NASA-SE welcomes YOU to Carolina Motorsports Park Below you will find general guidelines for the weekend. Please also reference the SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS for specific Track rules and information. CAMPING FEE: Camping is permitted for the weekend. There are limited poles available with electricity. CMP will be collecting a camping fee at registration/check-in. GARAGE SPACES 30 AMP service : Contact CMP directly for garage spaces and/or 30 AMP service. 20 amp electric is free. ALL PARTICIPANTS, WORKERS, OFFICIALS, INSTRUCTORS must go through NASA registration and receive an event packet and wristband-Wristbands are to be worn all weekend at all times. REGISTRATION: See schedule for times. All participants, workers, officials, instructors, spectators must go through registration and receive an event packet and/or wristband. ALL participants must show a valid NASA membership card and NASA current license when applicable. TECH: NONRACECARS: See schedule for times. ALL non-race cars will tech in the TECH PAVILION bring your completed pre-tech HPDE inspection form, helmet and make sure your car # is on your car. Tech will charge $1 for a blank tech form at the track. TECH: RACECARS & TIME TRIALS: See schedule for times. ALL racecars WITHOUT CURRENT ANNUAL TECH DECALS will need to be teched in the TECH PAVILION. If you have been annual teched at an official Tech Station then bring your paperwork and log book to Tech. If you get an annual tech at the track it will cost you $100. Log books, NASA stickers, and patches will be available. Cars with annual-tech do NOT need to come to tech. VEHICLE APPEARANCE NON-RACECARS: must display car number on both sides of the vehicle in contrasting colors at least 10 inches tall. VEHICLE APPEARANCE RACECARS: are expected to have a good and clean appearance as viewed from 30 feet away at 30mph. Each racecar must display 4 official NASA stickers (available at tech) easily visible on all four sides. TRANSPONDERS: RACERS and TIME TRIAL need to include your AMB transponder number with your entry, please e-mail it to If you are renting a transponder, you can pick it up at registration when you check in. Registration MUST know prior to the event if you need to rent a transponder since units are limited. Rental numbers have been recorded for pre-registered persons. When you rent a transponder, you must leave a $450 deposit by check or credit card. When you return the transponder on Sunday, your deposit will be returned. FORMS: all necessary TECH forms can be found at the event web page and additional forms are available at under forms. Contact registration with questions. Please support our Sponsors CAR NUMBER: Your car number is your 1st preference unless you have been or are notified of the need for a change. All numbers will be verified at registration and tech. Racers and TT can request permanent car #’s. Limited car #’s will be available for sale at the track. SCHEDULE AND SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS: Schedule and Supplemental regulations can be viewed at the event page when available. Please make sure you read them completely! ANNOUNCEMENTS: The FM transmitter will be used throughout the event. Tune your FM radio to 89.3 for all of the announcements. Please see schedule for your first on-track session and classroom time. Although we try our best to make announcements for your track time, you should pay careful attention to the time and what group is on track so you will know when to report to grid. Always be aware of what group is prior to yours so you will know when to report to grid. Long pants, short sleeves, and closed toed shoes are required for all at CMP Racetrack while on pit lane and track. FOOD: There will be a concession food available for sale 7A-2P daily. Saturday following the last track session NASA SE will host the evening party, award presentation in the Garage area. FREE food and drinks available to ALL! Dinner by KaterTime BBQ will be served! If you still have a question, please e-mail . We look forward to seeing you soon. Arrive safely!! NASA-SE Please support our Sponsors Supplemental Regulations All minors must be under direct parental or acting guardian supervision at all times. MINORS age 17 and younger. Drivers are responsible for the conduct of their crews and guests Packages received by CMP for drivers, teams, vendors must be sent to the address listed below and have a specific ATTN: TO name including address. All packages not correct will be refused. CMP, 3663 Kershaw Highway, Kershaw, SC 29067 ALL pets MUST be leashed. Owners are responsible for clean-ups. Pets are not allowed in any building, concessions, false grid or pit area. NO EXCEPTIONS. Only licensed drivers may operate race support vehicles or golf carts. ALL TRASH must be placed in receptacles provided. Environmentally hazardous waste MUST be disposed of in appropriate receptacles. All used tires MUST be removed. Any spill must be reported to CMP staff for immediate cleanup. Electric power is available. 20 amp service is free. 30 amp services are available for a fee. Speed limit inside the paddock is 10 mph. No race engines may not run before 7:30AM or after 8PM. The PA system is not to be used before 7:30am or after 7pm. No vehicles of any kind are allowed on the track after 5pm. No PIT BIKES, DIRT BIKES, OR MINI BIKES are allowed on the premise without prior approval from the track manager. No campfires/ground fires, fireworks, firearms, weapons or illegal drugs are permitted anywhere on the premises. All trash shall be placed in trash barrels. You will be billed for any items left at the track that must be disposed of by a disposal company: tires, batteries, fuel, barrels, etc. Dump waste oil into yellow 55-gallon drums marked “OIL”. Dump anti-freeze into blue 55-gallon drums marked “ANTI-FREEZE”. Do not dump race fuel into recycling barrels. You will be billed the disposal fee. Report oil and fuel spills to officials immediately so they can be cleaned up. No loud music or bass boomers are permitted. Be considerate. Camping and quiet time begins at 10pm. No climbing or jumping fences, doing so is cause for expulsion from the track. Do not damage any grassy area in ANY manner NO fishing or swimming in the lake. Keep children away from the lake. The LAKE is OFF LIMITS to ALL activities. Driving counter-race is strictly forbidden at all times No burnouts allowed, doing so is cause for expulsion from the track and a fine, $100. Do not tape notices to any painted surface, mirrors, guardrails, building walls, etc. Each competitor must have at least one (1) portable BC dry chemical fire extinguisher of at least 10 lbs and in good working condition in their pit area. Decibel limits are set at 105db limit. The track will be monitored SUNDAY is quiet time 11am to 12pm. Absolutely NO RACE ENGINES may run during this time, nor is the PA System to be used. No parking or repairing vehicles on any of the paddock roads. Fuel cannot be sold at the track or per-sold for deliver to the track. SUNOCO 100-110-112 available for sale at the track. All repairs will be performed by CMP personnel or their approved contractor. Track management reserves the right to bar, expel, or fine any individuals in violation of any rule. Parents-Plea for your CHILD’S Safety. Heed this Warning: There is a very good chance that your child could be very severely injured at an event when playing safely in the paddock. NASA rules state that parents are responsible for their children’s safety. Please read the NASA CCR’s so you are aware of the rules at the track. We cannot be responsible for your children. Please support our Sponsors
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