Invitasjon til vårkurs Norsk dyrepleier- og assistentforening inviterer til vårkurs i sårbehandling lørdag 6. juni kl 08:30-17:00 Kurset er åpent for dyrepleiere og dyrepleierstudenter, klinikkassistenter, veterinærer og veterinærstudenter. Sted: Fellesauditoriet på NMBU Adamstuen Foreleser: Georgie Hollies Georgie Hollis trained as a podiatrist with an interest in wound healing and tissue viability. In 2000 her career took her into the medical-device industry, where, in 2005, she began to take a keen interest in the application of wound-management products and their role in the animal patient. Fuelled by a lack of up-to-date education in this area for vets, she became self-employed in 2007, specilizing in bringing modern wound technologies to the veterinary patient by providing consultancy and education. Sine then, Georgie has become a council member and Secretary (2007-2013) of the Vetrinary Wound Healing Association and now presents internationally on the subject. Georgie is a member og EWMA (European Wound Management Association), an honorary member of CITER (Cardiff Institute og Tissue Engineering and Repair) and also an associate member of the BVNA. Priser: Medlem NDAF: 900, Ikke-medlem: 1100, Student, NDAF medlem: 600, Student, ikke-medlem: 750,Påmeldingsfrist 20. mai UTVIDET PÅMELDINGSFRIST: 31. MAI For mer info ta kontakt på KLIKK HER FOR Å MELDE DEG PÅ!
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