Kelsey B. Hatzell E: P: 484 557 5406 A: 3141 Chestnut St., Lebow 344 Philadelphia, Pa 19104 Research Appointments Research Expertise • • • • • • Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Energy and Environmental Technology Division ITRI-Rosenfeld Postdoctoral Fellow Advisor: Dr. Adam Weber Electrochemistry Grid energy storage Materials for water and energy technologies Desalination Flowable Electrodes Membrane and separation processes A.J. Drexel NanoMaterials Institute D I N NSF Graduate Research Fellow Advisor: Prof. Yury Gogotsi Thesis: Conducting flowable electrodes for water and energy technologes Control Optimization Laboratory Graduate Research Assistant Advisor: Prof. Hosam K. Fathy Thesis: Optimal charging protocols for LiFePO4 batteries via deterministic dynamic programming Flow Systems for Grid Energy Storage and Water Desalination Separator Single Cell Philadelphia, Pa. June 2012-June 2015 The Pennsylvania State University State College, Pa. Aug. 2010-June 2012 M.S. in Mechanical Engineering Catholyte Materials for Critical Infrastructures Swarthmore College B.S. in Engineering B.A. in Economics Swarthmore, Pa. Aug. 2005-May 2009 International Collaborative Research Projects Paul Scherrer Institute Zurich , CH. Dec. 2014 Visiting Researcher (Primary Proposer) Primary Collaborator: Dr. Jens Eller and Prof. Vanessa Woods Project Title: In-situ visualization of hierarchially structured flowable capacitive electrodes for grid energy storage and desalination • Prepared and submitted proposal for TOMCAT beam line at Swiss Ligh Source (X-ray tomography) • Proposal Ranking: 4.25 (max: 5, avg: 3.52); Allocated 48 hours of beam time + Spherical Amorphous Manganese Oxide State College, Pa. Aug. 2010-June 2012 Drexel University Ph.D. in Material Science and Engineering Load + Philadelphia, Pa. June 2012-June 2015 Education Anolyte Current Collector Berkeley, Ca. June 2015 Universite Paul Sabatier III Toulouse, FR. Visiting Researcher June 2013 Primary Collaborator: Prof. Patrice Simon Project Title: Flow capacitive deionization without membranes (EU patent filed) • Fellowships and Awards • Publications • Presentations • Intellectual Property CV Quicklinks • Broader Impacts in Science Education • Professional Service • Research Skills Fellowships and Awards ITRI-Rosenfeld Postdoctoral Fellowship Lawrence Berkeley National Lab 2015-Present Energy and Environmental Technology Divsion National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship 2012-2015 Funding Awarded: $144,000 Materials Research Society Graduate Student Award 2014 Materials Research Society Arthur Nowick Graduate Student Award 2014 Awarded Silver (In the top 26 out of 251 applicants) For promise in teaching - 1 awarded out of 251 applicants Drexel’s Provost Fellowship 2012-2014 Drexel’s Deans Fellowship 2012-2014 Merit Based Fellowship for Academic Excellence International Travel Award 2014 Leeuwarden, the Netherlands International Conference on Interfaces against Pollution (IAP), titled “Interfaces in Water and Environmental Science” organized by Wetsus Electrochemical Society Travel Grant 2nd Place at American Society of Metals Poster Competition 2014 Willow Grove, PA. Title: Capacitive deionization - new materials and a noval scalable flow system design 1st Place Poster Award in Electrochemistry Section Electrochemical Society Meeting (1/250 posters) 2013 San Francisco, CA. Materials Research Society Energy Forum 2013 San Francisco, CA. Title: Optimization of the flowable electrode for the electrochemical flow capacitor Travel Award $1000 NSF Joint US-Africa Materials Initiative Fellowships Materials Research School 2012 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia NSF Workshop for developing productive graduate research groups NSF Travel Award The Starr Foundation 2012 Arlington, VA. Starr Foundation Fellowship 2005-2009 W.W. Smith Merit Scholarship 2005-2009 Merit Based Scholarship of $60,000 over four years Patents and Invention Disclosures P. Simon, P.-L. Taberna, B. Daffos, E. Iwama, T. Tzedakis, Y. Gogotsi, K.B. Hatzell, O. Gogotsi. Method and device to remove ions from an electrolytic media, such as water desalination, using suspension of divided materials in a flow capacitor. European Patent Application (13305761.2-1360) Filed June 2013 Book Chapters • K.B. Hatzell, and Y. Gogotsi. “Suspension electrodes for flowable large-scale energy storage.” in Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Systems: Advanced Batteries and Supercapcitors, Springer, 2015. Publications 1. K.B. Hatzell, M. Boota, and Y. Gogotsi, “Materials for conducting flowable electrodes for water and energy technologies”. In Preparation (2015). 2. K.B. Hatzell, B. Akuzum, M. Boota, L. Agaratan, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi. “Methods of measuring electronic and ionic conductivies in flowable electrodes.” In Preparation (2015). 3. A. McBride, K.B. Hatzell, M. Boota, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi. “The electrochemical performance of ionic liquid/solvent mixtures for the electrochemical flow capacitor”. In Preparation (2015). 4. E.C. Ren, K.B. Hatzell, M. Alhabeb, Z.L. Ling K. A. Mahmoud, and Y. Gogotsi. “MXene Composites as Novel Materials for next generation of desalination membranes.” Submitted (2014). 5. M.Boota, K.B.Hatzell, M. Alhabeb, E.C. Kumbur, and Y.Gogotsi. Graphene-containing flowable electrodes for capacitive energy storage. Carbon (2015). 6. K.B. Hatzell, M. Boota, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi. “Flowable Conducting Particle Networks in Redox-Active Electrolytes for Grid Energy Storage”. Journal of Electrochemical Society (2015). (*Focus Issue on Electrochemical Capacitors) 7. K.B. Hatzell, M.C. Hatzell, K.M. Cook, M.Boota, G. Housel, A. McBride, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi.. “The effect of oxidation of carbon material on suspension electrodes for flow-electrode capacitive deionization”. Environmental Science and Technology (2015). 8. M. Boota, K.B. Hatzell, E. C. Kumbur, and Y. Gogotsi. “Towards high energy density pseudocapacitive flowabe electrodes via incorporation of hydroquinone.” ChemSusChem (2015). 9. M.C. Hatzell, K.B. Hatzell, B.E. Logan. “Using flow electrodes in multiple reactors in series for continuous energy generation from capacitive mixing. ES&T Letters (2014). 10.C. Zhang, K.B. Hatzell, M. Boota, B. Dyatkin, M. Beidaghi, D. Long, W. Qiao, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi. “Highly porous carbon spheres for electrochemical capacitors and capacitive flowable suspension electrodes.” Carbon 77 (2014), 155-164. 11.M. Boota, K.B. Hatzell, M. Beidaghi, C.R. Dennison, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi. “Activated carbon spheres as a flowable electrode in electrochemical flow capacitors” Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161 (2014), A1078-A1083. 12.K.B. Hatzell, L. Fan, M. Beidaghi, M. Boota, E. Pomerantseva, E.C. Kumbur, and Y. Gogotsi. “Composite manganese oxide percolating networks as a suspension electrode for an asymmetric flow capacitor”. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 6 (2014), 8886-8893. 13.K.B. Hatzell, E. Iwama, A. Ferris, K. Urita, B. Daffos, P.L. Taberna, T. Tzadakis, P. Simon, and Y. Gogotsi. “Capacitive deionization concept based on suspension electrodes without ion exchange membranes”. Electrochemistry Communications 43 (2014), 18-21. 14.C.R. Dennison, M. Beidaghi, K.B. Hatzell, J.W Campos, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi. “Effects of flow cell design on charge transfer and storage in the carbon slurry electrodes of the electrochemical flow capacitor” Journal of Power Sources 247 (2014), 489-496. 15. K.B. Hatzell, M. Beidaghi, J.W. Campos, C.R. Dennison, E.C. Kumbur, and Y. Gogotsi. “A high performance pseudocapacitive suspension electrode for the electrochemical flow capacitor”. Electrochimica Acta 111 (2013), 888-897. 16.J.W. Campos, M. Beidaghi, K.B. Hatzell, C.R. Dennison, E. Musci, E.C. Kumbur, and Y. Gogotsi. “Investigation of carbon materials for the flowable electrode in the electrochemical flow capacitor. Electrochimica Acta 98 (2013), 123-130. 17.K.B. Hatzell, A. Sharma, H.K. Fathy. “A survey of long-term health modeling, estimation, control challenges and opportunities for lithium-ion batteries.” in the American Control’s Conference (2012), Montreal, QC. Pedagogy-Based Publications 1. K.B. Hatzell, M.C. Hatzell, M.Y. Pack, J.G. Hatzell, S.N. Patel, T.L. Sulewski, A.L. Freeman, and K. Mehta. “Overview of the first year of a innovative science education and entrepreneurship venture.” in American Soceity of Engineering Education ASEE, (2012). San Antonio, TX. Invited Talks/Keynote Lectures • K.B. Hatzell. “Conducting flowable electrodes for water and energy technologies”. Swarthmore College , 2015, Swarthmore, Pa. [Invited Talk] • K.B. Hatzell. “Conducting flowable electrodes for water and energy technologies”. Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, 2015, Berkeley, Ca. [Invited Talk] • K.B. Hatzell. “Conducting flowable electrodes for water and energy technologies”. 2015, Argonne National Lab, 2015 Lemont, Il.[Invited Talk] • K.B. Hatzell. “Capacitive deionization based on flowable electrodes”. Interfaces in Water and Environmental Science Conference. 2014, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands [Keynote Lecture] • K.B. Hatzell. “Capacitive techniques for large scale infrastructure challenges: the Water-Energy Nexus”. Villanova College of Engineering Invited Speaker Series. 2013, Villanova, PA. [Invited Talk] Select Presentations and Posters 1. C.E. Ren, M. Alhabeb, Z. Ling, K.B. Hatzell, M. Acik, K. Mahmoud, and Y. Gogotsi. “Mxene As A Novel Material For Next Generation Desalination Membranes”. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference (2015). Proceedings: Vol. 1, EEPP0472. DOI: 10.5339/qfarc.2014.EEPP0472 2. M. Boota, K.B. Hatzell, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi. “Towards sustainable energy storage via incorporation of organic molecules on carbon spheres” Electrochemical Society Chapter Meeting (spring 2015). Chicago, Il. 3. C.E. Ren, M. Alhabeb, Z. Ling, K.B. Hatzell, M. Acik, K. Mahmoud, and Y. Gogotsi. “Mxene-Based Membranes As Novel Materials for Ion Separation.” Electrochemical Society Chapter Meeting (spring 2015). Chicago, Il. 4. K.B. Hatzell, M. Boota, Y. Gogotsi. “Capacitive suspension electrodes: An overview of the physical and chemical properties governing energy storage performance”.Materials Research Society Meeting (2014), Boston, Ma. [Presentation] **Graduate Student Awardee Talk** 5. K.B. Hatzell, Y. Gogotsi. “An overview on flowable electrodes for grid energy storage and desalination applications Integrating Energy Storage onto the Grid: A JCESR Symposium (2014) UIUC, Il [Poster] 6. K.B. Hatzell, K.M. Cook, M. Boota, G. Housel, A. McBride, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi. “Influence of surface chemistry on rheological and electrochemical properties in flowable electrodes.” Electrochemistry Society Meeting (2014), Cancun, MX. [Presentation] 7. K.B. Hatzell, Y. Gogotsi. “Low energy, low ion concentration deionzation.” ASM Meeting. (2014) Willow Grove, PA. [**2nd Place Poster Award, Overall**][Poster] 8. G. Housel*, K.B. Hatzell, Y. Gogotsi. “Influence of surface chemistry on rheological and electrochemical properties in capacitive suspension electrodes.” Colonial Acadmic Alliance Undergraduate Research Conference. (2014). Townson, Md. *First Author supervised by candidate [Poster] 9. A. McBride, K.B. Hatzell, Y. Gogotsi. “Investigating Ionic Liquid electrolytes for hte electrochemical flow capacitor..” Drexel Research Day. (2014). Philadelphia, PA. *First Author supervised by candidate [Poster] 10.K.B.Hatzell, Y. Gogotsi. “Flowable electrodes for efficient ion removal with capacitive deionzation” . ASM Meeting (2014), Willow Grove, PA.. [Presentation] 11.K.B. Hatzell, L. Fan, M. Beidgahi, M. Boota, E. Pomerantseva, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi. “Expanded voltage window in an aqueous-based asymmetric manganese-dioxide/activated carbon suspension electrode system”. Materials Research Society Meeting (2014), San Francisco, CA. [Presentation] 12. M. Beidgahi, K.B. Hatzell, M. Boota, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi. “Recent advances toward improvements of the electrochemical flow capacitor”. TMS Conference (2014), San Diego, CA.[Presentation] 13.K.B. Hatzell, Y. Gogotsi. “Capacitive deionization - new materials and novel scalable flow system design.” 224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (2013), San Francisco, CA. [Poster] 14.K.B. Hatzell, E. Iwama, B.Daffos, P.L. Taberna, T. Tzedakis, A. Gogotsi, P. Simon, and Y. Gogotsi. “High electrosorption capacitiy electrodes for capacitive deionization. 224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (2013), San Francisco, CA. [Presentation] Select Presentations and Posters (cont.) 1. K.B. Hatzell, M. Beidaghi, J.W. Campos, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi. “A high performance pseudocapacitive flow electrode for the electrochemical flow capacitor. 224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (2013), San Francisco, CA. [Presentation] 2. K.B. Hatzell, M.Boota, M. Beidaghi, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi. “Optimization the flowable electrode for the Electrochemical Flow Capacitor” 224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (2013), San Francisco, CA. [**Best Poster Award in the Electrochemistry Section**] 3. K.B. Hatzell, M. Boota, M. Beidgahi, E.C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi. “Methods for enhancing the flowable electrode capacitance in the electrochemical flow capaitor”. Materials Research Society Meeting (2013), San Francisco, CA. [Presentation] 4. K.B. Hatzell, M. Beidaghi, J.W. Campos, E.C. Kumbur, and Y. Gogotsi. The electrochemical flow capacitor for efficient gridscale energy storage.” TMS Conference. 2012, San Antonio, TX. [Presentation] 5. K.B. Hatzell, Y. Gogotsi. “The Water-Energy Nexus and the role of capacitive techniques”. Drexel Graduate School Association Meeting (2013), Philadelphia, Pa. [Presentation] Research Skills Computer Literacy: Experience with Python, C and fortran Software Expertise: Adobe (photoshop/illustrator/indesign), CASA XPS, ChemDraw, COMSOL, EC-LAB, Latex, Maple, Mathematica, MATLAB, Origin, SolidWorks, VESTA. Laboratory Skills Characterization: Trained in Scanning electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, optical microscopy, electrochemistry characterization, UV- Vis specroscopy, Potentiometric/Boehm titration Synthesis and sample preparation: Hydrothermal synthesis methods, coprecipitation, microwave and electrochemical deposition. Battery, supercapactior, and flow electrode preparation and characterization. Experience working with aqueous, organic and ionic liquid electrolytes. Experimental Design: Proficient with most workshop machines (Lathe/Mill/Drill-Press, etc.). Experience with design and building of flow-electrode tests for desalination and grid energy storage. Proficient with arduino microcontrollers. PDMS microchannel preparation and assembly trained. Professional Service Peer Reviewer International Journals: Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Carbon, ChemPlusChem, Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology Ongoing The Electrochemical Society President of Drexel Student Chapter Ongoing Materials Research Society Liason to National Chapter Ongoing Graduate Women in Science and Engineering Chair for Science Outreach Ongoing Broader Impacts and Science Education Mentorship Experience Research Mentor to Undergraduate Research Project Title/Contact Information 1. Conrad Schmidt (Jan. 2014-Present): Three-dimensional printing flow cell design for efficient energy storage 2. Gabrielle Housel (Jan. 2013-Present): The role of surface chemistry on rheological properties of suspension electrodes 3. Alex McBride (Sept. 2013-Present): An investigation of ionic liquids in capacitive suspension electrodes 4. Katie Brubaker (Nov. 2012-May 2013) : Active material utilization in thick suspension-type electrodes Teaching experience and Training Engineering 220: Fundamental of Materials Led discussion and problem-centered recitations (2-classes-6 hrs/wk ) Instructor Spring 2014 Certificate in University Teaching Program Drexel Graduate Student Association Program Selected to attend 12-week certificate program (20+ hours of workshops) Spring 2013 Science and Engineering Outreach SciBRIDGE ( -Founding member and volunteer -Program’s focus is in communicating science to a broader commuity of international scholars -Currently partnered with Universities and High Schools in Uganda and Ethiopia -Making science ‘open-source’ and accessible thorugh carefully designed hands-on practicum Our Mother of Sorrow’s Science Club Coordinator -Organized after-school science club program in West Philadelphia middle school for at-risk youth -Each week featured a different lesson plan, and hands on experiments Drexel Experience in Material’s Outreach (D.E.M.O) -Material’s Science and engineering science outreach for K-12 students Battery and Energy Storage Technology club -Outreach group focusing on K-12 outreach with a focus in energy storage and electrochemistry -Activities over 2-years involved over 500 students in central PA iSPACES: Rethinking Science Education + Design of an Innovation Space -Humanitarian Engineering and Social entrepreneurship program -Mentored a cross-disciplinary group of students in program to rethink the way science concepts can be expressed beyond the typical rote methods and to a broader spectrum of learners in Tanzania. US Scientist/volunteer Spring 2014-Present Organizational Lead Spring 2013-Present Founding Member Spring 2013-Present President Dec. 2010-2012
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