Tuesday 13th October 2015 9am-5pm Conference & Exhibition Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort 5pm-6pm Welcome Function Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort Wednesday 14th October 2015 9am-12pm Conference & Exhibition Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort 12-4pm Lunch, cultural activities and site visit Yarrawarra Cultural Centre & Recyled Water Treatment Plant 7pm-midnight Conference Dinner Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort Thursday 15 October 2015 9am-5pm Conference & Exhibition Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort 5pm-6pm Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander delegates post conference workshop Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort 6pm-8pm BBQ Dinner Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort Friday 16th October 2015 Transfers to airport for flight departures The conference committee reserves the right to make alterations to the program as circumstances may require. SPONSORSHIP & EXHIBITION A number of sponsorship opportunities are available. Packages have various benefits and have been designed to meet all budgets. A limited number of exhibition spaces are also available at the conference. Sponsoring or exhibiting at the conference is a cost effective means to promote your products and services to a large number of environmental health practitioners, many of whom work in remote locations. • Community Housing Providers • Aboriginal Health Workers • Community Council Members • CDEP Workers and Supervisors • Essential Service Providers • Primary Health Care Workers • Town Clerks and Local Government CEOs • Health Promotions Officers • Environmental Health Officers/Workers/ Practitioners • Directors and Managers of Environmental Health Services CONTACT For more information about submitting an abstract, sponsorship and exhibition or to participate as a delegate please contact the conference secretariat at: Conference Management Solutions PO Box 776 Heathcote, Victoria 3523 Phone: +61 3 9018 9332 Fax: +61 3 5433 3636 Email: adam@natsieh.com.au Visit the Conference website at: www.natsieh.com.au Follow us on: www.twitter.com/natsieh_conf www.facebook.com/natsieh.conference 10 The conference invites people and agencies involved in the delivery and/or development of environmental health services or environmental health initiatives with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia. Key people include but are not limited to: ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CONFERENCE, NSW 2015 Monday 12th October 2015 Flight arrivals, airport to hotel transfers 6pm-7pm Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander delegates pre conference workshop Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort National WHO SHOULD ATTEND th Program at a glance INVITATION TO ATTEND CONFERENCE DATES & VENUE CALL FOR ABSTRACTS On behalf of the enHealth Working Group on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Environmental Health and NSW Health, I warmly welcome your attendance at the 10th National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Environmental Health Conference on 12-15 October 2015 at the Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort, Coffs Harbour, NSW. DATES Do you know of an individual, team or community that is involved in a program focussed on improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander environmental health. If so, why not share it with colleagues around Australia? The aim of this national conference is to: • increase the understanding and awareness of environmental health issues in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities; • provide a forum for discussion on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Environmental Health issues; • provide a national voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Environmental Health The conference provides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander environmental health practitioners a unique opportunity to meet in one place, to network and share information and learn of new initiatives. The conference theme Building Foundations for a Healthy Community will be addressed through a number of presentations delivered predominantly by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Environmental Health practitioners. Jeff Standen Chair enHealth Working Group on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Environmental Health (WGATSIEH) 12 October 2015 13-15 October 2015 15 October 2015 Evening Pre Conference Workshop for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander delegates National Conference & Exhibition Post Conference Workshop for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander delegates enHealth is seeking abstracts for oral presentations and storyboard/poster presentations to explore the conference theme Building Foundations for a Healthy Community. VENUE Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort, Cnr Pacific Hwy and Bay Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW If you would like to present a paper at the conference, subthemes and abstract submission guidelines are available at the conference website www.natsieh.com.au CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Submissions close 30th April 2015. Conference Registration Fee $330 On-line registration will be available on the conference website. ACCOMMODATION The preferred choice for accommodation is the conference hotel, Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort. However, a range of accommodation options will be made available on the conference website. ABOUT ENHEALTH enHealth is responsible for providing agreed environmental health policy advice, implementation of the National Environmental Health Strategy 20122015, consultation with key stakeholders, and the development and coordination of research, information and practical resources on environmental health matters at a national level. The development of national advice by enHealth is based on significant collaboration and consultation with Federal, state and territory agencies, and organisations that deal with environmental health matters. The enHealth membership includes representatives from: Commonwealth, State and Territory health departments; New Zealand Ministry of Health; and National Health and Medical Research Council. CONFERENCE ARTWORK Conference artwork titled ‘Under Da Sea’ appears courtesy of the artist Kelly Williams. The painting depicts water spirits from traditional creation stories of when the shore line came into being.
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