DRAFT AGENDA: 17TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL FATHERHOOD CONFERENCE, JUNE 9 - 12 2015 Tuesday, June 9, 2015 9:00AM - 4:00PM EVALUATION OF FATHERHOOD PROGRAMS PRESENTED BY: FATHERHOOD RESEARCH AND PRACTICE NETWORK (FRPN) Presenters/Facilitators: Dr. Jay Fagan, Professor, Temple University, Co-Director, Fatherhood Research and Practice Network Dr. Jessica Pearson, Center for Policy Research, Co-Director, Fatherhood Research and Practitioners Network This one-day, pre-conference at Temple University will focus on the benefits of research for fatherhood programs, how to get started doing research, and how to apply for research funding. The interactive session will feature several teams of practitioners and researchers who will describe how they began their collaboration and their experiences working together. The program will also include a brief introduction to the different types of evaluation research that programs might pursue including qualitative studies, impact evaluations and randomized control trials. Other workshop topics will include logic models, measuring key program outcomes such as father involvement and co-parenting, and key data collection strategies including self-administered questionnaires, telephone interviews and online surveys. The day will conclude with the components of a successful grant proposal. The Pre-Conference will be sponsored by the Fatherhood Research and Practice Network (www.FRPN.org), a fiveyear initiative funded by the Department of Human Services, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation to sponsor rigorous fatherhood program research and build evaluation capacity. Attendees will receive a Certificate in Fatherhood Program Evaluation from the School of Social Work at Temple University. Location: Temple University Student Activity Center Room 217AB 1755 North 13th Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 4:15PM - 5:45PM Fatherhood 101 — A film that seeks to change the face of fatherhood to a positive and powerful image as well as to raise public awareness about the importance and power of the role of fathers. It includes compelling stories of fathers following the programs offered through the Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Fatherhood Initiative, celebrity inter views of Tyrese Gibson (Fast and Furious), Alan Thicke (Growing Pains), and many others. The film’s message is about father engagement with children. The film provides service providers an incredible chance to promote the importance of fatherhood programs to audiences in a positive setting. Presenter: Peter Lawson Jones, former Ohio State Legislator, former Chairman of the Ohio Fatherhood Commission 6:00PM - 8:00PM OPENING RECEPTION: FAVORITE FATHERS OF PHILADELPHIA AREA This event will highlight fathers and father figures as Favorite Fathers 2015 from the Philadelphia area. 1 DRAFT AGENDA: 17TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL FATHERHOOD CONFERENCE, JUNE 9 - 12 2015 Wednesday June 10, 2015 7:00AM Registration Opens 7:00AM— 8:30 AM Interfaith Prayer Breakfast Master of Ceremonies: Reverend Anthony Stevenson, Pastor, Four Corner Crusade for Life Community Church, Philadelphia, PA 8:45AM-10:30AM OPENING PLENARY SESSION: “NATIONAL FATHERHOOD LEADERS GROUP & THE FATHERHOOD RESEARCH PRACTITIONERS NETWORK EVALUATION FORUM” Moderator: Dr. Jeffery Johnson, President and CEO, the National Partnership for Community Leadership, Interim Chair, National Fatherhood Leaders Group Panelists: Dr. Kathryn Edin, Professor, Johns Hopkins University Dr. Jay Fagan, Professor, Temple University, Co-Director, Fatherhood Research Practitioners Network Dr. Ron Mincy, Professor, Columbia University M. Robin Dion, Senior Fellow, Mathematica Policy Research 10:30AM - 10:45AM Break 10:45AM - 12:15 PM Concurrent Workshops Child Support Working with Previously Incarcerated Non-Custodial Parents Paul Bennett, Coordinator Philadelphia Family Court Domestic Relations Division Ray Eibel, Director EDSI [Educational Data Systems, Inc.] Peggy Kershner, Co-Executive Director and Christine Reichart, Director Reentry Programming, Berks Connections/Pretrial Services (BCPS) John Clark, Federal Program Specialist and Juanita DeVine, Regional Program Manager Office of Child Support Enforcement U.S. DHHS Region III, Philadelphia Mobile Digital Engagement: The Impact of Technology on Social Services Timothy Snoke, Director of Development Japhet Ntia, Regional Director The Ridge Project, Inc., McClure, Ohio Child Support Innovations in Working with Low-Income Non-Custodial Fathers Kathy Lambert and Brad Lambert Connections to Success, St. Charles, MO Breaking the Digital Barrier: Teaching Computer Skills to Find Employment Michael Miles People for People/Project Dad, Philadelphia, PA Family Centered Child Support Services Rose Bynum Office of Child Support Enforcement U.S. DHHS Region III, Philadelphia Gerald Ford Center for Urban Families, Baltimore, MD Honor Begins at Home Janet Chriswell and Damon Youmans People for People/Dad, Philadelphia, PA 12:30PM - 2:00PM SPIRIT OF FATHERHOOD HALL OF FAME AWARDS LUNCHEON 2 DRAFT AGENDA: 17TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL FATHERHOOD CONFERENCE, JUNE 9 - 12 2015 Wednesday, June 10, 2015 2:15PM - 3:30PM Plenary Session: “Parenting Boys of Color: the Challenge and the Promise” Moderator: Dr. Vivian Gadsden, Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Director, National Center on Fathers and Families Panelists: Dr. Elijah Anderson, Professor, Yale University, New Haven, CT Dr. Shaun Harper, Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Joel Austin, President, Daddy University, Philadelphia, PA Al Pooley, President, Native American Fatherhood and Families Association, Tucson, AZ Jerry Tello, President, National Compadre, Network, NFLG Board Member, Los Angeles, CA 3:30PM - 3:45PM Break 3:45PM - 5:15PM Concurrent Workshops A Holistic Approach to Responsible Fatherhood: The Richmond Family and Fatherhood Initiative Anthony Mingo, Program Coordinator Richmond Family and Fatherhood Initiative, Richmond, VA The Fatherhood Reading Squad: Leaders for Readers Leads to Statewide Fathers in Education Day and Fathers in Action Advocacy Week Holly Zwerling, Fatherhood Taskforce of South Florida, Miami, FL No Money, No Honey: The Impact of Finances on Romance and Family Stability Elma Goodwin, Management and Program Analyst, MSW Administration for Children & Families U.S. DHHS Region VI, Dallas, TX Dr. Wanda L. Miles, Special Initiative Coordinator Administration for Children & Families U.S. DHHS Region III, Philadelphia, PA The Philadelphia Responsible Fatherhood Project Gilbert Coleman, Reverend Anthony Stevenson Philadelphia, PA The Plight of the Single/Separated Father Lance Dickson, President Committed Fathers Alliance, Albany, OR Thursday, June 11, 2015 9:00AM - 10:30AM Plenary Session: “Developing Program Standards for the Responsible Fatherhood Field” Opening Remarks: Dr. Jeffery M. Johnson, President, NPCL Moderator: Dr. Kirk Harris, Designer, Fathers, Families, and Healthy Community Demonstration, NFLG Board Member Panelists: Chris Brown, Executive Vice-President, National Fatherhood Initiative Carey Casey, CEO, National Centering on for Fathering Joe Jones, President, Center for Urban Families Robert Johnson, President, Fathers in Education Frank Malone, President, 100 Fathers Inc. Halbert Sullivan, President/CEO, Father Support Center 3 DRAFT AGENDA: 17TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL FATHERHOOD CONFERENCE, JUNE 9 - 12 2015 Thursday, June 11, 2015 10:30AM - 10:45AM 10:45AM - 12:15PM Break Concurrent Workshops Motherhood Development Alexandra James Trinity Family Life Center, Richmond, VA Tauchanna Gregory Richmond Family and Fatherhood Initiative, Richmond, VA Colonel Carol Dabney Richmond City Justice Center, Richmond, VA Smart and Secure Children Dr. Latrice Rollins, Dr. Cassandra Bolar, Thomas Clem Morehouse School Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia Reversing the Ripple Effect: Becoming a Response-Able Father Dr. Rita DeMaria, Dr. Nancy Isserman Council for Relationship, Philadelphia, PA Gilbert Coleman Fatherhood Enrichment Program, Philadelphia, PA Perspectives of Fathers in Fatherhood Programs: Risk Factors & Co-parenting Relationships Rebecca Kaufman Fatherhood Research and Practice Network, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA Fatherhood and Domestic Violence: The Essentials to a Collaborative Response to Violence Oliver Williams, The Hope Center @ Grace, Memphis, TN Back Home: Preparing Fathers for Success in Family Work, and Life Following Incarceration Jeff Hobbs, Bo Twigs Midtown Community Court, New York, NY 12:30PM - 2:00PM Partnership and Collaboration Luncheon/ Exhibitors’ Display Keynote Speaker: Lori Constantino Brown President, Bridges of America and Chair, Florida Smart Justice Alliance 2:15PM - 3:15PM Plenary Session Keynote Speaker: “Failing our Fathers:” Dr. Ron Mincy, Professor, Columbia University 3:15PM - 3:30PM Break 3:30PM - 5:00PM Plenary Session: “Is Your Fatherhood Program Ready for Evaluation” Moderator: Darlene Tart, Special Initiatives Coordinator, Region III, Administration for Children and Families, Philadelphia, PA Presenters: Dr. Herbert Turner, President, Analytica, Inc. Uriel D. Johnson, Vice-President for Evaluation and Research, NPCL 4 DRAFT AGENDA: 17TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL FATHERHOOD CONFERENCE, JUNE 9 - 12 2015 Friday, June 12, 2015 8:30AM - 9:00AM 9:00AM - 10:15AM Information Desk Open/Morning Refreshments Concurrent Workshops Human Trafficking: In YOUR Backyard Darlene Tart, Special Initiatives Coordinator U.S. DHHS, ACF, Region III, Philadelphia, PA Fathers & Families Professionals: Facing Triumph over Tragedy Veronica Buie, Health Federation of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA The Power of Childhood Messages Thomas Gagliano North Brunswick, NJ Rites of Passage: A First Step Toward Responsible Fatherhood Jeffery M. Johnson Ph.D., The National Partnership for Community Leadership Chad Morris Trinity Family Life Center, Richmond, VA Essential Fathering Skills Willie G. Ellison Marc Bredell People for People/Dad, Philadelphia, PA Communicating Effectively Julio Rodriquez Centro de Alfabelizacion en Espanol, CENAES 10:30AM - 12:30PM Closing Plenary Session: New Pathways to Responsible Fatherhood Proposal and Grant Writing Workshop Jeffery M. Johnson, NPCL, et al. 12:30PM Conference Adjourns Join us in 2016 for The 18th Annual International Fatherhood Conference June 14-17, 2016 Kansas City, MO 5
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