Visa declaration/announcement approval 75. अथवीकाय asweekaar reject 76. आगॊतुक aagantuk visitor 77. फयाभदा/फैठक baramada/baithak 78. श्रेणी 79. बॊडाय lounge shreni class bhandaar pantry 80. ऩदत्माग padtyaag 81. साभान saamaan resignation luggage 82. ववभान सभम सारयणी vimaan samay sarinee 83. मािी सच ू ी 84. सह- मािी flight time table yatri soochi passenger list sah –yatri 85. भुखौटा co-traveller mukhauta 86. वामु/हवा /ऩवन Vayu/hawa/Pawan 87. उॊ चाई oonchai 88 तनमॊिण कऺ niyantran kaksh 89. यडाय mask wind/air height / altitude control room radar radar 90. हदशा disha direction 91. चारक दर chaalak dal crew 92. जीवन फचामा 49 cancel jeevan bachaya saved life 93. जीवन यऺक दवा jeevan rakshak dava life saving drug 94. कभ दफाव kam dabaav 95. नुकसान के सरए दावा nuksaan ke liye daawa 96. ऽतया/सॊकट/जोखखभ khatra/sankat/jokhim low pressure claim for loss danger Sentences 1. भेयी सयु ऺा जाॊच ऩण ू म हो चक ु ी है | meri suraksha jaanch purn ho chuki hai. My security check has been completed. 2. शौचारम कहाॉ है ? Shauchalay kahan hai? Where is the toilet? आज वामुमान दो घॊटे दे यी से आएगी | Aaaj vayuyaan do ghantey deree se aayegee. The aircraft would arrive two hours late today. 4. कृऩमा भेया साभन वाहन भें यख दें | Kripya mera saaman vaahan mein rakh dein. Please put/keep my 3. luggage in the van/vehicle. 5. भैने अऩने ऩासऩोटम औय वीजा दथतावेजों को खो हदमा है | Mainey apney passport aur visa dastavejon ko kho diya hai. I have lost my passport and visa documents. Task: Please make another five sentences in Hindi from the above vocabulary/list provided and transliteration & translate. ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide PS: If you come across some other English words related to airport/flight and wish to know Devangari/Hindi words, please indicate your questions to me or www.ispeakhindi.com. I shall do my best to answer them. Prepared and submitted by S.Suresh Kumar Hindi tutor and translator Sskay56@gmail.com Cell: 91 9840643690 ISpeakHindi.com 50 2011-January Lesson Guide January 14, 2011 - Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 14–Consonants ड, ढ and ण This is a continuation of the series covering the very basics of Hindi. At the bottom of this lesson are links to the previous lessons. If you are already studying Hindi, it can provide a good review. If you are looking for something more advanced thenmaster 4 words each day in the vocabulary master. da ड Damaru (डभरू ) – Pellet Drum Dar (डय) – Fear ढ dha Dhakkan (ढक्कन) - Lid Dhapali (ढऩरी) – Tambourine nna ण Baann (फाण) – Arrow ISpeakHindi.com 51 2011-January Lesson Guide 52 Previous Lessons in this series: Lesson 1 – अ and आ Lesson 2 – इ and ई Lesson 3 – उ and ऊ Lesson 4 – ऋ Lesson 5 – ए and ऐ Lesson 6 – ओ and औ Lesson 7 – अॊ and अ् Lesson 8 – Review of Vowels Lesson 9 – क and ख Lesson 10 – ग, घ, and ङ Lesson 11 – च and छ Lesson 12 – ज and झ Lesson 13 – ट and ठ ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 15, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 15–Consonants त and थ This is a continuation of the series covering the very basics of Hindi. At the bottom of this lesson are links to the previous lessons. If you are already studying Hindi, it can provide a good review. If you are looking for something more advanced thenmaster 4 words each day in the vocabulary master. त ta Taraajoo (तयाज़ू ) – weighing scale Tarbooj (तयफज ू )– Water Melon tha थ Tharmas (थयभस) – Vaccum Flask Thaali (थारी) – Plate ISpeakHindi.com 53 2011-January Lesson Guide January 16, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 53 हहंदी भें छोटे वाक्मों को फनाना सं ें | (Hindi mein chhotey vaakyon ko banana seekhen . Learn to make small sentences in Hindi (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Beginner Lessons) Hindi Transliteration Translation 1. क्मा वह कर आमी ? Kya vah kal aayee? Did she come yesterday? feminine 2. कर हभ सफ दक ू ान गए थे | Kal hum sab dukaan gaye tthey. Yesterday we all had gone to the shop. 3. कृऩमा खखड़की खोर दें | Kirapya khidkee khol dein. Please open the window. 4. आबूषण फक्से भें उऩरब्ध नहीॊ है | Aaabhushan baksey mein uplabdh nahin hai. The ornament is not available in the box. 5. उसने दे श के सरए अऩने जीवन का फसरदान कय हदमा | Usney desh ke liey apnay jeevan ka balidaan kar diya. He sacrificed his own life for the country. त्माग also means sacrifice 6. आऩ ककससे सभरना चाहते हैं | Aap kis sey milna chahtey hain. Whom do you want to meet? 7. भैं अभेरयका जाना चाहता हूॉ | Main America jaana chahta hun. I want to go to America. please note:चाहती हूॉ( for feminine) 8. भुझे उस- से एक प्माया सा ऩि प्राप्त हुआ है | Mujhey us -sey ek pyaara saa patr praapt hua hai. I have received a lovely letter from him. 9. जीवन औय भौत का चक्र जायी है | Jeevan aur maut ka chakra jaaree hai. The cycle of Life and death continues. 10. कृऩमा ऩोशाक अरभायी भें ठ क से यखें | Kripaya poshaak almaree mein theek se rakhein. Please keep the dress properly in the cupboard( almirah). 11. कऩड़ा गन्दा है स्जसे आज ही धोना ऩड़ेगा | Kapda ganda hai jisey aaj hee dhona padeyga.The cloth is dirty which will have to be washed today. 12. रक्ष्भण के ऩत्नी का नाभ उसभमरा था | Lakshman ke patnee ka naam Urmila ttha. The name of Lakshman’s wife was Urmila. 13. तुम्हायी छुट्टी भॊजूय की जा यही है | Tumharee chutti manjoor kee jaa rahee hai. Your leave is being sanctioned. 14. रडके को भेये द्वाया हहॊदी ससखामा जा यहा है | Ladkey ko mere dwara Hindi seekhaaya jaa raha hai. The boy is being taught Hindi by me . 15. भैं अॊग्रेज़ी से हहॊदी अनुवाद भें ववशेषऻ ( visheshagy) or भाहहय हूॉ| Main agreji se Hindi anuwaad karney mein maahir hun. I am expert in English to Hindi translation. or you may use, तनऩुण(skillful) in lieu of maahir. 16. भेया कऩडा पटा है औय इसे तयु ॊ त ससरा जा यहा है | Mera kapada phata hai aur isey turant sila jaa raha hai. My cloth is torn and it is being stitched immediately . 17. हभने आज उससे फात की | Humney aaj us sey baat kee. We spoke to him today. 18. भैं याथता बटक गमा हूॉ | Main raasta bhatak gaya huin. I have lost the way. 19. उसने थवाथ्म ऩय एक व्माख्मान हदमा | Usney swasthy par ek byaakhyaan diya. He gave a lecture on health. 20. उसकी हहचकी नहीॊ रुक यही है | Uskee hitchkee nahin ruk rahee hai. His hiccup is not stopping. 21. भौसभ भें ऩरयवतमन भेये रगाताय छ ॊकने का भूर कायण है | Mausam mein parivartan mere lagaatar ISpeakHindi.com 54 2011-January Lesson Guide chhenkney ka mool kaaran hai. The change in weather is the root cause of my continuous sneezing. 22. खाॉसी फहुत ददम नाक है | khaansi bahut dardnaak hai. Cough is very painful. 23. भैने अफ तक थनान नहीॊ ककमा है | Mainey ab tak snan nahin kiya hai. I have not taken bath so far. 24. याथते भें थूकना फुयी आदत है | Raastey mein thukna buree aadat hai. Spitting on the way is a bad habit. 25. वह जल्दी जल्दी खाने रगा | Vah jaldee jaldee khaaney laga. He began eating quickly. 26. भैने काभ सभाप्त नहीॊ ककमा I Mainey kaam samaapt nahin kiya. I did not finish the assignment.. 27. उसने एक सुॊदय कहानी सरखी है | Usney ek sundar kahaanee likhee hai. He has written a beautiful story. 28. इसका भतरफ क्मा है ? Iska matlab kya hai ? What does this mean ? 29. वह एक रॊफी अवधध से फीभाय है | Vah ek lambi avdhi se beemaar hai. He is ill for a long period. 30. बायत भें भहहराओॊ के कक्रकेट को प्रोत्साहहत कयने की आवश्मकता है | Bharat mein mahilaon ke cricket ko protsahit karney kee aavashyakta hai. There is need to encourage women’s cricket in India. 31. उसको सभझना फहुत कहठन है | Usko samajhna bahut kathin hai. It’s very difficult to understand him. VOCABULARY- SHABDAWALI: शब्दावरी Hindi Transliteration Translation 1. दक dukaan shop. ू ान 2. कृऩमा 3.खखड़की KrIpaya Please khidkee window 4.खोर khol open 5.आबूषण Aaabhushan ornament 6. उऩरब्ध uplabdh available 7. जीवन jeevan life 8.फसरदान balidaan sacrifice or त्माग(tyaag) 9. ककससे kissey Whom 10. सभरना milna to meet 11. प्माया pyaara lovely 12. ऩि patr letter 13. भौत maut death 14. चक्र chakra cycle 15.जायी jaree continue 16.ऩोशाक poshaak dress 17. अरभायी almaree Almirah 18.कऩड़ा kapda cloth 19.गन्दा ganda dirty 20. धोना dhona wash 22. छुट्टी chutti leave 23. भॊजूय 24. ववशेषऻ manjoor sanction visheshagy expert ISpeakHindi.com 55 2011-January Lesson Guide 25. पटा fata torn 26. तुयॊत 56 turant immediately 27. ससरा sila stitch 28. फात baat spoke 29.याथता raasta way/route 30.बटक bhatak lost 31. व्माख्मान byaakhyaan lecture 32.हहचकी hitchkee hiccup 33. भौसभ mausam weather 34.ऩरयवतमन parivartan change 35. रगाताय lagaatar continuously 36. छ ॊकने chhenkney sneezing 37. भूर mool root 38. कायण kaaran reason 39. खाॉसी khaansee cough 40.ददम नाक dardnaak painful. 41. थनान 42 थूकना 43. फुयी 44. आदत snan bath or नहाना(nahaana) in Hindi thookana spitting buree bad aadat habit. 45. जल्दी जल्दी jaldi jaldi quickly 46. काभ kaam assignment 47. सभाप्त samaapt finish 48. सुॊदय sundar beautiful 49.कहानी kahaanee story 50 .भतरफ matlab mean ? or Manney or arth in Hindi 51 रॊफी 52.अवधध lambi long avdhi period 53.फीभाय beemaar ill/sick 54.प्रोत्साहहत protsahit encourage 55.सभझना samajhna understand TASK; PLEASE WRITE FIVE SENTENCES ON” AT THE STATION,” HINDI WITH TRANSLATION AND TRANSLITERATION, AS EXPLAINED ABOVE. Prepared and submitted by S.Suresh Kumar , ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 18, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 16–Consonants द, ध and न This is a continuation of the series covering the very basics of Hindi. At the bottom of this lesson are links to the previous lessons. If you are already studying Hindi, it can provide a good review. If you are looking for something more advanced thenmaster 4 words each day in the vocabulary master. da द Davaat (दवात ) - Ink pot Darwaaja (दयवाजा) – Door ध dha Dhanush (धनष ु ) - Bow Dhan (धन) – Wealth न na Nal (नर ) - Tap ISpeakHindi.com 57 2011-January Lesson Guide 58 Previous Lessons in this series: Lesson 1 – अ and आ Lesson 2 – इ and ई Lesson 3 – उ and ऊ Lesson 4 – ऋ Lesson 5 – ए and ऐ Lesson 6 – ओ and औ Lesson 7 – अॊ and अ् Lesson 8 – Review of Vowels Lesson 9 – क and ख Lesson 10 – ग, घ, and ङ Lesson 11 – च and छ Lesson 12 – ज and झ Lesson 13 – ट and ठ Lesson 14 – ड, ढ and ण Lesson 15 – त and थ ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 19, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 54 हहंदी भें अततरयक्त छोटे वाक्मों को फनाना सं ें | (Hindi mein atirikt chotey vaakyon ko banana seekhen . Learn to make small additional sentences in Hindi (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Beginner Lessons) Hindi /Devanagari Transliteration Translation 1. उसने ककताफ फेची? Usney kitab bechee? She sold the book? 2. भैने अऩनी दीदी को एक ऩि सरखा है | Maine apnee deedi ko ek patr likha hai. I have written a letter to my elder sister. 3. वह गई | Vah gai. She went. 4. कभर यो यहा था | Kamal row raha tha. Kamal was crying/weeping. 5. भैं उससे डय गमा था | Main ussey dar gaya tha. I was scared of him. 6. इसे फाहय पेंक दो | Isey baahar phenk do. Throw this out. 7. जीतेन्द्र खाॊसता यहा | Jitendra khansta raha. Jitendra kept on coughing. 8. भुझे ऩेट भें ददम हो यहा है | Mujhey payt mein dard ho raha hai. I am having pain in my stomach. 9. कौन जाने कफ क्मा होगा | Kaun jaaney kab, kya hoga. Who knows what will happen, when?. 10. भैं अबी कामामरम से फाहय आमा हूॉ | Main abhee kaaryalay se baahar aaya huin. I have just come out of the office. 11. भुझे से सदा सच फोरो | Mujhsey sada sach bolo. Always tell me the truth. 12. भैं आऩसे शीघ्र कभया छोड़ दे ने की ववनती कयता हूॉ | Main aapsey sheeghra karma chod deney kee vinati karta huin. I request you to leave the room immediately. 13. भैं यवववाय को घय भें यहूॉगा l Main raviwaar ko ghar mein rahunga. I will be at home on Sunday. or ऩय(at) or घय भें (in house) 14 उसे अन्दय आने को कहो | Usey andar aaney ko kaho . Ask him to come inside . 15. झूट फोरना ऩाऩ है | Jhoot bolna paap hai. it is sin to tel a lie. 16. मह ऩयु ाना सभाचाय है | Yah puraana samachaar hai. This is an old news. 17. भैने एक सप्ताह से कऩडे नहीॊ धोमे हैं | Mainey ek saptaah se kapadeynahin dhoye hain. I have not washed the clothes for a week 18. कृऩमा नायाज भत होमें | kripaya naaraaj (Krodhit)mat hoyen. Please do not get angry. 19. कबी ककसी से घण ृ ा भत कयो | Kabhee kisi se ghrina mat karo. Never hate anyone in life. 20. शीशा नाज़क ु है | Sheesha nazuk hai. The glass is fragile. 21 फच्चे बोरे होते हैं | Bacchey bholay hotay hain. The children are innocent. 22. क्रोध भें इन्सान अॉधा हो जाता है | The person becomes blind in anger. Krodh mein insaan andha ho jaata hai. 23. ऩड़ोससमों के साथ दोथती(सभिता )को फनाए यखा जाना चाहहए | Padosiyon ke saath dosti(mitrata) ko banaye rakha jaana chahiye. Friendship should be maintained with the neighbours. 24. ये र शाभ को आमेगी | Rail sham ko aayegee. The train will come in the evening. 25. भैं कहीॊ बी जा सकता हूॉ | Main kaheen bhee jaa sakta huin . I can go anywhere. or सकती हूॉ(saktee ISpeakHindi.com 59 2011-January Lesson Guide huun means feminine) 26. भैं कर सुफह छ फजे उठूॉगा | I will get up tommorrw at 6 O’clock in the morning. Main kal subah cchh bajey subah oothunga. 27. इस दतु नमा से गयीफी उन्भूरन आवश्मक है or गयीफं त्भ ककमा जाना चाहहए (gareebee khatm kiya jaana chhiye) | Is duniya se gareebee unmoolan aavashyak hai. The poverty must be eradicated from this world 28. भेये भाभरे भें हथतऺेऩ भत कयो | Merey mamley mein hastkshep mat karo. Do not interfere (or intervene )in my matter 29. गयीफों का उऩहास भत कयो | Gareebon ka uphaas mat karo. Do not taunt at the poor. 30. कुम्हाय सभटटी के फतमन फनाता है | Kumhaar mitti ke bartan banaata hai. The potter makes the pot with clay. 31. कृऩमा भेये घय शतनवाय को आमें | Kripya mere ghar shaniwaar ko aayen. Please come to my house on Saturday. 32. भैं घय दे य से आमा | Main ghar der se aaya. I came home late. 33. रगाताय फारयश हो यही है | Lagaataar barish ho rahee hai. It is raining incessantly. 34. भेये सभि के वऩता अफ जीववत नहीॊ है | Mere mitr key pita ab jeevit nahin hai.My friend’s father is not alive now. 35. अऩने हदभाग का उऩमोग कयो | Apney dmaag ka upyog karo. Use own brain. 36. सबी बायतवासी प्राम् हाथ से खाना खाते हैं | Sabhee Bharatwasi prayah haath se khana khatey hain. All the Indians often eat with hand. अक्सय aksar also means often 37. भेयी ऩोती ववद्मारम भें ऩढ़ती हैं | ( or studies अध्ममन कयती है |) Meri poti vidhyalay mein padhtee(adhyyan kartee) hai. My grand-daughter reads(studies) in school. 38. वह दौडते हूए आमा | Vah daudtey huey aaya . He came running. 39 हभ फड़ी कहठनाई (भुस्श्कर –mushkil) से हवाई अड्डे सभम ऩय ऩहुॊचे | Hum bade kathinaayee se hawai addey samay par pahunchey. We reached at the airport on time with great difficulty . 40 घोड़ी सयऩट दौड़ यही है | Ghodee sarpat daud rahee hai. The mare is galloping. 41. अॊगूय खट्टे हैं | Angoor khatey hain. The grapes are sour. 42. भुझे धोखा भत दो | Mujhey dhokha mat do. Do not deceive (cheat )me. 43. गयीफों ऩय दमा कयो |Garebon par daya karo. Have mercy on the poor. 44. ऩथ ु तक भेज ऩय है | Pustak mej par hai. The book is on the able. 45. भझ ु े शुद्ध जर चाहहए | Mujhey shuddh jal chahdiye. I need pure water. 46. वह घय के ऊऩय से अचानक धगय गमा | Vah ghar key oopar se achanak gir gaya. He suddenly fell down from top of the house. 47. उसकी ऩेट भें ददम है | Uskey payt mein dard hai. He has pain in the stomach. Prepared and submitted by S.Suresh Kumar Hindi tutor and translator Sskay56@gmail.com Cell: 91 9840643690 ISpeakHindi.com 60 2011-January Lesson Guide 61 January 20, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 17–Consonants ऩ and प This is a continuation of the series covering the very basics of Hindi. At the bottom of this lesson are links to the previous lessons. If you are already studying Hindi, it can provide a good review. If you are looking for something more advanced thenmaster 4 words each day in the vocabulary master. pa ऩ Patang (ऩतॊग) – Kite Papita (ऩऩीता) – Papaya प pha Phal (पर) – Fruit Fasal (फसर) – Crop ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 21, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 55 हहॊदी ऩाठ सॊख्मा ५५ कववता (Kavita)Poem Poem No.1 भोटू सेठ = MOTU SETH( FATTY OWNER) (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Beginner Lessons) PLEASE NOTE: कववतामें kavitaayen means poems Hindi Transliteration Translation भोटू सेठ सड़क ऩय रेट | Motu seth sadak par layt . Fatty owner lay on the road. गाडी आमी पट गमा ऩेट | gaadee aaee phat gaya payt. Vehicle came bursting stomach. गाडी का नॊफय २८ | gaadee ka number twenty eight(28) vehicle’s number 28. गाडी ऩहुॉची इॊडडमा गेट | Gaadee pahunchee India gate. The vehicle reached the India gate. इॊडडमा गेट भें सभरा ससऩाही | India gate mein mila sipahee. Cop(policeman) met in India Gate. भोटू की हुई फहुत वऩटाई | Motu kee hui bahut pitaayee. The fatty person was beaten a lot. शब्दावरी = Shabdavali = Vocabulary Devanagari Transliteration = Translation सड़क sadak road. गाडी gaadee Vehicle आमी aayee came पट fut burst(tore) ऩेट payt stomach ऩहुॉची सभरा pahunchee reached/arrived mila met ससऩाही sipahee Cop/police वऩटाई pitayee beaten कववता संख्मा २ प्मासा कौवा = Kavita sankhya 2 = Poem No.2 Pyasa Kauwa ( Thirsty crow) एक कौवा प्मासा था I Ek kauwa pyasathaa ttha . A crow was thirsy . जग भें थोडा ऩानी था | Jug may thhoda paanee ttha. There was a little water in the jug. रामा कौवा ऩत्थय, Kauwa laayaa pathar, crow brought pebbles, ऩानी आमा ऊऩय, Paani aayaa oopar , Up came the water, कौवा ऩीमा ऩानी | Kauwa peeya apaani . crow drank the water . खत्भ होती है Hindi कौवा प्मासा कहानी | Khatm hoti hai kahani . Transliteration Translation kauwa crow Ends story pyasa thirsy ISpeakHindi.com 62 2011-January Lesson Guide जग | Jug jug भें may in था ttha was 63 थोडा thhoda little ऩानी paanee water(also called jal in Hindi) रामा laya brought ऩत्थय patthar pebble ऊऩय आमा ऩीमा खत्भ कहानी Uppdar aaya came up peeya drank khatm end(also called सभाप्त samaapt or अॊत ant in Hindi) kahani story or tale called Katha in Hindi Poem No.3 एक दो , तंन चाय …(ek do, teen, chaar..) – One,two,three four,… Hindi Transliteration Translation एक दो , कबी न यो | Ek do, kabhi na ro. One two, never cry. तीन चाय यखना प्माय | Teen chaar rakhna pyar. Three four, have love ऩाॊच छे , सभर कय यह| Paanch chhe, mil kar rah . Five six, live together सात आठ ऩढ़ रे ऩाठ | Saat aaht padh le paath. Seven eight, read the lessons. नौ दस जोय से हस | Nau das joar say hans. Nine ten, laugh loudly. Hindi Transliteration Translation कबी न यो kabhi n ro Never cry यखना rakhana have/maintain/keep प्माय pyaar Love- sneh, vaatsalya सभर कय mil kar together(also called एक साथ ek saath ) यह rah live ऩढ़ padh read ऩाठ paath lessons जोय joar loudly हस hus laugh Task: I request all participants to make an effort to write at least a new 4 line Hindi poem together with transliteration and English translation, as stated above. Submitted by: S. Suresh Kumar Hindi tutor and translator Sskay56@gmail.com Cell: 91 9840643690 ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 22, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 18–Consonants फ, ब and भ This is a continuation of the series covering the very basics of Hindi. At the bottom of this lesson are links to the previous lessons. If you are already studying Hindi, it can provide a good review. If you are looking for something more advanced thenmaster 4 words each day in the vocabulary master. ba फ Batakh (फतख ) - Duck Button (फटन) – Button bha ब Bhaloo (बार)ू – Bear Bhavan (बवन) – House ISpeakHindi.com 64 2011-January Lesson Guide ma भ Machali (भछरी ) - 65 Fish Matar (भटय) –Peas Previous Lessons in this series: Lesson 1 – अ and आ Lesson 2 – इ and ई Lesson 3 – उ and ऊ Lesson 4 – ऋ Lesson 5 – ए and ऐ Lesson 6 – ओ and औ Lesson 7 – अॊ and अ् Lesson 8 – Review of Vowels Lesson 9 – क and ख Lesson 10 – ग, घ, and ङ Lesson 11 – च and छ Lesson 12 – ज and झ Lesson 13 – ट and ठ Lesson 14 – ड, ढ and ण Lesson 15 – त and थ Lesson 16 – द, ध and न Lesson 17 – ऩ and प ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 23, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 56 बायत भें रड़कों के नाभ = (Bharat Mey ladkon ke naam ) The boys names in India (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Beginner Lessons) Sl. Devanagari transliteration translation 1. आकाश Aakash sky 2. अवधेश 3. आशीष Aashish blessing 4. अबम Abhay fearless 5. असबराष Abhilash wish/ desire 6. असबषेक Abhishek ritual 7. आदशम Adarsh ideal 8. अजम Ajay 9. अस्जत Ajit victorious 10. अखखरेश Avadesh King Dashratha unconquered Akhilesh lord & master 11. अऺम 12. अभन Aman peace 13. अभय Amar immortal 14. अभोर Amol priceless 15. अभत ृ Amrit nectar Akshay immortal 16. आनॊद Anand joy/ bliss 17. अनज ु Anuj younger brother 18. अनुऩभ Anupam unique/ incomparable 19. अरुण 20. अयववन्द 21. अशोक 22. फसॊत Basant spring 23. बाथकय Bhaskar sun 24. बूऩेंद्र 25. बूषण Arun sun Arvind lotus Ashok without sorrow Bhupendra emperor Bhushan adornment 26. फीयफर 27. फजयॊ गी bajrangi lord hanuman name 28. फाराजी Baalaajee lord Vishnu name 29. फरफीय Balbeer strong 30. फरदे व 31. फरयाज 32. फारी Birbal brave heart Baldev strong balraaj strong Bali Brave ISpeakHindi.com 66 2011-January Lesson Guide 33. फद्री 34. भुकॊु द Badri Lord Vishnu 35. गोववन्द Govind Lord Krishna 36. फॊशीधय Banshidhar Lord Krishna 37. फाॊके 38. फनवायी/त्रिज 39. िज ककशोय 40. िजनॊदन Brajnandan Lord Krishna 41. िजभोहन Brajmohan Lord Krishna 42. फॊककभ चन्द्र Bankim Chandra Crescent moon 43. बोरानाथ Bhola nath Lord Shiva 44. त्रफये न्द्र 45. चेतन 46. धचयाग 47. धचयॊ जीव 48. दीऩक 49. धीयज 50. ध्रुव 51. हदनेश 52. गौयव banshee(flute) dhar(holder) Baankey Lord Krishna Banwaree Lord Krishna Brajkishore Lord Krishna Birendra king of warriors Chetan perceptive Chirag lamp Chiranjeev immortal Deepak lamp Dhiraj patience Dhruv firm Dinesh sun Gaurav prestige 53. हषम 54. हे भॊत Hemant winter 55. जीतेन्द्र Jitendra one who can conquer lord Indra 56. कवऩर Kapil sage/ sun 57. कऩयू Kapoor saffron 58. ककयण 59. कुभाय Harsh joy Kiran sun rays Kumar son 60. भानव Manav man/human 61. भखण Mani gem 62. भनीष Manish lord of the mind 63. सभरन Milan meeting or joining 64. नये न्द्र Narendra king of man 65. नवीन Naveen new 66. तनभमर Nirmal clean 67. ओभप्रकाश Omprakash sacred light 68. प्रबाकय Prabhakar sun 69. प्रबु Prabhu god 70. प्रफोध 67 Mukund lord Krishna Prabodh consciousness ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide 71. प्रकाश Prakash light 72. प्रभोद Pramod joy 73. प्राण 74. प्रसाद 75. प्रवीण 76. प्रेभ 77. ऩ् ृ वी 78. ऩुनीत Pran life / force Prasad devotional offering Pravin expert/ skilled Prem love Prithvi earth Puneet pure 80. याहुर याजीव 81. याजेश Rajesh king 82. याकेश Rakesh moon 83. सॊजम 79. 84.यवव Rahul capable Rajeev lotus Sanjay victorious Ravi sun 85.सॊजीव Sanjeev vital 86.सॊतोष Santosh satisfaction 87.शेखय Shekhar ultimate/ peak 88.ससद्धाथम Siddharth accomplished 89.सुबाष 90.सफ ु ोध 91.सुधीय 92.सुभॊत Subhash who speaks good words Subodh good lesson Sudheer wise Sumant friendly 93.सुशाॊत Sushant quiet 94.थवाभी Swami lord 95.तष ु ाय Tushar winter 96.वसॊत 97.ववद्मुत Vasant season( spring ) Vidyut brilliant/ lightening / electricity 98.ववजम Vijay victory 99.ववक्राॊत Vikrant brave 100.ववनम Vinay humility 101.ववशार Vishal huge 102.मश Yash kudos/fame/glory 103.मोगी 68 Yogi devotee 104. चक्रधय Chakradhar Lord Vishnu 105. चारुहास Charuhaas beautiful smile 106. चॊद्रशेखय Chandrashekhar Lord Shiva 107. दाभोदय Damodar Lord Krishna name 108. गदाधय Gadadhar Lord Vishnu name ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide 109. गजेन्द्र 110. घनश्माभ 111. गौतभ Gajendra Elephant King 69 Ghanshyam Lord Krishna Gautam Lord Buddha 112. हरय Hari Lord Vishnu 113. जगन Jagan World 114. भाधव Madhav Lord Krishna 115. नयससम्हा Narsimha a form of Lord Vishnu 116 नायामण 117. ॐ Narayan Lord Vishnu Om sacred syllable used in Hindu prayer 118. याजीवरोचन Rajeevlochan Who has blue lotus eye 119. सागय 120. सुशीर Saagar Ocean Susheel Good character man Submitted by: S. Suresh Kumar Hindi tutor and translator Sskay56@gmail.com Cell: 91 9840643690 ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 25, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 19–Consonants म and य This is a continuation of the series covering the very basics of Hindi. At the bottom of this lesson are links to the previous lessons. If you are already studying Hindi, it can provide a good review. If you are looking for something more advanced thenmaster 4 words each day in the vocabulary master. ya म Yeti (मतत ) – Himalayan Snowman Yah (मह) – This ra य Rath (यथ) – Chariot Rassi (यथसी) – Rope ISpeakHindi.com 70 2011-January Lesson Guide January 26, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 57 बायत भें रड़ककमों के नाभ = (Bharat mein ladkiyon ke naam) girl’s names in India (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Beginner Lessons) Sl. Devanagari transliteration translation 1. असबराषा Abihilasha wish/ desire 2. ऐश्वमाम 3. आकाॊऺा Akanksha wish 4. अखखरा Akhila complete 5. अऺया Akshara letter 6. अल्ऩना Alpana beautiful 7. अभत ृ ा 8. अनघा 9. अनीता 10. 11. अॊजसर अनऩ ु भा Aishwarya prosperous Amrita full of nectar Angha beauty Anita full of grace Anjali tribute Anupama beautiful 12. अऩयास्जता 13. आयाधना 14. अचमना 15. अऩमणा Arpana offering 16. अवऩमता Arpita a dedication 17. आशा 18. अस्थभता Asmita pride 19. अववनाशी Avinashee indestructible 20. आमुषी Aayushee long life Aparajita undefeated Aaradhana prayer Archana worship Aasha expectation 21. आबा 22. आनॊदी Aanandee always happy woman 23. अहदतत Aditi mother of Gods 24. फयखा Barkha rain 25. फसॊती Basanti spring 26. बद्रा 27. बाग्मश्री/बाग्मवती Bhagyashri/ Bhagyawati lucky 28. बानु 29. 30. बानुभती बानुवप्रमा Aabha glow Bhadra good Bhanu sun/ fame Bhanumati famous Bhanupriya the sun’s beloved 31. बावना Bhavna good feelings/ emotions 32. बसू भका Bhumika earth ISpeakHindi.com 71 2011-January Lesson Guide 33. त्रफॊद ु Bindu point 34. छामा 35. चैतारी Chaitalee a season( born in the Chaitra month) 36. चाॊदनी Chaandanee moonlight 37. चॊद्रा Chandra moon 38. चारू Chaaru beautiful 39. धचिा Chitra drawing 40. दभमॊती 41. दीऩा 42. दीस्प्त 43. दे वमानी 44. हदव्मा Divya divine power 45. पाल्गुनी Falgunee beautiful Damyantee beautiful Deepa light Deepti full of light Devyanee like a goddess 46. गीताॊजरी Gitanjalee melodious tribute 47. हॊ ससनी Hamsini one who rides a swan/ Saraswathi 48. हरयणी 49. मशोधया 50. हे भरता 51. इॊहदया 52. जमा Harini a deer Yashodhara glory Hemlata golden flower Indira bestower of wealth Jaya salutation/ victory/ goddess Parvati 53. जमश्री 54. ज्मोतत 55. कल्ऩना Kalpana imagination 56. कल्माणी Kalyanee fortunate 57. कभर/ कभसरनी Kamal/ Kamalinee lotus 58. कासभनी 59. कास्न्त Jayashree victorious woman Jyoti light Kaminee beautiful woman Kanti light 60. करयश्भा Karishma miracle 61. काव्मा Kavya poem 62. कीतमना Keertana song 63. खुशफू Khushboo fragrance 64. रारी 65. रसरता 63. रावण्मा 64. रीरा 65. रीना 72 Chaaya shadow Laalee blushing Lalita beautiful woman Laavanya beautiful girl Leela divine drama Leena a devoted one/ tender 66. भाधवी/ भधु Madhavee/ Madhu honey 67. भहहभा Mahima glorious ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide 68. भसरका Malika flower 69. भासरनी Malinee fragrant 70. भॊहदया Mandira melody 71.भनीषा Manisha desire/ wish 72.भॊजयी Manjaree bud of a mango tree 73.भॊजू Manju pleasant 74.भॊजुरा Manjula lovely/ soft/ charming 75.भामा Maya illusion 76.भमूयी Mayuri peahen 77.भेधा 78.सभतारी 79.भोतनषा Medha goddess Saraswati/ wisdom/ intellect Mitalee friendly Monisha intellectual 80.भद ु ा ृ र 81.भन्ृ भमी 82.नसरनी Mridula an ideal woman Mrinmayee deer’s eye Nalini lotus/ sweet nectar 83.नसभता Namita humble 84.नॊहदता Nandita cheerful 85.नेहा Neha loving 86.तनधध 87.नीराम्फयी 88.नीसरभा Nidhi wealth Neelambaree clothed in blue Neelima blue 89.नीना Neena beautiful eyes 90.तनभमरा Nirmala clean 91.तनरुऩभा Nirupama matchless 92.तनशा Nisha 93.तनत्मा Nitya 94.नुऩूय night eternal Nupoor anklet 95.ऩल्रवी Pallavee bud 96.ऩूनभ Poonam 97.प्रबा Prabha light Priyanka favourite 98.वप्रमॊका 99.यचना 100.याधगनी 101.यजनी 102,यम्मा 103.यानी 104.यस्श्भ 105.यीना 73 full moon Rachna Raginee creation melody Rajnee Ramya Ranee Rashmi Reena night delightful queen sun rays gem ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide 106.ये शभा Reshma 107.ये वती Revatee silky 108.रयमा Rhea/ Ria singer 109.रयवद्ध Riddhi fortunate 110.यीता eeita way of life 111.योहहणी Rohinee moon 112.रूऩा Roopa blessed with beauty 113.योशनी Roshnee 114.सयोस्जनी Sarojinee 115.सववता Savita light in the lotus sun 116.सावविी Saavitree mother 117.शासरनी Shalinee modest 118.शाॊतत Shanti peace 119.शभीरा Sharmeela shy 120.शीरा Sheela character 121.शीतर Sheetal 122.शेपारी Shefalee fragrant 123.श्रेमा Shreya beautiful 124.सुषभा sushma 125.सोनर/सोनारी 126.सुभेधा 127.सुनैना 128.सुनॊदा 129.सुनीता 130.सवु प्रमा 131.सुयसब 132.सुशीरा cool fragrant Sonal/Sonalee Sumedha golden intelligent Sunayna beautiful eyes Sunanda sweet character Sunita well-behaved Supriya well-loved Surabhi Susheela beauty good character woman 133.तभन्ना Tamanna 134.तनुश्री/तन्वी Tanushree/ Tanvee beautiful wish 135.तष ृ ा Trisha 136.उऩासना Upaasna worship 137.उऩभा Upma the best 138.उसभमरा Urmeela 139.उषा Usha dawn 140.वतनता Vanita graceful lady wish / desire enchantress 141.वसुॊधया vasundhara earth 142.मासभनी Yaminee nocturnal 143.मभुना 74 prosperity Yamuna holy river ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide 144. ज्मोत्सना Jyotsana moon light 145 काजर Kajal Muscara(Surma) 146. कादॊ फयी Kadambaree saraswati 147. काॊचना kaanchana celestial beauty(apsara) 148. काॊता kaanta 75 Beauty Submitted by: S. Suresh Kumar Hindi tutor and translator Sskay56@gmail.com Cell: 91 9840643690 ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 27, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 20–Consonants र and व This is a continuation of the series covering the very basics of Hindi. At the bottom of this lesson are links to the previous lessons. If you are already studying Hindi, it can provide a good review. If you are looking for something more advanced thenmaster 4 words each day in the vocabulary master. र la Ladka (रड़का ) - Boy Lattu (रट्टू) – Top (spinning top) va व Van (वन) – Forest Vatan (वतन) – Country ISpeakHindi.com 76 2011-January Lesson Guide January 28, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 58 ऩंडडत जवाहयरार नेहरू PANDIT JAWAHARLAL NEHRU (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Beginner Lessons) DEVANAGARI TRANSLIERATION TRANSLATION 1. ऩॊडडत जवाहयरार नेहरू का जन्भ १४ नवम्फय १८८९ को हुआ था | Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru ka janm 14 November 1889 ko hua ttha. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was born on 14th Nov.1889. 2. उनके भाता का नाभ श्रीभती थवरूऩ यानी था |. Unkay maata kaa naam Srimati Swaroop Rani ttha. His mother’s name was Mrs. Swaroop Rani. 3. उनके वऩता का नाभ श्री भोतीरार नेहरु था | Unkay pitaa kaa naam Motilal Nehru ttha. His father’s name was Motilal Nehru . 4. उनके वऩता एक वकीर थे | Unkey pita ek vakeel tthey. His father was a lawyer. 5. वे कश्भीयी िाह्भण थे | Ve kashmiree Brahmin tthey. They were Kashmiri Brahmin . 6. वे इराहाफाद(उत्तय प्रदे श याज्म) भें फसे थे | Ve Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh state)mein basey tthey. They were settled in Allahabad(Uttar Pradesh state) . 7. प्रमाग भें ,त्रिवेणी सॊगभ (गॊगा, मभुना औय सयथवती ) है | Prayag mein Triveni sangam(Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati, ) hai. In Prayag, the confluence of rivers(Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati )Triveni sangam is there. 8.सयथवती नदी को दे खा नहीॊ जा सकता क्मोंकक वह नीचे फहती है | Saraswati nadi ko dekha nahin jaa sakta kyonki vah neechey bahti hai. The Saraswati river cannot be seen as she flows underneath. 9.आनॊद बवन उनका तनवास थथान था जो अफ एक सॊग्रहारम है | Aaandh Bhavan unka niwas sthan tha jo ab ek sangrahlay hai. Anand Bhawan was their Residence which is now a museum. 10.उनके दो फहनों का नाभ कृष्ट्णा एवॊ ववजम रक्ष्भी ऩॊडडत था | Unkay do bahanon ka naam Krishna evam Vijaylakakshmi Pandit ttha. His two sisters name was Krishna and Vijaylakshmi Pandit. 11.उन सबी ने हहॊदी, सॊथकृत औय अॊग्रेजी सीखा | Un sabhee ney Hindi, Sanskrit aur Angreji seekha. They all learned Hindi, Sanskrit and English. 12.उन्होने अऩनी थनातक इॊग्रॎ ण्ड भें ऩयू ी की औय सन १९१२ भें एक वकीर फन गए | Unhoney apni snatak England mein poori kee aur san 1912 mein ek vakeel ban gaye. He completed his graduation in England and in 1912 became a lawyer. 13.सन १९१९ भें जसरमाॊवारा फाा नयसॊहाय होने के कायण ऩॊडडतजी फहुत नायाज हो गए | San 1919 mein Jaliawalabagh narsanhaar honey ke kaaran panditjee bahut naaraaj ho gaye. Due to Jaliawalabagh Massacre in 1919 by British, he was annoyed/angry. 14.गाॊधीजी औय अन्म हदग्गजों सहहत बायत के थवतॊिता सॊग्राभ आॊदोरन भें शासभर हुए | Gandhiee aur unya diggajon sahit Bharat ke sawatantra sangraam andolan mein shamil huay. He joined the India’s freedom struggle movement alongwith Mr. Gandhi and other stalwarts. 15.ऩॊडडतजी भहात्भा गाॊधी के अनुमामी थे | Panditjee Mahatma Gandhi key anuyayee tthey. Panditjee was the follower of Mahatma Gandhi. 16.ऩॊडडतजी ने कभरा से १९१६ भें शादी की | Panditjee ney Kamla se 1916 mein shaadee kee. Panditjee married Kamla in 1916. 17.कभराजी ने इॊहदया को जन्भ हदमा | Kamlajee ney Indira ko janm diya. Kamlajee gave birth to Indira. 18.जफ ऩॊडडतजी को अॊग्रेजों द्वाया धगयफ्ताय ककमा गमा था, कभरा नेहरू ने एक उत्कृष्ट्ट नैततक सभथमन ISpeakHindi.com 77 2011-January Lesson Guide हदमा | Jab Pandijee ko Angrejon dwara giraftaar kiya gaya tha, Kamala Nehru ney ek utkrisht naitik samarthan diya. When Panditjee was arrested by British, Kamla Nehru lent an excellent moral support. 19.उन्होने जेर से उनकी फेटी इॊहदया वप्रमदसशमनी के सरए कई ऩि सरखा था | Unhoney Jail se unki beti Indira Priyadarshiniey ke naam kayee ptr likha ttha. He had written several letters in the name his daughter Indira Priyadarshini from the prison. 20.सन १९४६ भें सरखी गमी उनकी ऩुथतक “बायत की खोज “ प्रख्मात हैं |San 1946 mein likhee gayee unkee pustak “Bhaarat kee khoj “prakyaat hai. His book the “Discovery of India” written in 1946 is famous. 21.सन 1936 भें टीफी के कायण कभरा नेहरू की भत्ृ मु हो गई | San 1936 mein Kamla Nehru kee mrityu T .B. ke kaaran ho gayee. In the year 1936, Kamala Nehru died , due to TB. 22.फच्चों को नेहरूजी फहुत प्माय कयते थे| Bacchon ko Nehrujee bahut pyaar karte tthey. Nehrujee used to love the children very much. 23.इससरए फार हदवस उनके जन्भहदन के उऩरक्ष्म भें हय सार भनामा जाता है | Isliye Baal Diwas unkey janmdin ke uplaksh mein har saal mannaya jaata hai. Therefore, the Children’s Day is celebrated on account of his birthday every year. 24. अत् उन्हें चाचा नेहरु के नाभ से जाना जाता है | Atah unhein chacha Nehru ke naam se jaana jaata hai. Thus he is known as Chacha (Uncle)Nehru. 25.श्री नेहरू जी को गुराफ पूर का शौक था | Shri. Nehru jee ko Gulaab phool ka shauk tha. Mr. Nehru was fond of Rose flower. 26.ऩॊडडतजी. एक भहान थवतॊिता सेनानी एवॊ बायत यत्न थे | Panditjee ek mahaan swatantra senani evam Bharat ratna tthey. Panditjee was a great freedom-fighter and was a jewel of India. 27.वह थवतॊि बायत के तनभामता थे | Vah swatantra Bharat ke nirmaata tthey. He was the creator of independent India. 28.वह बायत के प्रथभ प्रधान भॊिी थे | Vah Bharat key prathan Pradhaan mantree tthey. He was the First Prime Minister of India. 29.बायत १५ अगथत १९४७ को थवतॊि हुआ | Bharat 15 August 1947 ko swatantra hua. India became independent on 15th Aug. 1947. 30.थवतॊि बायत का प्रथभ ध्वजायोहण हुआ | Swatantra Bharat ka pratham dhwajarohan hua . The first flag hoisting of Independent India took place. 31.दब ु ामग्म से, गाॊधी जी की 1948 भें गोरी भायकय हत्मा की गई(or कय दी गई kar dee gayee) | Durbhagya se, Gandhijee kee 1948 mein golee marker hatya kee gayee. Unfortunately,.Gandhiji was shot dead in 1948. 32.सन १९५१ भें मोजना आमोग बायत भें थथावऩत ककमा गमा | San 1959 mein yojana aayog Bharat mein sthapit kiya gaya. In 1951 the planning commission was set up in India. 33.ऩहरे ऩाॊच सार की मोजना की घोषणा की गई | Pahely paanch saal kee yojna kee ghoshana kee gai. First five year plan was announced. 34.बायत भें प्रससद्ध सशऺण सॊथथान आईआईटी, एम्स, आईआईएभ, आहद उनके दे न हैं | Bharat mein prasiddh shikshan sansthaan, IIT, AIIMS.IIM aadi unkey dein hain. The famous educational institutions in India IIT, AIIMS, IIM, etc. are his contributions. 35.चीन ने बायत ऩय १९६१ भें हभरा ककमा | Cheen ney bharat par 1961 mein hamla kiya. The Chinese attacked India in 1961. 36. उन्हें एक धक्का रगा | Unhein dhakka laga. He got a shock. 37.उनका थवाथ्म धगयने रगा | Unka swasthya girney laga. His heath started deteriorating. ISpeakHindi.com 78 2011-January Lesson Guide 38.हदर के दौये से उनकी भत्ृ मु 1964 भें हो गई | Dil key daure sey unkee mrityu 1964 mein ho gai. He died of heart attack in 1964. 39.नेहरू के ऩरयवाय को चाय ऩीहढ़मों से सवोच्च(शीषम) याष्ट्रीम नेतत्ृ व धायण कयने का गौयव प्राप्त है | Nehru ke pariwaar ko chaar peedhiyon se sarvocch(sheersh) rashtriya netritv dhaaran karney ka gaurav praapt hai. Nehru family holds a distinction of providing top national leadership for four successive generations. 40.हय बायतीम इस भहान व्मस्क्तत्व का ऋणी है | Har Bharateey is mahaan byaktitv ka rini hai. Every Indian is indebted to this great personality. 41.जम हहन्द. Jai Hind. Victory India. VOCABULARY: शब्दावरी (shabdawali) जन्भ Janm birth भाता maata mother नाभ naam name वकीर vakeel lawyer िाह्भण Brahmin Brahmin( one of the 4 castes in India) फसे basey settled त्रिवेणी सॊगभ Triveni sangam Confluence of 3 rivers(गॊगा, मभुना औय सयथवती –Ganga,Yamuna and Saraswati) है फहती तनवास थथान सॊग्रहारम bahtee flow niwas residence sthan place sangraahlay museum. फहन bahan sister सीखा seekha learned थनातक snaatak graduation वकीर vakeel lawyer. नयसॊहाय narsanhaar Massacre नायाज naaraaj annoyed/angry. हदग्गजों सहहत diggajon stalwarts sahit including or alongwith थवतॊिता sawatantra freedom सॊग्राभ sangraam struggle आॊदोरन aandloan movement शासभर shaamil joined अनम ु ामी Anuyayee follower शादी जन्भ धगयफ्ताय उत्कृष्ट्ट shade e marriage (also Byaah or vivaah in Hindi janm birth giraftaar arrested or kaid in Hindi utkrisht exceptional/excellent ISpeakHindi.com 79 2011-January Lesson Guide नैततक naitik moral सभथमन samarthan support ऩि ptr letter ( Chitthi or Khat in Hindi प्रख्मात prakhyaat famous Vikhyaat or Prasiddh in Hindi भत्ृ मु mrityu death or maut in Hindi फार हदवस Bal Diwas Children’s day जन्भ -हदन Janm-din birth -day उऩरक्ष्म uplakshya on account of हय सार har saal every year भनामा manaaya celebrate गुराफ gulaab rose पूर phool flower or Pushp, ior Suman or kusum in Hindi ऩसॊद चाचा 80 pasand fond of chaacha Uncle भहान mahaan great थवतॊिता swatantrata freedom सेनानी senanee fighter यत्न ratn jewel/gem तनभामता nirmaata creator प्रथभ pratham first प्रधान भॊिी Pradhaan Mantri Prime Minister थवतॊि swantra free ध्वजायोहण dhwajarohan flag hoisting गोरी भाय goli maarna to shoot हत्मा hatya kill/aassisinate मोजना आमोग yojna aayog planning commission थथावऩत sthapit establish घोषणा ghoshana announce प्रससद्ध prasiddh famous सशऺण shikshan educational सॊथथान sansthaan institution दे न हभरा धक्का रगा थवाथ्म contribution gift hamla attack dhakka laga shocked. swasthya health धगयने रगा girney laga. started deteriorating. हदर के दौये dil key daure heart attack. ऩीहढ़मों peedhiyon generations ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide याष्ट्रीम Raashtriya national नेतत्ृ व धायण dhaaran hold गौयव gaurav distinction प्राप्त praapt receive भहान व्मस्क्तत्व 81 netritv leadership mahaan great Vyaktitv personality ऋणी rini indebted Submitted by: S. Suresh Kumar, Hindi tutor and translator Sskay56@gmail.com Cell: 91 9840643690 ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide January 29, 2011 Learning the Hindi Letters – Lesson 21–Consonants श and ष This is a continuation of the series covering the very basics of Hindi. At the bottom of this lesson are links to the previous lessons. If you are already studying Hindi, it can provide a good review. If you are looking for something more advanced thenmaster 4 words each day in the vocabulary master. श sha Sharbat (शयफत ) Syrup/Squash Shareefa (शयीफा) – Custard Apple ष shha Shhatkon (षट्कोण) – hexagon Dhanushh (धनष ु )– Bow ISpeakHindi.com 82 2011-January Lesson Guide January 30, 2011 Suresh – Lesson 59 जानवयों, ऩशुओं, ऩक्षऺमों, जर-जन्तओ ु ं एवं कीड़ों -भकौडों, के नाभ हहंदी भें (Janwarons, pashuon, pakshiyon, jal-jantuon, keedon-makaudon ke naam Hindi mein. Name of animals, cattle, birds, water and living animals & insects in Hindi (See all the lesson from Suresh; See the First Lesson from Suresh; Build Your Vocabulary By Mastering 4 Words a Day) (Looking for something else? Check out our Lesson Finder, Newbie Lessons, and Beginner Lessons) Sl. DEVANAGARI TRANSLATION TRANSLITERATION 1.ऩऺी Pakshi Bird 2.पाख्ता Phaakta Dove 3.गौयै मा Goreya Sparrow 4.फाज 5.भुगी Baaz Hawk Murgee Hen 6.कौवा Kauwa Crow 7.चीर Cheel Kite 8.कठपोडवा Kathfodwa Woodpecker 9. फतऽ/ करहॊ स Batakh/kalhans Duck 10. अफाफीर / चकता 11.भुगाम 12.जॊगरी भुगाम 13.भैना Ababeel / Chakta Skylark Murga Rooster Jangli Murga Fowl Mynah Maina 14.फुरफुर Bulbul Nightingale 15.सायस Saras Crane 16.खॊजन Khanjan wagtail 17.फगुरा 18.शुतयभग ु म Bagula Stork Shutar Murg Ostrich 19.कफूतय kabootar Pigeon 20.उल्रु Oollu Owl 21. तततरी Titlee Butterfly 22.कोमर Koel Cuckoo 23.गरुड़ Garud Eagle 24.याज हॊ स 25.तोता Raj hans Flamingo Tota Parrot 26.तीतय Teetar Partridge 27.फटे य Bateyr Quail 28.फमा Baya Weaver Bird 29.हॊ स Hans Swan ISpeakHindi.com 83 2011-January Lesson Guide 30.भोय More/mayoor peacock 31.याभ धचयै मा Ram Chiraya Kingfisher 32.भोयनी Mornee/Mayuree Peahen 33. धगद्ध Giddh Vulture 34.सभद्र ु ी फगर ु ा 35.डॉस्ल्पन 36. कूॉज 37. गाने वारा ऩऺी 38. ऩीतचटकी 39. नीरकण्ठ ऩऺी Samudri bagula penguin Samudri machlee Dolphin Kunj Bower Bird Gaaney wala pakshi Humming Bird Peetchataki canary Naeelkanth pakshi Magpie 40. हाथी Hathi Elephant(Hathini for she- elephant) 41.घोडा Ghoda Horse(Ghodi=Mare) 42.कुत्ता Kutta Dog 43.गधा 44.फकयी Gadha Donkey Bakree she- goat (Bakra for male goat ) 45.गाम Gaay Cow 46.बैंस Bhains Buffalo 47.फैर 48. बारू / यीछ 49. हहयन 50. त्रफल्री 51 रॊगूय 52..शेय / ससॊह Baiyl Ox Bhaalu/Reecchh Bear Hiran Deer Billie Cat Langoor Baboon Sher /Sinh Lion 53. फाघ Baagh Tiger 54. तें दआ /चीता ु Tendua / Cheeta Panther/leopard 55.घडड़मार Ghadiyal Allegator 56. अजगय Ajgar Python 57.ससमाय Siyaar Jackal 58. रोभड़ी Lomadee Fox 59.दरयमाई घोडा Dariyayee ghoda Hippopotamus 60. फायह ससॊघा Barah singha reindeer or Stag 61. ऊॊट Oonth Camel 62.चूहा 84 Chuha rat /mice 63. नेवरा Nevla Mongoose 64. चीॊटी Cheentee Ant 65. जॉू Juoon Lice also, चुहहमा – chuhiya (mouse) or also called नकुर(nakul) 66. भगयभच्छ Magarmacch Crocodile 67.धगरहयी Gilhari Squirrel ISpeakHindi.com 2011-January Lesson Guide 68. भें ढक Mendhak Frog 69.त्रफच्छु Bicchu Scorpion 70. केकड़ा Kekada Crab/ lobster 71. साॊऩ Saanp Snake (wiper,cobra etc.) also called sarp in Hindi 72. जॊगरी बैस Jangli Bhains (arany Bhains) 73. गें डा Giraffe Giraffe 75. कॊगेरू Kangaroo Kangaroo 76. भधुभक्खी Madhumakkhi Bee 77. हटड्डी Tiddee Locust 78. नय भधुभक्खी 79. झीॊगुय Nar Madhumakkhe Drone Chamgadad Bat Jhingur Grasshopper/Cricket 80. भकड़ी Spider Makadi 81. फॊदय Bandar Monkey 82. भच्छय Jonk Leech/blood sucker 84. बेड़ Bend Sheep 85. घोंघा Ghogha Snail 86. झीॊगा Jheenga prawn/shrimp 88. खच्चय 89. सुअय 90. वयाह 91. ह्वेर 92. धगयधगट 93. तछऩकरी 94. वनभानुष 95. रकड़फग्घा 96. शाकम also called कवऩ -kpi or वानय -vaanar\ apes machhar Mosquito 83. जोंक 87. खयगोश Bison Geynda Rhinoceros 74. स्जयाप 79. चभगादड़ 85 Khargosh rabbit/hare Khacchar Mule Suar Pig/Hog Varah Boar Hwale Whale Girgit chameleon Chipkali Lizard Vanmaanush Gorilla/chimpanzee Lakadbaggha Hyena Shark Shark 97. ततरचट्टा Tilchatta cockroach 98. भक्खी makkhee fly 99. खटभर khatmal Bed-bug 100. कछुआ Kachua turtle 101. सीर seal Seal 102. ऩाॊडा Panda Panda 103. ऊदत्रफराव Udbilaav Beaver 104. वारयस Walrus Walrus/Sea horse/sea-cow ISpeakHindi.com
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