Tallgrass Prairie Center From Pod to Prairie: Restoring Milkweed to an Agricultural Landscape National Native Seed Conference April 12-16, 2015 Greg Houseal Natural Selections Seed Tallgrass Prairie Biome Iowa was originally 80% prairie (28 million acres). Less than 1/10th of 1% remaining in Iowa. Prairie Savanna/Woodland Ag/Urban www.iowaprairienetwork.org Status of Milkweed Species Native to Iowa Species No. of Counties Status Sand A. amplexicaulis 32 Uncommon Eared Poke Tall Green Swamp/Rose Wooly Mead’s Oval Purple Fourleaf Showy Narrow-leaved Prairie/Sullivant’s Common Butterfly Whorled Green A. engelmanniana A. exaltata A. hirtella A. incarnata A. lanuginosa A. meadii A. ovalifolia A. purpurescens A. quadrifolia A. speciosa A. stenophylla A. sullivantii A. syriaca A. tuberosa A. verticillata A. viridiflora 2 15 40 84 15 8 18 32 12 16 3 51 99 76 93 57 Endangered Common NE Uncommon Common Threatened Endangered Uncommon Uncommon Very uncommon Threatened Endangered Uncommon Common Uncommon Common Common W Remnant Collections of Milkweed Species #Popn Swamp 15 Sullivant’s Years coll’d 2006,2014 4 2012 Common 20 2014 Butterfly 41 1994 –’06 Whorled 13 2014 Propagation Harvesting Regardless of method, all lots > 90% PLS Natural Selections Plant Materials Development Released 59 species from 142 regional sources (13 grass, 10 sedge, 36 forb species, including swamp and butterfly milkweeds) Current Levels of Milkweed Production in Iowa (2014) Species Habitat (wet-dry) Seeds /Oz Dollars /Oz Annual Production A.incarnata W-M 4,800 $ 5.30 - $20.00 8,000 lbs A.sullivantii W-M 4,500 - $84.00 0 lbs A.syriaca M-D 4,000 $ 6.25 - $21.10 30 lbs A.tuberosa M-D 4,300 $18.75 - $36.00 500 lbs A.verticillata M-D 11,000 $25.00 -$50.00 100 lbs Markets for Milkweed Seed in Iowa • Iowa Department of Transportation • Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management (IRVM state and county level) • Departments of Natural Resources (Iowa, Minnesota) • Conservation Reserve Program (CRP, WRP, EQIP) • Pheasants Forever CP25, Pollinator mixes • Municipalities (storm water mitigation projects) • Private Sector Conversion of CRP back into row crop 85% of corn crop is glyphosate resistant 1.6 million acres in 2010 (663,000 hectares). 1.7 million acres in 2013 (4.7% of Iowa land area) Not...”there is not enough milkweed on the landscape”, BUT…there is not enough landscape for the milkweed! So where do we get to plant milkweed!? 114,430 miles of roadsides = 760,000 acres ‘Iowa’s perfect grid’ http://www.wired.com/2015/02/amazing-maps-every-road-us/ Public-owned conservation areas = 838,656 acres (total Iowa acres = 36,000,000) Federal State County City (339,419 acres) (354,259 acres) (138,259 acres) ( 6,212 acres) IRVM Native Seed Distribution Program 82 counties since 1998 $400,000 seed this year alone ~ 600 lbs of 2 milkweed species (swamp, butterfly) (Diversity Mix 8 grass, 3 sedge, 27 forb; “Clean Out’ Mix 7 grass,3 legume,7 forb) Pounds milkweed seeded 2011 – 2013 (mostly swamp and butterfly) 1,093 lbs Iowa DOT + 440 lbs County IRVM 1,533 lbs (enough to seed 12,412 acres) Fayette County Roadside Prairie terraces (STRIPs – Iowa State Univ) (Science-based Trials of Rowcrops Integrated with Prairie Strips) • 26.8 million acres of row crops in Iowa • opportunity to add pollinator host plants and nectar species into row crop agriculture Figure 7. Visual examples of sediment loss from three small catchments in Walnut Creek watershed after a 4-inch rainfall event in June 2008. The 10% prairie catchment had reconstructed prairie planted at the catchment outlet. Photograph courtesy of M. Helmers (Photograph compilation courtesy of Dr. Matthew Helmers, Iowa State University). http://www.mdpi.com/2073-445X/3/1/206/htm#sthash.vwMFxJCE.dpuf Prairies On Farms (Tallgrass Prairie Center) • 17 acres will be planted this spring in row crop • 10 grass/5 sedge/8 legume/47 other forbs • Includes three milkweed species (swamp, butterfly, whorled) • Landowner resistance to planting common milkweed Prairie as Biofuel 100 acre study site 32 species prairie mix = 3.0 - 4.5 tons/acre Compared to: Upland switchgrass = 5 tons/acre Lowland switchgrass = 7.4 tons/acre (Miscanthus = 10 - 15 tons/acre) Bio-retention Cells on UNI Campus 42 stormwater bio-cells City of Cedar Falls (routinely include butterfly milkweed) 8000 cf (61,000 gallons) per 1.25 inch event Or approx. 1.7 million gallons annually Landscaping Currently 150 acres of diverse prairie on the UNI Campus Tallgrass Prairie Center Thank you. Questions? The Tallgrass Prairie Center restores native vegetation for the benefit of society and environment through research, education, and technology. The preceding presentation was delivered at the 2015 National Native Seed Conference Santa Fe, New Mexico April 13-16, 2015 This and additional presentations available at http://nativeseed.info
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