NORTHERN TRIBtTNE, GOUVERNEUR. X. Y. aEsaaaessBsssssss •J 0/ temperance or NORTHERS NEW YORK PEARLS. A valuable horse belonging to A Highest of aU in Leeveniiif P o w t ^ ^ U t o C U . S C o v ^ ^ K O B T H E R N T R I B U N E . Kessor, 0f Lewis Jefferson and and used by l b s Benedict Tear! ti-hiDit m Kish creek, Lewi^ ooqnue^ are to hold a Lumber company, aocidently fell T U E S D A Y , J U L Y SO, IStft. Couaty. in pruvtrij; ID many caaes a in Herncka grove into the river at West Carthage docks <r tfme*jna**r i»kl* at XelU 00 the \5th, 16th a lucrative businit** The largest Thuraday morning He was attached „ef l i t Final I I N W ef a Ely MINOR MENTION . t o n heavy dump cart and it waa • *oly and ITth of Auirust. The beat taletu tilal-* r>'p.jrtM arv those of Harr> Undertaking. by the hardest kind of work that he u i t h e a i a t e will be soured, and al! A'-BLi**y. or U >»n<f m d Henry Kirk To morrow ia he last of July, 1695 waa detached and auved. sr '£*»* ItThmeat^r«n«^[*; r j j w > temperanee organiaatton\ are n<> wf.o iivf in iii^ v u u m y of the creek ;V&«Ir. <***** Ifekin It a well-known eon coidedm^narttalprtvileir^. Kedut-d Mr ,A'.*klfv exhibit*d nearly $\> James Ormiaton and familr are at : I h e coroner* ir.qjeet at Potsdam rates on the R R * , 1 l >tpacser and. re*U<nt ot Syracuse, ami a Point Vivian. ^uri»» of **[\ h 1.V-H up to 16 gram* tu in the caae of Joseph Denee, th J:iefM«a*atatir« business man of that dtr. i Ui8»iiV K.)!!!*^ In talkmg lo a Mark wall the d*te. Gorton*"* reporter l><* t^aid that he had Oat isereteatative fouad hita orerW W h y all this quiet rtgardtn2 the centenarian who waa killed on tht R W. dt O. track Thuraday tuorntog. ' Minstrels in Gorton'« mijniitkvtit 6»en leg tbs sewer work at the Arsenal and la | Gwuverneur fair: tutitir.*: for pearl* the . .*the Wlowiag interview ke deacril*** a*#w brought in a verdict exonerating new private parlor cAr The Cremvnt Kr*vt >r pArt v.: t i e spring ai d that Mrs. C. A Parker visited friends | » hat anally Gom\>bled tat Ug-rn coathe railroad company L>^nee wa> Wie '* p*-url? were the result of hu» William H Hay ward, of Lincoln. The Ladiea Home «*»**** ir^**r in Russell the past weak. _ jbrjotia aaaever unOeitakfa. \ i years old and had"te en the father City."—Stage aeUing^ oi «lk, *i*tin L»borr* {{^ W.TJJ acme what relic**ni Neb., arrived in Lowville the other (gust ia jusa at hand. Um 1 and pluah. The Famed Gold Band "Mr. Dakia. due*ot your business ex ] Rev. Greenftold and Rev. Bummer* of twenty four children a? to tiif* ruanrier of prtx^dure, but day. hav»ng covered the dijtance on ( with go-jd things. F. R J in Free Open Air Concert at noon. poseyonto many unhealthy condition*!'' exchanged pulpits Sunday. j JanieiJ j QCoonor. the well tv AAid iw thought h» had beer, uu hw bicycle in I2j daya He rode a £ina a^new atory ** I aa, I an coutiuuaily catching cold." i Solo orchestra Ar entire new ata*?** fore Breakfast. watch r Pow It affect yuur general Uealth?" I A fai* quality of hay is telling for * known station aicent of Carthajce,I performance. One of the few b u u«*ua.iy ^uc^V1*8flu The larj^eet one ^> pound Monarch wheel with G and nicely; "American Girls i s he LaJ found weighed ju«t 1 » 5 ^raiui» and the tires are aa good a* $15 per too in Lewis county. . " h o was one of the lucky ten in the . ^**H hat broueht on kidae? diaordrra," J urea, ista is brief and pithy: BUI ai.i for tfcn, to^^ther with another j events of the en tire season. Gouver **BaTt you t**m troubled from that new The first day he made 175 •The Woman who most " M weighing but a few grains leas, he source aay length of timet ! neur Opera House. Monday, Auiru*t ^ miles The entire distance is 1 5«»-» j wlll ' I think it started during the war, i s borne in New xorkcit) t>morrow. * F f h i | i y ( o r l h e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ **Oorton'a euperb Creecent City had an offer of I*} His whole a* rauea, or an average of a 1S5 mite a Me i§ upright and humorous ft* Tom Moore's First * watch I took aa active nan, and every 8. F. Hartley and Henry Rogers 'sail next Saturday. Mr O Connor ! Minstrels entertained a eeiect and t»«.»rtment he c^nHuiered to be worth day. Vie found the beet roads Boks ,fc cold I catch hat aggravated I t " came home from tbe nyer to spend . stood sixth in the cooteet. highly appreciative audience. Tjit*^ $17"> or $?«•*» Many of the pearls are through Iowa, and the poorest for heart.' T Whartons A Token;"E W. B e l l a m y . * of exceptional beauty and regularity •* What were the symptoms?" ; Sunday. Rev. Kirby S Miller, of St L o u k autocrats of refined song and daruv of form One in particular. ClOTge making time through New York the Pendening;*" and the ••Lame back and trouble with the kid Mtaa Mary Hill returned today who has occupied the 1'reabytenan were simply great. The sta«e mi specimen,'of color v&natiug betwe^-u state Mr Hayward will remain : technical didactic and moral «ey organism. 1 have doctored for y e a n and used aU kinds of remedfea I heard of. from a visit with Mm. Daniel Fergu pulpit so acceptably the past five tings and costume* are unique ard a U^?ht purple and a delicate shade several dav as the guest of Mr :{for girls and women are and Mr*. F S Stoddard, when he) the music by the gold band was mot&t Sundays, at Elammond without relief. M y ceae to aa fottow* ": fllustraliOM 1 treated t o t h e beet band m u s i c evrr ^ c E VThe w pulpit w ^ next !<?n Americus was of U*ht blue, H e>p*»-iAiiy attractive will leave for New York, and from HtalUnenta The and gone toh ithara • * "8ota* HtUe time ago 1 waa ia a very A beDencial rain came last evening A w w u v T w i m u t c a m e uwi e v e n i n g S u n d a v will be filled h v Vb*v t ^ m ^ i joyed/ — AmenciiA, G a . Tim**and valuable , suberb and the letterpress m 1 thence o Lincoln, Neb., making the , %*& condition, hardly able to hobble i »»•• « „ *»^LkJ^M ! « « f t l ^ Oonvwrntur Opera House Mr. Kirk leads the list with a col- entire journey on his wheel. ' around; 1 had been (a Madison Couaty and continued throwhout the night, j ^ ^ ^ ^ *&TfolLw^LlanSv lection e>f nearly 3w pearls, many The fall was heavy —If you want the beat ceffeesaWMf j the church will be closed " * i Monday, August 5 . poking after a contract there for the State; of whkch are of large size and of ex —Da. Hoasnt—OfHoe in Dewey 6 ' Bcquet and Mocho JSVSL .^Bcaf f » 1 got very weu and. as uaual. waa laid up. Mrs. Isadore Foaver returned yes n ^ m e W ^ ^ ^ ° ^ oeptioual beauty li** ts well known Perrins drug store. r I wai ttrapiy twitted way arouad and terday from the Inlands very much , The new hoard of health were t o ' . ^ " i Swett & Jeffera. * y "'*** jQOabkd up OD one »kie. when I attempted improved in health. ihave met for the first time Ian ! ^ V ^ S l f ^ %}"** d l f n £ l \ a l, in the vicinity of the ftahenea evening. but the meeting of necesa- ^ H i * b ^ L m 4 t h e n e w m ^ A n t c h ° 2 l and has made pearl hunting his bus to stand up it seemed aa though 1 would inees this spring Among his col V »*V *»V '-V •-%? w »-v ' v B a n Linahen and sister. Miss Mag ' ity was postponed unul to mortear out one of my kidaeya, while in this condition 1 saw Dona's Kidney Pills ad- gie, are viaiting points of interest in row night. It is uuderet jod that the building Tuesday evening. August 6 lecuon are two pearls each weighing 3 * vertised. Beiug almost deaperate, I was Quebec and Ontario. j hoard expect to receive estimates for Three members of the hoard of educa n grams and each of almost perfect g{5 yearswill each; the outgoing willing to try uuythmr for relief. I becoustructkn of the Trinity tion be elected for termsmembers of three form These are are considered as A general advance of 15 cents ^ r j the oein^r Geo. 8. Parsons, A. T. Johnson, being two of the most valuable ones gan asing them, and the result was truly Avenue sewer, at the meeting and C H. Graves, A clerk will also found yet. Every nook and corner " wonderful; 1 feel as young at a boy, and barreU on flour went into effect at I The marriage of J A Spencer. Jr be elected by the terms of the recent of the creek is daily searched by tor | it it the first tinf* iu many yean that I this place on Saturday. I and Miss Margaret Board man occurs new law. The polls will he open from tune hunters, many of whom have have been perfe* v from pain in the C. H. Bowne and family left this small of m y ba Jl urinary troubles morning for an extended stay at their at the home of the brides parents, 7.3o o clock to '.). The present board their peculiarities in regard as to the ' Mr. and Mrs. Woster BoardajaU this w i U h o l d i u last meeting Thursday j b e B t ^ ot fludmg l h e pearl yield gone. I am peri' ... well, and no tracet cottage at Murray Hill. j evening. Rev. Dickson wiU^erforTn night next. of my former trouble remain. I gladly [ i n | f <JJaraa, Many are of the opm ion Byron Turnbull of Utica. visited the ceremony. The wejdang will be iscsoeuaend Doan's Kidney PUU " Chet Dntharm w a i arrested for that the most perfect and largest •Price, 50 cetta per box; for sale by all Gouverneur friends last week, re a quiet one, only the fs%flluai of the intoxication Saturday night and Mon- pearls are found in clams of crooked contracting parties being present. dealers or mailed by Fotter- Mil burn Co., turning home yesterday. day morning on being arraigned was and irregular shape and these do not Buffalo, K. Y . tola agents for the U. & Lawyer T. K. Smith, of Syracuse. ' WilliaP. Qay shipped his house tentenced to six month's imprison stop to investitrate the ordicary waa in town yesterday, in connection hold belongings from byracuse to this ment in the Monroe oountv penitenti- d a m —-Rome Citizen. .place, under another m a n s name ary. Dueharm was an old offender: with the Gay auction sale. , I There was an out standing execution thus the Ions; sentence. The case is a ess esa A young barb* r arrived ai t ^ C o m e ; and the goods were seised and sold sad one as Duaharm^eleven m o n t h s HOTHERS of C. E. Bowman, this Ip^rning. j yesterday afternoon at public auc* oWchiklwasbesatvedtobedymgand and those about to weight 10 pounds. Smoke. become mothers, i uon at the l o o t oL t h e park- hy Of- the *Twtu*acke*^iMttetl<*M * fVt *t ty»rii/i know ficer Gilmore, to satisfy the amount, Keep in touch with your home peo hard to part from the tittle one, exf THE JEWELER, Dr. Pierce t Fapecting as he did to never again to pie by having the TRIBCJTE follow you vorite Preacriptioa on your vacation or visits. Merick Rouse of South Rutland, see the child. . robs childbirth of LATXR The child died this morn its torture, terrors The monthly meeting of the official had his pension taken from him, and and danger a to board of the Methodist church U now it is restored again. There has IS -u?hboth mother and called for Saturday evening. been a good deal of such tomfoolery. t The Methodist church was well child, bv aiding Nature in preparing the ulled last evening, the occasion being . In the firtt instance it is paraded as an elocutionary contest for a Demor- .yiteV^pirmrition, Thereby " l a W ' Arthur H. Johnson ^ M 8 couple of weeks with relatives Pf n _ in ^ ^De* a peoaion fraud stopped, and then est prise medal, the affair being con- and alto the period of confinement are kalb Junction and Depeyster. ^ the restoration follows The man ducted by the W . a T. U. The liter- greatly shortened. I t alto promotes an frandaat secretion of nounthment for 4 Miss Lena Jones is visiting friends who reports the fraud ought to be ary program was as follows: *Pro the child. During pregnancy, it pracalls," Miss Ethel Green; rents M morning tacknets" and those at Ogdensburg and will go to Thous- made to suffer.— Waiertown Herald. hibition i4 A Plea for Our Fatherland^ Hias distressing nervous symptoms from and Island Park before returning. Reports of the damage to crops in Katie Sudds, "Alcoholic Slavery," saas Henry B. Howard one of Ogdens this vicinity by the big storm of last Miss Atta 8tacey; **Young Misaion which so many tufier. burg's buisness men, died Saturday Thursday evening, have come in ary," Mats lues Hildreth; *«tbe Boys T«POI, Cottle. Co.% Terms. quite generally. A large number of Ameiica,^ Miss Mildred Taitt; morning. He was aged 55 years. Da. a. V. Ptsmcs, Baffsle, N. Y . : • of Gonverneuhans visited the k Deer S t > - 1 took your M Favorite PreMiss Kate Reynolds is a guest at cemetery Friday and Sundav to look The nDeacon's Sunday/Bchool Ser- scripuoa'* prevkms to coatoetaeat and the Cutting cottage, at Point Vivian. at the wreck of the large, hemlock tnon, Miss Jessie BteMf^atwi; ' T h e m e w did t o well in my UM. It U oauy Martyred M o t h e r , ^ ^ S M a y U s . Miss Mattie Reynolds is at Star Lake. tree, and it certainly did afford a two weeks since sty eoaaaesaeat aad I ata l^ne oomnuttjee o* Bswain www w ~ * able to do tay work. X feel stronger that I Misses Sarah and Helen Eustis, of potent example of the lightning's W. H. Summer^ School commis ever did in atx weeks b e t e s . New York City, are the cuests oi power. stooer R o y w a S l f l s s Wright, The Toart truly, • The Courier says the prospect of prise w a s s ^ ^ a o l t l w l m a y U a j h s their uncle. Root Msrkwkk, and l the successful organisation o c a knit v baving a oodrt of 490 out o l a possible family. -".•'/ ; goods manufactory a t Potsdam Jyf • -,,. .". . • 4:. Miss Emma Btkinird and Miss grows brighter every day. Mr. F. MO. . a >>. Grace Moaner a n f taking a trip W. Moore, who IM organising the A MOTMBVsliyCPEWENCE. OEAJM OF Mas. HARDER. ~ through Jefferson%Sounty on their company, has about 130,000 worth of SmtM Bmd% /fcrttft Ce>% Wksk. the stock already pledged, and un Mm. Harder, she venerable mother IHL. m. V. Pisacs, Basalo,X Y.: :-?'V^^ \ n D**rSir~l begaa taking yoar ••FavorRev. C. E Dorr's excursion to tbe lass something unmreseen occurs the lofiSnr Chief of Pottos, died at noon Us fteseriptios , 'tht a m tmeatk of pret> S t Lawrence will be run August U corporation will soon be on a work- tWS&y. flba stjstsinH a stroke of aaacv, have con [paralysis a abort time ago, from the tsseed and Harry Rogers has charge of the ing taking it 5 The new telegraph line from Beyn^f effects of which s h s could not recover, eoaasetaeBt. I did Gouverneur tickets. oldaton to Malone, which the Reynol^i} experieac* the aat The Jefferson County Veteran Sol* Broa have been pushing through/ is or aay of the aUtaeats CARD OF THANKS. dae to presatacy, alter dier'tV4»nd Sailors* association will Marly ready for the wires, the hold their eighth annual reunion in having been set nearly to the 1 : To tne members of Barnes Post, I begaa taking u Oarthage, Sepk 3, 4 and 5. ries ofMalooe, The line w f l 4nter G. A. B^ and to the many neighbors •VPreacriptioa. I and friends who assisted in paying only in labor a abort F t Covington street A meeting of the W . F. M. SL of on the last respects to my late husband, time, aad me phyaidaa an office is established the Presbyterian church will be held the line will be pushed g £ i o Evertgn and in tendering to myself and family aaid I sot alone ttsaanyweU. Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock and S t Regis falls. their heartfelt sympathy in our sfficWe think it saved Subject, "Missions in Korea." ~» ~. * * r* £1 * w 1 ^ Lfifjn. I wish to exuieas our sincere a great deal of 1 great deal with Bon. Floyd _J. g a f l e y , of Malotie, fig^t™ M W T 5 1 « T Boscoa. Allen FarneU, a navel cadet of Mas. thanks. loaeawecldafj^odlor died in New Y04JF as the result of Rochester, fell over the rail of the traly. painful surojal operation, Mr. —Boqoet Moefco and Jara is t h e Bon Voyage, on lake Ontario. Fri- aHadley was w * known in Franklin b a a t f l o l d »y 8 « « t » & J e t o w day morning, and was drowned. county, whsflsfbe lepresented in the - L o n , A b o s t 3vto » . * The regular monthly meetings of aasemhly tfim 1S86 to 1886. He was in the emafey of the Fidelity casual* g e y a U w U y B ^ f ^ l f t a o f wfll be held at the 2Jcth0dl«fc Cburch Ctmton a n M a \ 9mm wfll w w a r ofhisd^ath. He Thuraday afternoon, at 3 and 4 o'clock, kDT raiwrtadWYBtand&g ahawl t o and two children. respectively. J. B. Baacoot. :^f^<-y..-/~ ** ,• THE MARKETS. D r . F. W . flteaMT w O l b aattbe Advertised letters are for John the local market are y , A u g . « . * Rawan. Ahrm Frawley, George Bee ying cash as follows: 16 to 18 ts Ctlea. l e a m Anier Gardner, Mable McRob per poundior butter; 7 | t n T i Stontoelvsd following are the transactions of the We75annahONeil, Mira Shaw, KOtaltbelaMarBavt o( Aocoat. If per pound tor cheese; I t i day: R D. Taylor. j o o « a r « t o doaen tor e n s ; 71 asm Lota. Bossa. Prtra. ororgai infant son of Mr lor potatoes; 10 osnfes 9 .......•• t s %,av7 »b^c Leisure, died oi H tram at Union H a n far grean earn; t o a n t s per pound for * *Ott THc infantum Saturday night ; 4 s o 5 e e n l s f o r dressed 11 7* THc interred in Jfc J - R . M, Y o t t k tbe only Jeweller e ces^s for dressed mutton; »i waita % SC T^c in town who reeitves the correal time 3 310 :wc for dreased pork; 10 cents for daily by isJikrajh A ball A t this plaes 1141 1st tt &W Sc burg m e n l o n l d a w o K i i made to Com the S tSO THc Friday night and %2 orS3 $3 & lost at noon, « M n g the correct 7ie. par pound m •'.'•"Total....: 1 » W^»i which had been left in Ihe to a second, t b s etock bemg both figures but ^, Traaaactioaaoa«7«arasa».lS boxes, ruling drawer, was taken. 700 up b y the ftwiea SMc #* 5 Sala^ of rrtmxnery bnu«r wtrt ^ pkg%. at effected by prying open a y order has iaV of t*v%c. aad T5 pacaagti a t i s \ .—Dowon traveit Are you a the post office d o w i n t o J . B. Ktricbride's store pd , The joining the postoffice* Three pairs oi NaBy ~ LKtU FalU. ^" »than those heretofore shoes were taken from the store and & « U a and" Book~ 5f • no change in the the money drawer in the poatoffice was broken open, evidently with a / : ? morrow k circus {chisel Mr. Kirkbride the postmasremarked previously inAthese swe!t«rwasabaeat . . # history is sometime* lock your residences and ! Dr. M. D. Philips, a former reel ! very D. observant country ! a, both doors and windows, if ! dent, died at his home in Cnarlotte, boy can grve yei •ore reliable informs- j gp te see the parade at ten Mich., last Tuesday. Death was due; CIRCUS DAY TO-MORROW. 10 o'clock on the tionfaihalf awl •r than many of the SS &.3tt* ^_ e J&nttfT—Tb»r» wrv 15 p*ct**M dairy Twjtto heart trouble and came suddenly. writers who sse juspud at authority. hibition, and move tcr sold at :T^iSc.; to pmckmgm of cr**ni*rj at O o l j m L i t t U w / h l U f Watt tmr tLlm^llmg has Deceased was 45 years of age and r e ! Two pal down town the fallaciesof the la<r. Bros.' ntar Ctreva. • • • > *aided at this place until about twenty- i Bros/ havs always Lai* aw have bean going the rounds. One T b # Tfe^oarhtfiU Clvatisct^r. The rapid approach of Ringling their great i five years oi age when he moved to l an article en the cricket, which ot Jaliaa A good fr.irr u uld an CbanDc*»r Delap of t U i B l M a the w e s t B e was a brother of Mrs Ij was described as a very dainty insect pew. H e T*C*:V*& a letter from a yuo&g day in this city has created wide years' efforts spread interest, and it is safe to predict •iooa jaar. Ki J. H. Abbott of this place, and of; thraogfe the Ola | with a debesss appetite There is i s Mrs, C H. Clark, of Haileshoro, j raaBty ttai one Aat is tears voracious, atarrMid friend in A ^ s j asking far a r that tbe great amusement enterprise eat or gorgaaoaty r. - "2 -*i post far hit mather-in law. who was \ known as the Ringling Broa.' World s Tbe latter lady and M. P. Abbott! 1 and that it tht cockroach. Tbe cricket 1 conusor to rriak> him a ri«7t, and closing Greatest show, will receive aa enwent to Charlotte to attend the! hm m day, the bride ^_ rv, w «> I f^bast ttttts for simott anything. ] wtth the d*».jra:*r h;sr?. "I>.n'? f *XFt to thusiastic welcome when tt exhibits HALP RATES TO taQ and tbe groom B u n Dunmock. Boy ] « s c i a l ) y fariaaeaoas matter l a d H u ' here to morrow, Wednesday, July £L bar* th** rejcr^ ixj&pjn atlarheri '* Mr. OB Sunson and Henry ^ ^ l | c > U l , t ! ( i > w to clothing ' A h o n ^ i twa The names o f t h s e o t v [Ringling Bros.' exhibition is larger, been ec joying a two ^ L , I ^ J t j ^ j ^ , enrtahw eatea nn j f>*pr«r i* iKL.ii? i* But vTjTidlr w i w grander and more comprehensive Waatarn Line ! and •yntpa'V'*:.. *:.& :n i»iidin«r ibe paj» »than ever this year and the press of tickata t6 Daovar, of Bad Lake aaar Theresa, bara re ^ ^ m^m ^ ^ak ^ he WT tf% I i*av*» i*A D e s W t ^ i tb^ re ] other cities unhesitatingty pronoonos MaaJtoo ta bMA Wsare ; T ^ boys i e ^ s good tons i ^ j ^ ^ [u9mti j ^ pu:per *— Varz ojcj^ii aL. I LJTV- limiusi it to tnr** it the greatest enterprise of its kind \ half 1 twmb s kxaks of ^ h a i r r^ ^****!:' ! T " _ ^ ^ _ * * _ • _ _ *_ *T*~* /~7* ***** ** • " " ^ i ^ 5 1 laoss bars and wknts, dae to tbe crickets |i in the world. In point of novelty or in the number of great features no »^ - ^ »_^ , _ i ,, .-, _ ,«i^ t tnss anaw^o bBtnsawa *o s?"^ aa XSK? waw**? ksa Oalr *€>*• pr^-. T.JK if *<~e:n Wrrt^r- other show can approach aV The j b a s e basn cast over tbe party n tbers § mmmhmm** ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ** ^ ^ ^ * of the Liberati band alone Stan ci ?.:/•>• L^lact. marked v~.:h a stad bean no dance at tbe Bed Lake! A a o t ^ tssrywat of ths a grand and radelr c a n c »o^ **~ ^e.-Ka> b*>ec *&m• B o o s t ttnd fee fair taoed It ma at oi • ^ ooarmlaf a amen who if and matnosi tined of ai: 'K > £U-Q as Vaii#-T Farge tar est gd in j Tl^g.^aa w--a w^-, w ^ m , that a back attabt had coatvaled xtat^f daring ihms p^n>o» w*»t*r rd i"*^ ; extra feature of tbe big show. The tmmm vcacm ^ j ^ ^ ^ p e c b i t Of l a w COSt. whlCSl h e h a d *"J V . ; ' > . ar* all the mark* thai A teat o f t h e n e w l a w rv^nirang a ^ ^ r a aaids i n the arid aad 6axa*S are as tbe **-©* bet the r+vcrA* shew triple ring perfaraane^ia beytMni all tbe fines* ever seen in barber s h o p s l o r e m a i n ctoaed on ^ ^ ^ T ^ T ^ ^ g K ^ t ^ o o t disrxww wboae rr»Tf- i: ;»v AH tbe other grarvas GOUT Has ^ "*£ J^ZZ* J? bag ths repcaa « n s af toell was sar ha^e hers plc?«-ed cr*r f-r aaocr than a giraffe, tbe atietetbi Ifc*p*tfa. of tbs ataon at TWJ«T EST CONTRACT ABSOLUTELY PUItC 1 BUTLER now located in his new and elegant quarters in the Needs pushing along. In this case the good thing will be found at the store of v- A. B. CTJTTINO. St. Lawrence Inn It is the leading hardware house in liiis ity. There you can find everything which any well equipped house carries. ^0o^ prices are such that it will be to your advant. - ". f age to deal with us. }," and lie has a stock of goods that are up to dale in ^ y .everyfrespect , BUT B. CUTTING, will be pleased to have you give him a calL ^ " g the W. KM. 8 wdtiyW.ak s. one of the best values in ever shown in Gouverneur. ^ | ^-??f&^. Consult M. E. Love- M i l l WIVTH til M land and get plans and estimates be- that we can sell 50 per cent, ci than ever before. * - *M lore letting plumb- ing or heating contracts. . . —. NOW -ui' is the time to make your quilts comfortables. TVe are selling a good cloth at 8c.* yard and have some big values in cotton bats, ;. 6. P. TAITT fi ^ r Y ^ t a t r r w « t a B t ia^ta ia the haarta -*iJ* S^ *£>~'J* -v^" The *-ou- arrt-af* "f aU tbs farms Casts* Saatcs is C S t ^ l M i a . k a t r . t l t . r w ass
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