Северодвинский филиал Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета СЕВМАШВТУЗ Кафедра № 8 (иностранный язык) Дерягина И.Я. СБОРНИК ТЕКСТОВ ДЛЯ ЧТЕНИЯ I КУРС Индекс 140200. ОФО 2000 1.1 Количество 68 часов г.Северодвинск 2003 г. 1 Unit 1 About the Pioneers of Russian Electrical Engineering The second half of the 19th century was a period of rapid growth of electrical engineering. Among those who founded this branch of knowledge and contributed to its further development are P.N.Yablochkov and A.N.Lodygin-two Great Russian scientists and inventors. Yablochkov invented the electric candle which became known all over the world under name of “Russian Light”. At the time when the direct current was in universal use, he realized the advantages of alternating current. The first incandescent lamp for practical use was produced in Russia in 1873 by great Russian scientist Alexander Lodygin. In his lamp he fixed a small carbon rod about 2mm in diameter between two copper conductors. In order to protect the lamp from burning through, the lamp’s air had been evacuated. Vacuum at the time being far from perfect, the first lamp was short-lived. Its life was measured in hours. In 1890 Lodygin made his first lamps with a metal filament using metals with high melting points, such as tungsten, molybdenum, osmium. Today the filament of incandescent lamp is twisted into a spiral. The melting point of tungsten being 3.300, it can be heated to 3.000.At this temperature, however, tungsten begins to evaporate. In order to avoid evaporation of tungsten, today lamps are filled with chemically inert gas, i.e. argon or krypton. In a gas-filled incandescent lamp the ends of a filament are connected to the two wires passing through the bulb and attached to the metal base. One of the wires is attached to the base and the other-to the base contact insulated from the base. 3. Вопросы к тексту: 1. Who were Yablochkov and Lodygin? 2. When did electricity begin to find practical application? 3. What did Yablochkov invent? 4. Which source of light is more efficient the electric candle or the incandescent filament lamp? 5. What lamp did Lodygin make first? 6. What are its disadvantages? 7. What did Lodygin's experiments result in? 8. What is the principal feature of the design of the tungsten filament lamp? 9.How are modern incandescent lamps constructed 4. Переведите следующие словосочетания: Heating elements Incandescent lamps Circuit load Healable unit Electrical candle Inert gas High melting points Metal base Direct current Short - lived Alternating current Reducing value Current - carrying parts Constantly regulated voltage Value 2 5. Переведите предложения с союзами: "as", "if" "although" 1. The distance is not measured on the curved surface of the 2. Earth but is computed as if the line were passing through the Earth. 3. The fluid motion in the transition region may be treated as if the region were plane. 4. At speeds less than 300 ph the airflow around an aircraft behaves as though the air were compressible. 5. Such specialized curves must usually be analyzed as though they were two or move separate curves. 6. He thought of her as if she alone were living in the world. Unit 2 Thomas Alva Edison. The name of Thomas Alva Edison is widely known throughout the world. In his fifty years and more of invention he took out over a thousand patents but perhaps the most famous of all his contributions was the improvement of the electric lamp. Thus, highly appreciated Lodygin’s invention, Edison went further and worked out a more efficient incandescent filament lamp that was durable, cheap and suitable for the large-scale production. It is also owing to Edison that an efficient system of electric light distribution was carried out, due to which the widespread use of this lamp became possible. Edison was a self-taught man, his schooling being limited to three months in a public school. In spite of this, from early childhood he displayed an intense curiosity as well as a great capacity for work and study. He began to experiment at the age of ten or eleven. Instead of a laboratory he used the cellar of his parents’ house. Later on, Edison had to overcome many more difficulties because of the lack of money and assistance. Many years had passed before he could dispose of laboratories and workshops of his own. Thanks to his native genius, his capacity for work(for months he slept no more than one or two hours a day) and the profound study he made of every problem he worked at, he headed technical research in his country and enriched humanity with his numerous inventions. 3. Вопросы по тексту: 1. Who was Thomas Alva Edison? 2. What may be considered as the most famous of Edison's conclusions? 3. Who invented the incandescent filament lamp? 4. At what age did he begin to experiment? 5. What did he use as a laboratory? 6. Did he have to overcome many difficulties because of the lack of money and assistance? How many patents did he take out for his inventions? 4. Переведите, обращая особое внимание на составные предлоги: 1. In spite of his lack of schooling Edison was one of the greatest inventors of his time. 2. Owing to his remarkable capacity for work he perfected his knowledge in various fields of engineering. 3 3. Edison lost his hearing because of a railroad accident! 4. He communicated with other people by means of a special device of his own invention. The widespread use of the incandescent filament lamp could become possible only in connection with and thanks to the development of on effective system of electric light distribution 5. Заполните пропуски устойчивыми словосочетаниями: to take interest (in); to make use (of); to play a part (in); to take part (in); to find application (in). 6.Переведите: 1. Edison .... in most technical problems of his time . 2. Some of his inventions... in the production of the modern sound film. 3. He ........ of his father's cellar for his experiments. 4. Hundreds of people ... in the research work carried out in his laboratories. 5. Most of his inventions industry and everyday life. Unit 3 Force, Work, Energy. Power and Weight. In the language of science a few words among them Force, Energy, Work, Power and Weight, have definite meanings differing a little from the meanings that are often given to them in everyday life. In mechanics, force does not mean strength. The word “force”, meaning a simple push or pull, is not connected with idea of time. When forces are pushing upon an object or pulling it, they change it from one state to another. Energy by virtue of position of a state of rest is known as Potential Energy, and energy by virtue of motion, or a state of motion, is known as Kinetic Energy. Both are measured in the unit of work, kg-m. A machine cannot give more work than is put into it. The rate at which a machine does work is measured in horsepower or kilowatts. One horsepower equals 75 kg-m per sec. Or 746 watts. The energy possessed by a body represents its capacity to do work. The physicists have decided that a force works (or does not work) only when it moves something. Energy can exist in many forms such as kinetic, potential, electrical, mechanical, chemical, heat and light energy. In mechanics we are interested in kinetic as well as in potential energy. The kinetic energy of a body is the energy it possesses because of its speed. Thus, any moving body is able to do work simply because it is moving. For example, work is done when a weight lying on the ground is lifted, when a stone is thrown. However, no work is done in the scientific sense of the word when a man is standing and holding a weight. Mathematically he has done no work. True, the force is applied, but it results in no work. But bodies that are not in motion often have great capacities for doing work. The potential energy of a body is the energy it possesses by virtue of its position. For example, by stretching a spring we do work that is stored up in the spring as potential energy. Falling water has a store of energy, for as it is flowing down it can be used to drive the water-wheels of turbines. Coals and fuels also hold a store of energy. It can be made use of when we are burning fuels to produce steam. A machine is a device for applying energy for various purposes. On account of friction we always get less useful work out of a machine than we put into it. 4 3. Вопросы к тексту: 1. What words in the language of science have definite meanings? What do they mean? 2. What is the difference between force and strength in mechanics? 3. What word is known as Potential Energy by virtue of position of a state of rest? 4. In what forms can energy exist? 5. What is the kinetic energy? 6. What is the potential energy? 7. What is the energy input equal to according to the Law of Conservation of Energy? 4. Переведите предложения и определите заменяемое существительное: 1. The price of tin is higher than that of copper. 2. Since its radius is smaller than that of the Earth, the Moon's surface has a much greater curvature 3. The man's weight on the Moon is 10-12 kg. less than that on the Earth because of the Moon's gravity. 4. The territory of Siberia is larger than that of France. 5. The climate of the Antarctic is more severe than that of the Arctic. 6. The Caucasian mountains are higher than those of the Crimea. 7. The cosmonauts carry out experiments in a mock - up spacecraft where conditions similar to those of actual space flight are simulated. Unit 4 Transmitter. Telephony is widely used in everyday life. By means of a telephone people can communicate with each other at a distance of thousands of kilometers. When speaking over the telephone, we press the receiver to our ear. We speak into the microphone or transmitter. The transmission of sounds over a distance is the transmission of oscillations. The frequency of the transmitted oscillations must be constant. The microphone or transmitter consists of microphone housing, carbon chamber, carbon diaphragm, carbon granules, insulating spacer, and conductor. The current passes through the diaphragm, carbon chamber and carbon granules. The sound pressure on the diaphragm varies the pressure on the granules of carbon. These granules either make more contacts and decrease the resistance of the granules, or make fewer contacts and increase the resistance. Sound waves produce oscillations of the same frequency as those of the sounding body. At this both the transmitter resistance and the current in the circuit will change. 3. Вопросы к тексту: 1. What enables people to communicate with each other over long distances? 2. What part of the telephone is pressed to our ear? 3. What part of the telephone do we speak into? 4. What is the transmission of oscillations? 5. Must the frequency of oscillations be constant or must it vary? 6. How many parts does the transmitter consist of? 7. What parts does current pass through? 8. Why does the sound pressure on the diaphragm vary? 9. How does the resistance of the granules change? 10. 10. How does the number of contacts change? 5 11. What is the frequency of oscillations produced by sound waves? 4. Переведите следующие предложения; выразите своё согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями: 1 .The transmitter consists of... - a microphone housing - a carbon diaphragm - carbon granules - a carbon chamber - an insulating spacer - a conductor 2. Carbon granules... - pass current - either decrease the resistance or increase the resistance 3.Telephony.. . - is widely used in our country - enables us to transmit sound energy. Unit 5 Electric Power Plants. Electric power is generated at electric power plants. The main unit of an electric power plant comprises a prime mover and the generator which it rotates. In order to actuate the prime mover energy is required. Many different sources belong heat obtained by burning fuels, pressure due to the flow of air (wind), solar heat, etc. According to the kind of energy used by the mover, power plants are divided into groups. Thermal, hydraulic (water-power) and wind plants form these groups. According to the kind of prime mover, electric power plants are classed as: a) Steam turbine plants, where steam turbines serve as prime movers. The main generating units at steam turbine plants belong to the modern, high-capacity class of power plants. b) Steam engine plants, in which the prime mover is a piston-type steam engine. Nowadays no large generating plants of industrial importance are constructed with such prime movers. They are used only for local power supply. c) Diesel- engine plants; in them diesel internal combustion engines are installed. These plants are also of small capacity, they are employed for local power supply. d) Hydroelectric power plants employ water turbines as prime movers. Therefore they are called hydro turbine plants. Their main generating unit is the hydro generator. Modern wind-electric power plants utilize various turbines; these plants as well as the small capacity hydroelectric power plants are widely used in agriculture. 3. Вопросы: 1. What plants generate electric energy? 2. What kinds of energy do prime movers employ? 3. What sources of energy are in use nowadays? 4. What power plants do you know? 6 5. How are plans with different kinds of prime movers called? 6. What are the main generating units at steam turbine plants? 7. In what plaits are combustion engines employed? 8. What are diesel - engine plants? 9. How are plants employing water turbines called? .10. Where are wind - electric power plants widely used? 4. Заполните пропуски глаголами: "to employ" "to obtain" " to require" 1. Water power is ... in order to activate water turbines. 2. Using different kinds of fuels we energy. 3. Power plants are named according to the kind of fuel they ., 4. Small - capacity power plants diesels combustion. 5. Выберите верный вариант: 1.An electric power plant... a) transmits electric energy b)generates electric energy 2.Prime movers use energy of.... a) one kind b)various kinds Unit 6 Hydroelectric power station. Water power was used to drive machinery long before Polzunov and James Watt harnessed steam to meet man’s needs for useful power. Modern hydroelectric power stations use water power to turn the machines which generate electricity. The water power may be obtained from small dams in rivers or from enormous sources of water power like those to be found in the USSR. However ,most of our electricity, that is about 75-80 per cent, still comes from steam power stations. In some other countries, such as Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland, more electric energy is produced from water power than from steam. They have been developing large hydroelectric power stations for the past forty years, or so, because they lack a sufficient fuel supply. The tendency, nowadays, even for countries that have large coal resources is to utilize their water power in order to conserve their resources of coal. As a matter of fact, almost one half of the total electric supply of the world comes from water power. The locality of a hydroelectric power plant depends on natural conditions. The hydroelectric power plant may be located either at the dam or at a considerable distance below. That depends on the desirability of using the head supply at the dam itself or the desirability of getting a greater head. In the latter case, water is conducted through pipes or open channels to a point farther downstream where the natural conditions make a greater head possible. The design of machines for using water power greatly depends on the nature of the available water supply. In some cases great quantities of water can be taken from a large river with only a few feet head. In other cases, instead of a few feet, we may have a head of several thousands of feet. In general, power may be developed from water by action of its pressure, of its velocity, or by a combination of both. A hydraulic turbine and a generator are the main equipment in a hydraulic power station. Hydraulic turbines are the key machines converting the energy of flowing water into 7 mechanical energy. Such turbines have the following principal parts: a runner composed of radial blades mounted on a rotating shaft and a steel casing which houses the runner. There are two types of water turbines, namely, the reaction turbine and the impulse turbine. The reaction turbine is the one for low heads and a small flow. Modified forms of the above turbine are used for medium heads up to 500-600 it, the shaft being horizontal for the larger heads. High heads, above 500 it, employ the impulse type turbine. It is the reaction turbine that is mostly used in the USSR. Speaking of hydraulic turbines, it is interesting to point out that in recent years there has been a great increase in size, capacity, and output of Soviet turbines. Some examples are given below. A turbine at the Bratsk hydraulic power station is known to have a 225,000kw capacity. The capacity of a turbine at the Krasnoyarsk station on the Yenisei River is many times as great. Each of the ten turbines of that station has a capacity of 500,000 kw. As for its size, its spiral casing has plenty of room for a two- storied house. At the next station built on Yenissei, each turbine is planned to have a capacity of more than 800,000kw. 3.Вопросы к тексту: 1. At what distance are large - capacity power plants located from consumers of power? 2. What components does the water rotate? 3. What factor influences the power capacity? 4. What does daily inflow of water depend on? 5. What influences the plant's power capacity? 6. What plants serve for the supply of large industrial regions? 7. What plants serve for power supply in agricultural areas? 4. Заполните пропуски глаголами: '' to build", "to locate", "to fluctuate", "to belong". 1.At what distance are hydroelectric power plants ... from their consumers? 2.Low capacity power plants are ... in agricultural areas. 3.The daily inflow of water considerably. 4.Steam turbine plants ... to the modern high - capacity class of power plants 5. Выберите верный вариант: 1. Large capacity power stations are located a) At a short distance from consumers of power. b) At a considerable distance from consumers of power. 2. Water rotates ... a) the runner blades b) the turbine shaft 3. The magnitude of the water head ... a) influences the power capacity b)does not influence it 5.Daily inflow of water .... a) Fluctuates considerably b) Fluctuates a little 6. Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на подлежащее 8 при сказуемом в Passive. 1. Mendeleev’s Periodic Table is spoken of as one of the greatest discoveries of the 19th century. 2. A surface covered by rhodium is not affected by air. 3. That law was soon followed by another one. 4. They were influenced by his good example. 5. The conference will be attended by many guests from abroad. Unit 7 Thermal electrical plants. Hydroelectric stations deliver power from great rivers, but still about 80 per cent of the required electric power is produced in thermal electrical plants. These plants burn coal, gas, peat or shale to make steam. To understand how the energy of fuel is converted into electrical energy let us discuss the heat process and begin with the fuel. Gas is delivered through gas pipelines. The coal (peat, shale) arrives in trains, and conveyors or cranes unload it for storage and bring it to the furnace. It is more effective to burn coal in the form of powder, therefore it is first crushed, pulverized and blown into furnaces. To attain complete combustion of the powder a large volume of air is needed, delivered by forced air fans, exhauster fans and smoke stacks. The steam boilers or steam generators supply the huge amount of high -pressure, high -temperature steam required to drive the high- power turbine generators. The kinetic energy of its steam acts against the blades on the turbine and rotates its shaft joined to the generator shaft. A centralized control desk with panels and many instruments and automatic control devices supervises and monitors the plant, with only a few operators. 3. Вопросы к тексту: 1. Where are hydroelectric stations located? 2. What stations produce about 80 per cent of the required electric power? 3. What fuel do they work on? 4. What kind of fuel do you know? 5. How is gas delivered? 6. How are solid fuels delivered? 7. In what form is the solid fuel burnt? 8. Why is a large volume of air needed for burning solid fuels? 9. What is used for this purpose? 10.What are generators fed by? 11.What does the kinetic energy of the steam do with the blades of the turbine? 12.What does a centralized control desk do? 13.Why are there only a few operators at such electrical plants? 4.Заполните пропуски глаголами: 9 "to convert", "to crush", "to pulverize", "to blow", "to unload", " to feed", "to bring", "to monitor". 1. Thermal electrical plants solid and gas. 2. The energy of solid fuels and gas is ... to electrical energy. 3. Solid fuels are by conveyors and cranes. 4. Solid fuels are … and ... to the furnace. 5. Generators are ... by the huge amount of high pressure, high temperature steam. 6. A centralized control desk ... and ...the plant. 7. Electrical energy is to various of the nearest region. 5.Выберите вариант: 1.Thermal electrical plants produce a) A limited volume of electrical energy. b)A large volume of electrical energy. 2.Thermal electrical plants are a) the main producer of electrical energy. b)not the main producer of electrical energy. 3.Solid fuels are more effective in a) the form of powder b)not in the form of powder 4.Generators are fed by a) gas b)high temperature steam 5.The blades of the turbine rotate ... a) the generator shaft b)its shaft 6.Thermal electrical plants employ a) water turbines b)gas and solid fuels Unit 8 Magnetic thermal relay. Application. This relay is designed for the overload protection of motors connected to a single-phase or to a three- phase A.C. supply (a.c.-alternating current). The thermal unit matches the motor temperature and protects it against overload. Construction. The relay consists of two main parts: the magnetic unit and the contact box. The magnetic unit includes two coils on a horizontal shaft: a primary coil- for 10 the current to be controlled and a secondary coil connected to a bimetallic bar. The parts of the relay are installed close to each other on a base of insulating material. Operation. The current to be controlled flows through the primary coil and produces both a magnetic field and a current in the bimetallic bar and heats it. When the current increases above the maximum value, the bar warps. The contact on the shaft is opened. 3. Вопросы: 1. What is the magnetic thermal relay designed for? 2. What does the thermal unit do? 3. What does the relay consist of? 4. What does the magnetic unit include ? 5. What are two coils located on ? 6. What is the task of a primary coil? 7. What is the task of a secondary coil? 8. How are the parts of the relay installed? Unit 9 The atomic power station. Industry depends on power. The industrial development of the last 200 years has been based primarily on the exploitation of coal and latter of oil. In some parts of the world the force of flowing water has been used to generate electricity. Now a new fuel and a new source of power is put to the service of mankind. The fuel is uranium and the source of power is atomic power. Nuclear power plants offer a new means of making power available in regions where the cost of transport is nearing its economic limits. One of the great advantages of atomic power stations is the fact they can be built in the very region where power is to be used. As a result long electric transmission lines become unnecessary. The atomic power plant is a typical steam power installation with the electricity generated by a steam turbine operated by water converted into steam as a result of uranium fission. The principal components of the power plant equipment are: A. The nuclear reactor. B. The heat exchanger in which the steam is produced. C. The steam turbine. The power plant has two main water circulation circuits; first- between the reactor and the steam exchanger for transferring heat and second- between the steam exchanger and the turbine for producing steam to drive the turbine. The scientists have designed a few types of reactors. The reactors will operate with a mixture of natural and enriched uranium. Atomic power stations are advantageous because of their low fuel consumption. If the capacity of an atomic power station is assumed to be one million kilowatts and its efficiency 25 per cent, only about 500 kg of fuel will be required to ensure the operation of the reactors for 24 hours. A power station of the same capacity operating with ordinary solid fuel would require 550 carloads of brown coal for the same period of time. Atomic power plants will meet the ever-increasing demand for power by using a new source of energy, a source allowing the great industrial systems to continue hundreds-even thousands of years beyond the time when the conventional sources of power will have been exhausted. 11 3.Вопросы к тексту: 1 .What fuels were exploited for the last 200 years? 2. What is a new fuel and a new source of power put to the service of mankind? 3.What do nuclear power plants offer? 4. What is one of the great advantages of atomic power stations? 3. Is the consumption of fuel lower at the atomic power stations compared to that at the ordinary power stations? 6. Give the example in numbers. 7. What is the atomic power plant in general? 8. How is electricity generated at the atomic power plants? 9. How is water converted into steam? 10. What are the two main water circulation circuits? 11.Will atomic power plants meet the ever-increasing demands for power? 4. Переведите словосочетания: Nuclear installations, power engineering, neutron reactors, power capacity concentration, nuclear power concentration, fast neutron nuclear installations, atomic power stations, low fuel consumption, heat exchanger. 5. Переведите с русского на английский. 1. .Daily inflow of water (колеблется) considerably. 2. Economical (потребление) of electric power is achieved by interconnected operation of power plant. 3. (Преимущество) of an atomic electric power plant is its high (эффективность). 6. Задайте по два вопроса к каждому предложению: 1 .Water-turbine plants are called hydro turbines. 2. Load graph determines the operating load conditions. 3. Water rotates the turbine shaft Unit 10 The atomic power plant. Atomic power plants are modern installations. They consist of several main units and a great number of auxiliary ones. In a nuclear reactor uranium is utilized as a fuel. During operation process powerful heat and radioactive radiation are produced. The nuclear reactor is cooled by water circulation. Cooling water circulates through a system of tubes, in which the water is heated to a temperature of 250-300 C. In order to prevent boiling of water, it passes into the reactor at a pressure up to 150 atmospheres. A steam generator includes a series of heat exchangers comprising tubes. The water heated in the reactor is delivered into heat exchanger tubes. The water to be converted into steam flows outside these tubes. The steam produced is fed into the turbo generator. Besides, an atomic power plant comprises a common turbo generator, a steam condenser with circulating water and a switchboard. Atomic power plants have their advantages as well as disadvantages. Their reactors and steam generators operate noiselessly; the atmosphere is not polluted by dust and smoke. As to the fuel consumption, it is of no special importance and there is no problem of fuel transportation. The disadvantage of power plants utilizing nuclear fuel is their radiation. Radioactive radiation produced in the reactors is dangerous for attending personnel. Therefore, the 12 reactors and steam generators are installed underground. All their controls are operated by means of automatic devices. These measures serve to protect people from radioactive radiation. But still there were some accidents, as it was at Chernobyl Atom power Station in Ukraine. The radioactive radiation of that accident has spread over the vast territory. З.Вопросы к тексту: 1. What are atomic power plants? 2. What do they consist of ? 3. What is the fuel for atomic power plants? 4. Is nuclear fuel widely used nowadays? 5. What is produced during operation process with nuclear fuel? 6. To what temperature is the water heated in a system of tubes during operation process? 7. What is the nuclear reactor cooled by? , 8. What is the water passed through (into) the reactor for ? 9. At what pressure is the water passed into the reactor 10. What kind of cooling is popular at electric power plants and at atomic electric power plants? 11. Where is the produced steam fed into? 12. Does the water converted into steam flow outside or inside the tubes? 13.What does an atomic power plant comprise? 14.Do atomic power plants pollute the air? 15. What air is bad for one's health? 16. What are the advantages of atomic power station? 17. What is the main disadvantage of atomic power plants? 18. How are all the controls operated? 4. Выберите нужный вариант: 1. nuclear reactor is used in .... a) wind - power plants b) atomic power plants 2. A nuclear reactor is cooled by a) water circulating in tubes b)oil circulating in tubes 3. Water is passed into the reactor a) at a low pressure b)at a high pressure 4. High pressure… a) activate boiling of water b)prevents boiling of water 5.Atomic power plants… a) Pollute the air with dust and smoke b) do not pollute the air with dust and smoke 6. Circulating water flows… a) inside the heat exchanges b)outside the heat exchanges 7. Attending personnel is shielded by... a) thick concrete walls b)thick metal walls 8.The atomic power stations… 13 a) are important structural elements in power engineering b)secure a high degree of power concentration c) Are equipped with powerful generating units. d)Are important modern sources of electricity? 5.Переведите, обращая внимание на формы инфинитива и его функции в предложениях: 1. For the measurement of direct current, the ammeter contains a permanent magnet between the poles of which is placed a coil carrying the current to be measured. 2 .At least 90 per cent of electric energy to be generated at present A.C. (alternating current), though there are many cases when D. C. (direct current) is required. 3. .AC. can be increased or decreased to meet industrial requirements. 4. To generate electricity, dynamos - the generator and the alternator - must be provided with energy from some source of mechanical energy, (alternator – генератор переменного тока) 5. In order to reduce power loss in the line, it is necessary to reduce the current through conductors. 6. A steam turbine needs boilers to provide steam. 7. Calibration is the graduation of an instrument to enable measurements in definite units to be made with it. 6. Ask questions to the text: Britain's first atomic station has begun to generate power in 1956. In supplies atomic power instead of electric power for industrial purpose over a large area. Yet the station designed to generate great amounts of cheap electricity is known to produce large quantities of plutonium, a basic material for military purposes. It was reported that in G.B. atomic power stations ranging from 20.000 to 300.000 kw were being designed. The total capacity of the stations were expected to be increased to 1.5 - 2 million kw by 1965. Britain is supposed to stop the building of steam power stations and to go over entirely to atomic stations. 14
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