We are excited to finally have the NVdS Website up and running. If you have a story or testimony or even a picture that you would like to see on the site please contact the office . NVdS Website is up and running! Phone: (02) 65 689 802 Email: l.obrien@nvds.org.au www.nambuccavalleydisabilityservices.com.au But Wait There’s More... NVdS Now have a Facebook Page! You too can follow us on Facebook... just “Like our Page” See: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nambucca-Valley-disAbility-Services Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land – the Gumbaynggirr People – and pays respects to Elders, both past and present. What’s Been Happening Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. CONSTRUCTION HAS BEGUN! NVdS has engaged the services of Michael Hall Builders in order to undertake extensive renovations on Shop 6 and 7 , 40 Bowra Street (next door to the office in the arcade). Nambucca Valley disAbility Services hope you all had a very This space will be used as a centre based area for our Clients to do a variety of activities. Nine Senior Staff are currently enrolled in the DIPLOMA of DISABLITY Next time you're in the office at NVdS take a look at the incredible carpentry skills of Tony Quirk. Tony made this brochure holder at the Men’s Shed and did a fantastic job. BEC’S BEEN BAKING CHOCOLATE CAKE MMMM! Disabled Surfers Association of Australia Well done Tony In February some of the Clients from Nambucca Valley disAbility Services had an awesome time at Scotts Head with the Disabled Surfers Association of Australia . Congratulations Joy’s family came all the way from Port Macquarie to watch and even though the water was a bit cold there were lots of good waves surfed and some very happy faces. to Barry Sindell for losing over 8kg to date. Well done Barry! It was Jeremy’s first ever surf and he will be back with the others again. Good on you Jeremy! Life Savers provided transport to the surf and access to the beach. Shade was provided DSAA. Everyone received a trophy and a Certificate and enjoyed a free BBQ. Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land – the Gumbaynggirr People – and pays respects to Elders, both past and present. The arts Nambucca Valley disAbility Services NVdS Clients were Thrilled to go to Sydney last month and see “Thriller” and a whole lot more… They celebrated the wonderful career of the world's greatest entertainer - Michael Jackson with the blockbuster THRILLER - LIVE, a stage and video spectacular. This amazing show, featuring over 20 performers with a full company of singers, dancers and live band celebrated the King of Pop like never before! They saw the Tall Ships, went to Patty’s Markets for some shopping, Travelled in an Plane, Train and Tram and there was never a dull moment! The Featured Artist this quarter is: TOULOUSELOUTREC Stop press! Please note that “Play Building” is now to be named “POETS AND PERFORMERS” CHA-U-ICAO, THE FEMALE CLOWN 1895 Oil on canvas, 30 in. x 22 in. Cha-u-Kao was apparently a performer at the Moulin Rouge and le Nouveau Cirque, but although she appears in several of Lautrec's works almost nothing is known of her. Arm-in-arm with the female clown . is Gabrielle, a dancer. The bearded man in the bowler hat is Tristan Bernard, the playwright, Poets and Performers consists of six Clients who get together each Wednesday to rehearse a variety of Bush poetry, Musical numbers and Short Plays for a performance at the end of the year. The goals for our Clients are confidence building, memory enhancement. and having FUN! Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land – the Gumbaynggirr People – and pays respects to Elders, both past and present. about Gloria Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. The mystery There will be other Clients going to SeaWorld and Movie World with Gloria (But Who???) Gloria has been waiting to get her new chair for ever and a year. Gloria Picked the colour and the chair will enable Gloria to be more comfortable and it will be easier for her to access the community and get around more. All indications are that she is now Ready to party! Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land – the Gumbaynggirr People – and pays respects to Elders, both past and present. What’s Coming Up Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land – the Gumbaynggirr People – and pays respects to Elders, both past and present. What’s Coming Up Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. FIREBIRDS Many Happy Returns to all the Birthday people April June Cherry Miller Corrie Verden 9/6 Steve Hotchkiss 8/4 Rebekah 16/6 Lee Funnel 17.04 Liddy O'Brien 23/6 May…………..9th , 23rd Michelle Whale Rod Aliso 25/4 25/4 Merlyn 23/06 June…………..20th Rob Thurston 25/4 27/4 24/06 29/6 July…………….4th , 18th Donna Willer Alan Mills Stuart ReIf 1/4 Steve Garnham 5/5 Paul Gibson 10/5 Robert Williams 17/5 Veronica Slade 22/5 April…………..11th , 25th July Rhonda Turnbull May 2015 Single Commuter 2/7 Maureen Rahman 2/7 Trish Linker 3/7 Jason Shanahan 6/7 Gloria Crossingham 11/07 Bridget King 22/07 2015 Double Commuter April…………..18th May……………2nd , 16th , 30th June…………..13th , 27th July…………….11th , 25th Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land – the Gumbaynggirr People – and pays respects to Elders, both past and present. Ndis: What’s it about Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. ABOUT THE NATIONAL DISABILITY INSURANCE SCHEME Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land – the Gumbaynggirr People – and pays respects to Elders, both past and present. What’s Happening In the Community Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. ANZAC DAY 10 AM SATURDAY APRIL 25 2015 The March commences at 10.00 am at the Ex-services Club and proceeds down High Street to terminate at the cenotaph. Free Bus Service to Bowraville from Scotts Head, Stu- What to Bring Bring enough water for all the family, sunscreen, hats and foldup chairs. If it is a hot day it will be tiring standing up for the length of the march. Refreshments will be available at various outlets after the march, but don’t forget that if you are travelling by bus, they all depart Bowraville at 11.30 am. For all bus booking enquiries phone: 02 6564 7056 arts Point, Eungai, Macksville and Nambucca Heads YOU MUST BOOK A SEAT Places for those with restricted mobility will be available next to the Frank Partridge VC Military Museum, opposite the cenotaph. Disabled toilets are also available there. Anzac biscuits recipe Crunchy and delicious, Anzac biscuits made with oats are a lower GI alternative to many packet biscuits and are cheap to make. Containing coconut, golden syrup and butter, these biscuits do not use egg as a binding agent. Serving Size:12 Category: Australian Ingredients: 2 cups rolled oats 2 cups flour 2 cups coconut 1 1/2 cups sugar 250g butter 4 tbsp golden syrup 1 tsp baking soda 2 tblsp boiling water Method: Turn oven to 160'C. Lightly grease oven trays. Place oats, flour, coconut, sugar in big mixing bowl. Melt butter and golden syrup in saucepan. Take off heat. Mix baking soda and boiling water in a cup. Add to melted butter mixture in the pan. Quickly add to big mixing bowl. Mix well. Roll tablespoonfuls of the mixture into balls. Place on trays 5cm apart. Press lightly with fork. Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land – the Gumbaynggirr People – and pays respects to Elders, both past and DORIGO ACCESS Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land – the Gumbaynggirr People – and pays respects to Elders, both past and present. Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. KATIE is in her 30s. She suffers from a number of serious mental and physical disabilities. Since birth, Katie has been cared for by her aunt, Mary. Katie's biological parents have been absent for most of her life. Several years ago, Katie's grandmother left her a sub-stantial inheritance to assist her in dealing with het dis-abilities. The funds have been held by the New South Wales Trustee and Guardian and some of the funds have been released to pay for medical costs and modifica-tions to Mary's home to assist Katie in managing her disabilities. Katie has never married and has no children. She has three siblings and her biolog-ical parents are still alive. Katie's disabilities mean that her life expectancy is rela-tively short. Although Katie's disabilities would prevent her from making a will, she has expressed concerns to Mary regarding how her trust fund will be dealt with upon her death. Mary makes an appoint-ment with her Coffs Harbour solicitor in order to obtain advice regarding Katie's concerns. The solicitor advises Mary that without a will, Katie's estate, including the sub-stantial trust fund, will go to Katie's parents equally ac-cording to the rules of "in-testacy". The solicitor con-firms that Katie does not have the capacity to make a will, leaving her estate to her preferred beneficiaries. The solicitor informs Mary that the Supreme Court has the ability to make a "stat-utory will" that would pre-vent Katie's estate going to her parents. With the assistance of her solicitor, Mary applies to the court, seeking an order that a will is made to the effect that Mary and Katie's three si-blings each receive a quarter of Katie's estate. The court decides that it is likely that if Katie had capac-ity, she would make sub-stantial provision for Mary. The court also considered Katie's limited relationship with her siblings. The court ultimately de-cides to make a "statutory will" for Katie. Mary is plea-santly surprised when she discovers that "given the sacrifices she has made" for Katie, the court makes a will giving her 55% of Katie's estate and 15% to each of Katie's siblings. Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land – the Gumbaynggirr People – and pays respects to Elders, both past and present. Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. Simple pumpkin soup recipe This pumpkin soup is a family favourite. Full of the flavour of roast pumpkin, it is perfect with a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkle of fresh chives alongside some crusty bread. Ingredients: 1 butternut pumpkin, peeled de-seeded and cubed 1 large potato, peeled and cubed 1 large carrot, peeled and roughly chopped 1 onion, diced 2 tbsp olive oil 4 tbsp Massel chicken flavoured stock powder Method: Heat oil in a pan and fry all vegetables until golden. Add 2L boiling water to the pan and stir in stock powder. Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes until all vegetables are soft. Using a stick mixer liquefy all the soup until it’s nice and smooth. Taste and season with salt and pepper accordingly. INGREDIENTS WHILE YOU WAIT…. 2 cups cooked white rice 2 cups milk 3 tablespoons butter 1 ⁄3 cup sugar 1 ⁄2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 ⁄4 teaspoon nutmeg 1 ⁄4 teaspoon cinnamon DIRECTIONS mix all of the above in a heavy bottom sauce pan. bring to a gentle boil over medium low Nambucca Valley disAbility Services Inc. acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land – the Gumbaynggirr People – and pays respects to Elders, both past and present.
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