Guidelines for opening of Auxiliary Nurse & Midwives (ANM) AND General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM) Training Schools Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Nursing Section, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 1 INDEX S.No. 1. Content Page No. Introduction 1 1.1. Auxiliary Nurse Midwifes 1 1.2. General Nursing and Midwifery 1-2 Service Delivery Frame Work 2-3 Implementation Frame Work 3 2.1. Location 3 2.2. Estimated Cost for Setting up of ANM School 3 2.3 Estimated Cost for Setting up of GNM School 4 Pre requisites to open ANM/GNM Training School 4 2 3. 3.1 ANM 3.2 GNM 3.3 Statutory Body Requirement 3.4 Physical Facilities for ANM School 5 Area Requirement for ANM 6 3.5 4-5 Physical Facilities for GNM School 6-7 Area Requirement for GNM 8-9 3.6 Clinical facility for ANM School 9 3.7 Clinical facility for GNM School 9-10 Staffing pattern of ANM /GNM School 10-11 4. 4.1 ANM School 4.2 GNM School 4.3 Monitoring and evaluation of the programme 13 Annexure – I A 14-23 Annexure – I B 24-33 Annexure – II A 34-36 Annexure – II B 37-39 Annexure – III 40 Annexure-IV 41-43 Annexure-V 44-45 Annexure-VI 46 2 GUIDELINES FOR ANM / (AUXILLARY NURSE & MIDWIIVS) AND GNM (GENERAL NURSING & MIDWIFERY) TRAINING SCHOOL 1. Introduction 1.1 Auxiliary Nurse & Midwives: Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) are nursing personnel, they work in Sub-Centers catering to a population of 5000 in plain area and 3000 in hilly and tribal areas. The main function of the ANM is to provide reproductive and child care services. ANMs are the frontline workers and are in direct interaction with the people. They act as a link between Government Health agencies and people. There is a shortfall of ANMs in the country. This shortfall is highly skewed with the Northern states like Bihar, Chattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Jammu & Kashmir. However Madhya Pradesh, North Eastern States, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh are having a disproportionately higher shortage. It is seen that maternal health, child health indices like maternal mortality rate, infant and child mortality rate are high in the districts where there are not adequate number of ANMs. It is a1so seen that non-availability of adequate number of ANMs is a sequel to non-availability of ANM schools in such districts. This is a vicious circle. Availability of affordable, safe and effective health services are the right of every individual. A challenging initiative by the Govt. of India in this regard has been to strengthen the health delivery infrastructure at peripheral level. In order to ensure the availability of Auxiliary Nurse Midwife at block level; it is proposed to open ANM schools in these underserved districts. In view of the decision to have Two (2) ANMs per centre under NRHM, there is a need to open more ANM Schools to train additional ANMs. The opening of ANM schools would help to a great extent to improve health care delivery, and consequential women empowerment and healthy cultural practices. 1.2 General Nursing & Midwifery: Nurses play a critical role for attainment, protection, and restoration of health through their preventive, promotive and curative nursing care services in any health delivery system. Their role has grown significantly with expansion of primary health care services across the country. Although under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM-2005) infrastructure has been up-scaled significantly at all levels from sub-centre to district hospitals however perpetual shortage of nurses has been an impediment in the effective and efficient delivery of health care services. The Indian Public Health Standards, adopted under NRHM, stipulate availability of three staff 3 nurses for providing 24X7 maternal and child services care at the Primary Health Centers. Similarly, it has been proposed to provide nine (9) nurses at Community Health Center (CHC) in order to deliver MCH Services. It is therefore, absolutely necessary to set up more GNM schools in these underserved and deficient districts so that the shortage of nurses could be met from the local community to ensure optimal utilization of the infrastructure and scaling up of interventions under reproductive health services including family planning. The National Health Policy (NHP)2002 has laid emphasis on improvement in the ratio of nurses to population and doctors, development of nursing services in both public and private sector, introducing statutory norms, improving skill level of nurses, subsidizing the setting up, and running of training facilities on a decentralized basis. National Rural Health Mission envisions achieving goals set in NHP and Millennium Development Goal. Govt. is committed to restructuring of health care in achieving success by way of managing constraints of manpower, improving dilapidated infrastructure and providing minimum mandatory service. In addition it may be noted that there is a great demand of nurses overseas and there is a probability of migration of nurses overseas. In order to meet the shortage of ANMs & GNMs in the country and also to correct the regional imbalances in the spread of nursing schools in the country, it has been approved to establish 132 ANM Schools and 137 GNM Schools in those high focused Districts where there is no ANM or GNM Schools. 2. Service delivery frame work : The Expenditure Finance Committee has recommended that – (i) A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) may be signed between the concerned parties (State and Centre). (ii) The recurring costs of running the ANM/GNM schools should be taken over by the State governments after the 11th Plan. This could be included as a condition in the MoU. (iii) A uniform construction cost for the schools should be adopted. The rates for civil Works should be limited to CPWD Schedule of Rates. (iv) The scheme, of establishing ANM/GNM schools, should only be for those districts where there are no such schools at present. All the backward and special category States including J&K, Himachal Pradesh and North East Regions should be covered. Approval of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has bee obtained for the establishing 132 ANM Schools and 137 GNM Schools in the high focus states of Bihar, Chattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Jammu & 4 Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, North Eastern State, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttaranchal and West Bengal at an estimated cost of Rs. 660.00 crores and Rs. 1370 crore respectively under the scheme of Upgradation/Strengthening of Nursing Services (Human Resources for Health) during the XIth plan. Out of the total outlay 85 % will be the central share and 15 % would come as state share, in the ratio of 85:15 between the centre and the states. Implementation Frame Work includes the following steps: 2.1. Signing of MOU. (Format is given at Annexure-IV) Preparation of DPR/Submission of proposal. Finalization and allocation of funds. Implementation of project (Including Civil Work, Procurement, Creation & filling up of the posts.) Monitoring & Evaluation. (Setting targets, monitoring activities, preparation of reports & recommendations.) Location: The ANM School should be located in the premises of the Community Health Center. The GNM School should be located at District level and associated with the District Hospital. A separate hostel block should be within the premises at a safe distance from teaching block. 2.2 Estimated Cost for setting up of ANM School :(unit cost) S. No. 1 2 Items Cost Non Recurring Expenditure 1. Civil Works:- (Teaching block & As per Hostel) State 2. Transport PWD 3. Lab. Equipment norm 4. AV Aids + Books 5. Computer lab & Furniture Sub total Recurring Expenditure Total Estimated expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) 230.00 15.00 49.00 30.00 70.00 Rs. 394.00 Rs. 106.00 Rs. 500.00 5 2.3 Estimated Cost for setting up of GNM School :( Unit cost) S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Rs. in lakhs) Estimated expenditure Item Non recurring Civil Works:- (Teaching block & Hostel –54000 sq ft) Transport Lab. Equipment & Furniture AV Aids Books Sub total Recurring expenditure Total 3 Pre requisites to open ANM/GNM Training School 3.1 Name of the course : Duration : Annual intake of Students : 535.00 35.00 215.00 6.00 4.00 795.00 205.00 1000.00 Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery 1 ½ years 30 3.2 Name of the course : General Nursing and Midwifery Duration : 3 ½ years. Annual intake of Students : 40 Note: (a) In case number of beds in district hospital is increased @ 1:3 student bed ratio, number of seats will be increased proportionately (b) for North Eastern States/Hill States/All UTs except Delhi & Chandigarh ANM annual intake 20 seats GNM annual intake 30 seats 3.3 Statutory Body Requirement: The organization under the Central Government, State Government, Local body or a Private or Public Trust, Mission, Voluntary registered under Society Registration Act or a Company registered under company’s act wishes to open nursing training Institution should obtain the No Objection/Essentiality certificate from the State Government. The Indian Nursing Council on receipt of the proposal from the Institution to start nursing program, will undertake the first inspection to assess suitability with regard to Physical Infrastructure, Clinical Facility and Teaching Faculty in order to give permission to start the programme. After the receipt of the permission to start the nursing programme from Indian Nursing Council, the Institution shall obtain the approval from the State Nursing Council and Examination Board/University. Institution will admit the students only after taking approval of State Nursing Council and Examination Board/University. 6 The Indian Nursing Council will conduct inspection every year till the first batch completes the programme. Permission will be given year by year till the first batch completes. A School for the training of the ANMs should be located in the Community Health Centre (PHC annex), or a Rural Hospital having a bed strength of minimum 30 and maximum 50 and serving an area with Community Health Programme. The school should also be affiliated with a district hospital or a secondary level Care Hospital in order to provide experiences of secondary level health care and extensive gynae-obstetrical care. An organization having a 150 bed with minimum 30-50 obstetrics and gynecological beds, and 100 delivery cases monthly can also open ANM School. There should also have an affiliation with PHC/CHC for the Community Health Nursing field experience. 3.4. Physical Facilities for ANM School The Institution should have a separate building. For an Institution with an annual admission capacity of 60 students, the constructed area of the school/college should be 26,100 square feet. Adequate residential accommodation staff should be available in addition to the above mentioned built up area. The detail of the constructed area is given below for admission capacity of 60 students:3.4.(A). School Building: Two class rooms with a seating capacity of 60 students each, Library Principal Nursing Officer Two Nursing Tutor office Two office rooms A.V.Aid Rooms Store room One Multipurpose Hall Hostel facilities for 120 students with necessary facilities. B. Laboratories. One Demonstration Lab for nursing arts Midwifery & Child Health (MCH) lab. & Community Health lab Nutrition lab. Computer Lab with basic software (5 to 6 PCs and one Printer). 7 C. Area Requirement (Constructed): S. No. 1. Teaching Block Lecture Hall @ 1080 per Class Room (i) Nursing foundation lab cum MCH cum CH lab (ii) Nutrition 2. Multipurpose Hall 3. Office Room (2) 4 A.V. Aid room 5 Computer Lab. 6 Principal Room with attached toilet 7 Store room 8 Library with space for librarian, space for photocopier and reception counter and index stacks. 9 Faculty Room Provisions for Toilets* (1 :10 students). Total (A) *Separate for students, staff and male staff. Area (in Sq feet) 1080x2 = 2160 2000 900 1250 250x2 = 500 100 150 300 500 600 200x2=400 1000 8960 Hostel Facility: S. No. 1. Hostel Block Double Room Area (Figures in Sq feet) 12000 2. Sanitary(One latrine & One Bath room 500 for 5 students) 3. Visitor Room 500 4. Store 500 5. Recreation Room 500 6. Dining Hall 1500 7. Kitchen with pantry 800 8. Store 500 9. Sick Room 200 10. Guest Room 200 Total (B) 17200 Grand Total(A+B) (Constructed Area) 26100 3.5. Physical Facilities for GNM School: The Institution should have a separate building. For an Institution with an annual admission capacity of 40 students, the constructed area of the school/college should be 60470 square feet including hostel. Adequate staff residential accommodation should be available in addition to the above 8 mentioned built up area. The detail of the constructed area is given below for admission capacity of 75 students (scope for expansion). 3.5.(A). School Building 4 class rooms with a seating capacity of 75 students each, 4 laboratories to accommodate 75 students each, Multipurpose Hall Library Principal’s office Vice principal’s Office Office for faculty member Office space Space for 5 heads of Departments cabins for other faculty 3 common rooms Record Room / Store room Room for Audio – Visual Aids Hostel: Hostel facilities for 300 students with double and single rooms with necessary, Kitchen, dining and recreation facilities as outlined below: (B). Laboratories. Fundamental of Nursing Nutrition Midwifery and child health lab Community health lab Computer lab with basic software (10 PCs with one printer) The School of Nursing should have a separate building. The School of Nursing should be near to its parent hospital having space for expansion in an institutional area. For a School with an annual admission capacity of 75 students, the constructed area of the school/college should be 23,720 sq. feet. Adequate hostel/residential accommodation for students and staff should be available in addition to the above mentioned built up area of the Nursing School respectively. The details of the constructed area are given below for admission capacity of 75 students. 9 C. Area requirement (constructed): S. No. 1. 2. Teaching Block Lecture Hall (i) Nursing foundation lab (ii) CHN (iii) Nutrition (iv) OBG and Pediatrics lab 3. Pre-clinical science lab 4. Computer Lab 5. Multipurpose Hall 6. Common Room (Male & Female) 7. Staff Room 8. Principal Room 9. Vice Principal Room 10. Library 11. A.V. Aids Room 12. One room for each Head of Departments 13. Faculty Room 14. Provisions for Toilets Total Hostel Block S. No. Hostel Block 1. Single Room / Double Room 2. Sanitary 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. Visitor Room Reading Room Store Recreation Room Sick Room Guest Room Dining Hall Kitchen & Store Total Grand Total: 23720 + 36750 = 60470 Sqr. Ft. Area(In Sq. feet) 4 @ 1080 = 4320 1500 900 900 900 900 1500 3000 2000 1000 300 200 2400 600 800 2400 1000 23720 Area (In Sq feet) 30000 One latrine & One Bath room (for 5 students) - 500 250 250 500 400 100 250 3000 1500 36750 Sqr. Ft. School and College of nursing can share laboratories, if they are in same campus under same name and under same trust, that is the institution is one but offering different nursing programmes. However they should have equipments and articles proportionate to the strength of admission. And the class rooms should be available as per the requirement stipulated by Indian Nursing Council of each programme. 10 Note: Proportionately the size of the built-up area will increase according to the number of students admitted. 3.6 3.7. Clinical facility for ANM School: A School for the training of the ANMs should be located in the Community Health Centre (PHC annex), or a Rural Hospital having a bed strength of minimum 30 and maximum 50 and serving an area with Community Health Programme. The school should also be affiliated with a district hospital or a secondary level Care Hospital in order to provide experiences of secondary level health care and extensive gynae-obstetrical care. The affiliated hospital should provide residential facility for students posted for clinical experience. Bed Occupancy on the average to be between 60-70%. Student patient ratio should be maintained at 1:3. Clinical Facility for GNM School: The School should have a 120-150 bedded parent/affiliated Hospital for 40 candidates (the proportionate number of beds to be added for the additional seats). Distribution of beds in different areas is as follows: Medical Surgical Obst. & Gynaecology Pediatrics Ortho 30 30 30 20 10 Bed Occupancy of the Hospital should be minimum 75%. Affiliated Hospitals The size of the Hospital/Nursing Home for affiliation should not be less than 50 beds. Specialities and facilities for clinical experience in the following areas are also required for which institution can get affiliated with other hospital/nursing home where the required areas are available. Major OT, Minor OT, Dental, Eye/ENT, Burns and Plastic, Neonatology with Nursery, Communicable disease, Cardiology, Oncology, Neurology/Neuro-Surgery, Nephrology, ICU/CCU etc. (in case these departments are not available in the parent or affiliated hospital student should be given clinical experience in these departments wherever the facilities are available). Affiliation of psychiatric hospital should be of minimum 30-50 beds wherever available. The Nursing Staffing norms in the affiliated Hospital should be as per the INC norms. 11 The affiliated Hospital should give student status to the candidates of the nursing programme. 1:3 student patient ratio to be maintained. Affiliation to Rural and Urban Health Centers for practicing community health nursing is also required. 4. Staffing pattern for ANM /GNM School: 4. 1.: ANM School: S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Name of the post Principal Nursing Officer Nursing Tutor Clerk *Chowkidar Peon Cleaner Safai Karamchari *Cook/helper House Keeper/ Warden *Driver Total * These posts can be outsourced Number required 1 5 1 5 2 1 3 3 1 1 23 4. 2: Staffing for GNM School: S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Name of the post Principal Vice Principal Sister Tutor * Stenographer * Clerk * Librarian * Lab. Attendant * Chowkidar * Driver Number required 10. 11. 12. * Cleaner * Cook * House Keeper/ Warden 13. * Peon 14. * Safai Karam Chari Total * These posts can be outsourced 12 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 5 1 (depend on number of vehicle) 1 4 3 3 3 40 No part time nursing faculty will be counted for calculating total no. of faculty required for a college. Irrespective of number of admissions, all faculty positions must be filled. All nursing teachers must possess a basic university or equivalent qualification as laid down in the schedules of the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947. They shall be registered under the State Nursing Registration Act. Nursing faculty must possess the requisite recognized Post Graduate/B.Sc (N) or Post Basic B.Sc. (N) qualification in nursing subjects. All teachers of nursing other than Principal/Principal Nursing Officer should spend at least FOUR hours in the clinical area for clinical teaching and/Field experience. Principal Nursing Officer should regularly conduct supervisory rounds in community and hospital clinical field, wherever the students are posted. Principal School of Nursing should have drawing and dispersing authority in order to smoothly plan and implement school budget. Note: induction Training programme with minimum 15 days duration should be part of recruitment process and there should be provision for undergoing Continuing Nursing education at regular intervals. 4.3. Monitoring and evaluation of the programme includes (Annexure-V): Preparation of budget proposal, annual plan. Utilization of fund and preparation of annual report. Submission of Annual Report with Utilization Certificate And Audited Statement of Expenditure 5. Lab. Equipments: The details are given at Annexure –I A & B for ANM & GNM respectively. 6. Furniture requirement: The details are given at Annexure –II A & B for ANM & GNM respectively. 7. Checklist for ANM/GNM is given at Annexure-III. *********** 13 Annexure-I-A Lab Equipments - ANM S. No Name of the Lab Equipment Quantity A. Patient Care simulators 1. Patient cots – Adult 2 Child 2 2. Birthing/Female Dummy (Zoe Model)/ 1 obstetrical training manikin-dummy with doll 3. IUD 4. New born resuscitation 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Equipments Spiro meter Nebulizer Glucometer Foetal Dopler Electronic Coat Monitors Ambubag-Mask (different size) Water/Air mattress Bed side locker Stools/Chair Manikins for demonstrating procedures Adult male Adult Female Child New Born CPR Trays different sizes 24”x16” 14”x10” 11”x9” 8”x5” Trays with Cover Assorted Sizes Bowls 16” diameter 10” diameter 4” diameter 2-3” diameter 4 4 nursing 1 1 2 2 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 14 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Bowls with Cover 6” diameter 4” diameter Enema (disposable Sets) Kidney trays of assorted sizes Measuring Jugs 1000 ml. 500 ml. 250 ml. Basins Assorted size basins Knife dish with cover Feeding Cups Bed Pans Jars with Covers 12”x8” 26. Trolleys with Upper and Lower Shelves 27. Pint measure 28. Mugs B. Instruments 29. Cheatle forceps 30. Sponge Holding Forceps 31. Artery Clamps (i) Straight 6” (ii) Curved 6” 32. Dissecting Forceps (i) Toothed (ii) Non-Toothed 33. Mouth gag 34. Tongue Depressor 35. Tongue holding forceps 36. Catheters 37. Oxygen cylinder with stand 38. Oxygen mask 12 12 15 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 25. C. Glass-Ware 39. Measuring Cups (i) 240 ml (ii) 120 ml. (iii) 30 ml. 40. Clinical Thermometers (i) Oral(Digital) 2 1 2 2 4 4 6 4 6 6 4 4 4 4 1 1 6 6 6 6 15 (ii) Room D. Syringes and Needles 41. Syringes (i) 2 ml. (ii) 5 ml. (iii) 10 ml. (iv) 20 ml. 42. Tuberculin syringe 43. Insulin Syringe with needle 44. Needles- All sizes E. Suture Material 45. Needle Holder (i) 6”-7”-8” 46. Suture Cutting Scissors 47. Suture Needle (i) Straight (ii) Curved 48. Suture Thread (i) Silks (ii) Cotton 49. Catgut (i) Silk (ii) Cotton 50. Catgut tube breaker 51. Suture Clip 52. Suture Clip applier and remover F. Rubber Goods 53. Mackintosh roll (i) Full bed length (ii) Draw Mackintosh 54. Hot water bag 55. Gloves different sizes 56. Catheters (i) Folley’s Catheter (ii) Nasal Catheter (iii) Rectal Catheter 57. Air Rings 58. Mucus Sucker 59. Breast Pump 60. Nipple Shield 61. Ryle’s Tube 16 2 12 12 12 12 6 6 One Dozen each 6 each 6 6 6 2 packets 2 Packets 6 Tubes 6 Tubes 2 1 Packet 2 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 6 62. Flatus Tube G. Miscellaneous Items 63. Mortar and Pestle 64. Wooden Shock Blocks 65. Spirit Lamp 66. Test Tube Stand 67. Test Tube Holder 68. Torch 69. Nail Brush 70. Adult weighing Scale 71. Baby weighing Scale 72. Back Rest 73. Splints different sizes 74. Bandages different sizes 75. Adhesive Tapes 76. I.V. Stand 77. Tape Measure 78. Bucket with cover 79. Comb 80. Sphygmomanometer a. Regular b. Electronic 81. Stethoscope 82. Soap and Soap Dish 83. Dust Bins 84. Over bed Table (Heart Table) 85. Screens/bed side curtains 86. Three way adapter 87. Dettol 88. Phenyle 89. M. Spirit 90. Benedict’s solution 91. Tr. Iodine/Betadine 92. Tr. Benzoin 93. Nitric Acid 94. Acetic acid 95. Sulphur powder 96. Ammonium sulphate crystals 97. Vaseline 98. Glycerine 99. Liquid paraffin 100. Potassium permanganate crystals 17 6 6 2 Pairs 6 6 12 2 6 2 2 2 12 12 each 2 2 6 6 6 6 2 6 12 6 2 2 3 1 Bottle 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Half Kg. Half Kg. 1 Jar 1 bottle 1 200 Gm. 101. 102. 103. 104. H. Linen 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. Boric solutions Hydrogen peroxide Sodium Bi corbonate powder Litmus paper strips red and blue Mattress (i) Adult (ii) Child Mattress cover (i) Adult (ii) Child Bed Sheets Baby cot sheets Draw Sheets Pillows – Large - Small Pillow Covers - Large - Small Blankets Bed Spreads Towels (i) Bath (ii) Hand Sponge Cloth Air ring/cushion covers Gowns – Mask Patient’s Clothes (i) Male (ii) Female (iii) Baby dresses of different sizes (iv) Diapers different sizes Trolley Cover Dirty Linen Bag/Box Leggings Perineal Sheets Triangular Bandages Manytailed bandaged Eye Shields Dusters Slings ‘T’ binder Screen Curtains 18 1 bottle 1 200 Gm. 2 2 2 4 2 10 2 10 2 2 4 4 4 12 12 12 6 8 4 4 3 3 2 1 2 pairs 5 12 12 5 24 6 2 2 sets Midwifery and Child Health Laboratory Simulators 130. Birthing/ Female Dummy (Zoe 1 Model)/obstetrical training manikindummy with doll 131. IUD 132. New born resuscitation 133. Spiro meter 134. Nebulizer 135. Glucometer 136. Foetal Dopler 137. Electronic Coat 138. Monitors 139. Ambubag-Mask (different size) 140. Water/Air mattress Models/Charts 141. Stages of Development of Embryo 2 Seats each 142. Female bony pelvis 4 143. Foetal Skull 2 144. Penis model 145. Placenta 2 146. Full size foetus 4 147. New Born Baby 2 148. Breast Changes in pregnancy 1 149. Uterine changes in pregnancy showing height 1 of uterus at different terms of pregnancy 150. Stages of Labour (i) First Stage 1 (ii) Second Stage 1 (iii) Third Stage 1 151. Breech Presentation (i) Complete breech 1 (ii) Incomplete breech 1 (iii) Foot presentation 1 (iv) Shoulder presentation 1 152. Face Presentation 1 153. Brow Presentation 1 154. Twin pregnancy 1 155. Placenta praevia different stages 1 156. Caput Succedaneum, Cephalhaematoma 1 157. Congenital Malformation of New Born (i) Cleft Lip – Palate 1 19 158. (ii) Spina Bifida (iii) Hydrocephalus (iv) Anencephalus Community Bag 1 1 1 10 C. Instruments 159. Vaginal Speculum (i) Sims (different sizes) (ii) Cusco’s (different sizes) 160. Cervical Dilators all sizes 161. Anterior Vaginal wall Retractor 162. Uterine Vulsellum 163. Sponge Holding Forcep 164. Ovum Forceps 165. Uterine Flushing Curette 166. Uterine Sound 167. Mucus Sucker 168. Pelvimeter 169. Foetoscope 2 2 One set 2 2 2 1 1 1 6 1 2 D. Midwifery Kit for Home Delivery : Total No. of Kits - 15 Each kit will contain following items:170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. Bowls medium and Small Kidney tray medium, small Enema can with tubing Foetoscope Artery Forceps Thumb Forceps Toothed – No Toothed Cord cutting blade/scissors Cord Ties Mucus Sucker Cotton swabs Mackintosh Glove Mask Apron Rubber Catheters Spring balance color coated Syringe with needles 2cc-5cc-10cc Shaving Set 20 2 each 2 each 1 1 2 1 each 1 1 1 1 2 pairs 1 1 1 1 1 each 1 188. 189. 190. 191. Spirit Soap with dish Hand Towels Measure tape Newspapers 1 1 1 1 E. Nutrition Laboratory 192. Gas stoves with cylinders/pipe line tubings 193. Gas lighters 194. Pressure cookers of different sizes – 1 Kg. & 2 Kg. 195. Steel cooking vessels big, medium and small sizes 196. Cutlery set 197. Ladles (wooden spoons / spatulas) 198. Juice squeezer 199. Water reservoir 200. Sauce pans with handle medium and small size 201. Spoons Serving spoons 202. Tea spoons 203. Table spoons 204. Dessert spoons 205. Soup spoons 206. Rice serving spoons 207. Bowls (Wati) 208. Soup bowls 209. Forks 210. Sieve 211. Tongs 212. Knives 213. Peeler 214. Vegetables cutters 215. Vegetable cutting plate 216. Water filter / Aqua quard 217. Flask 218. Frying pans 219. Tawa 220. Vessel holders (Chimta) 221. Mixer with accessories 222. Glasses for drinking water (steel) 223. Glasses for drinking water (glass) 224. Kitchen Weighing scale 21 2 2 2 each 3 each 1 12 1 1 2 6 24 12 12 25 3 4 25 36 36 2 6 3 6 6 1 2 6 6 6 1 24 24 1 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. Chapathi making plate & rolling pin Measuring scoops Napkins Glass bowls Tea Strainer Egg beater Toaster Microwave with appropriate cooking vessels Dinner set (12 persons) Tea set (12 persons) Refrigerator 6 2 sets 24 24 6 6 2 1 2 2 1 F. Community Health Laboratory 236. Community bags 12 237. Tables 3 238. Chairs 25 239. Steriliser 1 240. Infant weighing scale 5 241. Salter scale 1 242. Spring balance 1 243. Weighing machine 2 244. Sphygmomanometers 5 245. Stethescopes 5 246. Dari/mats for health education purpose 2 247. A.V. Aids on different topics in the form of posters Flip charts Flash cards etc. 248. Community with separate compartments for clean articles, urine testing kit and hand washing kit with the following articles (6) 249. Assessment articles: (i) Thermometer 1 (ii) Tape measure 1 (iii) Stethoscope 1 (iv) Fetus scope 1 250. Hand washing articles: (i) Soap dish with soap 1 (ii) Hand towel 1 (iii) Nail brush 1 (iv) Water proof bag 1 251. Urine testing kit: 22 252. 253. (i) Test tubes (ii) Test tube holder (iii) Spirit lamp (iv) Dropper (v) Benedicts’s solution in a bottle (vi) Glass syringe Dressing kit: (i) Bag of sterilized dressing (ii) Antiseptic in a bottle (iii) Artery forceps (iv) Dissecting forceps non toothed (v) Dissecting forceps toothed (vi) Small Bowl (vii) Small kidney tray (viii) Suture cutting scissors / dressing scissors Medicines: Labeled medicines for essential treatment of minor ailment 23 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Annexure – I.B Lab. Equipment -GNM S.No Name of the Lab Equipment A. Equipments 1. Patient cots – Adult Child Bed side locker Stools/Chair 2. 3. 4. 5. Quantity 6 2 8 8 Simulators Birthing/ Female Dummy (Zoe Model)/obstetrical training manikin-dummy with doll IUD Manikins/Patient care simulators for demonstrating nursing procedures Adult male Adult Female Child CPR – Adult – New Born IV intubation arm Spiro meter Nebulizer Glucometer Foetal Dopler Electronic Coat ECG Monitors Ambubag-Mask (different size) Pulse-Oximeter Water/Air mattress Trays different sizes 24”x16” 14”x10” 11”x9” 8”x5” Trays with Cover Assorted Sizes Bowls 16” diameter 10” diameter 4” diameter 2-3” diameter Bowls with Cover 24 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 6” diameter 4” diameter Enema Can 1 lt. Capacity ½ lt. Capacity Kidney trays of assorted sizes Measuring Jugs 1000 ml. 500 ml. 250 ml. Basins: Assorted size basins Catheter dish with cover Knife dish with cover Feeding Cups Douche Can Sputum Mugs Bed Pans Urinals-Male Funnel 4” diameter 2” diameter Jars with Covers 12”x8” 6”x4” Dressing Drums 8”x4” 12”x9” Tub for sits bath Sauce pan with lid 1 lt. Capacity 2 lt. Capacity Kettle 1 lt. Capacity 2 lt. Capacity Trolleys with Upper and Lower Shelves Pint measure Galli posts Mugs Bottle brush B. Instruments 28. Cheatle forceps 29. Sponge Holding Forceps 12 12 4 4 15 6 6 6 12 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 25 30. Artery Clamps (i) Straight 6” (ii) Curved 6” 31. Dissecting Forceps (i) Toothed (ii) Non-Toothed 32. Mouth gag 33. Tongue Depressor 34. Tongue holding forceps 35. Catheters 36. Oxygen cylinder with stand 37. Oxygen mask C. Glass-Ware 38. Measuring Cups 1. 240 ml 2. 120 ml. 3. 30 ml. 39. Thermometers 1. Oral 2. Rectal 3. Bath 4. Room 5. Lotion D. Syringes and Needles 40. Syringes 1. 2 ml. 2. 5 ml. 3. 10 ml. 4. 20 ml. 41. Tuberculin syringe 42. Insulin Syringe with needle 43. Needles- All sizes 6 4 6 6 4 4 4 4 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 12 12 12 12 6 6 One each Infusion pump E. Suture Material 44. Needle Holder 1. 6”-7”-8” 45. Suture Cutting Scissors 46. Suture Needle 1. Straight 2. Curved 6 each 6 6 6 26 Dozen 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Suture Thread 1. Silks 2. Cotton Catgut 1. Silk 2. Cotton Catgut tube breaker Suture Clip Suture Clip applier and remover F. Rubber Goods 52. Mackintosh roll 1. Full bed length 2. Draw Mackintosh 3. Extra fir treatment and dressing etc. 53. Hot water bag 54. Ice Caps/ Ice collar Corrugated rubber sheet 55. Gloves different sizes 56. Catheters (i) Urinary Catheter (ii) Folley’s Catheter (iii) Nasal Catheter (iv) Plain Catheter (v) Rectal Catheter 57. Mucus Sucker 58. Breast Pump 59. Nipple Shield 60. Ryle’s Tube 61. Flatus Tube G. Miscellaneous Items 62. Mortar and Pestle 63. Nelson’s Inhaler 64. Wooden Shock Blocks 65. Spirit Lamp 66. Test Tube Stand 67. Test Tube Holder 68. Torch 69. Nail Brush 70. Adult weighing Scale 71. Baby weighing Scale 2 packets 2 Packets 6 Tubes 6 Tubes 2 1 Packet 2 5 5 12 5 6 1 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 6 6 6 6 2 Pairs 6 6 12 2 6 2 2 27 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. Back Rest Splints different sizes Bandages different sizes Adhesive Tapes I.V. Stand Tape Measure Bucket with cover Comb Sphygmomanometer c. Regular d. Electronic Stethoscope Soap and Soap Dish Dust Bins Over bed Table (Heart Table) Screens/bed side curtains Three way adapter Dettol Phenyle M. Spirit Tr. Iodine/Betadine Tr. Benzoin Nitric Acid Acetic acid Sulphur powder Ammonium sulphate crystals Vaseline Glycerine Liquid paraffin Potassium permanganate crystals Boric solutions Hydrogen peroxide Sodium Bi corbonate powder Litmus paper strips red and blue 2 12 12 each 2 2 6 6 6 6 2 6 12 6 2 2 3 1 Bottle 1 1 1 1 1 1 Half Kg. Half Kg. 1 Jar 1 bottle 1 200 Gm. 1 bottle 1 200 Gm. 2 H. Linen 104. 105. Mattress 1. Adult 2. Child Mattress cover 1. Adult 2. Child 6 2 6 2 28 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. Bed Sheets - Baby sheets Draw Sheets Pillows – Large - Small Pillow Covers- Large - Small Blankets Bed Spreads Towels 1. Bath 2. Hand 3. Surgical 4. Packing 5. Towel clips Sponge Cloth Hot water bag cover Ice Cap Covers Gowns – Mask Patient’s Clothes 1. Male 2. Female 3. Baby dresses of different sizes 4. Diapers different sizes Trolley Cover Dirty Linen Bag/Box Leggings Perineal Sheets Triangular Bandages Manytailed bandaged Eye Shields Dusters Slings ‘T’ binder Screen Curtains Midwifery and Child Health Laboratory A. Models/Charts 129. Stages of Development of Embryo 130. Female bony pelvis 131. Foetal Skull 132. Female Dummy (Zoe Model)/obstetrical training manikin-dummy with doll 29 30 12 12 12 6 24 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 each 12 sets 12 sets 6 sets 12 5 1 2 pairs 5 12 12 5 24 6 2 2 sets 2 Seats each 4 2 1 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. Placenta 2 Full size foetus 4 New Born Baby 2 Breast Changes in pregnancy 1 Uterine changes in pregnancy showing height of 1 uterus at different terms of pregnancy Stages of Labour 1. First Stage 1 2. Second Stage 1 3. Third Stage 1 Breech Presentation 1. Complete breech 1 2. Incomplete breech 1 3. Foot presentation 1 4. Shoulder presentation 1 Face Presentation 1 Brow Presentation 1 Twin pregnancy 1 Placenta praevia different stages 1 Caput Succedaneum, Cephalhaematoma 1 Congenital Malformation of New Born 1. Cleft Lip – Palate 1 2. Spina Bifida 1 3. Hydrocephalus 1 4. Anencephalus 1 C. Instruments 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. Vaginal Speculum (iii) Sims (different sizes) (iv) Cusco’s (different sizes) Cervical Dilators all sizes Anterior Vaginal wall Retractor Uterine Vulsellum Sponge Holding Forcep Ovum Forceps Uterine Flushing Curette Uterine Sound Mucus Sucker Pelvimeter Foetoscope 30 2 2 One set 2 2 2 1 1 1 6 1 2 D. Midwifery Kit for Home Delivery : Total No. of Kits - 15 Each kit will contain following items:157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. Bowls medium and Small Kidney tray medium, small Enema can with tubing Foetoscope Artery Forceps Thumb Forceps Toothed – No Toothed Cord cutting blade/scissors Cord Ties Mucus Sucker Cotton swabs Mackintosh Glove Mask Apron Rubber Catheters Spring balance color coated Syringe with needles 2cc-5cc-10cc Shaving Set Spirit Soap with dish Hand Towels Measure tape Newspapers E. Nutrition Laboratory 179. Gas stoves with cylinders/pipe line tubings 180. Gas lighters 181. Pressure cookers of different sizes – 1 Kg. & 2 Kg. 182. Steel cooking vessels big, medium and small sizes 183. Cutlery set 184. Ladles (wooden spoons / spatulas) 185. Juice squeezer 186. Water reservoir 187. Sauce pans with handle medium and small size 188. Spoons Serving spoons Tea spoons Table spoons Dessert spoons 31 2 each 2 each 1 1 2 1 each 1 1 1 1 2 pairs 1 1 1 1 1 each 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 each 3 each 1 12 1 1 2 6 24 12 12 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. Soup spoons Rice serving spoons Bowls (Wati) Soup bowls Forks Sieve Tongs Knives Peeler Vegetables cutters Vegetable cutting plate Water filter / Aqua quard Flask Frying pans Tawa Vessel holders (Chimta) Mixer with accessories Glasses for drinking water (steel) Glasses for drinking water (glass) Kitchen Weighing scale Chapathi making plate & rolling pin Measuring scoops Napkins Glass bowls Tea Strainer Egg beater Toaster Microwave with appropriate cooking vessels Dinner set (12 persons) Tea set (12 persons) Refrigerator F. Community Health Laboratory 218. Community bags 219. Tables 220. Chairs 221. Steriliser 222. Infant weighing scale 223. Salter scale 224. Spring balance 225. Weighing machine 226. Sphygmomanometers 227. Stethescopes 25 3 4 25 36 36 2 6 3 6 6 1 2 6 6 6 1 24 24 1 6 2 sets 24 24 6 6 2 1 2 2 1 12 3 25 1 5 1 1 2 5 5 32 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. Dari/mats for health education purpose 2 A.V. Aids on different topics in the form of posters Flip charts Flash cards etc. Community with separate compartments for clean articles, urine testing kit and hand washing kit with the following articles (6) Assessment articles: 1. Thermometer 1 2. Tape measure 1 3. Stethoscope 1 4. Fetus scope 1 Hand washing articles: 1. Soap dish with soap 1 2. Hand towel 1 3. Nail brush 1 4. Water proof bag 1 Urine testing kit: Dressing kit: 1. Bag of sterilized dressing 1 2. Antiseptic in a bottle 1 3. Artery forceps 1 4. Dissecting forceps non toothed 1 5. Dissecting forceps toothed 1 6. Small Bowl 1 7. Small kidney tray 1 8. Suture cutting scissors / dressing scissors 1 Medicines: Labeled medicines for essential treatment of minor ailment. 33 Annexure II A LIST OF FURNITURE - ANM Class Room Black/green/white board: Dais Big table Armed chair Student’s chair Racks / Cupboards (Big) 1 per CR 1 1 1 60 3 in each Class Room MCH/CH Lab. Bed with Mattress : Cupboards: S S Sink with drainage board Student Chairs Table: Charpai: Tripods for A.V. Aids Screen Cupboards: 8 10 1 10 1 1 1 1 2 Nutrition Lab Work Table, gas stove with built in Shelf/Rack /Cupboards : S.S. Sink with drainage board, display table Multi Purpose Hall, Chairs 300 Mike, Curtain, light fittings, fan etc Library: Chairs : Table (Big) Bar-coding equipment 40 5 Principal Office Room Sofa set, Table, Chair cupboards & Iron safe Faculty & Staff Room Chairs: Cupboards(Big) Small cupboards: Book shelf 30 6 6 2-4 34 6 Store Room Cupboards : Shelves 3 2 AV/AIDS OHP LCD projector Computer with printer 2 1 1 Other Equipments Telephone Tele-fax Photocopier HOSTEL BLOCK Students Room furniture: Bed with Mattress Study table Chair Cupboards 120 120 120 120 Visitors Room : Sofa Set Central table Garden Chairs 4 set 2 20 Dining Hall Dining Table Chair Wash basin Shelf/Rack 12 with seating capacity of 10 130 4-5 3 with partition to keep students plate etc Kitchen : Wash basin: Rack/ Shelves Cupboard Store Room Shelves Cupboard 2 1 5 1 35 Kitchen Articles (Hostel): Cooking Utensils with lid assorted size, Shape and varieties. Plates , Spoon and Glass for each student : 120 Serving Spoons with lid assorted size, Shape and varieties Laddles assorted size, Shape. Rolling Pin and Chakla 3 Souse Pan, Large Tae kettle, canister etc with 100 cup capacity : 2 Knife Set : -2 Serving Vessels (Donkas & Plate) assorted size, Shape and varieties . ******* 36 Annexure II B GNM LIST OF FURNITURE Class Room Black/green/white board: Dais Big table Armed chair Student’s chair Racks / Cupboards (Big) 1 per CR 1 1 1 60 3 in each Class Room Fundamentals of Nursing Laboratory Bed with Mattress : 8 Cupboards: 10 Wash Basin 1 Student Chairs 10 Table: 1 Community Lab Charpai: AV aides stands Cupboards: 1 1 2 Nutrition Lab Work Table : Shelf/Rack /Cupboards : Wash basin Gas stove Display table 6 6 1 6 1 Computer Lab 20 computers with basic software and other accessories Multi Purpose Hall, Chairs 500 Mike, Curtain, light fittings, fan etc Library: Chairs : Table (Big) Bar-coding equipment 40 5 37 Principal Office Room Sofa set, Table, Chair cupboards & Iron safe Vice-Principal Office Room Sofa set, Table, Chair cupboards HOD Room (per unit) Chair Table Cupboard 3 1 1 Faculty & Staff Room , Chairs: Cupboards(Big) Small cupboards: Book shelf 30 6 6 2-4 Store Room Cupboards : Shelves 3 2 AV/AIDS OHP LCD projector Computer with printer 2 1 1 Other Equipments Telephone Tele-fax Photocopier HOSTEL BLOCK Students Room furniture: Bed with Mattress Study table Chair Cupboard 300 300 300 300 38 Visitors Room : Sofa Set Central table Garden Chairs 4 set 2 20 Dining Hall Dining Table Chair Wash basin Shelf/Rack 12 with seating capacity of 10 130 4-5 3 with partition to keep students plate etc Kitchen : Wash basin: Rack/ Shelves Cupboard Store Room Shelves Cupboard 2 1 5 1 Kitchen Articles (Hostel): Cooking Utensils with lid assorted size, Shape and varieties. Plates , Spoon and Glass for each student : 120 Serving Spoons with lid assorted size, Shape and varieties Laddles assorted size, Shape. Rolling Pin and Chakla 3 Souse Pan, Large Tae kettle, canister etc with 100 cup capacity : 2 Knife Set : -2 Serving Vessels (Donkas & Plate) assorted size, Shape and varieties . ******** 39 Annexure III Check list for setting up of ANM/GNM Schools 1. Name of the district where GNM Schools to be setup 2. Name of the district where ANM Schools to be setup 3. Confirmation of availability of Land for (i) (ii) 4. ANM Schools GNM Schools Agency through which the project is to be implemented 5. Name of the Hospitals with which the institution to be affiliated for clinical facilities 6. Name of the CHC/PHC for affiliation of GNM/ANM schools 7. Confirmation for recruiting and making available trained faculty 8. Signed copy of Memorandum of Understanding For release of funds 1. Name of Contact Person (competent authority) to whom the amount to be released 2. Address with Pin code 3. E-mail Address of contact person 4. Telephone number 5. Act/Registration Number 6. Date of registration 7. TIN number 8. TAN number 9. Name and Address of BANK 10. Bank account Number 11. RTGS code 12. Formal declaration that the above mentioned bank account has been duly approved by the Secretary of the Department concerned and also such account shall be jointly operated by the Officer Incharge along with another Officer to be specified 40 Annexure-IV MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and the __________________________________ (Name of the States) Preamble The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and the ------------------------------ hereinafter called the ‘Partners", found it mutually beneficial to have a formal understanding between the two Partners in setting up of ANM/GNM Schools in identified districts of the state to meet shortage of nurses. Both the partners have arrived at an understanding as indicated below: 1. The Partners. The Partners of this Memorandum of Understanding are the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, represented by the Nursing Adviser, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on one side and the ------------------ represented by the ---------------------- on the other side. 2. Objective. To set up of ANM/GNM Schools to meet the shortage of Nurses and to improve the quality of nursing in the state. 3. Details of Understanding: The Partners, after due consideration of various aspects have arrived at the following understanding in respect of the programme mentioned in the earlier paragraphs. (i) State Government will provide the required land for the construction of the ANM/GNM schools. (ii) The cost would be shared between the Central Government and State Government in the ratio of 85:15. (iii) The recurring costs of running the ANM/GNM schools should be taken over by the State Governments after the XIth Plan. This could be included as a condition in the MoU. (iv) A uniform construction cost for the schools would be adopted. The rates for civil works to be limited to CPWD Schedules of Rates. (v) The scheme, of establishing ANM/GNM schools, is only for the identified districts in the states preferably where there is no such school in the district. (vi) The recruitment of the faculty would be done through Central Selection Committee associating concerned State Government. 41 (vii) Location: - The services shall be performed at the identified locations as per Annexure I. (viii) Authorized representatives: - Any action required or permitted to be taken, and any document required or permitted to be executed, under this MoU by the State or Centre may be taken or executed by the officials specified for the purpose. (ix) Designs of the school buildings would be made by the architect of Ministry of Health & FW 4. Commencement, Completion, Modification and Termination of Contract: 4.1 (a) Effectiveness of Contract: - This contract shall come into effect on the date the Contract is signed by both parties and such other later date as may be stated. 4.2 (b) Commencement of Services:- The State shall begin carrying out the Services thirty (30) days after the date the Contract becomes effective, or at such other date as may be specified. 4.3 (c) Expiration of contracts: - This contract shall terminate at the end of such time period after the effective date as is specified. 5. Terms & Condition of payment: - Payment will be made to the account of the State concerned and the Central & State share for the project will be in the ratio of 85:15. 6. Description of the Services 1.1 The project shall be executed on deposit work basis for which funds for construction & procurement shall be made available in advance. 7. Modification The MOU may be amended by mutual consent through an exchange of correspondences between the two Partners. 8. Undertaking (i) Certified that land for School of Nursing would be provided by the concerned State Government. (ii) Certified that the recurring expenditure for running the ANM/GNM School will be born by the State Government. 42 9. Signatures Signed, on the _____day of ___________ (English month) of ________(year) corresponding to the of -------------------(Hindi month) of ………..(Saka) in two originals each in Hindi and English languages, all text being equally authentic. In case of doubt in interpretations, the English text shall prevail. For the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 43 Annexure-V MANDATE FORM ELECTRONIC CLEARING SERVICE (CREDIT CLEARING) / REAL TIME GROSS SETTLEMENT(RTGS) FACILITY FOR RECEIVEING PAYMENTS A. Details of Account Holder 1. Name of Account Holder 2. Complete contact Address 3. Telephone number / FAX /E-mail B. Bank Account Details 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bank Name Branch Name with complete Address Telephone number / E-mail Weather the branch is computerized Weather the branch is RTGS enabled? If yes, then what is the branch’s IFTC code. Is the branch also NEFT enable? Type of Bank Account number(SB/Current/Cash credit) Complete Bank Account number(Latest) MICR code of Bank Date of Effect I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information. I would not hold the user Institution responsible. I have read the option invitation letter and agree to discharge responsibility expected of me as a participant under the Scheme. (………………………………….) Signature of Customer Date Certificate that the particulars furnished above are correct as per our records. (……………………………………) Signature of Customer (Bank‘s Stamp) Date 44 1. Please attach a photocopy of a cheque along with the verification obtained from the Bank. 2. In case your Bank Branch is presently not “ RTGS” enabled, then upon its up gradation to “RTGS” enabled Branch, please submit the information in the above Performa to the Department at the earliest 45 Annexure-VI Monthly Report Organization Year: Part – A Reporting Month _______________ 1. Scheduled Activities for the month 2. Allocation of fund 3. Expenditure Month 4. Release of funds Cumulative Release Expenditure Cumulative Expenditure Civil Work: Month Teaching Block Status of completion Hostel Block Status of completion Lab Items AV-aids Stationary 5. Procurement : Month Furniture Part -B 6. Recruitment of Faculty and other position: Month Category Creation Recruitment Total Duration of Training No. Trained Remarks 7. Induction Training for faculty Month Category 8. Month 1. 2. 3. 4. Other Activities Activities Status Position Clearance Affiliation Admission Utilisation Certificate & Statement of Expenditure submission 46 Remarks
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