ROOD nIVER OLAcIER, THURSDAY. Two ffinnli Sittrr (Blartcr fortunate and Kiver Hood peroua dirtriela rpendiug many doll ri to advertise resources and advantages tbe I work of tbe lucal ccniniereial club la this connection lhauld be supported. Die club bus act aaido July 20tb for the purpose of raising; fund to aid it in it work auJ it is expecied that everybody wbo cju da to will iu aouie Tborefore do what way contribute. von can to help the club sud help yourself lit the name time. Tor the third time in hit political rareer Williara Jonuings Hryan bat been pluced in nomination for the of tho United Stales. At iiriwideiiev i politiclHO aud a statesmen a mat:, Vr. Bryan it unique m:d enjoys the distiuctioo n' being tbe only oaitdi date who has three timet expired to be elected to the biubost office in tbe lft of tbe people. A brilliant or tor, and la moav Instances having a n ide knowledge of publia questions Mr. Hryan' ekctinu is ttUl extremely doubtful. At cba'npiou in the past of measures that he now lealizea him self were inadvisable he baa implant Apparently od lack of confidence. popuhir in many of tbe western state, iu tbi ponulatad oeutera of tbe east hit tupptrt la but lukewarm aud halfhearted and does uot presage victory. Notwithstanding tbe cry of buauieaa derelopuieut depression elsewhere, aud growth of butduess at Hood Kiver wat never greater than at present. In all parts of tho valley fruit laud it being cleaied, treea planted, improvement made and a guuural spirit ot progress prevailing tbut it rapidly trmstot niiu and lutresiiiK tbe value of property. Iu eveiy direction money it now belug Invested In Hood l.iver luuil or improvements of aome kiud The upper at well at tbe loer valley ia leoelv-inHa share of tbia duvelopmout and aud la attiantlng in&uy Investor. Wbeie timber etood leni than a jew ago obii now be seen a broad expanse ot cleared laud a good pait of which baa already beeu set to fruit. Do both eidea of the lower valley purchaser! are renubing further aud farther out at olearlngt here and there teHtlly aud laud closer In nouverted into orobarda. New houses uudor In various parts of tbe val ley all show that iu many Instances large aoreogea are lining split up into smaller tractt and indicate that the population In the country distriota is fast Increasing. Investment and improvemeutt in city property it abroast wltn that In the valley and before tbe close of the present year $100,000 will have been put into new bualueat buildlngs,piob- ably half as muob more In new dwell-inga- . ICducatioual and religloua intitu-tiou- t are also belug Improved aud multiplied and the community t large building up morally, mentally and materially. lVrlliivnt l'ulitlcal 1'uiagiMplm. New Vork has furulslied ulna of the United States. Mr. Hheimuu will be the tontb. Mr. ilryun says bo la going after tbo Koosevelt vote. He will probably be ai far alter it aa be was iu 1000. I ho campaign will not begin to warm up muuh until Mr. Tutt gbtt control tably sottloil at not Springs. Uoger Sullivan wna annoyed at the mention of his name in oouueotlon with tbe rice presidency. So was Mr. Bryan. Mr. Taft will doubtless be surprised to learn that about a million men In the miiiutry remember that they went to school with h i in. It transpires tbut tho lute drover Cleveh nd drw hla own will. It Is to be hoped he did a battel job than did the lute Samuel J. Tlldeu, Mr. liryati laid tbut Mr. Sherman' uominatiou ia "a distinct advantage to democrats." Mr. Sherman lias long contended that Mr, liryau'a nomination it alwnya a distinct advantage to Kepubliciiu. Acting ou tbe llibtwuil injunction to return good loi evil, Mr. Ilryan tella Mi. lletmt tbut he ought to aup-pob'm notwithstanding the throw-dowwhich Mr. Hearst ouciiuutered ut tbe handa of Mr. llryuu four years it n ugo. Abbott's dosing out gale it to any onu thinK t locate iu a good payliiK limine 1 oiler my etook and U.xtiiria at Invoice. 1!. H. Albeo caiua up from l rtlaud 1st week bringing hi Ininily with They weio prnvldud him iib a cumping outllt mid wilt spend tome time herd ou the much whittli Mr. Alien owns in the valley. Mme. still on. r Sec our Bargain Table For AN OLD LAND MARK l. !tt 16 1908. HOOD RIVER TO LOSE tamed Every Thursday ljr MOE. PubHsber. AHTHl'K With other JoLY With the removal of the large word m building occupied at a stoia by K. li llragg & Company, Hood Kiver la about to lose one ot its oldest and most interesting land marka. For many yeara Hi broad stepa and long stoop have aerved la the capao Ity of the meeting plane, forum and loiiniiioa mot for Hood Rlver'a lubab- itnnt and we think it it safe to ssy that there I not a man In Hood Kiver tb1I"V wbn at tome tint baa not rested hi anatomy ou tblt ever convenient roosting place. Jt baa been tbe center for dixoualnnt affecting both town and naiion and tbe chosen spot for gossip. "I'll meet you on rJragg'i corner" are bywordathat are abou' to lo-- e tbeli tigniflcaoce ia tbe marob of progress, to it regular habitues the demolition of tbia public sitting place It looked upon at something approaching an outrage and we ate informed that if possible an Injunction would have been secured to tay the baud of tbo iconoclasts who witb ax and crowbar pried apart the time w.rn boards that afforded to-- t for tbe weary. Aa to the b'lilding, It was erected HH2 In by K. L. Bmitb who fur a number of ye rt conducted a geoeial store In it. When built it waa by fai Paris Fair SHOES, OXFORDS & SLIPPERS 'BhQ We will save you money on these "THE STORE Men's Hats j lli bargains nut lifi v' n Hplfiulii Summer Parasols Underwear 15c 25c 50c 75c Ladies' Sleeveless best . Men's Summer t If Mill llivil Jinvtlmi in tli is lino we can you Ladies and Children's With plain ;imI f mey iinvi's of silkolino Men's Summer Underwear, plain cream, linen unit siik. A ood assortment to blue or pink peeler cotton Hulbriggan, st'lii-from fur up from fine frauev eollorette tH'ok, ribbed cuffs. Drawers to match. The garment SPECIAL yivf THAT SAVES YOU MONEY" Look over our line of Trunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes and Grips. Our Stock is complete aud our prices the lowest. V( ot o? Vests 25c Men's Summer Underwear, black and white mixed, silk trimmed a big value for the money, The garment tbe uioit pietentiout structure any8tni(inril lrniiil hats where iu the violnity of II. oil Kiver and wat tbe only building u the in nil tlic new is i npes V carry a most complete lino of Ladies' block. Later Mr. Smith sjld tbe stock of goods to A. S. Mowers wbo and colors. Summer Tuilei-wen- r in Muslin or Gauze. Plain French lialbtiggan, silk finish, took bit ton Lawrence Into partnerr Men's Hats, ship and conducted tho busiuesa $.'J Ou values, sptria $2.00 I.ailies' Sleeveless The garment Vests, squat o neck, ribbed cufft. tbe Arm uaim ot Ulowen & Hon. M.-s Hats, rejiiilnr iS2.0() values. snecifii 1.60 .yoke, full Into trimmed each Afterwards Mr. blowers fold a balf Interest in tbe business to (Jeo. P. Men's Huts, regular fLno vu!ue. I'ecial 1.00 Crowell. When Mr. liloners decided Ladies' Sleeveless Vests, Mercerizto retire be told bit interest to Mr. ed lisle, full silk taped, very elastic Men's Underwear, fine ribbed, full silk Crowell, who also bought the building Men's ami Hoys' lints, tcvnlar from Mr. Smith, paying $3 5(H) foi it. Ladies Summer Wjit. Union Suits Aa storekeeper of tbe largest mer trimmed, best grade pearl buttons, first values, 80c full oantile business ut Hood Kiver Mr. trimmed, t he Suit Crowell also acted In the of class make; the garment You can't niakt; u tuistal the are Ladies Summer Wpt. Itt banket aud for teveial years any Knit Union one who had any moner deposited rijilit in every respect. with him. la fnnt until about 1000 Suits of mercerized lisle, the suit.. when tbe Butler Haukitig Company opened its bank here, Ciowell'e atoie waa tbe centei ol all financial trbosau-lion- t of any magnitude At that time very little coin waa jinpling in the t uned a cut through hit back that pockett of Hood Kiver aud HAWKEYE PICNIC puiolf i'U',1 lungs. Oakdale the occasion for spending more thuu It ttas thought for a tiiuo that Mr. Cut flowers and plants at Keir&Cass. two bita necessitated the issuing of an THURSOAY Musiker luail.l recover, but after a 30th tew Choice Roses Shrubs, Vines & Gladiolaa. When Mr. order fin (Jeo. Crc-ell- . dayt I.U dent1! coii.pilai-tjoWhile Wyandotte Eegs for Setting nt Crowell neut out of busiuesa be told doveioped that cause. nis dcntli from Mated Feus. $1.50 & 12.00. the stock of goods to li. li. lirogg & Fletcher & Fletcher. We have brought lieii. F. Maslkei oas bom Dec. 18t' lluil HawkeyrfR Company and alterwards disposed of 187G, in llBy S'ack frcciiict, Cirant the building to Dr. T. L- Kliot. thunder aud iiuhtuiuK to Oret(ou uud toiinly, I wo dnyt later bit Later Mr. Kliot aold the property to ou Ibuitduy July IKIth we will have h k r j :i9fH, away. He was riiaed Cliaa. Hall who is about to leplacn it ojclcue at (Irauge Faik. 'Ibe cow Ik y ii'il MISCELLANEOUS. by his grand iiiiitBinsl parent, Mr. Hill brlug tho beevet (or tbe barbewith a brick biibiuusa blnok To See Mig Hood and Pmri-is at tiichojoud. cue, leuiouuds will be ou tap and high I'lned For killing Derr. Lost between I'ost Office and Depot, black jinks prevail, lucite til your friends. Whiiilci couiitf, Ore., where he reald-eleather iiooket bonk, gold rimmed; contained Sam Dave and Pete Stuyhi, a couple We wuut to He (he tunu aud hit wife in til he w t twenty three year of money and P. (). box rent receipt from J. P. of Indian liravea wbo bave been who live furthokt awny, I he (ddfht ug, when ho came to Hood Hiver uud Robinson; reward. Leuve at j lacier ornce. doiug the heavy looking while their lndy, the ouh'bt nmu, the largest man, .puichaied n 40 acre tract of bird ou J30 wives picked tbe red ripe strawberry the tallest tudy, lie btinitoet ludy over Neal 1'n.ek. Ho was married on June good Three second Kxehanire To band 18 H)07 Ih at tbe place of 1). 10. Millet Iu tbe 18 yeart old, the tldft uuuintiitd to .Visa Paa-uwho witb au automobiles lor sale or exchange for real Mt. Hood dlatrlct, were arreated last lady, the mother o, the uwallett infant son, hjM father, two brotheit estate. Address, K. W. C Care Ulacier. J:J Friday by (iaino Warden Kritz, of Ibe taliM, the KOiull'st iiihi. ud wif, thn and three mi vivo him On A xood driving horse, ulnle c r For Sale Dalles, for killing deer out of season. ntiniHi i li d ciiiti le driving toe Ioiiku t his mother's sidi ho was a gr. i:dnn douhle; not atmld n' autos. Also two cowa. Staybi made no attempt to disavow distance, tho h.uii with the luruo-i- t of Alauaoii Uims, :r,.t gore: nor I inter j:l Ail.v to J. Wleklmin. A big RIDE ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM DUST longing for venison feet, tho be.-- l l:orP)ibo piti'.bnrj, U: the provisional government it' t.'nnn tbe fact that Klp-p-a For rstre reaiMinale. work Good team, I'lie funeml wna held Monday atfei-uoooould not be resisted. In fact he. party who orchard C . Tel. Mt. Hood 6x1. J3U ciikIH Him l,:nt'nl tlab liiij ut the Methodist uhurob in this presented several of bis white friends yuur, tho hirUbt fuu ily, nud t: i: l iaj For sale Kaiiltles Urubber No. 1!, with 2.70 In the city with choice tidbit. At Hint Hood 8 A. M. ,li lie a null In U.e ahorimt city, tervicet being conducted by ftrt wire eHtde siid every thing coniplei. Kev. A. H. Latbrop, aud wat oue of the tiial, which took place before lime. dinCKnitidlHiiU will iu I lot. Also two cows and calvea; two seaU-t- l haek Justine of tbe Peaoe A. C. iiuok ever held In thevally. In and slnjjle harness; oue horse J. W. McCuls. 5:10 P. M. to llawkiyet. Coiuiuitee ou the largest j:t0 lion. Staybi pleaded guilty and waa tluad AiraiiKOineute ternieut waa made In Idlewilde Cemetery, costs. and burial temcea being in charge ilb Htruyed-- A span ofrey horses, weight about of Kemp Lodge of Odd Fellowa of Sam Dave was also Hned a like 1.4U0 or 1,5(10. Camo to my place about July lxt, S' creturjr ' f Interior Here. amount, but evidence afterward beOdell, of which the deceased wat a Unea little lighter than the other and slightly lame In len Tore foot. Owner can have same ing produced, that tbe dear hide Heoritiuy of the luterinr Duimrt-men- member. Idlewilde Lodge of Hood by proving property, paying feed bill and I he Jhiiiph K Uarlleld, piuiel Kiver wag also represented by a delewhich he hud in bis possession end y.W cost of tblsad. Jas. I'liltley, V lento. upon whlnh the charge agniuat him throogb Hood Kwit in a epeciHl ci;r gation who attended the funeral. hud been based waa one that be bad escorted by Win MoMurray uud sevFor Sale Good family horse, gentle and not puruhaed hit tine was remitted. afraid of automobiles, aluo buggy and harneua. eral other pi'Oiiiiiifiit Ureuou men lat Deserted by her Husband. K. li. Coahow. The Toggery. jut IS Dining the hort I'huraday evening. Mrs. llarr anived In this city fioin be made for participating in these mamuue company, spent a day at tuy of the naiu here P o. Duvldnou, Chehalit, Saturday, For expeotiug entertainments to expects to and retire from the club I meet Hood business. Kiver this week overhauling the A quiet wedding took pace at the iiecretHry ot the lioud Kiver Cuiiiu sell the Waucoma Hotel at a bargain. ber husbaud here. F. F. ilarr, tbe to realize money enough to put it ou typesetting machine iu tbe Ulacier will couutry residence of liotit. Kaud Juy 16 Fouta. Club, paid hit mspeoU to Mr. tayg, it a jul and ita teet. Tbe members of the olub are otnoe. 15th wbon Mr. Hand and Mrs. Heater (iHrlleid and guve him pome inn Bt ure being out of woik decided to oome to particularly aoxiout that tbe country For Sale Kimball organ, good aa new, cost $120; The home of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Worley were married in the presence dmoilptive ot the valley. Hecretiiry l'ho l)allen, and taid be would work people take part In tbe event arid price $60. R. J. F.llis, Belmont. jul 16 of a few friends by Justice ot the Uuitleid whb on hit way, hiiviog big way from Ohehalis 8 0 y ue" 17.17, ?' . to Porllaud on bore that the? will nDm nnt iul Peaoe A. O, Huok. Mrs. Worley It nn just returned from u tiip to tlie au engine, and from Sale For A fine cheap, tent house aome and " rlug. TIhe oecasiou was the 60th to The to make It a bis .nnRnfl.. Acrosa the atreet from Chks. Caatner'a estimable lady wbo came to Hood ilwailu Islttnda aud expected to stop Uallea. Ho bcught Portland hirth furniture. big wife a ticket Apart from residence. 5:30 or Sunday. Geo. S Martin. Call the at business tbe loutine day ot Mr. Noble uud tbe eveniug was Kiver from Arizona and who hat been ut Umatilln for the purpose of visiting from CheballH iul16 Hood Kiver other matter of Importance thai was pleasautly spent lUteuiug anting bb housekeeper for Mr. Kand the Indian reervutlun iu the inter- or Tbe Dalles. toAnyeither to music way, discussd Informally ot Mrs. takwas that Barr, Kolt MAbK Two mare colt, one veur old inten-tioami for the past six yeara. partaking of ior near tlieie. It wax nlso hit refreshments which tu 7ft oiime tbia city Saturday for the two, or $:I5 and Mb separate. Van. her ing steps to build a permanent borne were served. Uncle Dob, as Mr. Rand ia familiarto lii! eot the irrigHtion piojcntt hiishaud here, at he agreedto Und thlers, Ml. Hood." tf to meet for tbe olub. Tbe site which has re ly known, is oue of the old settlert iu in Oregon and Idaho before returuiiig her at A. P. Uatebam, wbo had been visitthis place. She told her atory oeived tbe moat favoruble oonaidera-tiothe valley, having come to Hood Kiver to WaHhiugtnn. NAOHAHA 4 N1NOM1YA BTORK-Jan- uuto the Chief of Police, aud be got her ing tbe celebrated Webb cherry farm ee grocrles, cigars aud tobacco. Employers from tbe directors ot the club no in 1HH4. He has beeu prominently aooommodiitiona at a rooming bouse tar is that adjoining tbe Davidson at Troutdnle shook bauds with a please notify lor Japanese farm hands. P. O. identilled witb it development and on Thlid street. V. Eugene Knox, Coming:. ug20 Mra. Ban told ber building. Plana for tbe building bave mend or two at tbe station here oo. 6M. Hood River, Oregon. In the early days was proprietor of story to the polloeman ; told how tbe beeu partially completed and provide Wednesday. Mr. iiateham waa on his ForKale-- 10 Ineh wood, pine or flr; V per to Hood Iiiver of people The tie the Mt. Hood hotel. Later be waa a had married Harrisou, Him id iu Tennes- for a two story building witb base- way back to Hosier aod stated that cord. successful merobant conducting a hnvo a rnre opportunity, when W. see when onlytbe tirst time JIB fourteen yeara old, and ment witb olub rooms on t' e second tbe cherries on tbe Webb place this River, Ore. store where the new Eliot building is Kngene Kuox, the popular iinperHon-uto- r of her husband dying, and of ber mar door, and ttores ou a level witb tbe year are the fluent be has ever seen. For Hale-o- ld fashioned pie cherries. gives a recltiil at theOnera huiiHe J. A. being constructed but bat now retired Epplu, Phone l94t! K. J10 WodueHday, July 2'2 at 8:15 p. m. ryiug the second time to tbe man wbo sidewalk aud a permanent exhibition from business. waa to have met l'ho.-iher wb.i Iihvb here Ibe poor ball for tbe fruit fair in tbe basement. beeu iwdinv the The Churches. all black hand bag- - containing ladies' little woman it only rweuty yean old The plana also provide for a tbeatei Moving llmgg's Store. r ear rinifa, door key and money. Return t Glacier Portland pnpert hiive noticed the jl6 KOtipliou umi ovations acrmded at this tim, and weighs about 90 to be built back of the main building ingMethodist chuioh Morning, "Seek- othce and receive reward. Workmen commenced Monday to Things evening, Above"; pouudt. u a Im Her "God's ii to mind (iladttoiie ems witb entrance un at CliHiitauua oh First Btreet. Ou Wight prepaie the large wooden building, iu Hrof. Knox Lost laprobe. Rubber Return to Blooming Cereug." All invit- R. 11. Walloce or phone which Is located llragg'a store, for re- thit hphsoii, wheie he iittraotH hoiih of balanced and tbe authorities will keep this side there would also be room for ed. j!6 uay a II, or hoi ocrore ner store. another hirgeHt ueio e So At far to of imdieuccK. chxe the matter has tauity moval. The building will ho moved the Lost Small black raffie handbag Sunday, on the only Deen considered but is thought out iuto Kirs street bih! The (Jr. Lutheran Kmnuniiiul f'l,n....l, hill, above the Christian Church. turned the (JlmulmiiiiiH, whore 1'iof. Knox is questioned runner. Uhrouicle. Return to the Eloby of DupHrtnifuit ol members of oburgu aud others conducts services event wcnmi un.i Glacier Oftice. club bat tbe the around so the frout will face Oak. jul 16 who have Catholic been a numAssociation. approached hn wilt on limited unike Having obtained permission ot the the cution, the fouith Sunday in the month Enuliah Sale 'l F'or Inch Studebaker wagon, subject with if that Hood building ot tbe eugRguineuts, uud ber be lliver cau "ity council, tbe Uragg company will uu oewnu aim uorman on fourth Sun springs, complete. J.L.Carter. i tie second annual institute of tbe Jjii be allowed to occupy tbe tin ill lug it lortuuntn in being ou the list 'i lie Latnolio Educational Association ot erected it would bo one of the most day, 10 a. m u Oregon will be held at tbe Weat Side valuable publio improvements tor tbe For Kale Two dozen thoroughbred Drown after it ia moved uutii the ui-- biick professor tin- - psthbhshci it U. B. Church Sabbath school, It) a. Leghorn bens. Best laying strains. block, which is to be built nn the cor- Hood Kivet having been here tit lore, tngti School, Portland, July 20 to 24. town that bas ever been contemplated. m.j preaching, 11 a. m.; Y. JAia P. C. E. J. Carter ner tho building bas beeu occupying, and this fact will Insure hi in a laru the association wag organized in July 6:30 p.m.; Evangelistic services, 7:30 For Sale Plastering sand. Pit southeast heariu ', for to hear him mien creates last year and la uuder tie patronage can be completed. Card of Thanks. p. iu. Midweek prayer meeting, corner ball grounds, fsj per load. A. W.King. of Most Kev. Alexander Christie. A The new building will be two storiel a desire to lienr him agHiu. jjva The guirowiug widow aod members Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Even body inKetervcd sphU at Clarkc'ti drug tine program bag beeu arranged and high aud will be occupied nn tbe J vited. . It. l'ai pastor. ker, For Sale- - Horse, broke single or double. ground tluor by tbe Duller Hanking fatore, 50 cents. ' .etnind admission, tbe exercises will ha both Interesting of tbe family of tbe late (ieorge P. Christian church JYJasiker wish to state that they bave V. A. Wood, L. plog. Company which will hava the corner, 25 cents. and instructive. been deeply touobtd by the respect liiug set vices, ll a. m. and the lirngg Cjmpany occupying the For Sale Anyone wanting raspberries 7:3u 1 has been paid to our loved oue that layer uaeui.g, Ihuieiiuy, phone Pacific p;uj. R. W. Ordway nexl iipm tiuent aud Sherman Young ltmn. Hoboes Shoot Jap. J2J and from tbe deepest recess of our i .ov . iu. most toruiui welcome to an the stoie next to Kier v Cairn, W. ,). To Mr. aud Mis. I). II. M.uiritxrn, For A Japanese laborer at Squally Hook souls we wisb to thank Sale Uu.n Ana Thorouifhbred innnim all those siranrg Ltakor and Compnuy will occupy the July 11th, a girl. al Ulaelei oltleeoraee It. O. Caldwell, Hood was coming down the track near that friends wbo by their kindly sympathy building vacated by tbe Hurler Hankliiverside Ci UKiegiitiouni Church, 'I'o and Mrs. J. W. Strong of Odidl, place, when he met two hoboes, wbo and material assistance have so iu ing Company. W. C Uiiinoie, pastor. Sei i iceis HuuKUK SAI.E-F- ox eugiged him in conversation. The seinsuiy sougnt to ligbten our sonmv Terrier l'u. s.lhe flneattha July i;)th, h boy. money can buy. From registered stock. Sire Jap was ufraid be would be held up, aud mitigate our paiu. We have the day ht II n. ui., Clirisliau Endoavoi and A six Legged Sheep. dam two took and two second prizes p. ui.f evening worsnip at 8 p. m. at Portland Kennellfirst aud started to inn, when one of tbe assurance that we are uot alone in ' lieurge I". Mas ker. A six Show. Rocklord legged sheep arrived et The Store, Catholic Church Regular services nU's Hood River, Ore. (.le irge Mnsiker, aged III (ears, die I men opened fire on him, shooting our soi row and while we live we waut every Sunday. Dulles from (irass Vallny lust week through among to these uue ot bis live bauds. people nud Officer when consigned to Harry Lawls of that Sunday, July VI, from the result of a Belmont M. E. Church, S. S. 10 a. m. Harper wat uotilled, and is ou tbe we die we want to die among these city, and will be placed on exhibition shucking accident June 29th, wtien he lookout Preaching 11 a. in., Epworih League for people be consigned and men. to tbe tbe Chronbosom tell out of a true nu au uxe aud tut theie. icle. ot mother earth by their loving b'mdg. 6.30 p. m., Preaching 7.30 p. ni. At Wanted To Crapper 1st and 3rd Sundays; 3 p. in. house or furnished Carson U. Alasiker and tsmlly. housekeeping rooms by family of two. Address At Menoni nee 2nd and Sundays-- 45c col-loret- uu-de- nular 10c 25c 25c 50c 50c 75c Greenhouse ADVISE YOUR FRIENDS JjLY te "The Best Way" - d River Canyon and Valley via Mt. Hood Railroad s Train leaves every day River and returns Spend your Sunday in the mountains. d A. WILSON, Agent t, -- li.inil-ttorle- I ! i u n Lost-Sm- iop-ul- plush-line- d 194-- . min-iate- r. I'.-e-ai l. j - Wanted. hed 4th jig p. m. Si hram Fruit Jar, easy to ecul. eafv Housekeeping Wanted rooms by young t In mar. BapiU ich ('. A. Nutley, Pased couple. Address Z, Glacier office. to open, for sale at McDonald's. jl6 tor. Sunday w i ii- - at 11 a. ui. and r DAY I G. L. Gilbert went up tbe road on a 7;45. in. hi.nda.v kcImkiI, at 9:50 a. in. Wanted Married man to work on fruit farm: will be furnished comfortable house: good position busluesg trip Monday. F. G. Ct-- , Supi. Young Peoples meet- or firs man. Address R. H., Glacier office; J C. l' Waldo, wbo baa been visiting ing, 7 p. ni. Monday, 7 p. m., Y'oung At the legnlar monthly meeting of m Porllaud, returned borne Tuesday. Men s Alert Club. I lien! ay, 7 p. lu , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the Commercial Club, which waa held Fted Fiazier, of Portlaud, wat a Y. P. Christian Culture Class. WednesMonday eveniug soveral piopoHitiont visitor at Hood Hivei (ISOLATED TRACT.) day 7:30 m p. , 1'r.ijei meeting. ThursTuesday and of importance were dUcusi-ed- . One of Wednesday. day p. m., Ladies' Aid or Mission CirPublic Land Sale, Serial 029. them being that the club is In need of cle. The Dalles, Oregon, Land Otnoe, Elmer Kand, ot Portlaud, arrived at July 3, 190K. funds to coutiuue its publicity and Unitarian Sunday School at 10 a. in. Hood Kiver Tuesday to eveuing spend Public Worship ai li a Notice Is hereby iriven that. k.. other work. Ibe supply of literature in. Thursday the CoimnlKsloner of the Urnen I Land of a days. couple oince nliicb the club purchased for distri evenin Study Class at 8 u. m. imder provisions of Act of t'ungrtn approved! Mrs. Siusher, who has been Tisitlng tuition some time ago hat become ex- June 27, 16, Publlc-N- o. J. Van Neice Bandy, Minister. we will otter at public sale, to the highest bidder, at 11:J0 o'. haunted aud at the club It receiving bei daugLter, Mrs Chas. N. Clarke, Lutheran English services clocks. first Sunday the ni.,on August. IMH of lth from ten to titteeu lotteit a day mak- - ret n mod to her home at Dufur day and Germain third Sunday in each nexu at t his ornce, the following tract of land ing iDquiiiea iu r gurd to Hood Kiver Wednesday Services at 10 (i. m. nionte. Bible HE ljNE M, Sec. 20. T. 1, N , R. 11, E., W. M. it Is considered imperative l y ottloers Mrs. 3, J. Luckey has relumed claes after service. Kev. Ed. Starick Any persous claiming adversely the almve. ot the organization that a tow supply from (Juireisity Park wbeie the was deserlbed lands are autleed to flle pastor. tie purchased. In addition to itt ned called by tbe serious lllue-- a of her claims, or objections, on or beiore the their day ubove designated for sale. tor funds lot thit pn'pose the club mother. Mrs. J IS Kuud, a lio hat W. C. Regiater. Mooke. has some outstanding ubligutiitis to Louis H. A knkson, Receiver. Private lt..uicl for a lew gues:a at Wb.aus meet aud adopted tbe uovel plan of C. B McCalstoo, of Rogar, Ark , ranch m WinnnsStHlioii iu HismJ H the er haviug a halt boll lay and giving a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. S ending evcral weeks at Hood inouiilulux. 1' and niiwi omveuient series of enteriaiumeuU In Khich:ll nftei .Department of tbe Interior, Punch H.iwl; g.od whore he has been visitiuu railway h.iii i. lilvor g. Laud Otlloe al Tur Uallea, U. ; I lie can participate aod contribute Oiegon. flshiiia and other allrt-tloniterms reaMin. and tthithes, lett for hia HUie. Irienrlt ' July 9, IIWh. W. Ilia-It Kiver, 6 July Ore. day selected is Thursday 2!tli borne this week. Notice la hereb.f giveu that i:iirie n. Mtllei. will Ou that date all tbe merohauts be of Mosler, Oregon, wbo, on November L lso ICasi Side, a black si IS land lug made lioniesteaa eutry No. IKias, Wru. Barry, J H. Delllnger and A. expected tu clove their ph.ces of busilor NW'-- ' Willi pii - while III, ll eniliriiide' v on Ihm,.i, 15. Township I N., Rine ll K. Who. s ness aud participate In tbe tectitlliea. W. Prndhom e were et Hood Kiver Ih'inhl.i ni. kel euii. hun.lKei. In. fs int-i- i oi. nas Aiei m luiau. niea u.kiim r in le; ,.!. ,.. "..... V rve ill Jwksoo's lo make riual oiiiiiiului ion At noon on that day a big public din-ue- r Wedi.ttdav in rounco; i u witb the and a "V,- l n rewani. cUui, I., the land almv .l.-rihwill be given under tbe auspices piiutiug supplies which veie recently stoie. e:l nnu iwvivvr, Ml I IIS ,;,UU1. Oifgilll "niinri of tbe ladies of the city. In tbe af- oidered by tbo couuty ootuuiiseicu I heller, Wu. Inquire OU Hi ..1 dunlin,, t!m. .....i ternoon a baseball game will be ar- era. I'lalmaut liHiues ss witnesaea: tin lb-- r sou. W. K. Siokes, Metert. Andrew aud Kintz conranged for and a dance In tbe Opera Wanh'l - A gii l to do general housework. Mrs, Ktokeii, all of Moiler, urexoo. Wuudsaud N E. bouse in the eveu'ng. A obarge will nected witb tbe Simplex typesetting Truman butler. J18 ' C. W. MOORE, Reglater, COMMERCIAL CLUB EX FANSION $ALE JULY Every Article Reduced ! We arc going to move into the Brosius Block and have a large stock of new goods coming and must make room for Seeing New Goods is believing. See our prices and be convinced. ARTHUR CLARUE Jeweler and Optician 30th iiii,ii a, ja Next Door to Postoffice ItJBOM X, Glacier othce. J ei
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