Roberts Lab of Ecosysstem Ecologyy and Biogeocchemistry Research A Associate or A Assistant posiition associatted with the Coastal Waters Con nsortium Research Associate or Assistant Po osition in Wettland Biogeocchemistry The Roberts Lab of Eco osystem Ecolo ogy and Bioge eochemistry ((http://roberttsresearchlab m/) at the Louisiana Universitties Marine C Consortium (LUMCON) is seeeking a reseearch associatte or assistant in Wetland B Biogeochemisstry to particiipate in a seriies of field/la boratory and d manipulative experimentts studying tthe effects off the Macondo Oil Spill on coastal mars h ecosystemss. The new hire will join a large, multi‐insttitution team of researchers in the Coasstal Waters CConsortium (h http://cwc.lum, aa BP GoMRI‐fu unded projectt studying the e impacts of the oil spill annd future spills on salt marrshes and coastal environments. The possition is assocciated with a collaborativee subproject o on wetland biiogeochemisttry obial ecology led by Drs. Brrian Roberts ((LUMCON), A Anne Giblin (M Marine Biologgical Laborato ory), and micro and Anne Bernhard (Co onnecticut Co ollege). The o objectives of tthe project arre to 1) impro ove our nding of temp poral and spatial patterns in marsh bioggeochemical process ratess, associated understan microbial communitiess, and factorss regulating th hese communnities and rates; and 2) evaaluate the im mpact oil exposure o on marsh bioggeochemical processes and associated microbial of and reccovery from o communitties. The rese earch associatte/assistant w will support thhe field and laaboratory analytical activities designed to accomplish these objecctives. The po osition will bee based at LUM MCON and w will require borate with to op scientists ffrom extensive field and laboratory workk. This is a unique opportuunity to collab he United Stattes in a large,, interdisciplin nary researchh project of great importan nce to the USS Gulf around th Coast and d other ecosysstems impactted by oil‐relaated activitiess. Qualificattions: The can ndidate mustt have a M.S. or B.S in ecollogy, wetland d science, bioggeochemistryy or a related fie eld. Familiaritty with analyttical instrume entation incluuding autoanaalyzers (for an nalysis of inorganic nutrients), TO OC/TN analyzzers (DOC/TD DN), elementaal analyzers (C C, N), and/or gas chromato ographs (CO2, CH4, and N2O) is desired. T O The candidatte will also bee expected to participate in n field workk that may req quire physicaal effort to traansport equippment in field d sites throughout Louisian na that are aaccessible only by small bo oats. The abilitty to work in a group settiing is essentiaal, as this researche er will work co ollaborativelyy with the PIs,, post docs, ggraduate and undergraduaate students, and other rese earch associates/assistants/technicianss on this projeect as well as personnel on n the larger Coastal W Waters Consorrtium project. The position n requires higgh organizatio onal and communication sskills as well as significant daatabase manaagement capabilities. Duration and Start Datte: Initial app pointment is ffor 1 year andd may be renewed for a to otal of 2.5 yeaars with this ffunding, depe ending on sattisfactory perfformance. Thhe desired staart date is sum mmer 2015. Location: The position will be based d at the Louisiana Universi ties Marine C Consortium (LLUMCON) Maarine www.lumcon for info rmation on th he facility). TThe field sitess are Center in Cocodrie, LA (visit http://w River. located allong the Louissiana coast between LUMCON and the Mississippi R To Apply: Send a letterr of interest, ccurriculum vittae, and the nname, addresss, phone and d email contact for at least th hree individuaals qualified tto comment o on scientific aand work qualifications to Dr. Brian Rob berts (broberts@ with “Wetlands Researcch Associate//Assistant possition” in the subject line. For questionss or more info ormation conttact Dr. Robe erts by email oor phone (9855‐851‐2821). Deadline: Review of ap pplications wiill commence e immediatelyy and continu ue until the po osition is filled d. LUMCON offers state b benefits and iis an Equal Op pportunity/Afffirmative Acction Employeer that activelly seeks dive ersity among its employee es.
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