NADHAT IACSD & CQC 2015 flier and booking

I wish to register a place on the workshop: ‘New regulatory arrangements: CQC and
Conscious Sedation’
Date: Wednesday 13th May 2014
Venue: Henry Schein Educational Facility, 18 Stanhope Place, London W2 2HH
Organisation ………………………………………………………………………………………
Post Code
Tel No
Please reserve a place
£150.00 enclosed (cheque payable to NADHAT)
NADHAT members only
£100.00 enclosed (cheque payable to NADHAT)
Payment can also be made to by direct transfer to:
Reference: 2015 Workshop
Account: NADHAT
Account Number: 00536627
Branch Code: 12-13-11 Bank of Scotland, 55 Temple Row, Birmingham, B2 5LS
Please specify any special dietary requirements
Please return the completed form to:
Suzanne Clements, Henry Schein Dental, Courtney House, Pacific
Business Park, Pacific Road, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, CF24 5HJ
Tel 02920 442818
E-mail to
(if applying by email to reserve a place please ensure you include all the fields above)
Please note that you are personally responsible for ensuring payment is made
before the workshop.
New regulatory
arrangements: CQC and
Conscious Sedation
13 May 2015
The workshop will explore proposed
new wave pilots for CQC Dental
Inspections and will introduce the
IACSD Standards for Conscious
Sedation in Dentistry.
This will be of value to a wide range of
stakeholders providing Conscious
Sedation services within Community
and Special Care Dentistry.
Henry Schein Educational Facility
18 Stanhope Place, London, W1G 8YS
Wednesday 13 May 2015
9.30 am – 4.30 pm
Dr David Craig
Head of Sedation and Special Care Dentistry
Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Sampana Banga
Head of Inspection, Dentistry
Care Quality Commission
Dr Clive Fern
Specialist Dental Adviser
Care Quality Commission
You will understand the CQC New
Wave Pilots
You will learn from the inspection
programmes that have taken place
This meeting is being kindly supported by Blackwell Scientific
and Henry Schein (Special Markets)
The new Standards for Conscious
Sedation in Dentistry will be introduced
There are a maximum of 35 places available for this workshop