2015 Spring NAM Newsletter - NA MacEachern Public School

N. A. MacEachern School Council - Newsletter
Spring 2015
Working Together, Building Opportunities for our Children
Around the School
On May 5th The Kodaly choir joined region
schools to perform at Centre in the Square.
Shining bright and singing proud!
Kindergarten Information Night for parents
is Wednesday, May 13th at 6:30 pm in the
library. Know a new family moving into the
neighbourhood? Call Mrs. King for more
information or to register. 519-885-1731
Grades 2-5 will be attending the WaterlooWellington Ground Water Festival on
May 28th! Students will experience handson learning when they explore water conservation,
protection, technology and ecology.
Grade 6’s will be heading off to camp Ki-Wa-Y
May 13- 15th for 3 days & 2 nights of fun.
They’ll have the opportunity to try canoeing,
swimming, archery & the high ropes course.
A variety of cooperative and artistic activities
gives everyone a chance to demonstrate their
ability to listen, learn and lead in any situation.
EQAO – (Educational Quality & Accountability Office)
provides provincial standardized testing
for students in grade 3 (May 25-27) and
grade 6 (June 1-3). Results help to identify
areas of growth and those in need of improvement.
Results are available the following fall.
During a 4 week session with The Chess
Lady, Rooms 7, 10, 11, 12, P1 & P3
will engage in the etiquette and problem
solving strategies of chess. Awesome!
June 24th Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony at
noon. Watch for your invitation to join your
student and their teachers as they recognize
growth, celebrate achievement and recollect about
your time at NAM. Congratulations and
best wishes!
Students Last Day is June 25th! Students
will attend a farewell assembly and
slideshow with contributions from the Camera Club
recognizing accomplishments and activities throughout
the year. The afternoon will be filled with in-class
activities and the last bell will ring at regular 3:40pm
Email us: namschoolcouncil@gmail.com
Volunteer Coordinator Wbrubacher@steadyprogress.ca
Movie Night
Come out and join us for a
great evening on the big
screen. Thursday May 21st
doors open at 6pm come and get “Flushed Away”.
Bring your own comfy cushion and $1.00 for
popcorn. Movie starts at 6:30pm.
Feedback – We want it!
School council has been working on
better communications.
Join our email list to stay current with
school activities, schedule updates,
events, School Council issues and volunteer
opportunities. We’re also looking forward to using
the online survey tool to see how you really feel about
things that affect your family. By joining the email
list your voice can be shared and incorporated in the
work that School Council does for our kids. Council
meets Tuesday May 12th and Tuesday June 9th at
7pm in the library. All are welcome! Visit the link
and join us at http://eepurl.com/J8Pd9 or email us at
Also visit the school’s website: http://nam.wrdsb.ca/
to access the link to the school’s Climate Survey.
We value your input so please take a few minutes to
provide information that helps us identify the
strengths and challenges in our school.
The survey is open till May 31st.
As a new initiative from our Safe,
Caring and Inclusive Schools
Committee the VIP - Very Important
Panther program was launched with a kick-off
assembly. Each month students are rewarded with a
ballot for demonstrating their positive behavior.
March was Being a Good Sport, April was Including
Others, May is Trying your Best and June will be
focused on a Growth Mindset. Ask your kids to tell
you more about it! Five ballots each month are
drawn and a variety of prizes may be chosen. The
wave is spreading, watch for those VIP water bottles
in a classroom near you!
Hoops 3 continues on Day 1 in the gym at 2nd break
for grade 6’s who aim to succeed!
Turn over
Making a Difference
Our Skipping Challenge will be June 10th.
Students are raising money for the cardiac unit at
St. Mary’s Hospital. Watch for more info.
The school’s effort in support of WE DAY
initiatives has raised over $2000 to buy
goats for families overseas. That’s 40
goats! Well Done! Our last initiative will
be supporting those closer to home,
collecting non-perishable food items for the Food
Bank of Waterloo Region May 4-8th.
Let’s make a difference together!
NAM Competes
June 5 Track & Field Day Junior Grades 4-6
June 12th Primary Play Day Grade K-3
June 17th County Track Meet (top seeded
Junior NAM athletes at University Stadium )
June 19th Pan Am Games Day Grade 1-6
Pan Am & Parapan games showcase and inspire new
generations to get active and challenge one-self no
matter the ability. I can, You can, We all can! Parent
& high school volunteers are needed. Contact the
volunteer coordinator if you can lend a hand. (see
calendar for rain days). wbrubacher@steadyprogress.ca
The days will be filled with tons of action, come
prepared to be busy, entertained and outside.
Reader Round up!
The Ontario Library Associations Forest of Reading
Award Program is wrapping up. Students have been
reading a selection of books and voted for their
favourites. We’re excited to know the winners.
The library will also be wrapping up soon.
Look for any sneaky library & home
reading books that might be hiding around
the house or in the classroom and return
them to the library.
Let the Good Times Roll!
Grade 6 Spirit Day Team is
still going strong on the last
Friday of every month! April was
school colours, May 22nd is Crazy Hair & Hat Day
and June 19th is Jersey Day. Show your Spirit!
Email us: namschoolcouncil@gmail.com
Volunteer Coordinator Wbrubacher@steadyprogress.ca
Earth Day Every Day
The Green Team continues to
work tirelessly emptying compost
and recycling bins in support of
important environmental initiatives at our school. On
Earth Day a team of our dedicated students went to
camp Heidelberg to participate in various
environmental activities. Join our team, be green!
Every Bit Counts
Fundraising initiatives by school council this year
supported our kids: field trips and bussing, Strong
Start, Caribou Math, and home reading programs.
Special events like Art & Movie night,
the Science Fair were well attended.
Donations are gladly accepted all year
long by cash or cheque to N.A
MacEachern School Council. 100% of your donations
to the school are used in the school for our students.
Ongoing fundraisers like our Tuesday and
Friday lunch programs have been very
successful! The kids enjoy Domino’s,
Subway, Boston Pizza, Pita Pit & popcorn.
The school receives proceeds that support
your kids at school.
Any time during the year drop off your
Canadian Tire “money” and used Ink Cartridges to
the collection bins in the office. We also fundraise
with Mabel’s Labels which specialize in labels for
clothing, equipment and containers. With each
purchase the school receives 20% and your labeled
stuff comes home! Use this link to order online and
tell a friend. Campaign Name: NAM School
Catch-up Corner
On March 22nd students showed off
their wonderful designs & projects at
Art Night’s evening showcase. Bravo!
On April 14th Students in K- 3 danced and
sang to a presentation of Jack and the
Bean Stock at the Humanities Theater
and on April 30th Science Fair projects
were on display &
presented to judges
from WCI. We all agree there’s
lots of amazing potential here!
Well Done!