“Linking Generations By Strengthening Relationships” March 24-26, 2015 • Mesa, AZ Fa c i l i t a t o r C e r t i f i c a t i o n Tr a i n i n g Fo r “ N ew C u r r i c u l u m ” This training provides individuals the knowledge and skills to implement a 14 session program that assists fathers, mothers, and families in enhancing their capacity to promote strong, healthy, and positive relationships ( i.e. marriage, families, friendships, etc.). Building relationships is an important key to success in all aspects of our lives. Some of life’s greatest happiness and our greatest sorrows come from relationships we have with others in our families and communities. Our curriculum offers participants the opportunity to learn the pros and cons of strong, healthy, and positive relationships. It is our responsibility to link our generations and take care of our families by strengthening relationships. For more information contact Native American Fatherhood & Families Association Phone: (480)833-5007 Email: training@aznaffa.org w ww.n ativ e a merican f at hers. org Linking Generations By Strengthening Relationships Facilitator Certification Training AGENDA TOPICS Day 1 Welcome and Introductions Facilitator Certification Information Overview of NAFFA and the Linking Generations by Strengthening Relationships Program Session 1: Introduction and Building on the Foundation of Fatherhood Is Sacred™ and Motherhood Is Sacred™ o Define the purpose of life o Understand the importance of fathers and mothers as leaders o Understand the concepts of character, integrity, chaos, and order Session 2: Fatherhood Is Sacred™ Core Principles o o o o o Creator Choice Teachable Wisdom Service Lunch (On Your Own) Session 3: Thoughts o o o o Understand thought and character are one Learn the importance of controlling your thoughts Learn the impact of uncontrolled thoughts Understand the relationship between thoughts and desires Session 4: Attitude o o o Understand the power of attitude Learn how to create an attitude of solving problems Understand the importance of positive attitudes Session 5: Learning o o o Understand and recognize the value learning Understand how learning is a sacred and individual responsibility Learn the three areas where learning can take place Study and Education Instruction Experience Day 2 Session 6: Self-worth o o o o Understand what is self-worth and what it is tied to Learn the difference between self-worth and self-esteem Understand how problems and failures are tied to self-worth Understand the true nature of self Session 7: Improving Relationships o o Identify five major areas critical for improving and strengthening relationships Kindness Safety Fairness Appreciation Joy and laughter Understand family relationships Lunch (On Your Own) Session 8: Threats to a Relationship o o Identify three areas common to unhappy relationships Selfishness Emotional immaturity Laziness Understand the blaming and whining cycle Session 9: Love and Intimacy o o o o o Learn to recognize love, accept love, communicate love, and show love Understand what intimacy is Understand the sexual responsibility of both partners Identify the myths and truths about intimacy Understand what passion is Day 3 Session 10: Communication and Interaction o o o o Learn how to improve communication and interaction skills Learn to recognize problems in communication and interpretation Understand how we interpret and perceive information Learn the benefits of positive family communication and interaction Session 11: Choosing a Partner o o o o Learn how Native American cultures traditionally viewed marriage Understand the importance of marriage, dating, and courtship Learn the importance of preparing yourself for the right person Learn the importance of setting personal standards Session 12: Ending a Destructive Relationship o o o o Understand why relationships end Learn when to consider a divorce or final separation Learn how to minimize the damage from the termination of a relationship Learn how to survive the loss of a spouse or partner Linking Generations By Strengthening Relationships Facilitator Training REGISTRATION FORM Types of Certification: • Individual Certification - $1, 800.00 • Agency Certification - $1, 200.00 (must have two people agency certified.) Please fill in the required fields (highlighted) before submitting L A S T N A M E, F I R S T N A M E TRIBAL AFFILIATION ORGANIZATION TITLE E - MAIL ADDR ESS DAYTIM E PHONE M AIL I NG ADDRESS C I T Y, S T A T E DATE OF TRAINING LOCATION OF TRAINING ZIP /P OS T AL CODE NOTES CONTINUED NOTES Annual Agency Certification: $200.00 per agency Individual Certification: $1,800.00 per person (1 per Agency - not per person) Certified FIS/MIS Facilitator: $1,600.00 per person ($200.00 Discount) Agency Certification: $1,200.00 per person (Must have an Agency Certification and minimum of two people) Refresher Course Fee: $100.00 per person METHOD OF PAYMENT — PLEASE CHECK ONE: Enclosed is a check or money order made payable to Native American Fatherhood & Families Association. Purchase Order attached: *Payment may be sent one week prior to training or paid on-site. Purchase Order No. Please charge fee(s) to my credit card:* VISA MASTERCARD (we will call you for payment) Contact Name:_______________________ Contact Number: _______________ *NOTE: Total registration fee MUST clear in USD funds. If paying by credit card, a $3.00 service charge will be applied per participant. SEND REGISTRATIONS TO: EMAIL: training@aznaffa.org FAX: (480)833-5009 ATTN: Training MAIL: 1215 E. Brown Rd. Mesa, AZ 85203 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (480)833-5007 or visit our website at www.nativeamericanfathers.org
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