East Jefferson Italian American Societ~, Ind. A Member of t6e American-Italian Fe~eration of t6e Sout6east The Granevine Apri{.20I5 I DATES TO REMEMBER WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11 2.015- GENERAL MEETING SUNDAY, JUNE 71 2.0151 THE PALACE CASINO RESORT BUS TRIP -BILOXI, MS ~ "!' :1 "!. ~ OFFICERS ~ REGINA BE.R.TOLINO ~ Presii>ent GEN£RAL_MEETIN.G GENBR.Ai MEETING APRIL 11 2.015 AT 6:30 PM J.EFFER.SON PARISH LffiR.ARY-BAST BANK REGIONAL BRANCH 4747 WEST NAPOLEON AVENUE-METAIRIE, LA 70001-PH: 504""838-ngo ·I IGNATIA CHRISTIANA MEMBERSHIE l Vice-Presi~ent · ~ LINDA GENNARO . j Treasurer ~ CATHYGUDAN SecretaYJ) "·~ ~ BOAliD_MEMBERS Correspon~ing t JOYCE SEGARJ ·:1 ~ c6airman o{t6e Boar~ l DON GENNARO ~· . THERESA GOMEZ ~ We woulo like to welcome new member christine Bierke to tbe societ~/ We look forwaro to seeing ~ou at tbe montbl~ meetings ana societ~ gatherings/ ' · · Do ~ou ba~e a frieno famil~ member or co-worker tbat ma~ be interesteo in joining our societ~? Please invite tbem to join 1 us. Ask an officer or boaro member for a membership form for tbose wbo ma~ be interesteo. We welcome new members throughout tbe ~ear. 1: .f4 i ~ .: FUND RAISERS/EVENTS · ~THE PALACE CAsiNO- On Sunoa~J Ma~ I7J bas been rescbeouleo. Tbe new oate is June 7· Tbe palace is a beautiful SMOKE FREE casino/ Please contact Ms·Linoa Gennaro (pbone: 504-888-8103 or email: linoagenn@att.net) to reserve ~our ~00~~ . ~ AMBRJCAN ITALIAN FEDERATION OF THE SOUTHEAST EIGHTEENTH BIBNNIBL CONVENTION- Tbe convention/conference will be bela in Gretna! LA at tbe Italian Hall- I9IO Monroe Street. Tbe oates are Saturoa~J April '_: II ana Sun()a~J April 12.! member! Mae webb is on tbe convention committee. Please contact Mae for more oetails, ber ·~ contact info is in ~our roster. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN ANY OF THE ABOVE EVENTS PLEASE CONTACT ANY ,f,· OFFICER. OR. BOARD MEMBER. FOR. INFOR.MATION. YOUR. HELP IS ALWAYS WELCOMED AND WANTED. ;~ J l f FOLLOW UP ON FUND__BAISERS.LE\[ENT SAINT JOSEPH'S DAY - Hope ever~one was able to visit some of tbe man~ altars in tbe area. I was able to visit tbe alta at Our Lao~ of Perpetual Help cburcb in Kenner! as alwa~s tbe~ oio a great job! I postea a few photos on our Facebook ·~ · .{ .3. r r . { .I . l. - { --~'--~r -·---'~ LL L - - L .L T L~--·~ .---.L~--~rr~,n~l..~ .. l~a~ ....~!ult [JUijtj 'I (!JUJ/1. f,IUVt flt;IULU<:> I rurn ULt'jtl UlvU U~LUI" fl~viA<)v f1U"L Ll) v ffl.-'- 11/VL<J" L VLl/Lv "" tJU UV.v-'- r;vvu v '-'IJV' I'v••v v '"'~" ' ... vv~• .. v• r···· i THE IRISH- ITALIAN PARADE- March 2.i was the Irish Italian paraoe on Veterans Memorial Blvo. in Metairie. WeJ· were hlesseo with a beautiful oa~ to paraoel The Jefferson Cit~ Buzzaros marcheo hehino us. The~ were a lot of fun hut we ~~ misseo our marchers/ Hopefull~, we will have our marchers along with the huzzaros next ~earl THE ITALIAN HERITAGE FESTIVAL- FESTA ITALIANO- in Rivertown tbis past weekeno was so nice! The weather was perfect, the music ano fooo was great/ Visiting with frienos ano famil~ was awesome..We talkeo to a lot of people that·will hopefull~ become members/ We solo a lot of merchanoise over the weekeno. More oetails at the meeting/ Happ~ '~ Easter ~ · :eRAYELRE_QUE_STS Please keep our frienos1 members ana their families in ~our pra~ers. Russell Howle~ is still recovering. Please keep Russell, Mar~ ano the Howle~ famil~ in ~our pra~ers. Alex Du.~~~ member, shirle~ Fontana S Granoson1 please pra~ for Alex s full recover~ ano the Fontana famil~. Georoe Connoll~ is recovering from a recent iUness. We miss ~ou/ Hope ~ou are out ano about soon. Please keep George ano the Connoll~ famil~ in ~our pra~ers. . Pra~er is the stron~est meoicine1 please keep pra~ing for those on our pra~er list as well as our soloiers ano those fjgbting for peace arouno tbe worlo. SPECIAL ANNO_UNCEMENIS · ,. Ha'fflJ Birtboa~ to our April Birtboa~sl · · 110 1 Ann Marie Me~naro1 member, Jane Lacombe s oaughter on April 2. j Sean Poston, member, Jo~ce Segari's granoson on ~· Apri{ i'i Sa{ Bertofino1 member, on Apri[ Sti;i Ana Segari1 Member, Jo~ce SeQari's oaughter in {aw on Apri[ 9ti;i Patricia ·~ 0 1Connor1 member, on April 12.ti;i Marie Ducote, member, on Apri[ r2.ti;i Asb[e~ H~mel, member, Jane Lacombe's ·f oaughter on Apri{ ISthi Zacbar~ & E{izabetb W aro1 member1 Pegg~ W aro's cbHoren on Apri{ I7thi Luc~ Norse, ,, Member's, Don & Linoa Gennaro's oaugbter on April2.5thi Don Gennaro, member, on April2.6thj E{izabetb Norse, ~ . members, Don & Linoa Gennaro's granooaugbter on April 2.8t1;. Hope ever~one bas a fun fiUeo oa~l i 1 .; ~~ 't 1 1 ~ ! April 51 2.015 ~ Ha'ffl) BelatOO Birtboa~l I Fe{ix Cretini1 member on Marcb 2. ana Marianne Juoice, member on Marcb 2.5ti;. Hope ~ou botb baa a great oa~[ 110 Ha'ffl) Anniversa~l c{int & Catb~ Guoan (member) celebrating tbeir anniversar~ on April2.110 ana Donalo ana Ja~me Carson (Jane Lacombe's granoson) celebrating tbeir anniversar~ on April rgth. AD_DITIQNaL NEW_S n Enclose{) is a menu from Genousa's Italian Market along witb a carolcoupon, Ws reusable so make sure ~ou keep it! Current[~, Tro~ is open on weekenos Frioa~ - Sunoa~. He is planning to open seven oa~s a week starting in Ma~. we'[[ keep ~ou postea! Have an~ news ~ou want to share? Please contact me (Catb~ Guoan) witb tbe oetai[sl Pbone: (504) 2.02.-82.76 or e-mail cguoan@botmail.com wn tents.[lau1ine.or.h it. ~ ~~ ~~=- (fl 'East Je·ffe,rso!l!ll. ltaUan Am·erl·C'iln ....._..,.~.-· ~.oe- ~ . : : : :. .... - ~~a ~(~~ ~~;~ ~ ~t' Socie~y ~· ~ne.. ~ ~ a //J) l ~.a Q.{~ ~~-)~ ~ ~!l'elailirie ,. P'. O . Box 7'35.2 5 ~ ..- ~"!'i- ---:fl..,~- - -...~.,..., ~"'JU- .---.:f}'!l'.r -~~- 'l A ],003-:J i -~"'..f l
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