Allegan Alternative High School Eagle News January 2015 Welcome to 2015! From the Principal’s desk…. Happy New Year! It has been great welcoming your student back to school after Winter Break. As important as time off is, I know many of us were more than ready to get back into a routine. With the start of a new year comes the resolutions we make (and sometimes quickly break!). As Principal, I have learned that you have to be intentional about what you want to accomplish or those items will quickly fall by the wayside. Here are a few items I plan to be intentional about and I hope you will join me in striving to achieve: 1) I want to get to know each and every student as a learner and a person. I not only want to know their strengths and weaknesses in the classroom, but also their goals, their dreams, their hobbies, and their quirks. We have such a wonderfully diverse student body with so many different personalities and interests. Our small size makes this goal possible. The relationships the staff builds with our students is a key ingredient to our success. 2) I want to increase school-home communication. Please know that I welcome phone calls, emails, or face to face appointments to talk about your child and how we can best meet their needs. Are you wondering where your student is on the road to graduation? Would you like to learn more about our Tech Center and Credit Recovery opportunities? A great start to this would be attending our upcoming parentteacher conferences. I hope to see you there. 3) I want you to join me in spreading the word about all the positive things happening at AAHS. There are still community members who do not fully understand what our school is all about. It is up to us to educate them. Allegan Alternative not only gives students a second chance at a high school diploma, but I watch students each and every day gain confidence, social skills, and a true sense of belonging. I am calling on you to help share your student’s success story. We have a lot to be proud of! Your partner, Laura Honor Roll and Excellent Attendance for 2014-15 First Trimester Honor Roll “All A’s” Honor Roll “B” or Better Tristen Barnes Stephanie Dailey Alex Jager Victoria Clark Nicole Harris Max Sobeck Alyssa Hicks Excellent Attendance 2 Absences or Less Nicole Harris Alyssa Hicks Eagle News Page 2 Important Dates Parent-Teacher Conferences Tuesday, January 20 January 19 —No School Featuring a * CHILI COOK-OFF January 20 & 21—Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00 pm February 4-2 hr. Early Dismissal-Professional Development Day Wednesday, January 21 March 6—No School-End of 2nd Tri March 25—2 hr. Early Dismissal-Professional Development Day April 3—No School...Good Friday 3:00-6:00 pm ********************************** *Come sample all the different chilies prepared by staff members and vote for your favorite! April 6-10—No School...Spring Break April 28 & 29—Parent-Teacher Conferences May 1—Prom Credit Recovery May12—Senior Dinner May 13—2 hr. Early Dismissal-Professional Development Day May 22—Seniors Last Day May 25-No School...Memorial Day May 26—AAHS Graduation June 4-Last Day of School If your student is behind in credits, your student should begin to work on getting back on track to graduate with their class right now. Credit Recovery is offered Monday & Wednesday after school from 2:30-8:00 pm; Tuesday & Thursday 2:30-4:00 pm. Your student may come any or every day for one or two hours. They must check in to the learning lab. Some lessons can also be worked on at home if your student has access to the internet. * Several of our Seniors are at-risk of not graduating in May if they do not complete E2020 classes. “It wasn’t about the winning or Please encourage them to take advantage of even competing, it was about the after school lab times. Now’s the time! Tech Center News the learning!” AAHS Senior Max Sobeck won two medals in the Technology Conference hosted by Baker College. He is one of many that recently dominated the competition and brought home the overall win for the Allegan Tech Center. Did you know…..? . *Students typically earn the privilege of attending the Tech rd Center in their 3 year of high school *Attending the Tech Center is a requirement for graduation *Students who earn a year or more of credit at the Tech Center can now also satisfy other high school requirements including certain math, science, and foreign language classes *Real-world skills learned at the Tech Center are leading more and more students to employment! Our 10th graders will be visiting the Tech Center on Tuesday, January 20th Holiday Dinner free to all AAHS students. Adult Education Enrolling now for High School Completion and GED classes Contact Sue @ 673-5433 x 3054 for dates & times! Basketball Tuesdays….From 2:45-4:00pm for stu- dents who would like to participate in basketball drills and practice playing the game. Teacher Kyle Shack and often other staff members join the students. If there is a consistent group showing up to practice and exhibiting good sportsmanship, there is a chance of organizing a basketball team to play other alternative high schools. Thank you to Immanuel Lutheran Church who graciously hosted our school again this year for a holiday feast before Winter Break. This annual event is the perfect reminder that there are many organizations and community members that care deeply for our students. CHECK IT OUT!! Be sure to check out the APS website under the “PARENT LINKS” flyers & activity registration forms available to students & community members!
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