WHAT A R E LEGACY BANQUETS? FCA Legacy Banquets are designed to provide financial and volunteer resources necessary to carry out the FCA mission. This adult-only event will feature legacythemed programming that invites attendees to participate in the work God is doing through the state and local area FCA ministry. Join us for an evening of connecting with like-minded individuals from surrounding communities who want to be a part of the Legacy that God is orchestrating through the FCA ministry. You’ll enjoy a special evening full of fellowship and a great dinner.You’ll leave inspired by hearing from guest speaker Shaun Alexander and the impact of FCA across the state. By Special Invitation Only FCA Legacy Banquet S u n d ay, M a r c h 2 9 , 2 0 1 5 6:00 PM Ke a r n e y Yo u n e s C o n f e r e n c e C e n t e r FCA Nebraska State Office PO Box 83671 Lincoln NE 68501 Phone: 402.464.2343 Fax: 402.464.3716 BANQUET Table Hosts & Event Sponsors nebraskafca.org @FCANebraska @3DCoaches FCA Nebraska March 29, 2015 6:00PM Yo u n e s C o n f e r e n c e C e n t e r Ke a r n e y, N e b r a s k a BANQUET TABLE HOST INFORMATION TABLE HOST/ EVENT SPONSOR FORM Due February 27 Complete form here or online at nebraskafca.org/events/legacy-banquets Thank you for considering serving as a Table Host at the FCA Legacy Banquet. As a Table Host you are partnering with FCA to steward the seats at your table. Our goal at the event is to add new financial supporters to our monthly Home Team and provide an opportunity to be involved in local ministry through a Booster Club. 1.Pray and consider guests that have the capacity to financially support the work of FCA. 2. Invite guests explaining the event purpose and emphasize that this is a fundraising event. Follow-up with the event invite or the event brochure (available in email or print formats). 3. Host your table, introducing guests and engage them in conversation.You will not be asked to raise money, only to distribute material already placed in an envelope on your table. BANQUET TABLE HOST INSTRUCTIONS & CHECKLIST Make sure you are familiar with the details of the Legacy Banquet.Visit nebraskafca.org/events/legacy-banquets for all event information and resources. Prayerfully list potential adult guests whom you believe have the capacity to financially support the work of FCA. Personally invite each potential adult guest. Explain the purpose and benefit of attending as your guest, emphasizing that this is a fundraising event. Give or email them an event brochure. Visit or call back within 72 hours. When they agree to be your guest, put their name on your Table Reservation form or submit their information online. Reservations due March 6. Contact your guests at least one week in advance of the event as a reminder. At the banquet, host your table and help your guests feel comfortable. Enjoy the evening with your friends! Table Host ($350) FCA Sponsorship ($1000) I will also serve as a Table Host. I won’t be able to attend or fill a table. I’m unable to attend but have enclosed a donation Name_______________________________ Address______________________________ City________________St___Zip_________ Phone_______________________________ Email_______________________________ Payment payable to Fellowship of Christian Athletes or call 402.464.2343 for credit card payment payment enclosed of $350 (table host) payment enclosed of $1000(event sponsor) payment at the banquet Please return payment and form to: FCA Legacy Banquet PO Box 83671 Lincoln NE 68501 Contact FCA for questions at 402.464.2343 or aagena@fca.org
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