9O October 2014 To the truck driveer, Truucks working on the Nambucca Heaads to Urunga Pacific Highway H upggrade Thee building of thhe Nambucca Heads to Uruunga Pacific Highway upgrade is causing an increase in heavy vehiccle trafffic in Valla, Urrunga and on the Waterfall Way. Roaads and Maritime Services and Lend Leaase acknowleddge the need to t share the loocal road netw work with all usser groups. The folloowing points arre raised as a further reminder to truck drrivers about thhe project’s exxpectations. Shaared Road Usser Policy Lennd Lease has a Shared Roaad User Policyy that is included in the projeect induction aand provided to t all trucking subbcontractors. This T policy aim ms to be inclussive of all roadd user groups, including cycclists, motoristts, motorcyclissts, peddestrians and emergency seervices. Eveeryone working on the projeect must abidee by this policyy. This includees: Obeying the road r rules inclluding speed llimits, traffic signage and rooad markings. r any unsafe drivingg or incident. Immediately reporting c ffor all local roaad network Performing alll work duties in a manner thhat promotes respect and consideration users. mit compression braking Lim Youu must limit the use of your compression brakes througgh residential areas a such ass Bellingen, Feernmount and Uruunga and all ruural residential areas betwe en towns and villages. Obeey all signs and a traffic controllers Youu must obey all a signs, includding temporarry speed zones. Always obeey the directionns of traffic coontrollers. perly maintainned Make sure your truck is prop Lendd Lease Engineerin ng Pty Limited ACN 000 201 516 Ballaards Road PO B Box 506 Nambucca Heads NSW 2448 Austrralia Obey all sig gnage Tellephone +61 6692 2300 Faccsimile +61 6692 2469 ww ww.lendlease.com Slow down There is an increase in traffic on the local road networks including the Pacific Highway and Waterfall Way. Please slow down and drive to the conditions of the road. Work hours You must stick to the approved working hours when coming to the project site or attending quarry sites. Lend Lease approved working hours are Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm and Saturday from 8am to 1pm. If ever you are unsure, check with your supervisor. Please show courtesy to all residents along your travel route by avoiding late night or early morning travel where possible. Performing a U-turn Do not use residents’ driveways to perform u-turns. If you need to turnaround please find a safe place on the existing road network to turn around. Maintain your truck Lend Lease has a stringent Plant Management Process and truck owners are required to keep their vehicles maintained. Regular inspections are carried out and all truck and trailers must undergo a Roads and Maritime approved ‘pink slip’ inspection before coming on the site and at six monthly intervals thereafter. Contact us You can report an incident or raise a concern at any time by calling the project site office on 6692 2300. You can also contact the toll free project information line on 1800 800 612 or email NH2U@lendlease.com. Please continue to do the right thing Roads and Maritime and Lend Lease are committed to safe driving. Please continue to do the right thing when you are driving Limit compression braking through residential areas Stick to approved working hours Yours sincerely Jason Moran Project Director - Nambucca Heads to Urunga Lend Lease 2
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