Ma arch 2015 V Vol. 3 Issue 3 Marcch is Natio onal “Nutriition” Mon nth! FAC CTS ABO OUT NUT TRITION - Most restaurant en ntrees are two servings. s - Dryin ng fruit causes massive nutrrient loss, deplleting 3080% o of its vitamin and a antioxida ant content. - 10% oof Americans are a vegetarian n. - Eatingg a Mediterraanean diet and d regularly co onsuming olive oil can reducce the risk off major cardiiovascular eventss and death by b 30%, includ ding stroke, and a heart attack ks. - Pecan ns and walnutts have more antioxidants a th han blueberriees, cranberriess, blackberriess, and currantss. Ageents: are you ready y for 8/1/15 5 ????? The H HUD as you know it is going g away.. There are new m mortgage disclosure form ms and they will change most eevery transaaction you work on affter August, 2015. Please reead the folllowing THR REE things agentss should know w before Au ugust 1. 1) Bee familiar with w the new Loan Esstimate and Cloosing Disclossure. 2) Tim ming of clo osings are impacted i by y disclosure deliivery rules. 3) Linne numbers have been removed an nd there are now w 7 fee areass. Pleasee drop us an n email at in nfo@escrowo if youu have any questions q orr would likee to receive additioonal informaation on the upcoming u ch hanges. Escrow Optio ons Branch Offices Bre ea Office 3040 Saturn Streeet Suite 101A A, 92821 714 4- 256-6740 Irvine Office 9901 Irvine Cen nter Dr., 92618 8 949 9-365-1889 Up pland Office 450 N. Mountaain Ave. Suite B, B 91786 909 9-946-9800 Tipps on … H Holding A G Great Openn House Advertisee Online! T There are several free webw sites including R, and Trulia thhat allow yo ou to o post informationn about open houses. Post the open housee on the M MLS as well as your ow wn website. Use your Facebook aaccount and ask friends and the ow wners to shhare your posst of the opeen house. Giive a descrip ption and all pertineent informaation so anny FAQ’s are wered; includde several phhotographs oof the propertty. answ Pllace open hhouse flyerss at near-byy establishm ments and community boards as well as thhe neighborss so localls know youu’ll be hostting an opeen house….they mighht have friendds/family that want to m move to the area. a Atttend Real E Estate office meetings annd brokers op pens in thhe area. Youu’ll be able to inform aagents aboutt the upco ming open house as weell as providde details ab bout the hhome. M Map your oppen house ssigns (Perhaaps a couplee of days early with the open hhouse date noted) – bring b attenntion to your signs by adding balloonns to the sign ns at w blocks so pobusy intersectionns. Place siggns every few tentiaal clients caan find their way. Pleease check with w HOA A’s and each city for any sspecial sign nage requiirements. M Map out the oother open hhouses in thhe area and print p out oon a flyer (w with your innfo) for pottential clientts to take away; think Miracle on 34th Street. These aree just a coupple of tips too help your next openn house; how wever the beest tip is to be yourself and have fun! Just a rem minder! The Evergreen R Realty Quartterly Meetinng is scheduled for 4/21/15 at thhe Laguna H Hills Commuunity Center at 11:300am Don’t foorget to add iit to your callendar! Your EEscrow staff: Brea‐ Jane.Sm meets@escro, CColleen.Patino@escrowop, Susan Cruz, Irvine‐ Deb bbie.Burke@eescrowoption, Debbie.Barber@escrowoptions.ccom, om, Nattalie.Garcia@ @escrowoptio, Lean nne Gallardo, Melanie Ott,, Brittany Varkel, Michelle Barnhart. Upl and‐ Willie.Leeon@escrow,, Miriam Diazz.
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